Hot Island Nights (5 page)

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Authors: Sarah Mayberry

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BOOK: Hot Island Nights
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Earlier today she’d thought he was surly and uncooperative and rude, but now she added insufferably conceited and arrogant to the list of Nathan Jones’s crimes. She honestly didn’t know where he got off, touching her like that, standing so close she could smell the detergent he’d washed his clothes in and the sun-warmed, salty scent of his skin.
As for how he’d laughed at her and looked at her as though he could see straight through her clothes…

She’d never dealt with a man like him before. Cocky and arrogant and so…
it was impossible to look at him and not imagine him on top of her, his heavy weight pinning her to the—

Elizabeth took a huge swallow of her beer. Why was it that when she thought about Nathan Jones her mind automatically descended below the waist?

She peeked out of the corners of her eyes to make sure that he really had disappeared into the crowd. He had and she relaxed a notch. With a bit of luck he’d leave the bar altogether and she wouldn’t have to deal with him again.

A vain hope. Half an hour later she glanced across to where a few people had cleared some tables to create an impromptu dance floor to see Nathan in the middle of the swaying crowd, his arms around a small redheaded woman. The other woman was wearing a skimpy sundress with lots of strategic rips and tears in it, her swimsuit clearly visible underneath.

In London she’d be arrested for indecent exposure. At least Elizabeth hoped she would.

She watched as the woman wriggled in Nathan’s arms, laughing into his face, one hand pressed flat against his chest. Nathan said something, then lifted his head suddenly and stared directly across the room at Elizabeth. She tensed as she met his pale blue eyes. She should have looked away before he caught her watching him. She should look away

Right now, before he got the wrong idea.

He lifted an eyebrow. Then the corner of his mouth curled up. Smug bastard.

She tore her gaze away.

She could imagine what he was thinking—that the
English woman had the hots for him.

As if she’d be foolish enough to take up with a man like him, a man who was interested in nothing but sex. A man who wanted nothing but to get her naked and take his pleasure. A man who probably knew every sexual trick in the book and then some.

A wave of heat rolled over her.

Be honest with yourself at least, Elizabeth Jane. He fascinates you. You look at him and see every fantasy you ever had, every dirty thought you never dared share with anyone, including Martin.

It was true. It made self-conscious, nervous sweat prickle under her arms to admit it to herself, but it was true. She found Nathan Jones sexually attractive. Extremely sexually attractive. How galling.

She turned and grabbed the nearby jug of beer and poured herself another glass.

He’d been so cocksure when he’d swaggered over to talk to her earlier. So confident of his reception. And she’d been so firm in her rejection. And all along he’d known. The look they’d just shared told her so.

He knew she’d been struck speechless by her first sight of him in all his bare-chested glory. He knew how images of his big body had been slipping into her mind against her will all day. How hot and sticky she felt just thinking about touching his firm, brown skin.

“Bloody hell,” she whispered under her breath.

She felt as though she was on fire, could feel the echo of her heartbeat in the warm heat between her legs. She pressed her beer glass against her cheek, trying to cool down.

Crazy. This was crazy. She’d never felt so overheated and overwrought in all her life. It must be the beer. Had to be. Otherwise—

A hand curled around her forearm and tugged her toward the dance floor.

“Come on, Betty, let your hair down,” a voice murmured. “Dance with me.”

She looked up into Nathan’s lazy, heavy-lidded eyes. God, he was gorgeous. All angled cheekbones and straight nose and firm, chiseled lips.

She dug her heels in and shook her head as he pulled her another step closer to the dance floor.

“I don’t want to dance. Not with you.”

It was a lie, but it was also the truth. He terrified her. He made her scared of herself.

She tugged on her arm. He didn’t let her go.

“Are you married?” he asked.

“No.” Almost, but not quite.

“In a relationship?”

“No.” Not anymore.

“Then what’s the problem?”

He made it sound so simple, as though there were no other considerations apart from what she wanted and what he wanted right now. No tomorrow. No responsibilities or obligations or expectations.

When she didn’t say anything she felt the grip on her arm loosen.

“Your call, Betty.”

It should have annoyed her, the way he kept using that stupid diminutive of her name and the way he gave her a small, regretful smile and walked away again.

It didn’t. Instead she was gripped with a sort of panicky, pressured fear that she’d just let an amazing opportunity slip through her fingers. When would she ever meet a man like him again? A feckless, pointless, incredibly sexy Lothario with nothing but pleasure on his mind? When would she ever be so far from home, so anonymous and free?

Because she didn’t know the answers to any of those questions she pretended to herself that she’d narrowly escaped making a reckless, foolish decision and tried to look as though she was having a great time.

She watched him laugh and dance with another girl. Then another. She drank more beer and let her gaze run over his big, strong body as he moved on the dance floor or leaned against the far wall or stood in a loose circle with a bunch of surfer types, talking and laughing. She thought about the look in his eyes, remembered the way he’d touched her cheek. She thought about home, and how her grandparents had lied to her—with the best of intentions, yes, but it had still been a lie—and the way Martin touched her as though she were made of spun sugar and all the times she’d bitten her tongue and done the right thing and been a good girl, over and over again.

She thought about that moment in Harrods when she’d fantasized about destroying all that polished, expensive perfection.

I want him,
a little voice whispered in her mind.
Why can’t I have him?

There were reasons—of course there were reasons—but they weren’t good enough. They were safe and conservative and controlled and she was
so sick
of all those things. She wanted the unknown. Just this once. No one would ever know about it. It would be her secret, her moment of madness. A moment just for her, about her, about what she wanted, with no one else’s feelings or opinions or judgments coming into play.

She put down her glass. Then she lifted her hands and checked to see that her hair was neatly pinned. Although why that should matter when she was about to proposition a man for the first time in her life, she had no idea.

She took a deep breath, then started across the room. She’d barely taken two steps before Nathan turned away from his friends and started weaving his way through the crowd toward the exit.

A surge of dismay rushed through her. He was leaving! Surely not, not when she’d just mustered the courage to ask for what she wanted. She paused for a split second, then she started pushing her way through the crowd, her movements increasingly urgent.

If he left without her saying what she wanted to say, doing what she wanted to do, she might never find the courage of this moment again.

She kept her eyes glued to Nathan’s dark head and when he disappeared into the hallway leading to the front entrance she darted urgently past the last few people and was almost running when she entered the hallway.

It was empty. He’d already left.

Again, she hesitated. She couldn’t very well chase him up the street. Could she? He’d issued his invitation, she’d rejected it. It was over. She’d missed her chance.

The disappointment and frustration she felt was so great that she was pushing through the double doors and out into the warm night before she could really consider what she was doing. There was no sign of Nathan on the street in either direction. Then she looked across the road toward the beach and saw a dark figure walking down the path toward the sand.

She crossed the road and strode to the top of the path. The moon was covered by clouds and the beach was dark, the water a glinting inky blackness in the distance. She set one foot on the sandy path, then stopped.

What was she doing, racing after a virtual stranger because he’d looked at her a certain way and said certain things? He was obviously going home for the evening. Whatever fleeting notion he’d had where she was concerned was long gone. She needed to turn around and go back to her room before this became embarrassing.

She turned away.


She glanced over her shoulder. She could see Nathan silhouetted at the bottom of the path, a tall, broad shape.

Her heart kicked against her chest. She wiped her damp palms down the sides of her skirt. Then she walked down the path, into the darkness.

She stopped when she was standing in front of him. They were both silent for a beat.

“Were you going home?” she asked when the silence became excruciating.

“Getting some fresh air. Pretty warm in there.”

Which meant she’d chased him out here like some sort of teenage desperado for nothing.

“I just thought… You asked me to dance before,” she said lamely. “Maybe when you come back in we could…?”

His eyes glinted in the dim light. “You want to dance, Betty?”

She felt incredibly foolish and transparent. This was too, too humiliating. There was a reason why her first instinct had been to shy away from having anything to do with this man and this situation. She’d never done anything like this in her life before and she had no idea how to handle herself or him. For all she knew, she’d misread everything entirely and he really had been simply asking her to dance before.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said.

She turned away but his warm hand slid down her forearm and circled her wrist, stopping her from leaving.

“Come here,” he said, very softly.

He tugged her gently toward him. For a moment she resisted, her last doubts digging their heels in. Then his other hand slid around to cup the nape of her neck and she lifted her face as his head lowered toward her.

His lips were very soft as they found hers. She was surprised by how gentle he was, how sweet he tasted. His tongue flicked along the closed seam of her mouth, demanding entrance, and she found herself opening to him. And then he was inside her mouth, stroking, tasting, teasing. Sensation swamped her—her breasts flattened against his chest, the hard muscles of his arms pulling her closer, the avid hunger of his mouth. She made a needy sound and he pushed her head back farther as he delved more deeply, more greedily.

His hand left her nape to slide down her neck, across her shoulder and onto her breast. Liquid heat surged between her legs. She was so turned on it almost hurt. She pressed her knees together and dug her hands into the strong muscles of his shoulders and matched him kiss for kiss.

His thumb grazed her nipple through the fabric of her dress, then his warm hand slid beneath the halter top, making her gasp as he pinched and rolled her nipple between his fingers.

She had never felt like this in her life. So hot. So wet. So damned desperate to have a man’s weight on top of her, inside her.

Nathan pressed his hips against her and she felt his erection against her belly. She slid a hand between them and traced him through the soft fabric of his well-worn jeans. So big, so thick.

He muttered something against her lips, then he ducked his head and kissed and licked a trail down her chest into her cleavage. He turned his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth, fabric and all, as both his hands found her ass. He squeezed her, hauling her closer, rubbing himself against her. His fingers curved beneath her butt cheeks, delving into the dark warmth between her legs. Teasing. Taunting. She shuddered and groaned.

“Please,” she groaned, her head dropping back. “Please.”

He lifted his head from her breasts and she heard him pull in a ragged breath. “Come on, Betty,” he said, taking her hand.

He led her down to the beach. Her feet sank into the sand, and grit slipped between her feet and her sandals. She struggled to keep up with his long, urgent stride as he drew her away from the bright lights of Main Street and into darkness.

When the lights were a distant glow, he stopped and pulled her close again.

“Betty.” He kissed her, and she could feel the smile on his lips.

Probably she should correct him—her name was Elizabeth, after all, and it looked as though they were about to have sex. But she didn’t care. All her thoughts, all her focus were on one thing—the needy, desperate throb between her legs.

She slid her hands down the muscles of his belly to the waistband of his jeans. He wasn’t wearing a belt and the denim gave easily as she tugged at one stud, then another, then another. She slid her hand inside his jeans and found the heat and hardness of him. She wrapped her fingers around him and stroked.

He started kissing her neck and she felt a tug behind her neck, closely followed by the coolness of the night air on her bare breasts as the untied halter of her dress dropped to her waist. He made an approving sound and cupped her breasts in both hands, his thumbs grazing her nipples over and over.

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