Honor Thy Teacher (25 page)

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Authors: Teresa Mummert

BOOK: Honor Thy Teacher
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“Get me out of here.” Her tears began to fall. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest.


“I’m so sorry” I rocked her, trying to calm her down. A light knock came at the door.


“Please don’t leave like this, William. We haven’t seen you in years.”
My mother looked defeated.


“She’s not Abby.” I squeezed Emma in my arms.


“I know.” My
mother smiled, but her eyes full of sadness.
She turned her attention to Emma.
“My William is a special boy. Please take good care of him.”
he turned to leave, pulling t
he door shut behind her. I ran my thumbs over her
cheeks to wipe the tears away.


“Let’s get out of here.”
I kissed her on the forehead.


We rode across town in silence. Emma was still upset but she was looking less and less angry as we put distance between ourselves and my parent’s. I hated my father but it felt good to stand
up to him. I wasn’t a young nai
ve kid. I was my father’s son. Flaws and all. I just hoped Emma never looked at me the way my mother looked at my father.


When we made it to our room Emma curled up in a ball on the bed. Today had been emotionally exhausting. I slid behind her and kissed her on her shoulder.


“Are you alright?” I asked when she didn’t say anything. She nodded. I turned her over to face me, searching her eyes. “What’s wrong?”


“My stomach.” She sighed and rubbed her hand over her belly. I looked at her for a moment.


“I’ll run to the store and get you something for it.” I kissed her quickly and left. When I got into the hall I leaned against the wall trying to calm my racing thoughts. Could she be pregnant? My mind raced as I thought of all of the times we had been together. We hadn’t used condoms every time. I cursed myself. This was not something I had to worry about with any of the others. I always made sure they where on birth control. I struggled to keep my composure as I went to the gas station down the road to get a pregnancy test.


By the time I made it back to our room, Emma was fast asleep.


“Emma” I whispered, waking her from her sleep.


“What?” She rolled over and rubbed her eyes.


“Get up”


“I’m not in the mood.” She waved her hand at me and buried her face in the blanket.
What the fuck?


“Get up now” I was nearly growling. I pulled her into the bathroom and turned on the light. She recoiled from the sudden brightness. I slapped the test down on the bathroom counter.


“What is it?” She asked, her voice sounding scared. I didn’t care. I ran my hands through my hair and struggled to keep my composure.


“It’s a pregnancy test.”


“But I’m not…I mean…I can’t be”
She was stuttering and on the verge of tears. I
was sick with guilt. It was only a matter of time before Emma found out the kind of person I really was. Bringing a baby into that situation was fucked up, even for me.


“Now” I yelled. She jumped and grabbed the test. She did as she was told. After she returned the tes
t to the counter she pushed past
me. A few seconds later I herad the door to the room open and slam shut. She was gone. I didn’t chase after her, just stared into space and waited for the five minutes to pass so I could read the reults.


Time practically stood still. I went into the main part of the room and began emptying the minibar of all of its contents. I had lost count of how many drinks I had as I stumbled back into the bathroom. It was hard to decipher it there was one line or two with the double vision I was seeing. I closed my eyes and steadied myself. When I reopened them it was finally clear. One line. She wasn’t pregnant. Relief swept over me but was quickly replaced with guilt. I had pushed her away. I was so worried about everyone else
that I ended up being the one to destroy everything. I sunk down on the floor and wallowed in my self pity until I passed out.


I awoke stiff and heartbroken. I jumped to my feet and checked the time. Only a few hours had passed. I logged onto my phone and did a search for Emma. Her GPS placed her at the airport. My stomach twisted in knots. I called to book a flight but they didn’t have anything else available so I made plans to use my father’s private jet. I called my mother and made sure it was alright.


“Fix things with her, William.” My mother encouraged me.


“If she will have me. Thanks, Mom” I said and hung up, making my way to the plane.


I didn’t try to call Emma. I needed to see her face to face. I needed see her, even if it was the last time.


Chapter Thirty-Three


I wouldn’t make it into town for a few hours after Emma. I checked my watch constantly, trying to keep myself from calling her.
The flight seemed to last forever.


When we finally arrived at the airport I checked Emma’s location. It put her at a location I didn’t recognize. I drove as fast as I could across town.


When I was only a few minutes away I tried calling her.


“She doesn’t want to talk to you. You missed your chance.”
A man’s voice said. The line went dead. I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. She was with another man. I called back, trying to think of anything but my Emma in someone else’s arms. There was no answer. I was dying. I hit redial. It rang twice before she answered.




She slurred angrily.


“What’s wrong with you?” He
growled. I couldn’t think straight.


“What is wrong with me?”


“Are you drunk?”


“Hey, if you need a shirt or something I can grab you one of mine.”
A male voice called in the background.


“Who the fuck was that?”
I yelled, demanding an answer.


“My friend”
She spat back.


“I’m five minutes away. Come outside


“How did you…”
Her voice trailed off.


The male voice said, very close to the phone. Very close to my Emma.


“Thank you”
She replied to him.


“I think you should lay down.”
His voice was so c
risp and clear I knew he was pr
actically on top of her.


“I’m fine”
She sounded panicked. “I said I’m fine!
et off of me!” She
I threw the car and park and opened the door to the building she was in. It banged loudly off the wall. I grabbed the man who was laying on Emma and slammed him against the wall. His head snapped back and cracked against it.


“Mr. Honor?” Jeff slurred, confused. I drew back and punched him as hard as I could. Blood sprayed from his nose. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his face close to mine.


“If you
hurt her again I will kill you.”
I stared him in the eye to make sure he knew I meant it. I would have killed him right there if it wasn’t for Emma.
I turned and held out my hand to Emma. She slipped her fingers in mine. I grabbed her things and pulled her out to the street
. As s
oon as we reached the sidewalk she
lurched forward, vomi
ting all over the ground.


“Well, I guess you know that you’re not pregnant.”
I said quietly. She looked at me for a long minute.


“I knew all along.” She replied a
ngrily. I opened the car door.


“Let’s go” She slid in and waited for me to join her.


“Just take me to my car.” I looked over at her but she stared out of the window. I stepped on the gas and headed across town. I wasn’t going to let her leave without having a chance to explain myself.


Chapter Thirty-Four


I took her to my place. She was angry but I needed to take care of her. I got her a towel and set the water so she could take a nice warm shower. As she cleaned herself up I made her a san
ich to help soak up the alcohol.


She ate quietly barely even glancing my way. When she was finished I took her plate into the kitchen. She sat on the couch with her knees drawn to her chest.
I took a seat next to her.


“I want to go home.”


Give me a chance to explain.” I
trying to hide my panic
She glared at me. I swallowed hard, trying hard not to show her how pissed
that made me.


“What is there to say?”


“I know
you deserve better than me.” I looked at her and waited for a response. She
didn’t sa
y anything. “Can I hold you?” I
, desperate to feel her against me
She didn’t move. I slid closer, wrapping my arms around her. I know she wasn’t happy with me but she didn’t pull away.
I laid her back and sighed, trying to find the right words. I pushed back the hair from her face.


“Abby was pregnant.” Her body stiffened against me.


She twisted towards me, but did not pull away.


“We had just found out.”
I smirked at how odd it made me feel.


“You have a…”
I shook my head no before she could finish her thought.


“She took the money, remember? She didn’t have room in her life for me
and our…” My voice trailed off
Drugs and money were the downfall of my world.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just…couldn’t.”
A lone tear escaped my eye. She took her thumb and wiped it away.

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