Hospital (55 page)

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Authors: Julie Salamon

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Toynbee, Polly,
(London: Hutchinson, 1977). Alan Astrow recommended this book by a British journalist. I like Toynbee’s intelligent, deadpan realism. Her book is written in the spirit of Frederick Wiseman’s fine documentary film (another)
First sentence:
“It was eight o’clock in the morning and the ward Sister was coming on duty.”
Welles, Orson, with Oja Kodar,
The Big Brass Ring
(London: Black Spring Press, 1987). Convoluted and overwrought, or adventuresome and expansive, but very large either way, like Welles himself—and required reading for anyone interested in his life and work.
First sentence:
“FADE IN: A montage—or maybe a filmed collage is more accurate.”
Author’s Note
Throughout my research, I always identified myself as a writer working on a book. The Maimonides administration placed one limit, asking me to protect the confidentiality of patients. While all the patients discussed in the book gave me permission to speak to them and tell their stories, I have altered patient names and identities to protect privacy.
Aaron (biblical character)
Abdel-Rahman, Omar
abortion procedure, late-term
Abuasi, Nidal
airplane pilots
Aithal, Sramila
Al Quds Day
Alliance for Quality Health Care
Al-Noor School
Altman, Estee
Alvord, Dean
American Medical Association
Aron Pavilion, Maimonides Medical Center
Ascher, Enrico
Aschkenasy, Paul
Aschkenasy, Peter
Association of American Medical Colleges
Astrow, Alan
and Aaron Twerski
as administrator
at biopsychosocial discussions regarding Ms. Hernandez
in cast of characters
and Crucial Conversations meeting
diagnosed with Crohn’s disease
faculty staff choice between Warshawsky and Razaq
father’s illness
hired as chief of hematologic oncology at Maimonides new cancer center
injury to forehead
medical education
and Mr. Doctor
at National Cancer Survivors Day celebration
as organizer of spirituality colloquiums
overcomes lisp
and patient Marie and her sister Tina
at St. Vincent Hospital
trip to Sharon Kopel’s funeral
Astrow, Alan
viewed by his friend Daniel Sulmasy
wife Jill
Astrow, Raphael
Ateres Chynka
Baldwin, Jo Ann
Bashevkin, Michael
bed management
Bellevue Hospital Center
Ben Casey
Berger Commission
Berman, Sheldon
Biberfeld, Marcel
Bikur Cholim
biopsychosocial meetings
case of Ms. Hernandez
communication as theme and variations
originally organized by Allan Novetsky
blind shiek
Bloomberg, Michael
B’nai Jeshuran
Borgen, Patrick
Bowie, David
Brezenoff, Stanley
in cast of characters
compared with Pamela Brier
hired to head Maimonides
hires Bill Camilleri to build cancer center
hires Pam Brier as his second-in-command
hires Steven Davidson to run ER
initial view of cancer center feasibility
institutes policy of community engagement
leaves Maimonides
and Makki Mosque
relationship with Joseph Cunningham
relationship with Lillian Fraidkin
role in Kopel-Bashevkin feud
as spectral presence at budget meeting
Brier, Jenny
Brier, Pamela
as administrator at Jacobi Medical Center
aftermath of automobile accident
aftermath of Septemberattacks
agrees to journalist’s request for year-long access
automobile accident
budgetary and numbers issues
in cast of characters
as chief operating officer under Stanley Brezenoff
and colon-cancer screening
compared with Stanley Brezenoff
continuing desire that Maimonides have the first New Year’s baby
and Daniel Dube
as executive director at Bellevue Hospital Center
in executive suite of offices at Maimonides
first view of Maimonides
five-year progress report
at groundbreaking for new cancer center
holds town-hall meetings
honored at charity function
husband Peter Aschkenasy
at joint Maimonides-Kingsbrook event
at Juneboard meeting
labor-management issues
meets with cleaning staff
at opening of new cancer center
and pain management
and partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
as “pooh-bah,”
relationship with Allan Strongwater
relationship with Bill Camilleri
relationship with David Cohen
relationship with Jacob Shani
relationship with Jay Cooper
relationship with Joseph Cunningham
relatioship with Steven Cymbrowitz
seeks to make good behavior a hospital goal
talk at Makki Mosque
view of Hatzolah contretemps
view of Kopel-Bashevkin feud
visits Marty Markowitz in hospital
Brier, Steven
Brown, Robert
Brownian motion
Bryan LGH Medical Center, Lincoln, Nebraska
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George W.
Calamia, Vincent
Camilleri, Bill
in cast of characters
hired to build cancer center
makes changes at Maimonides
at National Cancer Survivors Day celebration
question of his leaving
relationship with Pam Brier
rushes to finish cancer center conference room
cancer center, Maimonides
biopsychosocial meetings
budgetary issues
JCAHO inspection
linear accelerator
National Cancer Survivors Day
official opening
at one-year anniversary
role of Bill Camilleri
role of Kopels
role of Steven Cymbrowitz
rush to finish conference room
social worker’s role
support groups
Cancer Ward. See
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
Ceriale, Ann Marie
Chayevsky, Paddy
Chinese medicine
Choudhri, Asghar
Christopher, Ethel
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid)
Cohen, David
Cohen, Rich
Colon, Lilia
colon-cancer screening
Coney Island Hospital, Brooklyn
Contino, Marion
continuous quality improvement
Continuum Health Partners
Cooper, Jay
in cast of characters
as director of cancer center
hired as cancer center director
hires Patrick Borgen
linear accelerator
at National Cancer Survivors Day celebration
relationship with Pam Brier
trip to Sharon Kopel’s funeral
Crucial Conversations
Cruz, Annette
Cunningham, Joseph
in cast of characters
feud with Israel Jacobowitz
hired by Edward Lichstein to come to Maimonides
hires David Feldman
history at Maimonides
and Maimonides partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
relationship with Lillian Fraidkin
relationship with Pam Brier
relationship with Stanley Brezenoff
view of hospital’s discharge numbers
Cuomo, Mario
Curious George
Cymbrowitz, Lena
Cymbrowitz, Steven H.
Davidson, Steven
in cast of characters
and continuous quality improvement
and Hatzolah
hired by Stanley Brezenoff to run ER
hires nursing manager
relationship with Douglas Jablon
relationship with Kopels
relationship with Pam Brier
response to Crucial Conversations meeting
view of Maimonides’ emergency room density
Davis, Clarence
dead beds
Delude, Cathryn
Deming, W. Edwards
Devi, Mrs. (patient)
diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
DLMCs (departmental labor-management committees)
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
“Doctor, Mr.”
medical records
Donahue, Bernadine
Dr. Kildare
DRGs (diagnosis-related groups)
Drillick, Peshi
drug companies
Dube, Daniel
Dube, Newman
D&X (dilation and extraction) procedure
Einstein, Albert
Eisenstadt, Benjamin
elevator, Sabbath
emergency room, Maimonides.
See also
Gregorius, David; Hatzolah (emergency medical service)
ambulance crew notifications
business perspective
Steven Davidson hired to run
Engel, Pamela Sara.
See also
Brier, Pamela
Escobar, Lilia Maria.
Fraidkin, Lillian
Esposito, Joseph J.
Eugene, Mathieu
Fang, Cheng Neng
favor bank
Feldman, David
attends Trust Initiative conference at Harvard
in cast of characters
and Code of Mutual Respect
describes wrong-knee example
as plastic surgeon
Ferlita, Maria
Fox, Joseph
Fraidkin, Lillian
aftermath of Pam Brier’s auto accident
budgetary and numbers issues
cancer story
in cast of characters
and Maimonides partnership with Victory Memorial Hospital
relationship with Pam Brier
view of ER business
Friedlander, Avrohom
Gawande, Atul
Gellman, Abraham
Gilbert and Sullivan
Gips, Bernie
Goins, Derek
“good death” concept
-host disease (GVHD)
Green, Chaya Gitty
Green-Wood Cemetery
Gregorius, Carolyn and Chuck
Gregorius, David
in cast of characters
chosen Intern of the Year
in ER
exhaustion issue
first impression of Maimonides
girlfriend Jenn
initial search for hospital residency program
interest in Loma Linda University
interviewed by John Marshall
looks back at his year at Maimonides
New Suck e-mail journal
observation about babies in pediatric ER
and Occam’s razor
view of Hatzolah
Grey’s Anatomy
Guttmacher Institute
hand hygiene
Hartstone, Holly
Harvard University School of Public Health
Hasidic community.
Orthodox Jews
Hatzolah (emergency medical service)
Havel áclav
Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC)
Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP)
health-care reform
HealthmaticsED (computer system)
Heinlein, Robert
Held, Shai
Hernandez, Ms. (patient)
Heschel, Abraham Joshua
Heschel, Moshe M.
HHC (Health and Hospitals Corporation)
Hikind, Dov
HIP (Health Insurance Plan of New York)
Hippocratic Oath
Holocaust survivors
The Hospital
See also
Todd, Gregory
(TV show)
Hu, Xiaoxi
Huang, Dr, Yiwu
Illich, Ivan
IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy)
information specialists
Ingelfinger, Franz J.
Institute of Medicine
insurance companies
intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Isom, Wayne
Israel-Zion Hospital.
Maimonides Medical Center
Jablon, Douglas
aftermath of Pam Brier’s auto accident
aids Mendel Warshawsky
and Brier’s speaking engagement at Makki Mosque
in cast of characters
and Clarence Davis’s hearse at Maimonides
and favor bank

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