
Table of Contents
Praise for the novels of Tate Hallaway
Dead If I Do
“Abounds with magic, zombies, vampires, and ghosts so there is no shortage of fantasy action in the story to go along with the romance . . . A satisfying read and even though it is set in the dead of a Wisconsin winter (
) it still ticks all the boxes for a fun summer read.”
“Bright, funny . . . Delivers all bridezilla’s worst night-mares.”
—Monsters and Critics
“Quirky, different, and amusing . . .
Dead If I Do
is an interesting read full of twists, turns, and ‘OMG what is going to happen to this poor couple next’ anticipation. . . .You’ll love it.”
—Fang-tastic Books
“The story line is fast paced from the moment Teréza curses the happy couple. Filled with angst yet amusing,
Dead If I Do
is a terrific bewitching tale.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“This paranormal romance overflows with danger, excitement, and mayhem; however, whenever things become too stressful a healthy dose of irony or comedy shows up to ease the way. Tate Hallaway has an amazing talent for storytelling.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“This chapter in the first-person series is packed with humor, wackiness, and a touch of pathos. It’s a genuinely heart-warming treat for fans!”
—Romantic Times
Romancing the Dead
“A fun book with a nice whodunit, great characters, and the kind of detail that really brings a setting alive . . . a wonderfully fun read.”
—Errant Dreams Reviews
“Ms. Hallaway provides another exciting adventure in her unique series.”
—Darque Reviews
“This superb tale affirms the theory that ‘life’s a witch’ worth reading about.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“Lots of danger and comedy set within an extremely well-written plot.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“Fans of the Garnet Lacey series will certainly not be disappointed, and those new to this piece of paranormal escapism I’m sure will soon be fans as well.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“One of the real pleasures of this series has been watching this spunky heroine come into her own . . . This is a genuinely funny, adventurous, and delightful read.”
—Romantic Times
“Has lots of excitement and mystery to keep you guessing throughout. It’s a fun reading treat.”
—Fresh Fiction
“A truly enjoyable read if you like a jaunt into the paranormal . . . and enjoy humor as well as the more serious side of life!”
Dead Sexy
“Another wild adventure . . . Check out the highly entertaining
Dead Sexy
for a walk on the wild side.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“The second Garnet gem is a delightful whodunit fantasy [with an] offbeat chick-lit style. Tate Hallaway combines romance, paranormal, and mystery into a fun read.”
—Midwest Book Review
Tall, Dark & Dead
“What’s not to adore . . . Tate Hallaway has a wonderful gift, Garnet is a gem of a heroine, and
Tall, Dark & Dead
is enthralling from the first page.”
—MaryJanice Davidson,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Undead and Unwelcome
“Tate Hallaway kept me on the edge of my seat . . . A thoroughly enjoyable read!”
—Julie Kenner,
USA Today
bestselling author of
Demon Ex Machina
“Curl up on the couch and settle in—
Tall, Dark & Dead
is a great way to pass an evening.”
—Lynsay Sands,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Renegade Hunter
“Will appeal to readers of Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stack-house series.”
“Unique, intriguing, and a sexy read . . . lively and fresh . . . and the ending will leave you clamoring for more.”
—Midwest Muse
“Funny and captivating . . . in the style of the Sookie Stack-house series [with] an intrepid and expressive heroine . . . Look out, fans of the paranormal, there’s a new supernatural heroine in town . . . Tate Hallaway is an author to watch!”
—Romance Reviews Today
“I love how Garnet handled everything that came her way with grit, humor, and attitude as she kicked some serious butt! . . . Hallaway keeps you glued to the pages.”
—Romance Junkies
“[Hallaway’s] concise writing style, vivid descriptions, and innovative plot all blend together to provide the reader with a great new look into the love life of witches, vampires, and the undead.”
—Armchair Interviews
Titles by Tate Hallaway
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.
Copyright © 2010 by Lyda Morehouse.
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Berkley trade paperback edition / May 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hallaway, Tate.
Honeymoon of the dead / Tate Hallaway.—Berkley trade pbk. ed.
p. cm.
eISBN: 9781101431931
1. Vampires—Fiction. 2. Honeymoons—Fiction. 3. Minneapolis (Minn.)—Fiction. 4. Occult fiction. 5. Chick lit. I. Title.
PS3608.A54825H66 2010
For my beloveds: Shawn and Mason
First of all, I must take a bittersweet moment and say good-bye to all the characters found herein as this is the last of the Garnet Lacey series. “Gucci, Gucci, Garnet, you were a good series.”
Despite that old adage about a writer’s life being a solitary one, I find I’ve always been helped along in the process by a number of indispensable people. First, as always, the lovely and talented Anne Sowards, my editor, and the wise and indefatigable Martha Millard, the best agent anyone could ask for (seriously!).
Fellow writers who took the rough edges off this manuscript and smoothed them into the polished perfection you see before you now are Naomi Kritzer, who always sees the themes I intended and helps me exploit them, and Sean M. Murphy, who makes for an excellent plot monkey. The fine-grain sander on this work was brought to you by my incredibly supportive and infinitely patient partner, Shawn Rounds. Computer game breaks, silly fests, and very best parts of the story are thanks to my ever brilliant son, Mason.
Also a last-minute rescue was performed by Patrick Wood, computer god extraordinaire. I couldn’t ask for better friends. Thank you. Your generosity astounds and touches me deeply.
The Minneapolis/Saint Paul in this book mostly exists, though it reflects the Cities as I see them in my own head. And, though last time I checked, there are no trolls on the city buses, my friend Nick Dykstra drives one and he’s been a lot of things including an orc.
Lastly, thanks to you, faithful reader. I hope that after an appropriate period of mourning, you will continue to follow the strange meanderings of my imagination wherever it goes next.
Blessed be to you all and merry meet again.
The Lovers