Hot & Humid (10 page)

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Authors: Tatum Throne

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Hot & Humid
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She wondered if he was just waking up, too. She imagined his morning erection pressing hard against his boxers.

She twisted around in her sheets, trying to get comfortable. She couldn’t. Even her clothing felt confining. She stripped off her shirt, leaving only her panties on. She kicked off her covers and enjoyed the feeling of the cool morning air blowing through the open window. Cold air blew over her nipples, making them snap to attention like the twin soldiers that they were. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that they were already aroused with thoughts of Thane kissing them.

Why did she push him away? She shouldn’t have. Now, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She wanted him there. She wanted to wake up with him. She wanted to reach over and feel his morning cock throbbing and begging for attention.

Her heavy, C-cup breasts were bathed in sunlight. Brine cupped them both, letting her thumb and fingers pinch her nipples. She arched as she twirled them like dials. She moaned and closed her eyes, remembering Thane’s touch. It wasn’t long before one of her hands abandoned her breast and made the curvy journey down to her pussy. She purred at the sexual haze she suddenly found herself lost in.

Brine’s thatch was swollen with pent-up frustration. She hurriedly slid her fingers between her lips and stroked her clit into submission. She groaned as her fingers fought through her panties to stroke deeper within her sex. Honey creamed over her fingers as she rubbed her aching pussy. The more she stroked, the more her body tightened down, making release impossible. It was as though her pussy knew it wasn’t Thane and was boycotting the advance.

“Thane…oh…fuck me. Oh, I need you so bad.”

The floorboard within the hallway creaked, but she was too lost within her pleasure to realize what she was hearing on a conscious level. Brine moaned as her fingers snapped over her clit, over her pussy. Brine startled in confusion when strong hands jerked up under her knees, spreading her wide.


“Keep touching yourself.” His order came out in an erotic command that her body refused to disobey. “Did you hear me?”

She nodded once. Her fingers fumbled before they found her rhythm again.

“Show me. Pull you panties aside.”

Brine pushed herself up to a half-sitting position against the headboard. She tugged the crotch of her panties aside with her left hand and played with herself with the other. Brine bit her lower lip as her body spiraled.

“Open your eyes.”

Thane had pulled her vanity chair to sit at the end of the bed. His legs were spread wide as his hand stroked himself through his pants. He unzipped, freeing his cock. She purred as she watched as he stroked that big, hot cock in his hands. She moaned as his cock got fuller and tighter and redder. She was lost in his pleasure. Lost in him. They were locked on each other in the most intimate and vulnerable way.

Thane groaned as his cum shot hot and fast from his cock. Long, thick threads spiraled through the air, hitting her legs. She groaned as she started to come, but she didn’t get far.

Lust shot through her body as Thane yanked her by the back of her knees toward him. His hands reached for her panties, ripping them off as though they were made out of paper. Brine cried out as his tongue licked out and tasted her honey. Her fingers dove wildly through his hair. She bowed off the bed as her orgasm tore through her body. Powerful shudders rocked through her pussy.

Thane licked into her pussy as she quaked and his thumb stroked her clit. It was several minutes before her orgasms faded into bliss. Slowly she lifted her head to meet his gaze. It was long after she came down that she realized that she’d had multiple orgasms shooting from her pussy.

He was grinning in a purely satisfied male way. “Morning, love.”

She went to reach for him and he shook his head no. Thane replaced that heavily aroused cock back inside his pants. She could see that jacking it off wasn’t enough for him either. “I can’t stay long.”

“How’d you get in here?” she asked.

“Poppy let me in. She said you needed someone to help you out.”

“I need to get that key away from her. Why are you here?” she asked.

“I wanted to give you something.”

It was then that Brine noticed the bag from an upscale boutique on the floor. “You didn’t have to.”

“I feel bad about ripping your dress.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I guess I owe you one on the panties.”

There was more to it than that. She could see that he was upset with how things were left between them.

Brine reached for her shirt and slipped it over her head. He placed the bag on the bed and pulled out a long white box tied in a satin red ribbon. She untied the box, letting the ribbon fall onto the bed. She opened the box and pushed open the tissue paper to see a silken blue dress.

“Oh, Thane. It’s beautiful.” She held it up by its thin spaghetti straps.

“I thought it’d look good on you. It matches your jade eyes.”

“Thank you. You didn’t have to.”

“I felt responsible for ruining your other one. I don’t normally rip the clothes off a woman I’m trying to seduce.”

His honesty surprised her. Brine reached out and touched his hand. She studied his tribal tattoo snaking over his arm and thought about how it spread over his chest. “I’ve never had a man want me enough to rip a dress off of me.”

“I guess that makes it a first for both of us.” He added. “An invitation comes with the dress.”

It felt too much like a condition. “Oh?”

“I’d like you to join me for dinner tonight. I know it’s short notice, but I’d really like you to be there.”

Her answer was impulsive and without a thought from her brain. “I’d love to.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.” He kissed her temple. “I have to run. Sorry about the tongue lashing.”

She blushed as his grin promised other things. “I enjoyed it. It was a nice surprise.”

Brine listened to Thane’s heavy footsteps move through her apartment. How had she missed them earlier? What the hell was she doing? She hugged the dress to her chest as she fell back on to the bed. What was she doing agreeing to go out with Thane? She worried her lip, hoping she wasn’t making a mistake.

Chapter Nine


The dress was ridiculously sexy. It came down to her knees and hugged all her curves. Brine found a matching wrap in her closet to cover the low, open back. She stared at the fuck-me heels sitting in her closet but she bypassed them with an oath as she reached for her ballet slippers.

A few minutes later, her doorbell rang. Thane’s hand was pressed against the jamb. He looked her up and down and whistled. He grabbed her hand and twirled her around. He wore his black leather jacket and dress pants. A thrill shot through her blood. She wanted him to want her.

“You look beautiful.”

When she came in close, she scented the spicy aroma of his cologne and the lower note that was all pure, raw male. The combination sent her body into overdrive fast. He tilted up her chin and gave her a sweet kiss. She felt suddenly shy and uncertain. Men didn’t walk around telling her she was beautiful every day.

“Thank you.” She grabbed her clutch. “Where are we going?”


Thane helped Brine step up into his truck. She was nervous. She was excited. There was something in the air between them that Brine didn’t understand. She wanted tonight to go well. Thane drove downtown to Ramundo’s. He came around the side of the truck and opened the door for her.

“I’m glad you came out with me.”

Ramundo’s was run by a local Italian family. Low lighting made the ambiance perfect for romance. A woman sat alone at the table in the corner they were led to. Thane kissed her cheek.

“Sorry we’re late. Where’s Andrew?”

The woman shrugged. “He said he had to work late again.”

“Brine, this is my sister, Janis.”

“Nice to meet you.”


Janis was blind. A Seeing Eye dog sat at her feet. As if she read Brine’s thoughts, she looked at her. Her dark hair flowed around her shoulders. She looked everything like the bombshell that she was.

“I’m not completely blind, but I’m getting there. I still have some vision.”

“That’s rough,” Brine said.

“It could be worse. I’ve gotten into a clinical stem cell study. I start my treatments soon.”

A waiter showed up and rattled off specials. They ordered wine and a starter. Brine sat next to Thane at the small table. Her knee brushed against his reminding her of how dangerous he was to her well-being. His hand went casually to her bare knee.

“Andrew’s cheating on me,” Janis said.

“How do you know?” Thane asked.

She snorted derisively. “A woman knows. He thinks that I’m an idiot and won’t see the signs just because I’m half-blind. He came home smelling like sex and the tramp.”

“Are you guys married?” Brine asked.


“What’s he do?” Brine asked.

“He’s a corporate lawyer.”

Janis stared at the table, ripping up a sugar packet. “I smelled her perfume in the house. So, I set up a camera in our bedroom. I’m sure I caught them. I haven’t watched the tape though.”

The news was like a bomb going off at the table. Thane’s grip on her knee tightened by several degrees.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, boo. You don’t want to see that garbage firsthand,” Thane said.

“Could you guys look at for me?” She shook her head and looked away. “I don’t think I want to see it.”

“Yeah, we can,” Brine said.

“Good.” That seemed to put Janis at ease. Janis dug her cell phone from her purse and held it up close to her face as she pulled up the video. “I muted the sound just in case.”

Thane held the phone so that only Brine could see. He moved the bar so that it was sped up to the moment Andrew came into his bedroom. Three seconds later, another woman followed him in. A sinking feeling spiraled through Brine’s body. She did not want to tell Janis what she already knew in her heart was true. A muscle in Thane’s jaw ticked tight. He stopped the video midway through. There was nothing more that Brine wanted to see either.

“Well?” Janis asked.

“I’m sorry,” Thane said.

Janis shook her head. “I knew. I think a woman always knows.”

Thankfully, their dinners arrived interrupting the moment. Janis’s strong spirit was amazing. By the courageous set of her chin, Brine could see that she was going to get through this difficult time but not unscathed. Her fiancé was in so much trouble.

“So, Thane tells me you cuffed yourself to one of his trees.”

Brine choked on the wine she was drinking. “Yeah. I was trying to convince him to let me interview him.”

“Did he give you the interview?”

“No. He sent everyone home and left me there.”

Janis gasped. “No! He did not.”

“He did.”

Thane came to his own defense. “I drove around the corner. She wasn’t completely alone. Did you see the picture in the paper?”

“I did,” Janis said with a grin. “Was that a wedding dress you were wearing?”

“My grandmother’s. I couldn’t believe you made me think I was alone.”

“Brine was a little aggravated with me for not returning her calls. I let her cool her boots for a while. You were a little unreasonable to deal with when we first met.”

“Interesting,” Janis said.

“What is?” Thane asked.

“You, Thane. Your voice lowers an octave when you talk to Brine.”

Thane’s hand moved away from her leg and smoothed over her shoulder. He cinched her in closer. “Does it?”

A shiver vibrated through Brine. It was the same tone Thane used when they were intimate. She couldn’t look at him now knowing
look would be within his eyes.

“What do you do?” Brine asked Janis.

“I work for the D.A.’s office.”

They had coffee and tiramisu after dinner while Janis shared stories of her job. They walked out of the restaurant together where a car pulled up at the curb to pick up Janis. Brine stood off to the side as Thane made plans with Janis to have dinner next week.
This third wheel is starting to go flat.

A pinch of envy rained down on the night. Brine missed having a family. She missed the dinners, the laughter, the love. Right then, she was angry with herself for being so foolish with her heart. She wanted what she knew she could never have again.

She wasn’t angry with Thane. He just didn’t know the entire story of her past. She was quiet on the drive back to her place. She knew she had to say something.

“Why didn’t you tell me we were having dinner with you sister?”

“You wouldn’t have come.”

It was true. She felt manipulated for all the right reasons. Even more reason for her to put distance between her and Thane. It wasn’t safe for her emotional well-being. Men like Thane didn’t stick long. Not when the relationship started out with sex.

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