Homecoming (26 page)

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Authors: Heath Stallcup

BOOK: Homecoming
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Damien unlocked the acrylic box and withdrew the withered heart. To his surprise, there was no give to the organ. It may as well have been a rock in his hand. Slipping it into his coat pocket, he dropped the acrylic box and walked past the enforcers surrounding him and back to the van.

There was one person who could tell him without a doubt if the heart were real. And he wanted to return to her before the sun came up.






Tufo finished checking out the modifications made to the Raptor and signed off on the changes. He liked the bullet proof Lexan windows and ceramic armor plating. He really liked the idea of extending the running boards out to make it easier for the troops to jump on while the truck was in motion. Handles mounted to the exterior of the cab made it easier for the operators to hang on during bumpy excursions.

As Dr. Peters pointed out each modification, Mark wished he had thought of it. Each one seemed perfectly logical and easily adapted to the platform.

Mark was just heading back to his office, scribbling notes in his notepad when he bumped into Apollo. “You and your squad about ready for the op with Jack?”

Apollo seemed somewhat surprised by the question. “Oh, uh…I may not be going.”

Mark paused. “Really? You were one of the first to volunteer for this thing. Something come up?”

“Well, I…uh…it’s gonna be on the full moon, right? You never know what can happen on a full moon. I figure it might be best if I just sort of stick around here. Besides, my boys can handle it.”

Mark nodded absently. “Okay. I’m sure Jack will miss seeing your ugly mug, but hey, maybe next time.” He shot Apollo a wink and headed off to his office.


Apollo watched him for a moment then hurried off to the OPCOM. He had coordinates to download.

Mark went to his office and shut the door. Going to his window, he pulled back the blinds and looked down into the training area. He couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Moving to the other side of his office, he pulled the other set of blinds and looked down into Dr. Peter’s lab. Nothing else seemed out of place. He waited just a moment before stepping out and checking Matt’s office. Not there.

Something felt ‘off’ with Apollo. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but…




Rufus sat alone in his library, continuing to pour over the stacks of books at his disposal. A light knock at the entrance to the library caught his attention and he waved one of his female staff in. “This package arrived for you, sir. It was in the mail that arrived with the daily supplies.”

“Thank you.” Rufus laid the package down and with his nail, sliced through the banding and thick paper that wrapped the box. Once open, he pulled out an ancient text. The pages were of papyrus and the ink appeared to be blood. The cover, he prayed he was mistaken, appeared to be made of human skin. He knew this wasn’t the
. Its cover was stained with blood to the point of being black. He had actually laid eyes on it once. This was something else.

He looked at who had sent it and there was no return address.
Most curious.
Carefully, he opened the book and turned the pages. It was written in ancient Sumerian. The title roughly translated to “The Book of Lilith”. Whoever the sender was knew what he was tasked with.

Rufus was familiar with Sumerian, but it wasn’t the most flowing of languages. It didn’t help that he wasn’t completely fluent in it either.

Rufus studied the ancient text until he reached one part that concerned him gravely. Lilith’s first lover and a gift he had bestowed upon her. His hands began to shake as he continued to read. “
This is not good.”

“What is the problem, brother?” Paul asked as he stepped into the library.

“Somebody has sent us this book. I do not know who, nor do I know why, but it is
The Book of Lilith

“Excellent. Anything new in there we might can use?”

There is something new, but I do not know if it is something we can use or not.” His voice took on a tremor that unsettled Paul.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Here. Lilith’s first lover and the gift.”

Paul gave him a quizzical look. “Her first lover? You mean Adam?”

She and Adam never…” he looked away, terror painted across his features.

“What’s wrong? Tell me.”

“Lilith first lay down with Samael,” his voice barely a whisper.

“Samael? Why does that name sound familiar?” Paul stared off as his mind searched for the meaning of the name.

“Samael, dear brother, is the Chief of all Demons. Some say that it is another name of Lucifer himself.”

“Holy shit. You’re kidding me.”

” Rufus found his mouth suddenly dry. “And the gift that he bestowed upon her…is most dire.”

“Don’t tell me. A child?”

, not a child.” Rufus quickly stood and poured himself a cognac then took a large pull from the glass. When he turned back, he was visibly more pale than normal. “He gave her power over the dead. And ability to control demons.”




“It’s not like that, Mick.” Jennifer’s voice was barely a whisper. “You know I don’t have any control over this.”

“Right.” Mick continued to fly, his eyes straight ahead, a death grip on the stick.

“What? Did you really think that the Fates would allow me to mate with a werecat?”

Mick groaned and shook his head. “I don’t know what I thought, Squeak. I just…” he trailed off, the words escaping him.

“Besides my father, the Fates decide who I mate with. You know this. I’ve told you this for decades.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“I’m not like you. I’m a wolf. Wolves mate for life. Once we’re bound…”

“I know,” he hissed. “It’s forever. You’ve told me.”

Laura leaned forward and had to yell to be heard, “Hey, what do I punch to make international calls? I can’t get through to my people.”

Mick held his hand out and she handed him back the brick phone. He punched in a series of numbers and then handed it back to her. “I set it for North America. Just dial as though you were calling from your house or cell phone.”

“Thank you.” She sat back and began dialing again.

Jennifer watched her a moment then reached a tentative hand out to Mickey. “I’m hoping that this is all a mistake. But I need to know.”

Mick simply nodded but he took her hand and squeezed it gently. “I’ve got your back either way.”

“Put me through to Colonel Mitchell.” Laura had to yell to be heard over the sound of the engines. She waited just a moment before he came on the line. “Yes, sir, it’s me. And yes, I’ve made contact.” Although Jennifer couldn’t hear both sides of the conversation, she could almost guess what was said. “It’s really a long story, Colonel, but the short end is, I’m on my way to Brazil with Miss Simmons. She’s agreed to meet with you but only on neutral ground. I thought Pablo’s would be good. Close to what she considers home, yet somewhat familiar territory for you.”

Jennifer cringed at the idea of being anywhere that the man might have any kind of advantage but a deal was a deal. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying hard not to let her emotions get the better of her.

“Yes, sir. We are en route now. If you can get away to meet us then…yes, sir, I do realize the full moon is right around the corner, but I’m sure if you let Pablo know then he can…no sir. I didn’t know that,” Laura sighed and rubbed at her eyes. “Well, sir, it
Brazil. There should be plenty of space for you to run wild. Either that or we could tranquilize you.”

Jennifer raised a brow then realized what Laura was getting at. The full moon, the man would need to shift. Nobody would be safe.

“Copy that, sir. I’ll pass it on. See you soon.” Laura punched the end call button and handed the phone back to Mickey. “He said he’ll be on the first transport to Brazil but it has to wait until after the full moon. In the meantime, he’s going to make a few calls and get things set up so we’ll have transportation, room, and board when we arrive.”

“And what about the full moon?”

“He’ll deal with that first. He wants to be able to give all of his attention to you after he gets here. Talking with you is the most important thing to him.”

Jennifer felt the air physically thicken after Laura made that statement. One look at Mick was all she needed to know why.




Apollo stepped out to the parking lot and pulled his cell phone out. Dialing Sheridan’s number he waited for the man to pick up. “That was quick.”

“Yeah, well, shit’s getting real here.” Apollo looked around the parking lot to ensure that nobody was watching him. “I got the coordinates for the island. They was right there in the computer like you said.”

“Excellent. Have you decided if you’re going to stay or come with us?”

“I’m going with you. My boys are going on an op with Jack on the full moon. They’ll be out of the country at that time.”

“You don’t say?” The tiny little gears in Sheridan’s mind were racing.

“I’m thinking that would be a perfect time to hit that island stronghold of theirs. Flatten it. Level it to the ground.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Sheridan sounded pleased. “In fact, a two pronged attack might be in order.”

“How’s that?”

“Our new benefactors have an axe to grind with your ex-employers. I think we’ll let loose the dogs of war and wreak a little havoc with them as well.”

“You mean you want to hit the squads here at home at the same time?”

“Why not? Odds are, most of them will be in the field, right? You said that some of them would be out of the country with Jack, so…what better time than when they’re at their weakest?”

“What good will it do if we hit them when there’s nobody here?”

Sheridan tsk’d at him. “You’re not thinking militarily at all, Apollo. We need to denigrate them. Knock the wind from their sails. Rub their noses in it. Destroy their morale. What better way to do that than to strike while they can’t defend their stronghold and level their home base? Give them no ‘home’ to return to?”

“You do realize that this facility is a lot bigger than just some rusty old hangar, don’t you?”

“And you do realize that we have more than just a small handful of disgruntled ex-employees. Trust me. When the time comes, we’ll have more than enough personnel and firepower to burn their base of operation to the ground.”

Apollo smiled broadly. “I like the way you think.”




Matt hung up the phone relieved to have heard from Laura and excited that things were finally coming together. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of finally getting to talk with the elusive Ms. Simmons, and it completely amazed him that Laura was able to set up the meeting so quickly. He only wished that the timing had been better. The full moon was simply too close for him to risk a trip that far.

His wolf tugged at his insides, and Matt could almost feel the anticipation, the joy…the elation that their reckoning was so close at hand. He sat quietly and did his best to calm his nerves, to calm the beast within and found that the wolf had reverted to an over-excited puppy. The energy flowing from it was endless.

With an exasperated sigh he pushed away from his desk and headed to the gym. Maybe he could burn off some of the excess energy before he became a nervous wreck.

Passing by Mark’s office, Matt stuck his head in the door. “Laura checked in.”

Tufo looked up from his computer and nodded to him. “Did she have anything?”

“Actually, she did. She located and made contact with Ms. Simmons. They’re on their way to Brazil. Apparently she didn’t want to come back here for obvious reasons. Laura said that she’d meet on neutral ground so we’re going to meet at the Brazilian squad compound.”

“Makes sense. When do you leave?”

“Not until after the full moon.”

Mark pulled his reading glasses off and gaped at him. “After all this time you’re not going to rush down there and…I dunno, sniff each other’s butts?”

“Jeez, Mark, could you be any more uncouth?”

“So couth me,” he snickered. “Seriously, though, why aren’t you hauling tail down there…literally? You’ve been chasing this little gal all over the world.”

“The full moon is just too close. I want more time. I don’t want to rush this.” Matt searched for the right words. “I know this is a total fustercluck, but this girl is important to me.”

“She must be. You shot her in the head,” he deadpanned.

“Exactly.” Matt let that word hang for a moment, catching Mark off guard. “See, this is why I need to use kid gloves. I need to do this or my wolf is going to drive me bananas. But the human side of me…” he trailed off, unable to find the words.

“Say no more. If some crazy bitch ate my wife and kids and then somebody told me I had to marry her? I think I’d eat the business end of a .45.”

“Blunt like a bulldozer.” Matt turned to leave.

“Hey, I’m nothing if not honest.” Mark stood and caught Matt’s eye. “Look, I can’t imagine what you must be going through. I remember what we went through to track her down and drop her. Remember? I was there. And for somebody to twist the situation around on you like this? I think it sucks. Totally.” He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “But I want you to know that I’m here for ya if you need me.”

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