Hot Buttered Yum (15 page)

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Authors: Kim Law

BOOK: Hot Buttered Yum
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It took all the control he had not to look away.

“We are keeping this casual?” Her words came out quick. “Right?”

He swallowed. “Of course.” Though he still had that urge to pull her close and offer nothing more than a hug.

“Because you had a look about you,” she said.

“No look.” He shook his head. He hadn’t had a look.

Nor a thought of wanting to take care of her.

He had enough to take care of.

She watched him a few seconds longer and then her eyes narrowed the slightest amount as if she considered questioning his statement. But then the moment passed and she inched closer. He couldn’t help but notice that the sheet slipped as she moved. The tiny silver barbell now winked out at him.

He gulped and lost his train of thought completely.

“It’s my turn,” she said.

He nodded. Whatever she wanted.

She shifted back to her side and pulled her hand from his. She pressed it to his chest and immediately started exploring. “Tell me about modeling,” she said. “It put you through school, I know, but why do you continue to do it?”

The tips of her fingers scorched him. She circled a nipple with her nail, then dragged a fingertip through the hair and down the middle of his chest. He sucked in a breath and watched her actions, trying valiantly not to let all the blood leave his brain.

He failed.

“You’re making it hard to concentrate,” he told her.

“I can’t help it. I like touching you.”

He crushed her hand in his before it dipped under the sheet. “Ditto,” he growled out. “But did you want an answer to your question or did you want me back inside you?”

Her eyes darkened, and he almost lost the fight when her tongue peeked out to touch her lips. “Can’t I have both?” she asked.

He nodded slowly. The truth was, she could have anything she wanted. Which was not a good thing at all. And was not exactly in line with keeping this light.

“I do it for the charities,” he blurted. He gripped her hand tighter when she tried to touch him again. “And because I enjoy it. I get to see new places, meet new people. It’s never boring.”

She grinned. “You probably enjoy the women throwing themselves at you like I did.”

He’d had his share of hookups over the years, it was true. But they were few and far between these days. Plus, he’d discovered that that way of living was losing its luster. He wanted something deeper.

And he wanted someone who saw that need in him. Not just someone who saw his body.

But he wouldn’t admit that out loud.

“The hookups get me through,” he said casually. He released her hand and reached for her. His fingers circled the weight of her breast, squeezing gently, and he smiled at the hitch in her breath. He rolled his thumb over her piercing. “Some better than others,” he murmured.

She glazed over as he tugged at her. He’d had plenty of time to test things out the night before, and he’d learned how sensitive she was and how she best liked to be touched. He tried to do that for her now.

“What other questions?” he asked hoarsely.

Brown eyes studied him through lowered lids before she said, “Why the Leukemia Foundation?”

His fingers stilled. He hadn’t been expecting that question.

“I’ve had experience with it in my family,” he answered. He wanted to tell her about it, about the fear that had lived inside him. That sometimes still flared back alive. But that wasn’t what this was about. Casual hookups didn’t discuss cancer.

“I’m sorry,” Roni said solemnly. “I hope things turned out okay.”

Things could have been a lot worse. “It left a lasting impact, is all.”

Enough talking. He grabbed a condom and rolled under the covers until he was on top of Roni. She was warm and soft and she immediately opened her legs so he could slip between them.

“Anything else you want to know that can’t wait?” He propped himself on his elbows to look down at her. He adored the wild curls framing her face.

She shook her head.

“Good.” Ripping open the packet, he lowered his hand to put the condom on. Then he dipped his mouth and pulled against her nipple. “Because I’m about to show you how much I’ve missed being inside you since I was last there.”

A low giggle sounded deep in her throat, easing the heaviness that had settled in the room. “Since three hours ago?”

He curled a lock of hair around his finger, taking in her disheveled look and her parted lips. And reminded himself to keep it light.

“Three hours was far too long to wait,” he murmured.

He plucked at her nipple again, and then without another word, slipped deep inside her.

Chapter Fifteen

Two hours later, steam from her shower filled the hotel bathroom as Roni brushed her teeth with the packaged toothbrush she’d found in the amenities basket. She stood naked in front of the fogged mirror, and wondered briefly if she could entice Lucas into the room for one more go. They could see how that big shower worked with two people in it.

But no, he was busy, and she needed to get home. She had her routine to keep. And she was already behind schedule.

She hadn’t meant to fall back asleep after they’d finished earlier, and when she’d awoken for the second time, she’d discovered that Lucas had not had that problem. He was showered and shaved, and had been sitting at the desk, working at his laptop.

Not ready to open the door yet and leave her private cocoon, she grabbed a hand towel and wiped a circle of fog from the mirror. Then she made a face at her reflection. Her hair was going to be a mess without her defrizzer. Even better would be if she had her flat iron. But she detested the thing. She preferred the curls, yet felt that for special occasions she should at least try to look more polished.

She dug her fingers into the curls and plumped, knowing that no matter what she did, she would still look less than flattering. What better way to do the walk of shame through a hotel lobby than with wild hair and last night’s clothes?

She pinched her cheeks to try to add some color and then remembered that she had lipstick in her purse. And maybe a mascara. At least she might not scare people as she slunk down to catch a cab.

Grabbing the hotel robe from the back of the door, she slid her arms through the sleeves, but didn’t bother belting it. No reason to be modest at this point. She cracked open the door and peeked out. No Lucas, but she did hear the sound of computer keys clicking from the small living room. He was still at work.

As she searched for her purse, she realized that last night’s clothes were now draped over the back of a chair. Her clothes. His were nowhere to be found. Apparently the man didn’t like sex-discarded clothing loitering up the place.

She tiptoed to the chair and dug into her purse, pulling out a lipstick, mascara, and a wide-toothed comb she’d forgotten she had in there. Then she saw the blinking green light on her phone. She pressed the button to see that she’d missed a text.

It was from Andie. And it had come in only ten minutes earlier.

I hear you’re sleeping with a contestant.

Ah, geez.

Roni gathered her items, tucked her purse back where she found it, then snuck a quick glance around the open doorway. Lucas was still at the desk, head tilted slightly down, and appeared to be hard at work. He’d explained that though he was here for the contest, he wasn’t actually on vacation. He had a deadline to get a project turned in so he got up early each morning to work.

She liked that kind of dedication. It reminded her of her years on the road. Just because you’d had a full day of travel didn’t mean you slept in if there was work to be done.

And it had seemed like there was always work to be done. Let yourself slide, and suddenly you’re number two in the world instead of number one. She didn’t like number two.

With one last look at Lucas and a longing look at the bed, she snuck back to the bathroom and closed the door soundlessly behind her. Once inside, she let everything but her phone tumble from her hands to the counter. She wasn’t going to text Andie back. If her friend was up, Roni wanted to talk.

Yes, she’d just had sex with a contestant.

And yes, she intended to do it again.

Thirty seconds later the phone was answered in Boston and Roni sat on the edge of the tub and grinned as if she knew the secret to instantaneous orgasms. “He’s six-two,” she started, “a body begging to be explored, and he understands the word

Though this morning had been more talk than foreplay, but it wasn’t as if she hadn’t been ready for him.

“Oh. My. Stars!” Andie’s voice burst through the phone. “Ginger called me and got me out of bed this morning to tell me you didn’t go home last night.”

“Ginger called?” Roni pulled the phone away to look at it. “Not Kayla? Wait …” She shoved the phone back to her ear. “How did Ginger know I wasn’t at home?”

Not that it was that wild of a guess after the way the man had danced for her last night.

“She went by there on her way to the dock and knocked on your door.”

“And what if she’d woken me up?”

Roni could picture Andie shrugging in unconcern. “Apparently she was going to give you a hard time if you had gone home last night instead of going with that tall drink of water.
Roni, is he really as good as she says?”

“So much so, you’d consider dumping Mark for him yourself,” Roni assured her.

“I doubt—”

“You would.” Roni interrupted. “You may not do it, but you’d consider it. And he’s not just hot, he has a personality. He’s nice.” She glanced up in the mirror that was no longer fogged and looked at the stupid smile she couldn’t seem to remove from her face. “He’s fun.”

“Most men you hook up with are fun,” Andie pointed out. Not that Roni was always hooking up with people, but yeah, she tried to find the ones who weren’t dull.

“Okay,” Roni agreed, “but I can’t stop …” What? Wanting more? Wanting to sidle up next to him and hang on until he pried her loose? “I don’t know. He just makes me feel good to be around him. I can tell he enjoys life. I like that.”

“I can tell,” Andie muttered. She went quiet, then her next words were spoken carefully. “So … is this … something?”

“No.” Roni answered quickly, shaking her head as she did. She looked in the mirror again. She was still smiling. “Of course not. It’s just fun.”

“It’s just a lot of fun,” Andie said.

Roni snickered. “Exactly.

Andie guffawed and Roni could tell she’d gotten her meaning.

“Oh my God.” Andie was laughing so hard Roni had a hard time understanding her. “Do tell. No wait. Don’t. Mark is out of town right now and I don’t want to have to—”

“You are so out of control.” Roni grinned even wider as she remembered lying in her bed a couple nights ago, thinking about Lucas. Time to change the subject! “How are you?” she asked. “How is everything? Life still good as Mrs. Kavanaugh?” They usually talked at least once a week and often e-mailed in between. But that didn’t mean Roni didn’t miss her friend like crazy.

“Terrific. How’s the contest going? Kayla says it’s good, but she sounds like she’s about to snap in two.”

“She is,” Roni agreed. She stood and took three steps to the other side of the room before turning back. “She’s also ready to beat me for coming back to the hotel with Lucas last night. I had to promise her you wouldn’t fire her.”

“Of course I won’t fire her.”

“I know. She thinks either you or the committee will. Thinks my sleeping with a contestant …” Roni let her words fall off. She found herself cringing, nervous that Andie
have a problem with it, even though they’d just been talking about the man as if he were a top-grade side of beef.

“I know that Kayla is professional,” Andie said. “And I know you are too. You wouldn’t do anything to hurt us.”

Roni plopped back down on the side of the tub. “Thank goodness,” she breathed out.

“You thought it would bother me?”

“No.” She shook her head. She’d just been
it would, she supposed. She didn’t want to have to stop. “Never mind. Tell me what’s going on with you. We miss you.”

“I miss you guys too. And Mom and Aunt Ginny.” Andie paused and seemed to hold her breath for a long second. “So I’m coming down next weekend,” she finished quickly.

“What?” Roni stood from her perch on the tub once again. “Really?”

“For the parade. I can’t wait.”

“Ah.” Roni nodded. Her eye caught on something she hadn’t noticed before and she tilted her head as she studied it. “So you’ll get here in time to see the men before they leave,” she murmured, her mind already somewhere else. “I think your true colors are coming out, my dear.”

Happy laughter rang through the phone and made Roni smile once more. She was so glad Andie and Mark had worked out their differences. She’d never seen two people so perfect for each other.

“I’m definitely coming before those men get out of town. I may be married, but I’m not dead.” Andie talked a couple more minutes, filling her in on what was going on in Boston, and about her latest philanthropic efforts with her mother-in-law, while Roni studied Lucas’s toiletries to the left of the sink.

She had no idea how she’d missed that before.

There wasn’t a lot there. Shaving cream, a razor, cologne, toothpaste. And a handful of other essentials that could come in handy on a long trip. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Except how they were all lined up across the vanity.

Like little army men, they stood one by one in single file. Tallest to shortest.

What person was this organized? Then she remembered the papers she’d caught sight of on Lucas’s desk as she’d been talking to him before she’d come in to take a shower. There had been no less than three lists at his work area. All handwritten with precise penmanship. And then there were the clothes tossed over the chair.

The man was a neat freak.

This tidbit made her smile turn wide. And then into a laugh.

“What is it?” Andie asked.

Roni laughed even more. Lucas Alexander, the sexiest guy she’d ever met. The man who’d worked muscles in her last night that she’d forgotten existed, was a neat freak.

He lined up his toiletries!

She picked up his cologne and smelled it, and heat stroked through her at the rich scent of spices and warmth. It made her want to grab Lucas and drag him back to bed.

“Roni?” Andie got her attention. “What’s so funny?”

“I found his quirk,” Roni said.

She set the cologne back on the counter exactly as it had been. It wasn’t like she was a slob, but now she almost wished she’d agreed to go back to her place the night before. As a rule, she didn’t take men to her house. However, being that she hadn’t really cleaned in the last couple of weeks, she would’ve liked to have seen Lucas’s response to her sink full of dirty dishes. He probably would have either run from her house or started doing them himself.

The idea of it was cute, actually.

Lucas being too anal to just let loose.

Though the man did know how to let loose in the bedroom.

“I’ve got to go,” she told Andie. “I’ve got to tease him about this. I’ll send you a picture.”

They said their good-byes and she snapped a photo of the army-men toiletries and sent it to Andie. Then she went in search of Lucas.

Before she made it to the living room, though, she heard him talking. She paused, wondering if another person had come into the room, but then registered from the lower, more intimate tone that he was most likely on the phone.

“I drew you a picture.”

Roni paused at the clearly audible sound of a child’s voice.

“Will you save it for me?” Lucas asked. “I have the perfect spot just waiting for it on the fridge.”

Childlike giggles erupted through the room. “Daddy. You’re so silly. The fridge is already covered with my pictures.”

Roni felt as if all the blood had drained from her body. She froze to the floor.

She swallowed against a dry mouth and looked around as if in a panic. Daddy?

“Guess what?” the kid asked from the other room.




Roni’s insides roiled. She pressed a hand to her stomach and then looked down. She was still wearing the robe, but it wasn’t tied around her. Her hand was on her bare skin.

She snatched at the sash, missed, and had to force herself to slow down and do it again. Then she tied the ends together and jerked them tight around her.

Lucas had a kid?

Lucas had a kid!

“We found the dog, Daddy,” said the voice in both a pleading and awestruck kind of tone. “The one I love and want forever.”

Roni stepped carefully to the door and leaned forward slowly.

“Gracie,” Lucas used what Roni recognized as a “Dad voice.” “We’ve talked about this. Remember? We aren’t sure you’re ready for a dog yet.”

Roni peeked.

Lucas was still at his desk, his back to her, but he wasn’t on a speakerphone as she’d assumed. He was on his laptop. On a video chat. And on the other end of that connection was one of the cutest little girls Roni had ever seen.

Young, maybe four or five. Brown hair, huge blue eyes.

The hair was shorter than Roni’s, but the curls were about as wild.

And she looked just like Lucas.

“I am.” Those curls bobbed up and down now. “I promise. Grandma got me a movie about it and ever’thing. I learneded how to take them for walks and make them poop. And how to pick up the poop in the purple poopie bags.”

Roni almost laughed as a vivid picture of her two nephews popped to mind. Apparently saying
over and over wasn’t solely a male thing.

“Can we discuss this later? After I get back home?” Lucas asked. Roni could see the frustration in the stiffness of his shoulders, but he was careful to keep it out of his voice. She suddenly knew without hearing anything further that he was a good father. She pressed the heel of her hand to her chest.

“Okay,” the little girl said. “But I’m gonna watch the movie again while I wait.”

“That sounds like a good plan. Make sure you’re good for Grandma today,” he told her.

The pressure in Roni’s chest increased. She’d once wanted a kid so badly.

She’d come so close.

“Okay, Daddy.” The little girl’s voice penetrated through the cloud of pain. “I’ll be good. I promise. I already have been. You can ask her.”

“I believe you, sweetheart. You’re always good, aren’t you?”

Curls bobbed again.

Fire burned in the back of Roni’s throat. Life wasn’t fair sometimes.

“Daddy, who’s that in your room?”

Roni’s gaze flew to Lucas’s as he jerked his head around and looked over his shoulder. A scowl covered his features before he quickly wiped it from his face. “It’s … a friend of mine, baby. She’s …”

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