Hot for Him (7 page)

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Authors: Amy Armstrong

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He wasted no time in bringing his hand down. Elena cried out at the first slap and the sound incited him to do it again, harder than before. With each smack, Elena’s ass grew pinker and it didn’t take much longer before she was lifting it up to meet his hand, eager for the next blow. Her cries soon turned to whimpers, but Charles didn’t stop. Elena knew her safeword even though she hadn’t once used it during their week together. Her willingness to submit was a powerful aphrodisiac. As more colour flooded her cheeks, Charles felt his control slipping. He needed to fuck her—pronto.

“Stand up and bend over the table,” he directed, amazed to have such control over his voice.

On shaky legs, Elena got to her feet, gripped the end of the table and bent over, her ass pushed out and within smacking distance. Charles’ breathing came faster as he took hold of his cock and stroked it roughly. Her position and the glorious rosy hue to her cheeks were almost too much for him to bear. He got to his feet, pressed up against her overheated ass and positioned his cock at her wet pussy, driving inside nice and deep.

“Oh.” Elena’s body jerked forward with the force of his entry and her hands lost their purchase on the table, but Charles didn’t give her time to right herself. With a bruising grip on her hips, he ploughed into her again and again, each thrust so hard and fast that the table scraped along the ground, the dishes on it rattling loudly.

Reaching one hand around, Charles rubbed his fingers against her clit, stroking her in time with his thrusts. Her pussy was soaking wet, her juices covering his cock, making the glide in and out so fucking perfect. It didn’t take Elena long. Her moans grew louder and louder until she screamed out his name and her pussy became tighter, gripping his cock like a vise and drawing out his own orgasm. Charles’ release exploded inside her. He dragged her hips back and held her to him as he pressed in deep and rode the wave of his pleasure.

“Elena! Charles!”

“Holy fuck.” Charles had barely finished coming when the call came from inside the villa. He pulled his spent cock out of Elena’s pussy and wrapped the robe around himself, fumbling with the tie.

“What the hell is Uncle Henry doing back?” Elena hissed, her eyes wide and disbelieving as she picked her robe up from the ground and slid it over her shoulders, missing the armholes twice before finally slipping them inside. “Shit.”

“Don’t know, first I’ve heard of it,” Charles replied. “He should still be in New York.”

Charles and Elena had decided to tell Henry about their relationship at the first opportunity, but they weren’t sure how he would react to the news. The last thing they needed was for Henry to catch Charles banging his niece over the breakfast table. Somehow, Charles didn’t think that would go down very well. They both took their seats just as Henry appeared at the patio doors. “Ah, there you are.”

Henry stepped out into the bright morning sunshine and strode towards them. Charles watched his business partner take in their attire, his gaze resting on Elena’s flushed face. Henry was no fool. It was evident what they’d been doing or maybe Charles was being paranoid. Still, the smell of sex and sweat on them was sure to give the game away.

“Hello, darling,” Henry greeted, bending down to give Elena a kiss on the cheek. “How’s my favourite niece?”

Elena chuckled. “That’d be your
niece, Uncle Henry,” she replied. “You’re home early.”

Henry nodded in agreement then turned to Charles. To his surprise, there was an amused glint in Henry’s eyes when their gazes locked.

“Charles,” Henry said, thrusting out his hand. They shook then Henry took a seat on the opposite side of the table.

“How was business?” Charles asked.

Henry waved away the question. “Forget about business. I’d like to know exactly what the hell is going on here.”

Elena’s panicked gaze shot to Charles and he straightened in his seat, wanting to reach out and comfort her.

“I…we…” Elena stuttered.

“Elena and I are seeing each other,” Charles stated clearly. There was no sense beating around the bush. Charles was delighted that he could now call Elena his partner and if she consented to the proposal he had planned, he would soon be able to call her his wife.

“I see.” Henry frowned then turned his astute gaze on Elena. “How do you feel about this development?”

Elena sighed then looked at Charles, her mouth curving up into a small smile. “I’m very happy about it actually. Charles and I are good together.”

“Well, it’s about damn time,” Henry said.

Elena gasped and stared at her uncle. Even Charles had to admit he was surprised. “You’re happy for us?” he asked.

Henry rolled his eyes. “I’ve known for years you two would be perfect for each other, I was just waiting for you to get your heads out of your asses and realise it too. So my plan worked then?”

?” Charles questioned. He frowned, regarding the man he had come to know well over the past ten years. Then he started to clue in. “You didn’t have any business in New York, did you?”

“Of course not,” Henry replied. “I’ve been staying at the Carlton in town. Damned good breakfast they make there too.”

Charles threw his head back and laughed. “You conniving old sod.”

“So you’ve been here in Cannes the entire time.” Elena shook her head, her smile becoming wider.

“I’d been trying to think of a way to get you together,” Henry mused. “When Charles agreed to stay here for the week, it was the perfect opportunity. I know how much you love Cannes, Elena. I didn’t think you’d turn down the chance to spend a week here. So am I finally going to have the pleasure of your company more often?”

Elena turned to meet Charles’ gaze and her smile was bright, jubilant. “Yes,” she replied warmly. “I do believe you are.”






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Huntress Chronicles: A Demon in Dallas

Amy Armstrong




Chapter One



“I can’t see a freaking thing down here, it’s too dark,” Matt whined.

Hands clenched into fists, I glared at him, my jaw tense. “If you don’t stop whining, I’ll leave you down here to find your own way out.”

Matt shut up. The trip to Texas had been his idea, and only two days after arriving, he had me combing the sewers, knee deep in God only knows what. As we headed farther into the labyrinth of tunnels, my already sour mood worsened. Why had I agreed to this? I should have known better.

After a few more minutes of walking on in the worst kind of uncomfortable silence, Matt mumbled, “I was sure he came this way.”

He might have missed the glare I tossed in his direction, but I’d be surprised if he couldn’t feel my gaze burning a hole in the back of his head. I’d never have admitted it to Matt, but I was angrier at myself than I was with him. Yet again, I had let him talk me into one of his idiotic plans. Apparently, my stupidity knows no boundaries.

It wasn’t as if we didn’t have enough work to keep us busy in Maine, and you didn’t melt in Maine when you stepped out into the midday sun. That was always a bonus. But no, the idea of a nest of vampires that were getting too big for their cowboy boots had seduced me. It was always the damn vampires that did it. I felt drawn to them like a wolf to the moon—which made sense in its own perverse way. I was a hunter, after all. The need to exterminate the vermin was in my blood, embedded in my DNA.

Matt stayed by my side as we traversed the intricate network of tunnels. He didn’t have the sense of direction that I had been born with, so we had to stick together. If we split up, Matt would be sure to get lost and the last thing I wanted was to have to spend more time in the damn sewer than I needed to.

Placing a hand around my upper arm, Matt pulled me to a stop. He was about my height, if marginally broader, so when I turned we were standing face to face and close enough that I could see his remorseful expression. He let out a long sigh.

“I’m sorry I dragged you into this. You were right. We should have stayed in Maine.”

His repentant tone dispelled most of the anger I had been holding onto. There was a reason I hadn’t wanted to come back to Austin, but Matt didn’t know about that. As far as he was aware, I’d walked out on that part of my life two years ago and I hadn’t looked back. I was good at hiding my feelings, even from Matt, who had become like a brother to me over the ten years we’d been hunting together. Or maybe I was just a damn good liar—too good.

I shrugged. “Don’t sweat it. I’m a big girl. I agreed to come along. Now that we’re here, let’s kill us some vamps, yeah?”

A goofy grin was his only reply. When we turned a corner, the dimly lit, narrow passageway opened up into a cavernous room. The stark brick walls held small fitted lights, but they let off hardly any illumination. Our prey was standing in the back, casually leaning against the wall when we entered. His eyes glowed yellow in the small beam of moonlight that filtered down from an overhead grating. Even from ten feet away I could smell the stench of death and decay on his breath. The room was just bright enough to see the vampire’s wide, toothy grin.

“Well, it’s about time y’all showed up,” he said with a lazy Texan twang. “I ain’t got all night, ya know.”

I took a few steps farther into the room to get a better look at the creature. He was wearing pale blue, flared denims and a floral shirt. He wouldn’t have looked out of place in the seventies—in fact, he probably hadn’t taken them off since the seventies. That would certainly explain some of the stink. But the strangest thing about him was his relaxed stance and calm demeanour. Most vampires feared hunters on sight. Reaching into my jacket, I pulled out my favourite silver-tipped stake.

“Oh, I’d put that away if I were you.” He swaggered towards us and the stench increased, clogging up the already stale air until it was all I could smell. Some days, I really hated my damn job.

I shrugged. “Sorry, no can do.”

“Someone could get hurt,” he mused.

“Not someone,” I corrected. “
.” It was damn near impossible to think of a vampire as human when their humanity had departed along with their soul. ‘Mindless, emotionless killers’ was the only term that fitted.

His grin broadened. “Details,” he drawled, with a swish of his hand.

As we stared at each other silently, my mind went into overdrive. There was something off about this whole situation. His relaxed manner made me jittery. Vampires were undoubtedly the most conceited of the supernatural species, but he would have known we were hunters. So he was either stupid enough to think he could take us or he had a death wish. Of course, there could always be a third alternative—he wasn’t down in the sewer alone and that fact was giving him false confidence.

“Matt, pick up the slack,” I instructed.

My eyes never wavered from the soulless creature in front of me. In the ten years we’d worked together, Matt and I had come to understand one another pretty well so I didn’t need to elaborate. In my peripheral vision, I saw him nod then walk back down the tunnel we’d just come through.

“Well, well. Not as stupid as you look.” As the creature neared, his haughty smirk exposed yellow, razor-sharp fangs.

I was about to respond with something equally banal when a fight broke out in the tunnel behind me. The harrowing sounds of fists hitting flesh and snapping bones reached my ears along with Matt’s shouts of rage as he fought what sounded like four or five vampires at once.

“Raven! Raven, help me!” Matt shouted.

. I thought about dealing with the creature in front of me first, but then a sound rang out that made my stomach lurch violently and all the air whooshed out of my lungs. Matt screamed—quite literally
. The chilling sound echoed off the damp sewer walls, reverberating through my body like it was a physical entity that had taken me by the arms and shaken the living daylights out of me. It was excruciating to listen to.

I was about to charge to Matt’s rescue when the vampire lunged, catching me off guard. I dived out of the way, narrowly missing his teeth, but his clawed hand slashed across my chest, slicing deep. It hurt, badly, but I took a deep breath and pushed the pain out of my mind. I needed to focus on the fight. The sickly sweet, metallic odour of blood reached my nostrils and from the hungry look in the vamp’s eyes, he’d scented it too.

“There’s no escape,” he said in a pedestrian tone that annoyed the crap out of me. The vampire was too sure of himself, too arrogant by far—totally misguided.

The second time he came at me, I was ready for him. His sharp teeth and rancid breath were inches away from my face when I plunged the stake into his chest, hitting the dead centre of his heart. His eyebrows drew together as he looked down and let out an ear-piercing wail before crumpling to the ground at my feet, dead. Unlike his first death, there would be no coming back from this one.

I pulled out my stake right before the vampire’s body began to degrade—aging before my eyes, wrinkling and drying out like a grape on a vine left to wither under the sun’s harsh rays. In a few minutes there would be nothing left to mark his time on earth but a pile of dense ashes. Without sparing another thought for the soulless creature, I raced back down the tunnel to get to Matt, but I was too late. The vampire’s friends had already left and Matt was missing too.
What the hell
? I leant back against the damp wall and tried to catch my breath. I had to find him before it was too late.




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