Honey & Ice

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Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

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Honey & Ice
Dorothy F. Shaw

Desi Profit has had her eye on the tall and delicious biker, Griffin Sinclair, for a while now. A little too tipsy one night, Desi confesses her obsession to a mutual friend and asks him to relay her fantasy to Griffin.

Having no idea if the message was delivered—and half praying it wasn’t—Desi runs into Griffin a week later. And when the hotter than hell biker puts her on the back of his motorcycle, Desi has no idea she’s in for the wildest, most erotic ride of her life.

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Dorothy F. Shaw

Phoenix, Arizona

Honey & Ice

Copyright © 2016 by Dorothy F. Shaw

Edited by Tera Cuskaden

Cover by Terry “Wookie” Hoffman

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Electronic publication: Red Queen Publications May 2016

Honey & Ice

Dorothy F. Shaw

Note To Readers

Welcome to my past.

Grab a comfortable seat and buckle up. This short story is one I wrote several years ago when I was first learning the craft of the written word. It’s a fun, quick read where the name of the game is an erotic encounter.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy it!


To Tera Cuskaden for working your editing magic on this little short story. As always, you rock!

To Terry “Wookie” Hoffman for your awesome cover art!


ight ball
, side pocket.” Desi Profit pushed her long blonde hair over her shoulder, leaned over the pool table, and took aim on her target.

Stephanie Jenkins, Desi’s best friend, watched from her perch at the high-topped bar table against the wall. “You’ll never make it.”

Desi let out an unladylike snort, took her shot, and sank the eight ball. “Made it. And you can kiss my ass.” She winked at her friend, grabbed her beer, and took a long pull.

“Which part? You’re all ass.” Laughing, Steph slid off her chair. “As your partner in crime, this is something I’m well aware of.” She grabbed some quarters from the edge of the bar box. “You wanna play another?”

“Sure. Rack ’em.” Desi took a seat and scanned the crowd that had gathered in the past hour. Not many had shown up from their regular crew. A young couple was shooting darts in the back corner. A few older bikers sat around sharing a pitcher of beer.

Desi swallowed the last of her beer and glanced at the entrance when the growl of a few bikes pulling up reached her ears. She drew in a deep breath as anxious hope filled her stomach. If luck was smiling on her, Desi’s latest obsession was on one of those Harleys and once he was inside she’d be able to mentally undress him with her— Hell, there he was.

She moved to her friend’s side, watching as Mr. Tall and Delicious made his way to the bar. “Griffin just rolled in.”

“Yay! You’ll be nice and distracted now, and I might actually win this game.” Steph elbowed her and smiled, her brown eyes glittering in excitement.

“Ha! You wish.” She lined up on the cue ball and took her shot. Colors scattered over the green felt and the five ball dropped in a corner pocket. “Solids.”

“Fuck me. You almost always sink a ball on the break.”

“So…you do remember in my drunken stupor last weekend I told Baron to let Griffin know his presence was requested in my bed, right?” She took her shot, but missed. “You’re up.”

Steph tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips. “I believe you said something about wanting to lick honey off his body. If I’m not mistaken.”

Desi cringed. “I might’ve mentioned something about that too. I was about four beers and a shot of Jack in at that point. You should’ve taped my mouth shut.”

“Please. I had to roll your ass to bed that night. You think Baron told him?”

“I hope not.” Desi glanced over at her obsession. “Griffin’s gorgeous and basically sex on a stick. Way more than I could ever hope to handle.”

Griffin Sinclair leaned against the bar in his usual spot, a bottle of Miller Genuine Draft pressed to his lips. His shaggy dark hair hung low on his forehead and he ran a fingerless-gloved hand through it. He was tall, over six feet, and built like a brick shit house. Griffin turned his head and pinned Desi with a stare, and then crooked his finger indicating her to come to him.

Her breath caught and she nodded. Damn, her feet felt rooted in place and she had to give herself a mental kick in the ass to get moving.
Goddamn, he’s beautiful.
She walked the short distance without tripping over herself or anyone else, thank fuck.

Stopping before him, she gazed up into his light hazel eyes. “You beckoned?”

“I did.” He smirked. “Was hoping I’d find you here tonight.”

“Yeah, why’s that?” She tucked her thumbs in her back pockets and rocked her denim-clad hips from side to side.

“I got a message this week.” He scratched his goatee.

“Did you?”
Oh, shit. Play it cool, Desi.

With his gaze locked with hers, Griffin nodded and tipped his bottle back. The man was solid muscle, honed the old-fashioned way, by manual labor. She eyed the smattering of tattoos on his arms. Various black and gray skulls covered one forearm and the other had a grim reaper and crows. Both designs extended up his hefty biceps and disappeared under the sleeves of his T-shirt.

Standing so close to all that muscly yumminess, Desi’s nipples hardened beneath her shirt and she crossed her arms over her chest. “What was the message?”

“You all stocked up on honey?”

She blurted a laugh and felt her cheeks burn hot as embarrassment coursed through her veins. “I always have honey, Griffin. It’s one of my favorite treats.”

“That so? Let’s go for a ride.” He set his beer down and walked past her for the door.

She ran through the crowd to Steph. “I’m going with him. Don’t wait up.”

“Enjoy the ride.” Steph shook her head and laughed.


hen Desi stepped outside
into the cool, Connecticut night air, Griffin was straddling his motorcycle as it rumbled loudly between his solid thighs. Excitement blasted through her and she pressed a hand to her stomach in an effort to calm her nerves. She’d had her eye on him for months but hadn’t made a move.

Griffin had an air of confidence that rolled off him in palpable waves. It was so powerful, oftentimes she could feel his presence from the top of her head down to her toes before spotting him in a crowd. It made her body hum and tingle but also made him more than a little intimidating.

Griffin looked up at her, cigarette clenched between his lips, and patted the small bitch seat behind him. “Mount up.”

Desi gripped his shoulder, stepped onto the foot peg, and swung her leg over the sissy bar. Once seated, she wrapped her arms around his waist. She had no idea where they were going, and really, she didn’t care. All that mattered was she was riding on the back of Griffin’s bike and with any luck,
later. “Ready.”

The summer night air felt cool once they were moving and tickled her bare arms. She pressed herself closer to his back as they sped through the dark, winding hills of the back roads. He slowed the bike and navigated into the small dirt parking lot of the local town lake.

“What’re we doing here?” She smoothed her hands around his sides, stealing a feel of his narrow waist before letting go and getting off the bike.

“I like it here. Come on.” He dismounted, shot her a grin, and walked away.

She hesitated a moment in an attempt to tamp down the nervous energy steadily consuming her body and then followed. The area had a few lampposts scattered about, but for the most part, this section of the park was dark.

Griffin sat down on a bench, stretched his long legs out in front of him and lit a smoke.

The tall maple trees in this section danced and swayed in the light breeze, their leaves making their own melody. She walked a few feet ahead of him and stared out at the water. “It’s peaceful here at night.”

After a few minutes, his voice vibrated through her. “C’mere, Desi.”

Heat swirled low in her belly. God, she loved the way her name sounded on his lips. She turned and stepped in front of him. “Yes?”

He snubbed out his cigarette on the ground and then grabbed her hand and tugged her forward to straddle his lap. “That’s better.”

What would he do to her? Anything he wanted, she hoped. Willingness and anticipation vibrated in her limbs as she settled against his muscled body. She placed her hands on his shoulders and gazed down at him. “Agreed.”

His eyes were shadowed in the dim lighting, but his expression was clear. Confident and sure of his cravings; he looked like a man who was used to getting whatever he wanted. Griffin traced her lips with his fingertip then trailed it down her chin to her throat. “Tell me about the honey.”

Desi’s skin prickled with heat.
I’m going to burn to ash.
“Well—” she ran her hands down his chest, “—I want to pour honey all over you.”

He dipped his chin and raised both brows. “And then what?” Griffin moved his hands down her sides to her waist then to her ass.

“Then I’d lick and suck you clean, of course.” She smirked.

“Honey can get pretty sticky.” He tightened his grip on her ass and nipped her chin.

She gasped as the embers of lust swirling through her burst into flames. “Ice cubes.” Desi ran a hand up the back of his neck then threaded her fingers through his thick black hair.

Griffin kissed a fiery path from her jaw down to her throat, biting and sucking the sensitive areas. “Ice cubes, huh?”

“Mmhmm. Ice cubes cut the stickiness. Fuck, that feels good.” She pressed her tits against him and drew in his scent: leather and cigarettes, and the aroma of night.

He pulled away from her neck, grabbed her by the hair and covered her mouth for a kiss. Their tongues collided and she moaned. A bolt of lust shot down her spine and her cunt clenched in rhythm with her pulse.

Possessing her mouth completely, he released her hair and then gripped and massaged one breast in his big palm as he stroked over her ass with the other. Griffin licked and sucked at her tongue and then caught her bottom lip between his teeth. Hard.

Desi hissed from the sting of pain. She pulled away, ran her tongue over the now tender flesh of her bottom lip, and groaned when the familiar taste of copper hit her taste buds. He’d bitten her hard enough to make her bleed.

Holy shit, no one had ever done that before. The spot pulsed in time with her heart and her adrenaline kicked into high gear making her feel drunk. Every inch of her skin tingled with a desperate need for more.

“I like to bite, and you taste good.” Kissing her again, Griffin drove his tongue into her mouth and gripped her face in one hand before biting her top and bottom lip, tugging then licking over each to soothe the sting.

His cock was rigid behind his zipper and she rocked against him, enjoying the pressure on her pulsing clit. Desi pulled at his shirt, eager to reach his skin. She needed to touch him. His chest, his stomach…his everything.

Griffin released her mouth and drew in a breath. “Does your pussy taste as sweet as honey, Des?”

Des. Des...
She shivered. Goddamn, her name dripped off his tongue like syrup and she wanted to suck on each drop. She licked up the side of his neck to his ear and nipped at the lobe. “Are you going to bite me there too?”

He let out a growl as he stood, holding her against him and walked to the nearest metal picnic table. Her ass hit the cool edge and she slid herself back a little, watching in awe as he pulled off his shirt, revealing a flaming Chinese dragon on one pec and a samurai warrior on the other. On his rippled abs, in Old English lettering, was the word

Without preamble, Griffin tugged her halter-top down, exposing both breasts, and took one nipple into his mouth as he rolled the other between his fingertips. A searing bolt of lightning shot straight to her clit. She arched against him and scored her nails down his shoulder. He kissed and licked a path down her stomach until he reached her jeans, then looked up at her as he tugged open the top button.

Desi kicked off her boots and he slid off her jeans. “You’re going to fuck me right here on this picnic table, aren’t you?”

“Looks like it. But, first, I plan to fuck your hot cunt with my mouth. Then I’ll fuck you with my cock.” He tugged her panties down. “You got a problem with that?” Without hesitation, Griffin spread her thighs and then slid his tongue through her slit.

There was no time to answer. Hell, she could barely breathe enough to answer. Griffin was licking her cunt like a lollipop, and her body was weeping in ecstasy. Did she have a problem with it? Hell. Fucking. No.

He dragged his tongue through her folds several times, lapping at her entrance, before latching on to her clit and sucking. With a groan, he released the swollen bud, then drove his tongue inside her cunt.

The slurping sounds from his persistent devouring were almost enough to send her into orgasm oblivion. Desi’s head swam in liquid pleasure as the tension built deep in her womb. She held on to his hair with her fingers and rode his face, gazing up at the tall maple trees shrouding the sky above her.

“Your pussy is sweet. So fucking sweet.” He slid two calloused fingers inside her core then took her clit in his mouth again. This time he bit it.

Oh! Fuck!
Oh my God, Griffin!” She closed her eyes and stars burst behind her lids. As her orgasm rolled through her, she raised her hips off the metal surface, thrusting against his mouth.

Never-ending waves rolled through Desi. Her cunt clamped down on his fingers and her clit pulsed and twitched in release. Mercilessly he continued to bite and suck her clit, and drive his fingers in and out of her as she came. When he finally released her, she was half dazed, whimpering and shaking from head to toe.

“Sweet, sweet, Des.” Griffin unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.

She blinked to clear her vision as his thick erection came into view. Desi’s eyes went wide. “Shit, I just won the cock lottery.” She licked her lips. “Let me taste you, Griffin.”

“Lottery?” He chuckled. “Next time.” He stroked his prick in his palm. “I’m a selfish motherfucker and right now I need to fuck your tight pussy.” Griffin pulled a condom from his back pocket and rolled it on. He slid her to the edge of the table and rubbed the swollen head over her clit.

Anticipation boiled inside her. His cock was a delicious temptation. Damn right, she wanted to have her mouth stretched over his beautiful shaft, but Desi wanted him inside her cunt even more.

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