HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery) (11 page)

BOOK: HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery)
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“She was just trying to be helpful.” Scott picked up his fork. “Does she start all the riders?”

“No, just the exercise riders and grooms. She’s a stickler for detail.” Garrett’s mouth curved in a wry smile. “Actually she’s a first-class bitch, but she gets results. Two of her grads won Groom of the Month at Del Mar. She also looks after most of the lectures.”

“So she’s busy,” Scott said. “Then is it okay if I work with a student or two from her riding class?”

“Of course. Take as many as you want.” Garrett chuckled. “The girls will thank you for it. Lydia can be rather tough on the distaff members.”

“Can’t you make sure she’s fair?”

Garrett shrugged. “She’s not that bad. And students need to deal with that kind of shit. They’ll run into bosses far worse than her. She toughens them up for the real world. But if you feel the need to rescue someone, knock yourself out.” He paused for a moment then added, “Just don’t make waves.”

Scott shot him a quick glance but Garrett was now concentrating on his eggs, and Scott didn’t care anyway. They’d always held different opinions—on everything from how to treat a woman, to football and politics—but had still remained good friends. At least, he’d be able to help Megan. He’d seen her ride yesterday. She deserved to be on the track, not stuck in ground training or trotting on the back forty.

However, he didn’t want to sour Lydia against Megan, especially if Lydia was already tough on the girls. He took a thoughtful bite, considering the most diplomatic approach.

Rap, rap

Rex scrambled to his feet and bolted from the kitchen, his claws rattling on the marble tiles.

Garrett frowned in the direction of the front door. “Students aren’t supposed to come here unless they have an appointment. Excuse me a second. I’ll get rid of them.” He wiped his mouth with a linen napkin, rose from the table and disappeared down the hall.

The door opened to a flurry of Spanish. Scott tried to concentrate on his spicy eggs. The cafeteria staff seemed efficient, always delivering plenty of hot food with minimal notice. Garrett had always known how to live well.

The conversation lowered, muffled but still excited. This visitor wasn’t leaving as quickly as Garrett had anticipated. And now the voices raised a notch, bleeding back and forth between English and Spanish.

Definitely a male. The voice was too aggressive for an employee so it probably wasn’t Ramon. A disgruntled student? Apparently two had been sent home last week. But Scott was too far away to distinguish the words and besides, he didn’t want to eavesdrop.

And then Rex exploded with such a threatening bark, it echoed in the foyer and couldn’t be ignored. Scott rose and strode down the hall.

Garrett glanced over his shoulder and raised his palm. His other hand gripped Rex’s thick collar. “It’s okay, Scott. Finish your breakfast. I’ll be right there.”

Scott glanced past him, checking out the man at the door. Dark hair, insolent eyes, loaded with tats and testosterone. Looked like a gangbanger. God, he hated them.

“Fine,” Scott said mildly. But he lingered. “Want me to take the dog into the kitchen?”

Garrett’s eyes met his. “Great. I’m sure he’ll go quietly.”

Scott was quite sure the dog wouldn’t. Rex shook with rage, hackles raised and growls rumbling in his throat. But ‘go quietly’ had been their code that everything was fine. He and Garrett had used it on parents, girlfriends and coaches, as well as the occasional cop.

“Come on, Rex,” Scott said, relieved when the dog ignored him. At least Garrett had backup.

He walked back into the kitchen. A minute later, the front door slammed, and Rex and Garrett reappeared.

Scott sipped his coffee but didn’t ask any questions, aware Garrett hated silence. Besides, the best way to learn anything was to remain silent and wait. Most people rushed to fill the gap.

“Just another student,” Garrett muttered. He absently dumped more salsa on his eggs, swearing as half the jar poured out, leaving his eggs drenched in a river of red.

Scott kept his mouth shut, watching him over the rim of his mug. Garrett poked his fork in the reddened eggs but didn’t take a bite. “Actually Miguel’s from the Baja Tinda,” Garrett added after a moment. “The owner’s son.”

That explained it. The kid looked far more aggressive than the average student. Megan certainly hadn’t stormed up to Garrett’s door to complain, even though Lydia had clearly been holding her back. She was a cool girl. Christ, that brief kiss had rocked him. He’d wanted to pursue it but she’d seemed distracted.

“They want more horses.”

He blinked, realizing he’d been staring at Garrett but thinking of Megan. He forced his attention back to his friend. “More Thoroughbreds?”

“Yeah, I sent four down last month but they want more. Getting a little impatient for another shipment.”

Scott nodded but thought the guy at the door looked more threatening than impatient.

“How’s your head?” Garrett asked abruptly.

“Not bad at all.” He’d felt a brief twinge when he talked to Snake last night but that was it. And oddly, he’d spent as much energy figuring out how to free Megan from Lydia’s clutches as he had worrying about the office.

“You realize the school has been approved?” Garrett asked. “They pushed it through when I advised of your involvement. So if you want to get back to your business, someone else can teach the course. No need for you to stay…much as I like having you around.”

Scott dragged a hand over his jaw, imagining Belinda’s consternation if he showed up at the office. “No problem. I agreed to the month. Besides, I don’t mind sticking around.”

His thoughts jumped to Megan’s extremely kissable mouth.

“I don’t mind at all,” he added.






“Good morning!”

Scott sucked in a bracing breath and turned toward the shrill greeting. Lydia rushed down the wooden cafeteria steps, her leather boots rapping. In addition to being an expert with horse grooming, she clearly spent a lot of time in front of the mirror. After Megan’s wholesome beauty, her heavy makeup seemed garish.

“You weren’t at supper last night,” she said, stepping closer and bringing a whiff of overpowering perfume. “I wanted to offer my assistance. The first days of teaching can be very lonely. With only one course, you probably have a lot of spare time.”

The perfect opening. He gave a solemn nod. “Garrett and I were just discussing that over breakfast. He told me about the great job you do with the grooms but said you still have some exercise riders taking up your time.”

“Yes. The riders are so inexperienced this session, and the groom class is at capacity. It’s taxing since a few of the students are exceedingly difficult. Perhaps we should compare notes?” Her fingers fluttered over her mouth. “Did Garrett tell you about the recognition our grads have been receiving?”

“He certainly did.” Scott tried to smile but the floral smell of her hair battled with the cloud of perfume, and the spot behind his left eye began to throb. He’d assumed stress triggered the headaches but maybe it was odors. Or possibly shrill voices. Lydia certainly had both. He crossed his arms and edged back a step. “That’s why I’ve offered to look after the exercise riders still left in the groom class.”

“Okay,” she said. “But there’s only one.”

“Fine. What’s her name?”

“Megan Spence.” Lydia’s forehead creased in thought. “But wouldn’t it be better if we worked together—”

“Great, that’s settled then,” he said. “I’ll look after Ms. Spence and her riding.” He gestured at the cafeteria. He was still full from breakfast with Garrett but for Megan’s sake, he wanted to make sure Lydia wouldn’t hold a grudge. “Do you have time for coffee? I heard you’re one of the school’s most experienced lecturers. Garrett said your grooms have won a number of awards.”

It was a half hour of numbing babble in the cafeteria before Lydia glanced at her watch. “Oh, my, I hate to leave but the students are almost ready for the field. I do appreciate your help, Scott.”

“Any time. Should I walk over to the barn with you and meet up with Megan?” he asked innocently.

Lydia’s smile faded. “Actually I told her to work on the Equicizer so she’ll be in the fitness center. But of course that extra ground training isn’t really necessary. Just let her know it’s okay to ride today and you can join me—us—in the field.”

“Fine,” Scott said, careful to keep a straight face. “And let’s put her on an experienced Thoroughbred. One who knows the job so Megan can concentrate on her riding.”

“She can ride Jake.” Lydia leaned forward, all helpful eagerness. “He’s one of our best horses, reserved for advanced students. But since Megan is our first joint project, this is a special occasion.”

“Definitely special,” he said. And Megan would be thrilled. She liked Jake, even caring enough to bring him armfuls of alfalfa. Jake would be a much better mount than the hyper gray she’d ridden yesterday.

He smiled at Lydia. She was the type who craved recognition and unfortunately wasn’t attractive enough to warrant much attention from Garrett. “Thanks,” he said gently. “And if Megan’s riding improves so that she can gallop on the track, it’ll be to your credit. It’s proactive to assign her such a good horse. No wonder Garrett thinks highly of you.”

Lydia flushed with pleasure and rose from the table. He waited until she left before he walked down the hall to the fitness center.

He pushed open the door and stepped into the cool room. An air conditioner hummed and somewhere a machine thumped. He walked past a line of gleaming equipment toward the back of the room where five mechanical horses squatted in a row. Megan rode the Equicizer at the end, a larger, more deluxe model than the others. It was painted a dappled bay, and ‘Zenyatta’ was written in pink on the bridle.

She stood in the stirrups, her forehead glistening as she pumped her arms into Zenyatta’s neck. He hadn’t realized the exercise horses weren’t motorized but clearly the cardiovascular benefits were impressive. At the speed she was going, it definitely simulated a galloping horse.

She spotted him. The Equicizer slowed. She shot a quick look at the far corner where a surveillance cam was bolted to the wall then sped up. “Good morning,” she called. “Are you ready to race?”

“Not a chance. Not if you’re riding Zenyatta.” Grinning, he circled the chestnut Equicizer labeled ‘I’ll Have Another’ and studied the overhead monitor. “You can stop working so hard too, Megan,” he said over his shoulder. “This isn’t a real cam.”

Her mouth dropped and the Equicizer slowed again. “You’re kidding? How can you tell?”

“I just know.” He paused, his gaze drifting over her in open appreciation. Jeans, T-shirt, hair tamed in a thick braid. Not a speck of makeup but still stunning. He’d always liked wholesome girls and hell, she even liked racing. Just a simple ranch girl who’d probably never swallowed an Aspirin. Different in every way from Amanda and the type of women he seemed to attract.

Zenyatta slowed to a standstill and the room turned quiet. Megan remained silent, perched on the horse, waiting for him to speak. Another great thing about her. She didn’t babble, seemed comfortable with silence. She was like a breath of fresh mountain air.

He walked over, tilted her chin and pressed her mouth with a quick kiss. “Want to go riding with me?” he asked.

“I’d love to but Lydia—”

“Lydia agreed that I should take over the riding portion of your training.”

“What?” She jerked back so fast the Equicizer moved.

“Is that okay?” He stopped smiling. Maybe he’d interfered too much. Maybe she liked riding under Lydia.

“Are you kidding!” She gave Zenyatta a reverent pat and leaped off the machine. “That’s absolutely okay. Fantastic. Nothing could be better.”

“And from now on your horse is Jake.”

“Well, that
better.” She laughed, a musical tinkling laugh that didn’t hurt his head. “But no one gets to ride Jake, not unless they’re really good.”

“You are good, and Jake was Lydia’s suggestion.”

“So she’s not mad?” Megan’s eyes widened, her chest still heaving from the exercise. “Wow. Thank you.”

He pulled his gaze off the curve of her breasts and grinned. “No doubt, I’ll be tougher than Lydia so save your gratitude…although I may feel compelled to remind you of it later.” He made no effort to hide his desire because riding, though pleasurable, was a distant second to what now crowded his mind. And judging by the way she’d responded to his kiss last night, the attraction was mutual.

At least, he hoped it was mutual.

But she glanced past him, as if worried about an audience.

“I’m not really an instructor here, Megan,” he said. “Not a permanent one. We don’t have to hide anything.”

“Do you usually do this?” She tilted her head, eying him warily.

“I’ve never taught a class before. Never will again. So no, I don’t usually do
.” He leaned down and brushed her soft cheek with his mouth, careful to keep his hands by his side, conscious of her reserve.

“And you’re sure that’s not a working cam?” she whispered.

“Absolutely.” A tendril of hair had escaped from her braid and he itched to touch it. He jammed his hands in his pockets.

“But you must have taught before?” she asked. “Lydia said you had a sixty percent failure rate.”

He shrugged. His background was summarized on the school website—all police and PI work. No mention of any teaching experience. “Clearly she was exaggerating,” he said.

Megan still looked troubled so he added, “She probably wanted students to take the class seriously. Especially since they had that dealer skulking around.”

“He wasn’t skulking.” She stepped back, and there was no mistaking the sudden chill in her voice.

“Did you know him?”

“I’ve only been here nine days,” she said, her voice clipped. “Do you want me to saddle Jake now?”

“Sure. I’ll get Braun and meet you by the barn. Don’t ride without me.”

“Of course not, sir.” She spoke with a slight edge, and he understood now why she had trouble with Lydia. Lydia required stroking and Megan wasn’t the type to hide her emotions. She definitely wouldn’t brown-nose either, another admirable trait.

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