Home Run Baby: A Sports Romance (79 page)

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“Oh, god…”
I mutter.

We sprint down the hall hand-in-hand until we make it outside and we keep running through the quad.

John looks back at me and winks. “It was worth it.”

I laugh so hard, I can’t speak.



Four Years Later



be expected to know the difference between cations and anions. Many of you mixed those up on the last quiz, so make sure you get that straight for the exam on Monday.”

My students stare at me from their seats scattered around the lecture hall, their eyes occasionally dipping to look at my body. Little did I know how much that semester as a TA would be training me for this. John Kirby, sitting there, staring at me, paying more attention to my pencil skirts than the lectures themselves.

Unfortunately, this is going to keep happening more and more as my belly swells. I’m only twenty weeks pregnant but you’d think I was already a giant mutant by the way they’re looking at me right now.

My hand gravitates to the little pooch protruding out. It’s a strategic move; equally designed to swing their attentions back to what I’m saying but also a sweet comfort for me. I’m carrying life inside of me.


“Also, schedule enough time to read over chapters one through five again before then. Pay really close attention to the practice problems at the end of each chapter — you just might see one or two literally copied and pasted onto the exam.”

The back door swings open, drawing the attentions of a few students. The whispers and shoulder nudges begin immediately and before I know it, the entire lecture hall turns in their chairs to look back at him.

I guess it’s not every day a professional football player just waltzes into a university chemistry class.

John sits down in an empty seat in the back row, purposefully smirking at me as the spotlight above his head grows brighter and brighter.

“Okay, guys, let’s break early for today,” I say, speaking louder to combat the growing swoons of my students. “I’ll see you all on Monday. Please bring your own calculators and scrap paper for the exam!”

The class lets out a few celebratory hoots as they stand up and I take a moment to sit down and rest my feet.

John waits in the back with his hand raised, purposefully flashing his new championship ring while accepting the various handshakes and high-fives as the students pass by. He’s so adored around here, I get the feeling some students enrolled in my class just on the off-chance he might show up every so often.

Once it’s just the two of us, he stands up and heads towards the front. I furrow my brow, glaring at him as he marches towards me.

“You were supposed to meet me in
my office
,” I say.

“But this was
more fun.”

I deepen my glare.

“Oh, come on,” he laughs. “You just dismissed them early on a
If you weren’t their favorite professor already, you are now. These stuck-up Ivy League kids need a little excitement once in a while.”

I slide a hand over my belly again without thinking. “Maybe you’re right.”

“Of course, I am.” He extends his hand to help me stand up. “Now, come on. I want to get another look at Alexander and Benjamin in there.”

“Oh, I’m sorry…” I tease. “I can’t hear you over the obvious heartbeats of
Dana and Ramona

He shakes his head. “Nope. Sorry. They’re boys.”

pretty sure
they’re girls, John.”



“That’s not science.”

“Women’s intuition and motherly instinct

He scoffs. “No, they don’t.”

“Okay, then. What makes
so certain they’re boys? Hm?”

“Hey, I planted them with
seed,” he argues. “Those are my
growing in your womb garden.”

I wince.
“Stop calling it that.”

He laughs and throws my bag over his shoulder. “Let’s go.”




“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, Rose,” Dr. Jones says. She smiles wide and offers a kind nod to John as we step into the ultrasound room. “I’ll be right back and then we’ll get started.”

“Thank you,” I say, sliding into the chair and putting my feet up. I let out a long sigh, relishing in the moment to relax a little. Only twenty weeks in and I’m already exhausted all the time. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when my girls are finally here.

Yes, John
. We are having

I raise my shirt to expose my belly as John sits down by my right side with a permanent smile etched onto his face.

“They’re boys,” he whispers, reading my mind.

I open my mouth to argue but the door bursts open.

“Did I miss it?!”

I grin at Daisy in the doorway. “Nope, you’re just in time.”

Dr. Jones walks in behind her and smiles. “Daisy, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Hey, Dr. J!” she greets. “How’s life treating you in front of the stirrups?”

John deflates and looks at me. “What is she doing here?”

I wince. “Did I not tell you she was coming?”

“No, you did not.”


Daisy slides over an empty chair and sets it on my left. “Excuse me,
” she says as she plops down into it. “I’ve been through this before, so I know more than you do. Also, Rose and I share DNA. These babies are as much
as they are

“Yeah, that’s
how any of that works.” His brow furrows with confusion and he looks at the doctor. “Right?”

Dr. Jones shrugs as she snaps on her gloves. “Okay, let’s take a look inside, shall we?”

John takes my hand and squeezes tight. He winks at me; one final, silent way of telling me he’s right but I
he’s wrong.

Daisy snatches my other hand and grins across my exposed belly at John, squeezing my hand even tighter than he is and I suddenly feel like I’m about to be torn apart like a wishbone.

Dr. Jones slathers my belly with gel and readies the wand. I look at the screen and take a deep breath, biting my lip as butterflies wreck my insides. John kisses my hand with excitement in his eyes, barely able to contain it as his toe bounces up and down on the floor.

“Okay…” Dr. Jones sets the wand against my belly and shapes instantly flood the screen.

I squint, trying to make out what’s going on but it looks more like a paranormal crime scene than a uterus, so I just sit back and wait.

Daisy flails at the screen. “Sorry, but that was totally a penis.”

John chuckles. “Do you always get this excited when you see one?”

,” she snaps back.

“Is she right?” I ask Dr. Jones.

She nods. “Yep. Looks like we’re having boys!”

John pumps his giant fist.

I feel a stab of bittersweetness. “Man, my instincts
. I could have sworn they were girls…”

He lays a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Hey, now you know that you can always trust
instincts. John Kirby will
steer you wrong.”

Daisy rolls her eyes.


The three of us stare at Dr. Jones, our necks twitching in her direction so fast they could snap.

“Okay, Doc,” Daisy says, “I’m usually not one to tell people how to do their jobs, but I don’t think
is the kind of thing you should say when you’re looking inside a belly full of babies.”

“Well... it’s a good
, not a bad
,” Dr. Jones says. “I misread the ultrasound last time.”

My heart sinks. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…” she smiles, “you’re having
. Not twins.”

“Triplets?!” Daisy gasps.

I look at John’s sagging face, his jaw slacked open in silent shock as he stares at the screen.

My eyes fill with tears. “Are you sure?”

Dr. Jones adjusts the wand, tilting it to show a better angle. “Looks like she was hiding behind her brothers…”

I clench John’s hand.

“Yep. Two boys… and a girl.” She points at the screen. “Right there.”

I lean forward as the third form takes shape. “Whoa…”

Daisy shakes my shoulder. “We’re having three babies!”

“Uh-huh…” I try to say something else, something more intelligent, but my tongue speaks only gibberish.

Triplets. Three babies. Two boys. One girl.

Oh, my god…

John smiles at me. “May I have a moment alone with my wife, please?” he asks the room.

Dr. Jones slides out of her chair. “Sure. I’ll give you a few minutes and then we’ll try and narrow down that due date.”

John glares at Daisy.

Finally, she sighs and lets go of my hand. “
I’ll be right outside.” She plants a quick kiss on my forehead, lets out a happy squeal, and follows the doctor out.

As soon as the door latches closed, John darts forward to kiss me. His body rumbles with laughter and I see a few tears growing on the edge of his eyes.

I punch his shoulder.
“I told you I felt a girl!”

He smiles wider. “I will
doubt your women’s intuition or your motherly instincts ever again.”

“Me neither!” I laugh.

He cups my face and kisses me again. “I love you, Rose.”

“I love you, John.”

He leans down, quickly kissing any part of my exposed belly not caked in goo. “And I love
, and
, and, especially,

“Two boys and a girl,” I whisper.

“Yeah, sorry,” he says, sitting back down. “I’m fertile as fuck.”

I laugh again as tears pour from my eyes. “How are we going to do this?” I ask, holding my wet cheeks in my hands.

John takes my wrists and pulls my hands down. “We’ll have plenty of time to panic later, Rose,” he chuckles. “For now, let’s just be

“Okay,” I exhale.

“I mean, look at us,” he says. “We’re badasses. If anyone can handle three babies, it’s us.”

“Are you sure?”

“Nope.” He takes my hand again. “But I can’t wait to try.”

We entwine fingers. “Yeah,” I say. “I can’t either.”

“But you know what I
sure about?”


… that
girl… will be
cuter than Junior’s girl was.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Oh, really?”

“Oh, yeah. I guarantee it,” he says. “With your gorgeous looks and this handsome mug, there’s no contest.”

“I’m gonna tell him you said that,” I tease.

“Pfft. I ain’t afraid of Junior.”

“What about Eliza?”

He hesitates. “Maybe a little.”

I lie back and exhale the laugh from my lungs. “Two boys and a girl…” I say it again, still not quite believing it’s true.

“So, what will she be?” he asks. “A Dana or a Ramona?”

I draw a line across my upper belly, feeling the life stirring inside for a brief, fleeting moment. “I think she feels like a Dana…”

John nods. “I think so, too.” He leans in and kisses me softly. “So, should we call them back in here?”

I look at my husband, once again sensing a bit of movement inside of me, and I smile. “No. Just a few more minutes…”


He kisses me again and I kiss him back, letting the moment last for a little while longer.



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The Hitman’s Dancer: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

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Bloodlines: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance

Hard Bounty: A Bad Boy Bounty Hunter Romance



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Whiplash: A Sports Romance

Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance

Home Run Baby: A Sports Romance



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Unbroken: A Bad Boy MMA Romance

Undying: A Bad Boy MMA Romance



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