Home Run Baby: A Sports Romance (41 page)

BOOK: Home Run Baby: A Sports Romance
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A moan escapes her, almost too loud. I lay a finger over her mouth to remind her to be quiet and she takes it between her lips to suck on it.

“You’re going to come for me, Ellie,” I growl, her eyes still locked on mine. “I want to feel your snatch clamp around me.” I slide a second finger in and she bites down hard on my knuckle to keep from screaming. “Don’t make a sound as you do it. Keep it all inside.”

Eliza nods and I steal a kiss from her.

“Come,” I whisper, holding her steady.
“Do it now.”

Her body answers with a hard jerk, letting go of all the tension in her as the orgasm takes over. Just like I demanded, her inner muscles twitch wildly on my fingers, squeezing me so tight it almost hurts.

She holds her breath, struggling to stay quiet. I pull her in and bury her face in my shoulder, letting her belt out a quiet scream that only we can hear.

girl now,” I whisper in her ear. “No one else will ever touch you like I can…
Remember that

Eliza breathes hard against me for several moments before easing back to look at me again. She nods silently, her pussy still firing a subtle pulse around my fingers.

I pull them out and stick them in my mouth to lick her off my knuckles. “Fuck, Ellie… you taste so good.”

She chuckles between breaths. “You’re not too bad either…”

I step back to lean against the wall, playing it cool and hoping she doesn’t notice the rock hard tent pooching my jeans. “Well, did that work for you?”

“Oh, yeah…”
She pushes her skirt down and hops off the table. “Where did you learn to talk like that?”

“You pick up a few things in college besides degrees…” I joke.

“Well… keep studying,” she laughs. “Do you ever mean what you say? Or is it just for show…?”

I bite my inner cheek. “Did you want me to mean it?”

She hesitates. “Shit, I don’t know…”

I laugh. “Such is the power of dirty talk.”

“No kidding.” She bends over to grab her messenger bag. “I have to get to my class, but… let’s just say I owe you one.”

I scoop my own bag off the floor without looking. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me—”

She gasps, her eyes darting towards my bag. “Wait—”

My books topple out and I feel a sharp pain of embarrassment during my moment of glory. “Well, shit…”

Eliza smiles and kneels down to help me gather the papers and pens. Her eyes scan a page and she pauses. “Having trouble in geometry?”

I snatch my quiz from her, catching her by surprise. “No.”

She hands over the rest of what she has and stands up. “Sorry…”

I hide my expression from her. Of all the damn times to embarrass myself, it had to be the moment directly after she looked at me like I was a damn sexual god. “I should get going…”

“Wait.” She lays her hand on my arm. “Junior, you don’t have to be so freaked out over one quiz.”

Her voice caresses me, quelling the nervous anger taking over my gut. “It’s not just one quiz…”

“Can I see it again?” she asks, holding out her hand.

“Ellie, I don’t—”

She bats her eyes at me, laying it on a little thick but it still works like magic.

I pull the quiz out of my bag and hand it to her. “Coach told me I’m in danger of academic probation next semester if I don’t get my grades up,” I admit.

“Well, that’s not good…” Her eyes scan the page and she points towards the bottom. “Did you even use the quadratic formula here?”

“The what?”

She rolls her eyes. “I guess not.”

“I’ll get a tutor or something,” I shrug. “The athletic center should provide one for me.”

Eliza clicks her tongue. “Sure, you can get a university-sponsored tutor that’ll lick your toes and do the work for you because if you don’t get the grades then they don’t get paid,

I wait for her to finish. “Or?”

She holds out the quiz and I take it back. “Or
could tutor you and you’ll actually learn something.”

tutor me?”

“Sure, why not? Geometry is a piece of cake.”

“You’ll help me get my grade up?”


I pause, studying her sly eyes. “You’re not…
of this potential toe-licking tutor, are you?”

She scoffs but looks away fast. “No… besides, it’ll provide a decent excuse if we ever get caught in public together.”

I come around to idea quickly, especially if it means more private study room fingerings of Eliza Pierce. “And what do you want in return?”

“Well… what are you willing to give me?”

“Whatever you want.”

She chuckles. “That is one
bargain, Junior Morgan.”

“Tell me what you want,” I say, watching her bite her bottom lip and wishing I was doing it instead.

“I’ll think about it.” She snatches the quiz out of my hand again. “I’ll look this over to see what you’re doing wrong. Then we can meet back here tomorrow?”

“Sounds good.”

She twists away and steps towards the door. “Bye, Junior.”

“Wait…” I block her path. “Kiss me.”


“Because I told you to.”

Her lips press together in rebellion but she pushes up onto her toes anyway. I cup her cheeks as she kisses me, holding her for as long as I want her to be there.

“Bye, Ellie.”

She stares up at me for a long moment before opening the door and walking out into the silent library.

Once she’s gone, I heave a hard breath, feeling my raging hard-on tearing a hole in my zipper.

Down, boy.


Chapter 14



My phone chimes and I reach into my pocket to check the new text message from Junior.


We won. I’ll see you in an hour.


A reflexive smile spreads across my face before I text him back.


On my way over.


I stuff the phone back into my pocket and push open the door to Junior’s room.

The anticipation got to me. I’ve been following the game’s score online for the last few hours, fighting a losing battle against checking it every minute.

The lead bounced back and forth since the beginning. They scored then we scored then they scored again. The odds of me having to be here at all were fifty-fifty.

But here I am. Not because of the odds, not because of a silly bet we made.

Because I want to be here.

I walk around his room, easily tempted to sift through his belongings. His desk is a mess with papers stacked on every corner, weighed down by used textbooks, along with his most recent geometry homework.

I plop down onto his desk chair and twitch as something soft breaks my fall. I reach behind me and pull it out, freezing when I realize that it’s the teddy bear we won at the arcade. Soft, brown fur. Little, black eyes. I completely forgot about it after I left it behind in his van after the date.

I set it down in my lap and pull his math homework closer. A rush of pride washes over me. He’s checking his work and everything. This must be what a coach feels like when a kicker finally nails a field goal.

I go over it in pencil, marking any mistakes he’s making so I know what to go over with him later.

But I didn’t exactly come here just to correct his homework.

I set my bag down on his bed and pull out the high heels I stashed in the bottom.

My heart races faster with each piece of clothing I strip off. Junior was very specific about what he wanted tonight and I’ve been fantasizing all day about making it happen. To be honest, I probably would have been here even if the team did lose. I’m not about to admit that to him, though…

I hear his front door open and my heart pounds even faster.

I grab the red lipstick from my bag and spread it over my lips before settling beneath his covers.

My body throbs with eager anticipation as I try to imagine what his expression will be like and what he’ll do when he sees me this way. Will he instantly kick off his shoes and dive into the bed? How much foreplay will there be? I suppose the last week has been nothing but foreplay between us. I’ve been wet and ready for days now and judging by the constant erection he’s been hoping I wouldn’t notice, it’s safe to assume that he’s good to go right now, too. I chuckle, wondering if he’s been rock hard for the entire bus ride back to campus.

The door cracks open and Junior walks in with his phone attached to his ear. “Yeah, I’ll meet you there, Ty. Just gonna freshen up—”

His eyes land on me and he doesn’t even bother saying goodbye before hanging up his phone.

“You know…” he says, kicking the door closed. “I wasn’t serious about the whole
naked in heels

“Are you complaining?”

He looks down my curve, gently obscured by his bed sheet. “No.”

“Then shut the fuck up.”

Junior laughs and drops his bag to the floor. “How long have you been here?”

“A few minutes,” I lie. “Do you have somewhere you need to be tonight?”


I look at his phone. “Isn’t Ty waiting on you?”

He tosses it onto his desk. “Ty won’t even notice I’m not there once he gets drinking.”

“Are you sure?”

He smiles. “Why? You got somewhere else to be?”


He leans against his desk and crosses his arms. His eyes constantly roam me and I feel like his prey. I’m trapped in the lion’s den counting down the moments until his hunger overwhelms him and he strikes at me.

I grow more anxious with each breath but he’s holding back, prolonging the torment and watching me squirm.

“How was the game?” I ask, pretending not to care.

“It was…” He sighs and his expression shifts from the familiar, devious intent.


He pushes off the desk and paces at the foot of the bed. “Yeah, I mean… it was


“We just couldn’t pull ahead for longer than a few minutes at a time,” he explains. “I thought it was over. We all did. We were tired and annoyed and ready to throw in the towel but then… your dad completely turned it around.”

I instantly regret asking. The last thing I want to think about is my father while I’m naked and horny. “Well, it’s all over now, right?”

“He just…” Junior’s eyes gloss over with admiration. “He
gave up on us. It was like he knew what we were capable of before we did and he knew
what to say to bring it out of us.” He stops pacing and sits down beside me on the bed. “I’ve never had a coach like your dad, Ellie. He’s like… the missing piece of me that I needed to really believe in myself.”

There’s a sharp pain in my chest. “That must be a good feeling.”

“It is!” he says, still smiling. “Once it was over, I heard the crowd chanting and screaming for us and he walked up to
and put his hand on my shoulder. He didn’t say a word, it was just—” His hand slaps onto my bare shoulder and squeezes. “It felt awesome. Of all the players on the team, Cary Pierce did that to

His hand drops from my skin and I wonder if he’s forgotten how naked I am. I certainly feel more naked than I did five minutes ago.

“Congratulations, Junior,” I mutter. “You’re officially the son Cary Pierce never had.”

I sit up and hold his sheet tighter around me so it doesn’t slip as I throw my feet to the floor.

“Wait…” he says, softly gripping my elbow. “Okay, what did I do?”

“Nothing. Can we…” I keep hold of the sheet as I stand up and Junior rises to let me take it with me. “Can we stick a pin in the whole
praising my father
thing until

His jaw sags. “Oh, right. Yeah…” he chuckles.
. Of course. You’re… you’re naked and I’m over here talking about your—”

It’s okay.
Let’s just…” I make a short, stabbing motion.
“Pin it.”

“Consider it pinned.” He holds up his hands and his eyes fall down my body again. “Completely pinned…”

“Thank you.”

Junior steps around the bed towards me and he smiles again. “I like the shoes.”

I look down at the floor and twist my ankle to get a better look at them. They’re my favorite pair of black, strappy heels and I save them exclusively for special occasions. Feels a little wasted now.

“Thanks,” I say, still a little annoyed.

He stares at me for a moment, easily reading the hostile emotions in me. “Come here,” he demands, holding out his hand.

I keep the sheet in place with a tight grip while he guides me to his desk.

“Ellie…” he whispers. “Tell me what went through your mind that day in the locker room.”

I sigh, remembering how he used my father to get me to go out with him. “I thought, ‘
what a manipulative jackass.’”

Junior laughs and reaches for his shirt collar. “Before that…” He pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his bare, muscled torso. “I want to know what you were thinking when it was just the two of us…”

BOOK: Home Run Baby: A Sports Romance
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