Hot Number (16 page)

Read Hot Number Online

Authors: V.K. Sykes

Tags: #romance, #contemporary, #casino, #vegas, #steamy romance

BOOK: Hot Number
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Actually, it was even better than fine. For
some reason Sadie’s mouth on his cock felt like nothing he’d had
before. It felt like sweet innocence, which made no sense given
what she was doing to him.

For a woman of limited experience, she
managed to be both creative and passionate. When she took his shaft
halfway into her throat, he clenched his teeth. When she took it
nearly all the way, he grasped her head in his hands and growled.
And when, with his pulsing cock in her almost to its base, she
cupped his aching balls and stroked them with her delicate fingers,
Nick knew he was finished. He roared and his body convulsed as he
came in a long, hot rush. She took all of him, caressing him as she
knelt between his legs, the hottest little thing he’d ever

* * *

Sadie had never done that before. Oh sure,
she’d had a man’s penis in her mouth a few times. But she’d never
. In fact, she’d always thought it would be rather
distasteful, despite what Cassie and another girlfriend had said.
Somehow, though, with Nick it had felt right. Better than right. As
beautiful and skyrocketing as her own orgasm had been—and the word
rapture again jumped into her mind—feeling Nick pulse inside her
mouth was incredibly satisfying. She knew she’d given him the same
pleasure he’d so generously given to her, and that made her feel,

Nick exhaled a deep breath. His eyes were
dark and heavy-lidded, and his big body, sprawled on the bench,
looked as sexy as sin. “You get an A plus for skill and an A double
plus for effort,” he said in a lazy voice.

Sadie grinned, thrilled by the silly
compliment. “Thank you. But just think what I could have done if
I’d actually gone to class or studied intently. Despite your
too-generous grading scheme, I’m sure there’s still considerable
room for improvement. I trust I’ll be able to get in more practice
this week.”

The man practically purred. “Now,
I’ll look forward to.”

She almost shook her head in disbelief. It
still seemed impossible that a man like Nick wanted to be with her,
even for a quick fling. The fact that he hinted at more left her

Nick made room for her on the bench and they
sat quietly, side-by-side, his left arm clasped loosely around her
shoulders. The moist heat was so good, so calming, that her
orgasm-blasted body began to fully settle. Several times she felt
herself on the edge of sleep.

Finally, Nick moved his arm away. “I’m about
cooked. You ready to go?”

“Any more surprises in store for me tonight,

“We’ll see. Why don’t we finish with a swim?
I know the pool is as warm as a Caribbean lagoon.”

She sighed. Of course, there had to be a fly
in the ointment. “I don’t swim,” she confessed. “I wasn’t kidding
the other night when I told you I’ve always been athletically

He shook his head in mock lament. “Never had
a massage and never learned to swim. What am I going to do with
you, Sadie Bligh?”

As she shrugged, feeling awkward, his gaze
softened and he dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Don’t worry, I
won’t let you drown. I promise.”

Nick took her hand and led her back down the
Moroccan staircase to the first floor, making a quick detour to the
massage room to grab a condom out of his wallet. She almost laughed
out loud at the absurdity of the two of them sashaying around the
lavish club as naked as the day they were born. Another experience
she’d never forget. As crazy as the evening had been, it was full
of magic, too. For her and, she hoped, for him.

The pool with its faux starry night ceiling
seemed less silly to her now than it had earlier.
Amazing what a
mind-numbing orgasm will do to you

She looked toward one of the shallow hot
pools, its water bubbling away under a warm spotlight. “Maybe I’ll
just relax over there,” she said.

“Later,” Nick said. Before she could open her
mouth again, he’d swept her into his arms. Three steps later, they
hit the water in the main pool with a thunderous splash.

Sadie surfaced, still locked firmly in his
arms. The water felt as a warm as he’d promised, but the shock of
the plunge made her gasp. She stroked the hair out of her eyes and
grabbed him by the ears. “You could at least have given me a
warning!” She gave his ears a good tug to show her displeasure.

“Ow! Jesus! Didn’t anybody ever tell you it’s
better to jump right in?”

“Yes, and I still think it’s the most insane
advice I’ve ever heard!” She tried to scowl at him, but the
aggrieved look on his face made her start to laugh.

“Mock me at your peril, Ms. Bligh. Now, hug
me tight.” He shifted her until she was fully upright, supported by
his arms. Sadie could feel him treading water effortlessly.

She locked her legs around his waist, pushing
her groin into the flat of his belly. His cock was long and
rock-hard again. It nudged firmly against her bottom as she wrapped
herself around him. “You reload your gun awfully fast, don’t you,

He snorted. “Like I said, you talk too

Then he kissed her deeply, his tongue pushing
past her lips. She welcomed the heat as he stroked into her mouth.
She gave as good as she got, darting her tongue into him as soon as
she had the opportunity. He tasted intoxicating, like hot man and
sex. She hadn’t been kidding when she said she couldn’t swim a
lick, but she felt totally safe in his strong embrace. After all,
he’d sworn not to let her drown. And she figured Nick Saxon for a
man who always kept his promises.

As he deepened the kiss, he released his
right arm and trailed his hand down her back and over her bottom.
She sighed as his fingers found her, penetrating her folds and
pushing gently into her opening. Her inner muscles contracted,
eager for more. His touch made her wild with wanting, and impatient
to have him finally inside her. Lifting herself, she nudged his

He drew back, his wet, handsome face
glistening under the reflected starlight of the fake sky. “I’ll get
the condom.”

She grimaced. “I almost forgot about that. It
must have been the shock of some guy tossing me into the

“Oh, funny girl,” he murmured as he swam them
over to the side of the pool. “Hang onto the edge. I’ll be right

He lifted himself up and out in one smooth
move, the strong muscles of his gorgeous ass and legs flexing with
power, his bronzed skin gleaming as the water streamed off him.
Sadie clutched the edge of the pool, her heart pounding with a mix
of trepidation and excitement as she watched him smooth the condom
over his truly impressive erection.

Nick slipped into the water beside her and
took her in his arms again. She sucked in a shuddering breath as
she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.
She shivered, not from cold but from the sense that something
profound was about to happen.

“You don’t have to be nervous, Sadie,” he
murmured, nuzzling her lips. “I’ll take care of you.”

“I...I know,” she stuttered. “It’s just been
a while.”

Understatement of the year

“We’ll fix that right now.” Nick guided the
tip of his penis to her opening. As nervous as she was, she so
ached for him to be inside her that she wanted to impale herself
without waiting one more second. And maybe if she got that part
over with, she’d relax.

But Nick was gentle and oh-so-slow, making
sure she was completely ready. He eased the broad head of his
erection just inside her and stopped.

“Oh, God, don’t stop now,” she whimpered.
Just feeling that tantalizing bit of him inside her was enough to
ratchet up her anticipation to unbearable levels.

He groaned and surged deeply, stretching her
and filling her completely. She cried out, stunned by the heady
rush. The impact of the sweet invasion pulsed through her entire

“You okay?” he asked, his voice low and

She wiggled, adjusting the fit, bringing her
clit into direct contact with his groin. The contraction that
rippled outward from where they were joined made her gasp. “Ah,
yes. I’m fine,” she managed. “The vagina is a wonder, you know.
Such elasticity, even under this kind of astonishing demand you’re
making on it.”

Oh, God!
Had she really just said
that? Talk about romantic.

“Yeah,” Nick grunted, seeming to barely
notice her idiotic remark. He thrust into her as he treaded water,
keeping them easily afloat. Sadie dropped her head onto his
shoulder and let him take over, overwhelmed with how good his big
cock felt inside her. That was probably the greatest surprise of

“You’re awfully big, you know,” she gasped as
he stepped up his rhythm.

“Is that good or bad?” he growled.

“Oh, good. Very, very good. I’m just a little
surprised I can…ah!” She broke off as her inner muscles clenched.
Another orgasm coming already?

Nick pumped into her with hard, controlled
thrusts. She could feel his muscles tensing, ready to explode. The
warm water swirled around them with a silken caress. The hot slide
of their wet bodies, slapping together in the water, was unbearably
erotic. His brute strength both stunned and excited her. She was
practically boneless in his arms while he did all the work, holding
her upright and treading water as he hammered into her, again and
again. All she did was clutch at him, arms and legs wrapped around
his body, gasping with pleasure as he brought her rocketing toward
another wild climax.

Under her hands, fine tremors rippled through
his shoulders. “I’m gonna come, baby,” he groaned. Moving his hands
down to her ass, he gripped her cheeks hard as he thrust. She
shifted slightly, changing her angle so his driving cock rubbed
right on her swollen clit. In seconds, her insides tightened in

“Yes, Nick,” she shrieked. Yes, yes!”

He thrust once, then again, and erupted. At
the same moment, she collapsed against him, every muscle in her
body trembling with a delicious weakness. If he hadn’t been holding
onto her so securely, she would have sunk like a stone to the
bottom of the pool.

Lucky for her, the sheriff was a powerful man



“Buzz Carson hated your father’s guts, Nick,”
Michael Webb said, “and now he’s taking it out on you.”

Startled, Nick glanced up from the diner menu
and met the eyes of the man who’d always been a mentor to him, and
his dad’s closest friend. Michael Webb looked every bit the Marine
major. Within months of retiring from the Corps, he’d landed a job
as assistant general manager of the Desert Oasis. Tall, hard and
tanned, he could pass for a decade younger than his fifty-five
years. Today, his wintry blue eyes belied the natural warmth that
Nick had come to expect from the man he’d grown up calling Uncle

Nick was determined to get some answers about
why Carson kept trying so hard to make his working life a misery.
The voice mail message Carson had left this morning had made this
meeting with Webb even more imperative. And Nick had been prepared
for any number of explanations for his boss’s dislike, but not this
one. The surprise must have shown on his face.

Webb nodded sympathetically. “It takes a
grade A asshole to hold a grudge even after a man’s long dead. But
that’s Carson. Using a man’s son to get even—it doesn’t get much
lower than that.”

Nick glanced around the restaurant, jammed
with tourists and locals grabbing a quick, inexpensive lunch. The
hard plastic booths and dingy tile floor put the place close to the
“dump” category, but the all-day breakfast and grilled burgers made
it easy to overlook the challenged décor. He’d asked Webb to meet
him at the diner because the last thing he needed was for his boss
to see them having a cozy tete-à-tete at the Desert Oasis.

Satisfied there were no other employees of
the Oasis in the diner, Nick returned his attention to Webb. “I
didn’t know the chief and Dad even knew each other. Carson’s never
said a word about it to me.”

“He wouldn’t, because it was all about those
two fights.”

Nick gave a resigned sigh. Knowing his dad,
he had a hunch about what would come next.

“Your father was the best damn company
commander in the 7th,” Webb continued. “And the toughest
son-of-a-bitch I ever met. He didn’t get those medals in the Gulf
for nothing.”

Nick nodded. During his years in the Corps,
he’d heard all about Captain Mike Saxon of the 7
Marines. Measuring up to his father’s legend hadn’t been easy, but
with a lot of hard work and determination he’d finally done it.

“One night at the Flamingo, Carson made a big
mistake,” Webb said with a frown. “Mike and I had just gotten back
stateside from Kuwait, and were going to be home for a few days. We
took our wives to see some comedian at Caesar’s, then headed across
the street to the Flamingo for drinks. That’s where we ran into

“He was a Vegas cop back then, wasn’t

“Yes. I found out later he’d spent years
trying to get his detective’s shield, but kept getting passed over.
It must have made him crazy. Crazier than he already was.”

Things were finally starting to make some
sense to Nick. “He has a chip on his shoulder the size of a bowling

“That night at the Flamingo, Carson was
already drunk by the time we got there. He overheard us talking
about Desert Storm, and obviously figured out we were in the Corps.
Before long, he was mouthing off to the others at his table. Really
stupid stuff, too. For some reason, the guy had a thing against the
military. Mike held it together pretty well, but when Carson kept
at it, your dad finally blew his cork and told Carson to shut the
hell up, or else. I figured we should just let it go, but not your
dad. Mike Saxon wouldn’t put up with shit from anybody. After a few
minutes, he invited Carson to go for a walk, and nobody could stop
him, not even your mother.”

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