Hooked Up the Game Plan (7 page)

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Authors: Jami Davenport,Sandra Sookoo,Marie Tuhart

BOOK: Hooked Up the Game Plan
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“I remember you didn’t like to give blow jobs.” Reid groaned when she wrapped her fingers around his dick and pumped him. “I practically had to force you.”

“It’s not my favorite thing, but I want to return the favor.” She did it as much for his pleasure as for her own. He was thick and warm in her palm. “Do you want a condom?”

“No.” Emotion ravaged his voice. “I wasn’t lying when I said there hasn’t been anyone else. The only person that’s got me off since we broke up has been me with my own hand.”

“Stop talking, Reid. That’s not the mental picture I need right now.” Although the thought of watching him jack off sent a strong throb through her.

Nisha pumped him again. Soft, wrinkled skin slid beneath her fingers. His girth twitched, but Reid said nothing. She licked her lips and then took his wide head into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over the mushroomed tip. An earthy, salty tang lingered over her taste buds as she explored before taking him deeper. Thick and hot, his cock slid farther in as she sucked him. The tip hit the back of her throat before she was ready. Fighting off the urge to gag, she pulled slightly back in favor of massaging the underside of his dick with her tongue. Reid put a hand to the back of her head and guided her down his shaft but didn’t force her to stay there. Flutters danced through her belly.

He made a noise that meant pleasure. Flutters filled her core to know she did it correctly. She moved up and down his length while she curled one hand in his khakis to hold her steady. Dirt and pebbles pressed into her knees. Each time she backed off his dick, she squeezed his balls with
her other hand. She slid free
with a faint
then nibbled her way
to his sac. His cock jerked and thickened. He
cursed softly under his breath.

Nisha grinned.
Enjoy it, baby.

When she made a move to take him in again, Reid stopped her with his hands on her shoulders.
“That’s enough.” Strain roughened his voice
but the shed was too dark to read his expression.

“I’m not finished.” She accepted his help in standing. Her mind reeled. The old Reid wouldn’t have let her up until he’d come either down her throat or all over her chest without even a thank you.

“We both get the gist.” The unmistakable
of his fly scratched in the silence.

“But…” She searched for words that would do justice to how off-kilter she felt. “I know you’re ready to explode. I would have swallowed—”

“Nisha, really.” He found her hand in the dark and squeezed. “I just didn’t want to, okay?” His tone brooked no argument and didn’t hold an ounce of annoyance.

Her heart lurched. The fact he hadn’t forced her to complete the act sent heat skittering through her insides. “Okay.” She brushed the worst of the dirt and grit from her legs. “But I want you to know I would have enjoyed sucking you off.”

Reid groaned.

A sharp rap on the door preceded it being thrown open. Hunter stood in the frame with a bottle of beer in his hand. “Time’s up.”

Without a word Nisha shoved past their host and left Reid behind.
I’ve fallen into an alternate universe. I just know it. There’s no other explanation.
The changes in Reid were too weird, yet that didn’t lessen the fact her panties were drenched. The man was too damn sexy now. Plus the urge to make him come was now her personal mission.

Midway through the seventh
, Trina got an ace. This time Nisha didn’t mind removing her panties. The way her body continued to heat, she welcomed the slight relief. It was either them or her skirt. Keeping the skirt meant staying covered.
She didn’t want the other guys ogling her bikini line.

After the epic orgasm that she still felt and the shattering fact Reid hadn’t let her bring him to completion, al
l she wanted to do was sit
in a quiet place and talk to Reid about whatever life-altering epiphany he’d come to.
Hunter’s whistle prevented a semi-private conversation. He ordered Trina and her partner to the shed of shame
conduct the sexual activity of their choice.
The third couple completed their turns, followed by Reid. It took him four putts, but he completed the hole without incident. The same went for her.

Reid sidled up
while they waited for their turn at the eighth green. “You’re awfully quiet. Was it something I said—or did?” His sensuous lips curved with a grin.

“Yes. No.” She shook her head. “I don’t know.” She leaned on her putter.
What do I do now?
“Listen, we need to talk.”

“Yeah, we do, except this isn’t the time or place. I’d rather not reveal everything to you and risk you rejecting me in front of them.”

Since when had the great Reid ever shied away from public attention or worried if a girl would reject him? And would she do just that? Nisha held his gaze. Nothing but tenderness and banked desire lit his eyes. She made a split-second decision. Hunter and his partner still toiled on the fairway. With all its slopes and obstacles, it would be tough to conquer, but it would give them ten minutes tops to talk. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the sixth fairway. “Sorry. This will have to do. Spill it. What happened to completely make you into a new man?”

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts. “I took our breakup hard, Nisha. Despite knowing I’d been a giant dick to you, not being with you almost killed me. Somehow, someway, I’d fallen hard for you but couldn’t let myself show you. So I hid behind the jerky guy I was.” He kicked at a pebble on the fairway. “That night, I made a promise to myself to change. I needed to make it right even if it meant not being with you.”

Here it comes. The big secret.
She nodded.

“The next morning I quit my job. I signed up to volunteer with the Big Brothers organization.” He raised his gaze to hers. “I broke my lease and moved from my downtown condo to a house in the suburbs. I traded in my sports car for an eco-friendly four door. I changed everything about my old life and stepped into a new one because I didn’t want to risk clinging to something that had contributed to making me be the loser I was—the guy who lost the one person who’d
to him.”

“Oh, wow.” She had no idea his change was so extensive or that he
felt so strongly about her.

“Yeah. I didn’t want anything to remind me of that guy, so I changed, hoping maybe someday I’d have the chance to try and win you back.”

Her chest tightened.
He wants me back?
A shiver raced down her spine. “You want a relationship after that whole big yelling match we had, after everything I said to you that night?” Just remembering some of the scathing names she’d called him—some in Hindu even—sent fire into her cheeks.

Hunter rounded the bend and made a beeline for them. “Dudes, you’re up. Let’s go!”

“Damn it!” She glared at Hunter’s back as she followed him back to the eighth fairway. He’d interrupted at a crucial part of the conversation.

Reid took his putt. He missed the cup by a huge distance. She hit her ball with more force than she’d intended. It sailed down the fairway and narrowly missed the treasure box obstacle. Reid took another turn and foozled the stroke. His putter never hit the ball. Nisha conducted her next stroke. Her ball dropped straight into the cup. Reid met her gaze and gave her a mischievous smirk. Even though they’d both played the course numerous times, it took him four more strokes before finally sinking a putt.

Hunter’s whistle shattered the low buzz of chatter. “Reid didn’t finish in four. Dude, lose the shorts.” Exasperation clung to the order.

Reid handed her his ball and putter. She clutched them as if they were a life preserver while her brain did a cartwheel. Her mouth went dry while he fumbled with his fly, and then, seconds later he dropped his shorts, pulled his legs free and chucked the khakis into the nearby laundry basket. “I guess this thin cotton’s all that stands between me and you.” He pointed to his crotch
while a couple of the guys

She didn’t know if his comment was for her alone or the party combined. Yet, she couldn’t stop herself from peeking. His cock tented the green-and-white plaid boxers. Tremors racked her pussy. Images of him thrusting the impressive hard-on into her flashed through her mind. Nisha licked her bottom lip. After trusting him, after he’d gone down on her, after he didn’t force her to pleasure him, she was willing to start a new relationship with him. He really had changed, and for the better. The Reid standing before her now was someone she could picture giving a piece of her heart—and her future—to.

“You, ah, you look nice, Reid.”
Can I sound any lamer?

His grin had enough heat behind it to melt the fillings from her teeth. “Thanks, but,” he leaned close to her and whispered, “It’s all for you.”

Oh. My. God.
f things didn’t hurry, she’d
succumb to an orgasm in front of everyone.

The outdoor lights came on as they trooped to the final hole. All the pirate skeletons on the course glowed eerily in the florescent illumination. Here and there the red eyes of fake crows twinkled. As they waited, Reid asked, “Does working the vintage clothes store give you any vacation time?”

“There are a few weeks a year that are better for me to leave than others, but yeah.” It took at Nisha’s willpower to look into his face and not at his shorts.

“Good. Have you taken them? I remember you being a workaholic.” He advanced to the green while Trina and Craig began their turn.

“I guess I haven’t changed. I still have the vacation time.” What was he trying to get at? “Why?”

“Mmm, we’ll see. I have an idea.” He winked but didn’t revisit the conversation
and she didn’t push it.

By the time Reid set his ball on the green, worry had returned to churn her stomach. Was he too good to be true, putting on an act to win her? If she gave in and trusted him again, would he revert to his old self?
Stop it, Nisha. Hasn’t he already shown he’s a different man?
Reid’s first putt sent the ball up the inclined fairway, but there wasn’t enough thrust. It came rolling back to the start.

Nisha snickered. “Amateur.” She took her turn. She used a fair amount of force to send
he ball up the incline. It landed three inches from the cup. If all went well
she could end the night with her clothes mostly on. While she climbed the fairway, Reid took his next shot. This time his ball sai
led up the course with no issue
and then lipped the cup, but it didn’t stop until it smacked into her ball. She stared at him. He should have been able to make the hole without a beginner’s error. “Did you do that on purpose?”

He didn’t answer, merely grinned, his eyes sparkling.

Hunter’s whistle again interrupted them. “Reid hit Nisha’s ball. Kiss with tongue guys, and give us a peeper.”

“Oh, like you’re doing now?” She glanced at the front of Hunter’s boxer shorts. The fat, dark head of his cock had escaped the slit. “Might want to adjust things, big guy. Your wood is showing.”

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two are trying to throw the game.” Hunter narrowed his eyes but put his dick away.

Seeing his equipment didn’t excite her like seeing Reid’s did. While the company made fun of their leader, Nisha sank her ball with her next stroke. So did Reid. She tossed her putter onto the fairway, her gaze holding his. Screw everyone else. She wanted the kiss. Hell, she wanted way more than that. “Well?” She closed the distance between them. “Am I leading this time or are you?”

“Let’s find out.” Reid let his putter drop. He slipped his arms around her waist but didn’t pull her close.

She stifled a moan. “Reid, I—” His lips meeting hers cut off
he comment. It wasn’t an overtly possessive kiss. He nibbled at the corners of her mouth, and then gently, he
edged his tongue inside
to flirt with hers. One tiny stroke followed another. Nisha thought she’d fall apart from the sexy tenderness of it.

When their peers started booing, Reid pulled away.
“Sorry guys. Private moment.” He put his lips to the curve of her ear and whispered, “I’ve never stopped thinking about you, Nisha. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

Heat flooded her body. Moisture tickled the curls between her thighs. Her nipples thrust insistently against the lime-green satin bra. Thank God they weren’t playing all eighteen holes; otherwise, she’d go out of her mind with need. She leaned into him. “I want you too. I always have.”

Hunter’s whistle blast scattered her thoughts. “By the way, we all got distracted by my boxer short issue, but Reid’s last infraction was a two-hole violation. It’s back to the shed guys.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I’ll let you kids choose your own punishment. Meanwhile, I’ll get the scores totaled. Everyone else, feel free to retrieve your clothes and grab a drink.”

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