Horde of the Demon Priest (Demona Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Horde of the Demon Priest (Demona Book 3)
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Demona’s mouth hung open. “Why would you sacrifice that?”


Kearne seemed to slump forward more. “Do you think I wanted to live my life alone? Never being able to touch a woman without sending her to her doom. I gave up a huge part of who I was to find happiness. And love,” Kearne explained.


“You did this for Ileana?” Demona asked.


“Well no. I mean, I wanted to find someone to spend my life with. I didn’t have my eye on Ileana or anything. I don’t know what this is yet.” Kearne turned to look at Ileana. He smirked. “Though, I have to admit, when we met in Dissium, her fieriness made me attracted to her. No pun intended.”


Ileana smiled at that.


Demona held her arms out with exasperation. “You two were practically at each other’s throats.”


Ileana rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, I have to admit that Kearne’s stubbornness kind of turned me on.” She kicked a small stone near her feet. “Even more so now that he has no effect on me. Plus, that makes me the special one in this relationship now that he’s human… and helpless.” She gave Kearne a big grin.


Demona hesitated to give a response for a few moments as the new revelation sank in. “Well, as long as you can’t hurt her or anyone anymore…I don’t have a problem with this.”
I think.


Kearne and Ileana nodded in thanks.


“I guess I’ll leave you two alone,” Demona said.


Kearne and Ileana smiled at one another as Demona made her way back down the trail.


Demona was consumed by her thoughts as she followed the rocky path back to Roost Haven.
This day has been weird.
She was not opposed to the new relationship, or whatever it was, that was budding between her two neutral friends. She was confused by it. They had been almost hostile towards each other in Dissium and now they were sneaking off to make-out.
The world has gone crazy


Before she knew it, Demona was walking up the rickety steps into the headquarters. Felix was standing with one of the defenders looking over a map of the town. He looked up as she walked across the creaky planked flooring in his direction. He excused himself from the conversation and approached her.


“Ezekiel and Molony are downstairs with Kerrick and our captive. Do you want to see if they’ve made any progress?”


Demona nodded. She was afraid that if she spoke at that moment the scene she witnessed between Kearne and Ileana would spill out of her mouth. Demona wasn’t sure that this was the time or place for anyone to learn about Kearne’s sacrifice, or what was taking place between the two neutral allies. She followed Felix through the back doorway of the sanctuary, where they descended a set of metal stairs into the darkened basement. The air was thick and damp from the continuous moisture that seemed to seep through the fractured concrete walls.


They walked past the food storage to the far end of the area where a make-shift cell had been created. The cell was made of steel fencing that had been gathered from a junk yard and welded together. The fencing formed a four sided cage with a top, which sat alone in the basement. It was approximately six feet by six feet wide and nine feet high. Inside stood their captive; a newly possessed man. The man had clearly died during the possession and the demon had continued the process to inhabit the body. Demona caught a faint whiff of decay as the possessed seemed to stagger aimlessly into the cell wall.


Kaleb was with the other three men in deep discussion. He always seemed to take his position among the GLC seriously and even more so now that he had become master at arms. He stood holding onto his forearms across his chest. When things had not been quite as intense, Kaleb had had a very relaxed surfer vibe about him.


“What if we tried to hold the object near him and see if there’s a reaction?” Ezekiel suggested. He pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his reddish nose and waited for someone to respond.


“It’s worth a try,” Molony said. “Kaleb?”


Kaleb nodded and went to the cell, carefully unlocked, and opened the door. The possessed lunged forward in an attempt to escape. Kaleb shoved back, but it made a second attempt to escape. The possessed attempted to bite Kaleb and suck the energy from him in an effort to become more powerful.


Demona held out her hand and pushed a wind gust in the direction of their captive, forcing him against the back of his cell. The possessed gave up its attempts to drain Kaleb’s energy and focused instead on fighting the wind that pinned him in place. He struggled against the gust, but was unable to move from the spot. It was almost comical to watch the “zombie” struggle helplessly.


“Thanks,” Kaleb said.


Kaleb stepped into the cell, prepared to force the possessed back if need be. Demona, however, continued to hold the possessed in place with her magic. Ezekiel entered into the cell carrying the artifact and held it near the possessed. He moved it over the possessed’s heart first and then waved the artifact over each part of his body. They all waited for a reaction. Nothing happened.


“Try praying with it,” Molony suggested. He shrugged as he spoke the words with uncertainty.


Ezekiel bowed his head in prayer. Demona could not make out the words, but he murmured a prayer and continued with his efforts of moving the triangular artifact around the possessed. Still, nothing happened. After what seemed like an hour, Ezekiel stepped back out of the cell, followed by Kaleb. Demona released the possessed from the gust of wind after Kaleb latched the cell door and locked it.


“Well, I guess that’s enough for today,” Ezekiel said.


“I’ll bring some items with me tomorrow to help control this thing while you work. We don’t need anyone getting injured, or killed, while trying to figure this out,” Kerrick said.


Demona was surprised at Kerrick’s words. He seemed genuinely concerned that someone could be hurt by the possessed. She was not certain what to make of his sudden compassion for others.
Is this all just some ploy to regain my trust?






Chapter 6:

The Wedding


Hannah and Kaleb stood hand in hand at the front of the sanctuary. They looked deeply into one another’s eyes as if peering into one another’s souls. Demona studied the two from her position off to the side of Hannah. Hannah’s long blonde hair fell around her face with a Baby’s Breath wreath situated on top. The white bohemian style dress paired with her soft skin gave her the appearance of complete purity. Her eyes sparkled as she stared into Kaleb’s and repeated the words that Ezekiel spoke.


“I know that
has ordained this marriage. I desire to be your wife and forever be in love and companionship with you,” Hannah spoke.


Kaleb stared back into Hannah’s eyes as he listened to her echo Ezekiel and speak her vows to him. His long wavy surfer hair partially obscured his eyes, but Demona could tell he was enraptured with Hannah in that moment. His untucked white cotton dress shirt hung loosely over his khaki colored hemp pants. If anyone did not know better they would have thought the wedding was taking place at a chapel by a beach on a warm summer’s day based on their attire, especially if they looked at Kaleb’s naturally tanned skin tone. However, if you looked outside the windows of the old church the first snow flurries of the year fell gently from the deep purple evening sky.


Demona looked past the two love birds at Felix who stared back at her from Kaleb’s side. He was handsome in his mismatched suit consisting of black pants and grey vest. Looking at him dressed up sent images of a wedding where they were the bride and groom flowing through her mind. Demona looked down at the long slim fitted gown she wore. She was happy that Hannah had chosen a hot pink dress for her to wear, as opposed to something that matched the tacky, pale pink tulle bows that decorated the ends of the wooden pews.


Demona looked back up in Felix’s direction and caught his eye. They stared across at one another deeply; it made Demona’s heart feel as if it were swelling. She wondered if visions of their own potential wedding were filling his thoughts as well. Felix continued to gaze longingly into her eyes. The slight distance between them made her feel as if they were a million miles apart. At the same time everything felt so right between them.


He flashed her one of his heart melting smiles and she wanted to grab him and kiss him right then and there. The thought made her blush, especially after the thoughts of their wedding drifted to thoughts of their honeymoon. Felix noticed her momentary lapse in focus and grinned once more as if he knew what she had been thinking, which only made Demona blush brighter. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and she brushed them with her fingertips as if she could hide their rosy color. Demona promptly looked down at the dark pink Gerber Daises that decorated her simple bouquet and she fumbled with the leaves as she tried to regain her composure.


She could not imagine loving another person like she loved Felix, or feeling more comfortable in her own skin with anyone else as she was when they were together. Despite the bumpy road their relationship had been when it first started, Demona was certain, more now than ever, that things would never be complicated between them again. He was the most supportive and understanding person she had ever known. In that moment she realized that Felix was the one; her soul mate.


“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” Ezekiel said.


Demona’s attention was now solely focused on the beaming bride and groom as Ezekiel prepared to introduce the married couple.


Kaleb stepped forward and grabbed Hannah in a firm embrace. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and their lips met. The kiss lasted quite a while, which caused several of the attendants to blush while they watched.


“Ow ow ow!” one of the guests yelled.


“Get a room,” someone else suggested.


The audience giggled. Hannah and Kaleb broke apart, faces flushed, and big grins on their faces. They turned towards the crowd glowing with pride.


Ezekiel stretched his arms out to the attendants. “I present to you as husband and wife, Mister and Misses Gallagher.”


The tiny sanctuary packed with guests erupted into a roaring cheer. Hannah and Kaleb exited the sanctuary, followed by Demona who was locked arm in arm with Felix. The guests funneled out of the church doors behind the two couples. The after ceremony festivities were held outdoors in the grove. Metal barrels with fires burning brightly inside illuminated the surroundings and provided warmth on the chilly late autumn evening. You would not think that metal burning barrels could set a mood, but they did. It was rustic and simple, yet it perfectly fit Kaleb and Hannah’s styles.


Small bouquets of Baby’s Breath hung upside down from the trees. Strands of white lights had been wound through the trees providing just the right amount of light, along with the barrels, to cast the romantic mood on their surroundings. The picnic tables had been arranged into a circle with a large bonfire in the center. Its flames threatened to lick the branches above.


Several of the refugees began to set up their string instruments to provide music for the reception. A soft melody began to fill the air as the harpist began to delicately strum a tune and the guitarist joined in. The violinists began to play last and provided just the right amount of edge to pick up the rhythm.


Kaleb walked into the center of the grove and extended his hand out to his new bride. Hannah took his hand in hers and he pulled her to him. They wrapped their arms around each other and swayed to the music gazing into one another’s eyes. Onlookers gathered around to watch the newlyweds perform their first dance.


Felix found Demona as she stood hugging herself to fight off of the evening chill. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in an effort to provide some extra warmth. Felix leaned his face against the side of her head and watched the happily married couple.


The song ended and the band took up a jig. The other attendants found partners and made their way to the inside of the picnic table circle, where they swirled and twirled around the bonfire. Skirts fluttered as the men swung their partners around in unison.


Demona felt Felix’s warm breath on her ear. “Come with me,” he whispered.


Felix’s soft, deep voice sent an excited chill through Demona’s body and she turned towards him with curiosity in her eyes. Felix grabbed hold of her hand and led her out into the dark field.


“Where are we going?” Demona asked.


“You’ll see.”


The only lights that shone in the darkening sky were from the sparkling stars that peeked from behind the scattered clouds. A bitter breeze swept through the air and Demona swore she could smell ice.
Heavy snow is coming.
Demona felt Felix halt in the darkness and came to a standstill beside him.


Felix released her hand and let it fall to her side. “Close your eyes and stay right there.”


“Okay?” Demona did as Felix asked.


After a few moments Demona felt Felix’s fingers wrap around her hand once again. He tugged her forward. “Keep your eyes closed and sit down.”


“What are we doing?” Demona did not argue, though her mind raced with a million thoughts as to what Felix was doing. The anticipation caused the tickle of butterflies in her stomach.


Felix aided Demona in sitting on the ground. She felt a soft fabric graze her fingers below her as she used a hand to settle on the ground and adjust herself. She listened as Felix sat beside her. She felt the warmth of his body against hers and a tingling heat spread over her body with his proximity. She was tempted to peek to see what was going on, but decided to wait a few moments longer.


“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”


Demona opened her eyes to find small flames flickering around her. Felix had lit a few candles which provided provide just enough light to see just their immediate surroundings. The two sat on a blanket on the cool ground in the training field. The music from the reception drifted in their direction, but it was quiet enough for Demona to hear her heart thumping quickly within her chest.


Felix lay down on the blanket and waited for Demona to do the same. She lay down with Felix and rested her head on his arm. He wrapped the other arm around her when she was settled into place. The two stared up into the sky at the starlight above. Demona was at peace as she listened to Felix breathe deeply and she attempted to figure out what colors the stars were: white, blue, or red.


The snowflakes fell gently around them as they looked upward into the heavens. Some of the cold flakes landed on Demona’s face, each felt like a cold gentle kiss before it melted away. The sky was beautiful with the grayish hue of snow falling from the sparse clouds above. Demona snuggled closer to Felix, as if trying to steal his warmth, and he embraced her more tightly.


They lay there in silence for a while. Neither spoke. There was no need to; the moment was perfect as it was. Words could not do justice to the feelings they held for one another. Just to be alone together was wonderful enough. Felix stroked Demona’s head as she lay next to him and he gently ran his fingers through her thick wavy hair. The sensation gave Demona goose bumps. She drifted into a peaceful state of mind, focusing on the sensation of his fingers in her hair and the sound of his breathing. It was not often that they could be together uninterrupted.


The world around them had become so chaotic that it was a miracle that Demona had even a moment to speak to Felix some days. Her position as liaison and her key role in the events that were unfolding left her with little time to even catch a breath. Sometimes she felt as if she would suffocate as her responsibilities seemed to weigh her down. She was not willing to give up this moment with Felix and planned to take full advantage of it in all of its beauty. Demona tried to push thoughts of what the next day would bring out of her mind. She wanted to focus on the here and now and forget the horrors that were taking place on a daily basis.


Demona repositioned herself by turning onto her stomach and propping her head up on her elbows in order to gaze into Felix’s eyes. The candles made his eyes gleam in the darkness. He smiled up at her as she gazed down at him. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and placed his thumb and pointer finger on her chin. He gently directed Demona’s face down towards his own and closed his eyes moments before their lips met.


The chill in the air was instantaneously pushed away by the flame that burned within Demona when her mouth touched Felix’s. The soft feel of his lips against hers caused warmth to spread throughout her body; travelling from head to toe. She was overwhelmed by his touch and his taste.


Demona opened her eyes momentarily and noticed that the candle flames glowed larger and more brightly from her rampant emotions and
. They were similar to torches in the darkness and produced heat that enveloped the two of them. Demona quickly unzipped her thick coat as the heat from the torches and their passion made her body hot and cheeks flushed.


Felix shifted and laid Demona on the ground. He hovered over her and bent down to kiss her once again. The world was lost to them as they wrapped their arms around each other and his lips wandered to places they had never been before. Each kiss made Demona’s skin tingle.


Felix pulled away only a few inches from her face and looked into Demona’s eyes. “I love you.”


“I—” Demona began to speak, but before she could Felix’s lips hungrily pressed against hers. Demona forgot the words she had been about to speak; There was no need. Felix knew how Demona felt. Instead, she met his fevered kisses with her own passionate response.


Demona and Felix gripped onto each other as if it were the last time they would be in each other’s arms. Demona was consumed by the need to feel him, smell him, taste him, and touch him. She craved being near him. She wanted to stay there, where they were lost in the moment.


A dog barked in the distance pulling Demona from the comfort of Felix’s lips. She was drawn from the perfect sensation and back to reality.
Damn dog!
The dog barked again and she noticed that the music from the reception had ended. The night was growing more settled. She had no idea how long she had been lost in Felix.


BOOK: Horde of the Demon Priest (Demona Book 3)
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