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Hooked (9 page)

BOOK: Hooked
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I moan loud as soon as his lips touch mine, and he's kissing me, just like he kissed my mouth, sucking on my lips slowly, his tongue lapping at my slit. He snakes his fingers inside my legs to open me up wider and his tongue ventures inside, smooth and wide against my soaked folds.

He makes long strokes with his tongue, letting the tip flick gently over my clit, making me jump slightly and gasp. He smiles against me when I do it, laughing a little, and his breath is warm and tickles against my skin. He hums quietly against me, "Baby, this pussy tastes so good."

I moan softly and look down at his face to see him looking up at me, those crystal blue eyes almost hidden under his heavy lids, the rest of his face covered by my body. He sneaks a wink at me before he goes back in with his tongue, licking a little quicker this time, and he closes his lips against my wet heat, sucking slightly, making a soft smacking sound when he pulls away.

"Oh my God..."

I groan in appreciation, panting heavily. He turns his attention to my clit, flattening his tongue against it and then pressing hard with just the tip, making slow circles around it and I gasp his name, fisting the sheets in my hands as he closes his lips around the sensitive nub, sucking lightly.

I rock my hips against him when I feel one hand slip away from my hip and his fingers, God those fingers, are pushing inside of me again, his tongue still busy on my clit.

I reach up and grab the headboard with one hand, throwing my head back as his fingers fuck me faster and he licks at my clit with that warm, wet tongue, sensation swarming my body and pulling me under.

"Lex...oh fuck." I sit up completely, grabbing the headboard with my other hand and squeezing until my knuckles are white, my mouth agape and my breathing labored.

He works at a torturous pace, his fingers are fast and deep but his tongue is slow and teasing, bringing me to the edge and letting me fall back over and over, and it builds and builds.

Every muscle in my body tenses as he brings me to the edge one last time, one hand holding my hip strong. He curves his fingers deep inside of me and closes his lips around my clit. That's all it takes, and I surge over the edge as my orgasm wracks my body and I shut my eyes tight, calling out his name, and God's name, cursing and panting as I ride the wave over and over until I'm spent.

I fall down against the mattress onto my hands again and my arms can barely hold me long enough for him to inch back up under my body before I collapse against his chest.

He grins, pushing a few damp strands of hair back from my forehead. "Girl...if you tell anybody I did that..." he trails and I laugh softly.

I groan as he slides out from under me, leaving the bed quickly. "Where are you going?" I call after him, turning onto my back.

He reappears in the doorway before too long, approaching the bed again with swift strides, grinning as he flicks the small baggie in his fingers. "I let you sit on my face, now you get to blow me," he winks, flashing the bit of coke in front of my eyes as he stands beside the bed. I giggle as I start to push myself up into a sitting position, but he puts a hand on my chest, laying me back down. "Nope, this one's on you," he grins.

Heat flushes my body and I bite my lip to suppress a moan. He hasn't done this in forever. I don't know why it makes me so hot, but I'm tingling in anticipation as he pulls me over parallel to the edge of the bed and empties the contents of the tiny baggie onto my stomach right below my navel, just enough powder for two small lines.

Light glints off of the razor blade as he waves it teasingly before using it to gently cut the pile into two small lines, pushing it flatly across my skin, making goosebumps rise on my whole fucking body. I hold my breath, peering down to watch, stomach tightening just a bit.

"Don't cut me," I sigh and he grins up at me, wetting his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue and I'm stifling another fucking moan.

God, how does he know how to get me so hot?

He pulls the blade away for a moment and he leans his weight onto his free hand, bringing his face close to mine, licking those sexy fucking lips again.

"C'mon, know I wouldn't hurt you," he whispers, mouth hovering over mine at a teasing distance, lips almost touching mine as he speaks.

He pulls back right as I reach my lips up for his and I sink my head back into the pillow, groaning in frustration as he chuckles softly, the wetness between my thighs taunting me. He knows exactly what he's doing to me.

He tosses the blade onto the nightstand and picks up the short straw between his fingers, placing his other hand on my stomach just beneath my breasts to steady himself as he leans over me. He takes the lines quickly, goosebumps rising in the wake of the straw running teasingly over my skin. He exhales a satisfied sigh before grinning at me, biting at his bottom lip, a flash of mischief in his eyes.

Now the real fun starts.

Chapter Ten


I sigh nervously when I hear the knock at my door. She had called me earlier that morning and said she wanted to talk. I didn't miss a stitch of the disappointment in her voice when she heard Lex in the background, groaning and mumbling into my neck, me trying to push down a sigh of pleasure as he disappeared beneath the covers to distract me from the phone call. I finally had to roll out of bed in order to keep my mind completely coherent. I can't bullshit around with her, she knows the real me. The me that existed in some alternate universe before I got swept up into this clusterfuck of a life.

She's my sister after all; she should know me better than anyone.

Of course I fucking panicked and left Lex's house without so much as a kiss goodbye when she said she was coming to my apartment. I had to get home and clean, try to disguise the fact that my life has been almost completely in shambles for the last five years. I need her to think that I'm fine on my own, that leaving home for this wasn't the biggest mistake that I've ever made...

But maybe I'm trying to convince myself just as much as her.

I open the door after a second impatient knock. She's always been the one with the tight temper out of the two of us. In fact, we're pretty much complete opposites, and I see that this still hasn't changed a bit when I look into her face. God, it's been so long.

"Hi." She looks a little shocked. I'm not sure what she was expecting.

"Hey." My response is more like a hoarse whisper, all of the strength in my voice suddenly sucked into a vortex of harsh reality staring me in the face.

She brushes past me and into the living room, surveying the small space immediately, thoroughly, and I sigh. What a greeting.

"Up to snuff?" I deadpan, and she throws me a look over her shoulder before sinking down into the overstuffed chair next to my couch. I sit on the couch slowly, cautiously, not throwing my weight around like I usually would, crossing my legs properly and trying to sit up straighter than normal. I inhale deeply before blowing it out.

I stare into her face. We've never looked very much alike, but I can see just enough of my face in hers to make my stomach turn. She's my sister, I can never deny that.

Her dark brown hair falls around her round face in long curls, contrasting harshly against her pastel skin, whitish but glowing and radiant, pinker at the cheeks, healthy and alive beneath her dark blue eyes. My complete and utter opposite. People never mistook us for sisters, me with my dirty blonde hair, board straight and reaching just below my shoulders, wide bangs sweeping across my forehead above my bright green eyes, green like a crayola crayon, surrounded by tanned skin stretched tight over my harsh bone structure. But we have the same nose and eyes, and sometimes when she smiles just right, I see myself right there in her face.

"You look terrible." She's never been one to beat around the bush. My posture slumps a bit.

"'s kinda hard to look your best when you feel your worst," I mutter, my face expressionless. This is not going to be a great conversation.

"Seriously, Leala. You look like you haven't slept in days. And I've never seen you this thin before." She looks me over, shaking her head and I tense under her gaze. As the younger sister, I always sought her approval growing up, and I physically have to force down my feelings of failure as I sit before her.

"Oh's a blessing and a curse," I muse sarcastically trying desperately to drown the negative energy in the room, rolling my eyes a bit. She scoffs at me, twisting her face in disgust.

"You know, I'm glad your life is such a big joke to you now," she laughs in disbelief.

"What the hell Aimee, how can you expect me to take myself seriously...I mean really."

"How can you expect anyone
to, then?" She raises an eyebrows at me smartly, awaiting my response.

My tongue plays along the inside of my mouth as I contemplate, trying to think up something smartass to say to her, but I finally just give up with a sigh of defeat. "I guess I don't."

"That's were always so gifted," she sighs, her gaze floating off somewhere over my shoulder as she sits back in her chair a bit, crossing her arms.

I narrow my eyes at her, spitting out my words harshly. "No, I was a fucking people-pleaser! There's a big difference!"

She snaps her head back directly to mine when I say it, waiting a beat before responding coolly, "So are you happy now? Is that what this is about...making you happy? You know, you were never selfish, but I can't imagine you doing this for anyone else but yourself."

"Maybe this
about what?" My voice is taut, my eyes fixed on hers harshly.

"Well I hope you're fucking happy. I'm sorry lifestyles of the rich and famous, and having everything you wanted, and being everything to everyone wasn't enough for you! I guess if you're happy it doesn't matter how many people are heartbroken then, right? Because while you're running around on the streets all happy and shit, mom and dad are still miserable and mourning the loss of their daughter, even after five years."

"Well I guess you can just take the crown as the favorite now. I know it's what you always wanted," I say it curtly, maybe just to hurt her. I know she's hurting me...and I'm not even sure if she's trying to.

She retorts immediately, dryly, without a second thought. "No, I always wanted to be
of you, and now I'm just fucking disappointed."

Damn. I pause a moment to pull the proverbial dagger from my heart.

"Forgive me for not living up to your expectations..." I reply softly, lowering my eyes a bit.

She doesn't miss a beat. "More like completely losing every shred of dignity and self-respect you ever had."

Fuck. This isn't going to be a drawn-out battle...she's punching for the KO.

"What the fuck do you know about it?" A defensive tone rises in my voice.

"Well I know you run around on the streets, hole up in a house bought
with drug money...and you're with Lex now. I'm sure that's a relationship that's really just
, isn't it?" she gushes, her words dripping in sarcasm, and I snap.

"You don't know shit about him!" I lean forward, almost rushing at her. It's one thing to sit here and belittle me, but she doesn't have to bring Lex into this.

"I know he's a loserheaded nowhere fast. His family is ashamed of him. And he fucked your life three ways from Sunday, Leala. That's all I really need to know to form a pretty accurate opinion of him, I'm sure."

I'm silent for a moment, taking in what she said, trying to bottle my rage. Even though I know Lex isn't perfect, I'm still so goddamn defensive when it comes to him.

"This isn't his fault,
chose this," I grind the words out, clenching my fists.

"Well, he sure isn't helping you get out of it anytime soon, is he? You're digging your own grave, and he's letting you borrow his shovel." She can see my emotions crawling all over me as she spits her insults in my face, almost smiling sinisterly.

"You don't
him!" I finally explode, gripping the edge of the sofa to keep from lunging across the room.

"I don't have to, and I sure as hell don't want to. Why would I want to have anything to do with a man who's ruining my sister's life? Hell, he's not even a
...a real man would never do this to you," she scoffs, disgust blanketing her face.

"How many times do I have to say it Aimee?! You don't know anything about Lex or my relationship with him!"

"Relationship!? You call it a
" She pushes out a laugh in disbelief, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder before her face hardens again. "How many times have you shared needles with him, Leala? How many times have you had unprotected sex with him? How many times has he gotten you stuck in the middle of a big fucking mess that had
to do with you? He's bad news! If he cared about you, he would leave you alone."

I pause, letting her words sink in. It would be a much less bitter pill to swallow if I couldn't hear the truth in them. "I could never leave just don't get it," I finally answer painfully.

"No, I don't. And I'm not sure you really do, either," she tosses her words away, pushing herself up quickly from the chair and pacing toward the door.

"So that's it? You came to give me a lecture and hit the road?" I rise from my own seat, following her.

She turns to me in the doorway, hand on the knob. "I came thinking I could talk some sense into you...but you're too far gone. This didn't do either of us a bit of good."

"I'm not gone! You don't even know me anymore." I furrow my brow.

"No I don't, I think that's the saddest part of all," she replies flatly, jerking the door open and stepping outside.

"I want to get clean...I do."

She stops when she hears the words, strangled in my throat. She turns to face me, arms crosses defiantly, lips pursed.

I sigh, leaning against the door jamb. "Aimee...I really do."

"I don't see how you can expect me to believe that." She shakes her head, eyebrows raising in skepticism.

"Because you're my
...and you're supposed to love your family no matter what," I groan, pleading. I need her to tell me something,
to make up my mind for me. I have to get clean.
Give me a reason
, my eyes ask her.

"And that same obligation doesn't fall onto
pretty little shoulders?" she sneers. "You know mom and dad would pay for rehab if you'd just go. They'd put you in there tonight." She nods for emphasis, and my stomach burns and knots at the mention of my parents. I don't need them bailing me out of this mess.

"I know...I just...I have to think about it." I pause, but I really don't have to think. I don't want to think. My posture straightens, and I look at her with a sudden confidence. "I can do it on my own, you know."

"No, cause if you were gonna do that, you would've done it. You're not stupid, Leala. Something...or
someone holding you back," she says it so matter-of-factly. How can she possibly still know me so well after all of these years we've spent apart?

But I know instantly who she's referring to...

And I also know she's right.




I push the front door open without even knocking. I'm angry and confused and just upset at everything that took place during the talk with my sister.

Lex jumps as the door slams behind me and I pace into the living room hoping to find him alone so we can talk, but of course the guys are here. Of-fucking-course.

"Goddamn," he mutters knitting his brow in surprise at my apparently hostile mood.

"I need to talk to you," I demand, not trying to veil my emotions. I just want to get a few things off of my chest.

"Well...I'm kinda busy," he answers back matter-of-factly, a bit of challenge in his voice. I cross my arms and purse my lips when the other guys snicker. I don't know why he feels like such a badass when he pretends to have me under his thumb in front of his buddies.

"Don't give me your fucking lip. I need to talk to you, and I don't mean later."

The volume in the room reduces, all eyes on me as I stand before him in defiance, feet firmly planted, my features exuding aggression. I'm not about to let him put me in my place.

"I'll give you my fucking lip, and you'll take it. Now I fucking told you I'm-"

"You'll give me your lip huh? How about your tongue...just like the other night when I was sitting on your fucking face?" I almost sing out the words.

There, that's the way to show him who runs the damn show...

His eyes go wide but as he opens his mouth to retaliate roaring laughter takes over the room, and he swallows his words as his cheeks flush and he twists his face in defeat and humiliation.

"Yo, Lex...your girl just called you out, man!" Remy shrieks through his laughter, doubling over.

Laughter surges louder and I grin at Lex despite the fact that his head is down, nodding slowly. God, I know he has to be so fucking pissed.

"Holy fucking shit! That was the funniest shit I've ever heard!" Tyson can barely breathe out the words in the midst of the hilarity. He pauses, reaching out to put a hand on Lex's shoulder before he continues. " suck that clit, Lex?"

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouts, his voice high and manic as he pushes Tyson's hand away, standing up from the couch quickly. "It's better than sucking dick like you fucking homos!" He reaches out for my arm, growling against my cheek, "Get in the fucking kitchen."

He drags me quickly from the room but the boys' hysterical laughter hasn't ceased a bit. "Lex, I bet you licked that snatch real fucking good!" Remy calls out behind him as Tyson moans loud in a high-pitched girly tone, "
Oh Lex!
Oh, lick it baby...shit yeah, just like that!"

"Fuck you!" he calls into the living room before pushing me back against the counter and releasing my arm. "Why the fuck did you go and say some shit like that?" he asks quietly.

I sigh, rolling my eyes at him. "Get over it. I need to talk to you."

He clenches his fists at his sides, narrowing his eyes at he grinds out his response. "I fucking told you about goin around flying off at the mouth–"

"God-fucking-dammit Lex, you ate me out, who gives a fuck!" I cut him off with a sigh. "You are such a fucking baby!"

He leans back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you wanna talk about?"

My gaze drops to the floor. "I saw Aimee today."

"Why?!" he grunts, completely stunned. He knows I see my family just as much as he does...which is never.

"I don't even fucking know. You know that was her on the phone this morning...she just, shit I don't know. Came by to check on me I guess," I sigh, shaking my head with a shrug.

"Five years later? That's fucking bullshit. I don't know why you even talk to them," he argues.

BOOK: Hooked
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