HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery) (32 page)

BOOK: HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery)
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Miguel had lured Tami with talk of a fictional job then used her like toilet paper. She was young and impressionable. She didn’t deserve that. Damn Miguel. Megan’s hands tightened into fists, her stride quickening.

She was going to tell Scott everything. He had a strong code of honor. He wouldn’t tolerate such brutal behavior. She hoped the school would banish Miguel, but not before Scott tore a strip off him.

Maybe she’d ask Scott to drive with her to Santa Anita. There was a new instructor hired and apparently Miguel was leaving tonight, although she wanted to confront him first. He shouldn’t be allowed near students, or on the track, or anywhere near the school. He was a lying, swaggering creep.

She rounded the corner of Scott’s driveway and spotted three men standing by Scott’s car. Miguel, Scott and Garrett. Miguel was speaking, waving his hands as though holding court, and she itched to wipe the cocky look from his face.

“Ramon asked me to come up,” Miguel was saying. “Discover how many students Joey was supplying. As far as I can tell, it was only Eve.”

He glanced over Scott’s shoulder and saw Megan. A smug smile tilted his mouth. What the hell was he saying?

“Know anything about Megan?” Scott asked, his voice hard and flat.

Miguel looked past Garrett and Scott, still staring at Megan. “She’s my girlfriend’s roommate. Of course, I know what’s happening. She and Joey, they have a good drug business.”

Megan slammed to a stop, her breath incredulous. “Is this guy for real?” she snapped.

Scott wheeled, his face impassive. He didn’t step forward. Didn’t smile. Didn’t even look embarrassed. He was actually asking that jerk about her?

“I don’t believe this.” She stared at Scott in disbelief, her mouth so taut now she sputtered. “You’re listening to
? About me? About Eve?”

Garrett stepped forward, his voice troubled. “It’s over, Megan. Miguel told us about Eve’s…problems.”

“What?” Her fists tightened, her gaze shooting from Scott to Miguel. “What are you talking about?”

“Eve likes her drugs.” Miguel shrugged. “And she’s a
. Many people had sex with her, including me.”

“You liar.” Megan shot forward and slammed her hands into his chest. His arm flashed. She saw his coiled fist but was too incensed to even attempt to duck. However, Miguel jerked in the air like a rag doll and she was slammed into something so hard, her breath escaped with a whoosh.

“Calm down,” Scott snapped, throwing Miguel to the ground then trapping Megan’s wrists.

Miguel scrambled to his feet. “See, she’s nuts.” His eyes glittered and he tapped his head. “She and Joey, they’re both loco.”

“You asshole.” She tried to twist out of Scott’s hold, tried to kick, but he flattened her arms and anchored her legs with his.

“Stop,” he muttered. “Let’s talk about this.”

Garrett edged around Miguel and stared at Megan in wide-eyed dismay. “Don’t you have some cuffs or something? She’s going to hurt herself.”

“Yes, tie her up.” Miguel sneered. “Her roommate loves that too.”

Megan’s brain exploded with red. She jerked, butting Scott’s head and twisting sideways. He yanked her arm behind her back, but the pain was little compared to her fury.

“Cuffs in the dash,” Scott said. “Leave, Miguel.”

Miguel crossed his arms, raking her with a taunting smile. Megan bit her mouth so hard she tasted blood. She needed to get closer, wanted to kick him again but Scott had done something to her arm and it hurt. She jerked her head back, trying to escape his hold but it was impossible.

“Goddammit, Miguel. Leave. Now,” Scott snapped.

A car door slammed. Her ears roared but she heard Garrett say Miguel wasn’t the criminal here. She tried to launch herself again but something yanked her arms. Metal bit into her flailing wrists.

Miguel was smirking and waving his arms while hers were cuffed, and her sheer impotence only stoked her fury.

“I’ll call the police,” Garrett said. She tried to jerk around but Scott was still holding her, his face impassive.

“You idiots,” she managed, but her voice cracked and she shivered in helplessness, her throat so tight the words sounded feeble.

Scott and Garrett were talking around her. Her head throbbed, and the whole world seemed off kilter. She caught Miguel’s snide wink as he turned to leave, but her rage had drained now, leaving her exhausted.

Scott didn’t want any police and Garrett did, and they were arguing—but at least Miguel was gone. Her head throbbed, her wrists were cuffed and it was impossible to understand what was happening.

She was guided around the back of the villa, an implacable hand on her arm. Twice she stumbled and was literally picked up, and then she was sitting in Garrett’s house, and Scott and Garrett were talking some more. Scott wouldn’t look at her and she couldn’t believe he’d put stupid cuffs on her, and she was so stunned she wanted to curl up in a corner until this nightmare was over.

And then Scott walked out, and it was only her and Garrett.

He gave her an odd look. Tears trickled from her eyes and her nose itched. He walked over and gently wiped her face, and she thought maybe everything was going to be all right, and that Scott would come back and say it had all been a bad joke.

“What’s going on, Garrett?” she finally asked, hating the wobble in her voice, the tears that dripped down her cheeks.

“You’ll have to stay here until you’re calm. Then you will leave the school. But Scott insisted I don’t involve the police.”


“It’s okay. I promised him you won’t be charged. However, I want you off the grounds. Your possessions will be collected from your room and brought here, along with your vehicle. Please don’t interact with any students.” Garrett dragged a tired hand over his jaw. “Just go away.”

A warm wetness gushed from the corners of her eyes. She guessed she was bawling but couldn’t wipe her face. “You’re k-kicking me out because I’m Joey’s sister?” She sniffed and bent her head, trying to dry her face on her arm. “I want to see Scott,” she said weakly. “Please.”

“He’s gone, Megan. He doesn’t want to see you again. He had a fiancée who was an addict. To him, dealers are the lowest form of scum.”

“Gone? He’s gone?” She sniffed and Garrett’s face blurred.

“Don’t worry. He left the key. Made me promise to remove the cuffs once you’re calm.” Garrett frowned. “Do you want to use the bathroom? Wash your face?”

She nodded, trying to work her words around the lump in her throat. Scott was gone? Really gone?

“I was going to tell him,” she whispered. “About Joey. And that Miguel hurt Tami.”

“Well, unfortunately it’s too late for that.” Garrett’s eyes looked sad as he pulled the key from his pocket. “Stand up.”

She lurched to her feet. Garrett moved behind her, fumbled for a moment. The cuffs clinked off.

“Bathroom is second door on the right.” He pointed down the hall.

Her throat felt too raw to talk so she merely nodded and stumbled down the hall to the bathroom.

Her reflection in the mirror was scary. Her head spun, and she looked like a stranger with frayed eyes, blotchy skin and unkempt hair. She splashed water on her face and held onto the sink for a long moment.

This was crazy. And Scott was as big a jerk as Miguel. To cuff her and leave without any questions. He hadn’t even tried to understand. Maybe she should have told him earlier, but at the time she’d mistrusted his tight relationship with Garrett. All his talk about dependability, about sticking around. What bullshit.

She blinked, trying to soothe the sting behind her eyes. Splashed more cold water on her face.

Finally, it seemed as though her brain worked a bit better. Seemed she was back to her original plan…minus Scott.

Asshole. She ached all over, especially her chest. Probably because of the way he’d manhandled her. She checked her arms, even lifted her shirt, but couldn’t find a single bruise. She pulled her shirt back down with a sniff. Cops probably learned how to muscle people around without leaving a mark. No wonder people resisted arrest. It was horrible, humiliating and frightening.

“Asshole,” she muttered, aloud this time. Still, it was over. Not really a big deal except for the ignominy of being kicked out. So now she’d just drive up to Santa Anita and find Eve. She pulled out her phone and checked her messages. Nothing from Eve but a rather frantic one from Tami.

Lydia is here packing your stuff

Wow. Garrett hadn’t wasted much time although at least it wasn’t Ramon going through her drawers, handling her underwear. She clamped her mouth, fighting her regret at not being able to say good-bye to Tami. At least she could text so Tami wouldn’t worry.

Her fingers felt clumsy as she pressed a message.
Talk later. Is Lydia still there

, Tami texted back.

Will call. Stay away from Miguel. Keep my necklace.

I luv u
, Tami messaged and Megan smiled, stiffly but still a smile.

She slipped her phone in her pocket and replaced Garrett’s plush towel on the heated rack. She hadn’t noticed the bathroom earlier, had been too staggered by events, but it was magnificent with luxurious fixtures and elaborate lighting that emphasized the rich tones.

Maybe she’d renovate her bathroom when she returned home. She didn’t want the inconvenience of major changes, but a little decorating might be good. Buy some new furniture, a nicer TV, a sofa for two… Her heart cracked.

And I won’t think of Scott anymore

She yanked the door open. He’d cuffed her, handing her off to Garrett like a criminal. And even though she was drained of tears, the stabbing in her chest wouldn’t quit. She had let herself imagine a future, had pictured Scott sprawled on her couch, tussling with her over the remote.

Asshole. She tramped down the hall.

Garrett raised an eyebrow. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

She jammed her hands in her pockets and shook her head. Refused to pretend this was a normal visit. “So am I allowed to leave? Gather my stuff?”

“Lydia is getting it. And then you’ll vacate the property. Stay away from the students.” He paused, his blue eyes glittering with an odd intensity. “And I expect you to stay away from Scott too. Although since he despises traffickers, it’s clear your relationship is finished.”

“Our relationship is definitely finished,” she snapped. “And I might charge you both with unnecessary roughness.” She paused. “What do you mean, trafficking?”

Garrett shrugged, still studying her face with a peculiar intensity. “I should have guessed you were related to Joey, the way you insisted on digging up every little detail. But I never dreamed you’d drag Scott into it. Do you intend to continue this ridiculous search?”

“It’s not ridiculous. I’m going to find out what happened to my brother.”

“But Scott won’t help you any longer.” Garrett turned and poured himself a coffee. “I wish you well, my dear, I really do.”

“Joey’s not a trafficker,” she said fiercely, “and I wish you’d believe that.”

“Doesn’t matter what I believe. We’ve obtained a three-year mandate, and the school’s operations can continue.” He walked to the front door and glanced out the window. “Ah, the ever-competent Lydia had arrived. Just wait inside. I’ll get your bag, then drive you to pick up your truck.”

He wasn’t even going to let her explain to Lydia. “You’re carrying this too far,” she said.

He gave her a warning look so she blew out a resigned sigh and flopped on the sofa. But as soon as he stepped outside, she whipped out her phone and called Tami.

“What the hell!” Tami said, her voice rising. “Lydia said you were kicked out because of heroin possession. Half a million dollars in street value. I told her she was crazy, but she said both Garrett and Scott saw it.”

A chill swept Megan. Her legs turned so numb she was relieved she was sitting. “That’s not true. Garrett is kicking me out because I’m Joey’s sister…and I concealed it.”

“You’re Joey’s sister?” Tami was silent for a moment. Then her words came in a rush. “Well, that’s good. You could say it was Joey’s heroin. And I’ll vouch I never saw you selling. That’s not a lie.”

“But I don’t know anything about heroin.” Megan rubbed her forehead. “I think you must have misunderstood Lydia.”

“No. She was surprised too. Said you weren’t even allowed to go to Rambo’s retirement party. She thought you should go, you know, because you found Rambo the home, but Garrett refused.”

Megan shook her head. It seemed as though Tami spoke a different language. “Tell me about the heroin,” she said.

“I told Lydia the only person with drugs was Miguel. But Scott and Garrett saw heroin in your bag.”

“Oh, God! So that’s what Garrett meant. They think I was trafficking.” She glanced up as Garrett opened the door and dropped her large leather duffle bag by the wall. “This is all a big mistake, Tami. I’ll call you back.”

She cut the connection and leaped to her feet. “Garrett, you have to listen.”

“Who were you talking to?” he asked.

“Tami. She told me about the heroin. But it wasn’t mine. I swear it. Someone must have put it there. I didn’t even know why you and Scott were so angry, and I lost my temper because of Miguel. Please, you have to believe me. It’s not mine.”

Garrett’s face darkened, and he didn’t look at all pleased. “I think the best thing is for you to go home and forget this. Just give it up.” His eyes narrowed. “Or I
call the police. Scott doesn’t believe you either. In fact, you sicken him.”

She flinched as though slapped.

“I’ll refund your tuition,” Garrett added. “Go and wait for your brother to come home. No one wants you around.”

“F-fine.” Her voice quavered. “But you should kick out Miguel too. He’s a creep and he hurt Tami and he might hurt other students—”

“I’ll look after Miguel. Now let’s get your vehicle. You have a long drive.” Garrett’s phone rang. He checked the display, then picked it up.

“Yes. Everything’s fine,” he said. He turned his back and paced to the window. “She’s leaving the property now. Meet me here, but don’t worry. Everything’s fine,” he repeated, glancing over his shoulder.

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