Read Hot on Her Heels Online

Authors: Susan Mallery

Hot on Her Heels (25 page)

BOOK: Hot on Her Heels
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“By his own family. They'll be writing about it for months.”

“That'll be a pain in the ass, but at least it's over. He won't be able to hurt us anymore.” Izzy sounded more resigned than sad.

“You okay?” Dana asked.

“No, but I will be.”

“When Garth's done with Kathy, can you give me a ride back to his place?”


“Great. I'll just need a second to talk to him.”

Izzy nodded, then pointed to the motel. “You should take your second now. He has Kathy.”

Dana turned around and saw him leading Kathy to his car. She was wrapped in a blanket and seemed to be half asleep. When he got her in the car, he carefully closed the door, then crossed to them.

“I'm going to take her home,” he said. “Hey, Izzy.”

“Hey, yourself. I'm sorry he hurt her.”

“Me, too.”

She looked around. “I should head back to Lexi's. Nick will be pissed when he finds out I left by myself.” She pulled a folder from the front seat of her car. “A copy of what Mary Jo and I put together for the reporters. Just so you know what they'll be writing about.”


Izzy got in her car and pulled off to the side. Dana turned to Garth. There were shadows under his eyes and lines by the corner of his mouth.

“You look tired,” she said.

“It's been a hell of a ride. At least it's over now.”

Almost, she thought. There was just one more thing to take care of. “How's Kathy?”

“Pretty out of it. Whatever the doctor gave her is strong. She'll sleep through the night. I've already got a
psychologist coming in to talk to her about what happened.”

Right. Because Kathy would have more trouble processing what had happened. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked.

“Not tonight. I won't be back until morning. Are you going to be all right on your own?”

She'd told herself she was staying until it was over. This was pretty much the final moment. Oh, sure, she could make excuses and string things along for a few more days but to what end? Postponing the inevitable wouldn't make it go away.

“I won't be there in the morning,” she told him. “I'm going to pack my things and head home.”

He frowned. “Why?”

She stepped toward him, then cupped his face. “Because Jed is no longer a problem.”

He grabbed her wrist. “You don't have to move out. Dana, I want you there when I get home.”

He probably did, she thought sadly. This worked for him…for now. But what happened when this wasn't enough? When her love for him caused her to make demands? Then he would be forced to tell her the truth. And she knew deep down, he wouldn't want to hurt her.

“I want that, too,” she said. “Too much and that's the problem.” She drew in a breath. “I love you.” She shifted her fingers so they covered his mouth. “I don't want you to say anything. I've never let myself be with anyone I could seriously care about. I've never risked
falling in love. Despite my past and being terrified, I'm putting it out there. But I don't expect anything in return.”

Something flashed through his dark eyes, something she could read. Relief? His own brand of fear? Did it matter?

“You won against a formidable opponent,” she continued. “You took down Jed Titan. Now you need to let go of the past and move on with your life. Start over. You have a family. You need to be in the moment and then go find your future.” She dropped her arm to her side.

“Dana,” he began, then paused.

She knew why. What else was there to say?

“We'll run into each other,” she told him. “At various Titan events. Skye's wedding will be hard, but after that, it will get easier. I don't regret loving you, Garth. All that crap about love transforming us and making us better? Damn if it isn't true. I love you. I'll do my best to get over you, but you're going to be a tough act to follow.”

She raised herself on tiptoes and kissed him. “I want the best for you. Always.”

She turned and walked toward Izzy's waiting car. As she moved through the darkness, she listened for footsteps, foolishly hoping he would come after her, maybe beg her to stay. She wanted him to tell her that of course he'd fallen in love with her, too. That they would be together forever.

There was only silence.

She reached the Mustang, then opened the passenger door. As she turned to get in, she looked across the car to where Garth stood in the parking lot. Their eyes met, but he didn't say anything. Didn't try to stop her.

“Everything okay?” Izzy asked.

“Everything's going to be fine,” Dana said, and nearly meant it.


door to Glory's Gate and walked inside. The house was silent and cold, as if it had been abandoned a whole lot longer than a few weeks.

The first time he'd been in the house had been eight or nine months before, when he'd come to one of Skye's fund-raisers. He'd wanted to see the Titan family home. Now he'd taken it from Jed. There was no more Titan World, no Titan empire. Just pieces of the whole, his to do with as he pleased.

He crossed through the big entryway, past the grand piano. He took the stairs two at a time, then walked along the long second-floor hallway until he found the master bedroom.

The huge closet was empty, as were the drawers. It didn't look as if anyone had lived here for a long time. It was the same with the other bedrooms. He returned to the main floor and discovered Jed had cleared out the study.

He must have a place in town, Garth thought, walk
ing through the large kitchen and out onto the back porch. From here he could see acres of land. Titan land.

He won, just like Dana said. He'd beat Jed at his own game, had taken everything the old man valued. As a bonus, Jed's illegal activities were going to land him in jail for a very long time. Things had turned out better than he'd hoped.

He should celebrate. There was only one problem—the person he wanted to share this with wasn't with him anymore. True to her word, Dana had been gone when he'd returned to his place. She'd moved out, leaving behind empty closets and drawers. The fate of Glory's Gate on a smaller scale.

He told himself it didn't matter. That he'd enjoyed her company but nothing more. That their time together had been great, but she was right. It wouldn't have lasted. Surprisingly, she turned out to be like every other woman, speaking of love as if it were the ultimate gift.

He turned back to the house, but didn't go inside.

Except she
been like everyone else. She hadn't begged or pleaded or threatened. She'd told him she'd loved him and then she'd left him. As if saying the words was enough. As if that was all she wanted to do.

He didn't understand that. She had to want something from him. Everyone did. She couldn't just be giving her love to him. Who did that?

He tried to convince himself it was nothing but a mind game, only he knew Dana. She was the most straightforward person he'd ever met. She was tough and vulnerable, powerful and giving. She loved fiercely—he'd seen her love in action.

Given her past, what her father had done to her, it was kind of a miracle she was willing to love at all. Especially someone like him. He knew he wasn't exactly easy or even safe. She'd exposed herself. He could have hurt her. Not that he would, but why would she risk it? Why did she want him to know?

Too many questions, he thought as he walked into the house and locked the back door. He crossed through the kitchen, then went down the long hallway to the living room.

This would pass, he told himself. The ache inside that he couldn't explain. The empty silence in his condo. He believed in traveling light. Dana would only slow him down. Better to be ready at a moment's notice. Now if only he had somewhere to go.


answer her front door, but the person knocking didn't seem to be in the mood to walk away. She crossed the small living room and undid the lock.

“Finally,” Lexi said, walking inside. “Do you have any idea how swollen my ankles are? A woman of my size should not be standing for so long. There are—” She took one look at Dana's face, then dropped her purse to the floor and held out her arms. “I'm sorry.”

Dana brushed away tears, then stepped into her friend's embrace. “You don't know what's wrong.”

“I haven't seen you cry in about fifteen years, so I know it's big.”

“I'm fine. Or I will be.”

“You're not very convincing. I take it this is about Garth?”

“I told him I loved him.” Dana stifled a sob. She'd been one massive emotional bleed for nearly two days now and it was getting old. “I told him I loved him and then I walked away. And he let me.”

“That bastard.” Lexi took her arm and they walked over to the sofa. “When did this happen?”

“After we rescued Kathy.”

“You didn't call me.”

“I hurt too much.”

Lexi took her hand. “I'm sorry you're hurting, but I don't understand how this happened. Garth cares about you. Why would he let you just walk away?”

Dana shook her head. She was willing to be a fool for love, but she drew the line at being played for one. “He doesn't love me, Lexi. I know he doesn't and you know it, too.”

“But how…Oh.” Lexi's blue eyes darkened. “You were there? I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I don't think he meant it.”

“I think he did.” Dana drew in a breath. “It's okay, or it will be. I did it. I fell in love. I gave my heart to someone. That's good, right? I'm growing as a person. Right now it feels like someone is ripping my chest apart, but that will get better.”

“I don't know what to say,” Lexi admitted.

“Another first.”

“I'm sorry.”

“I'm not. Isn't that the craziest thing ever? I'm not sorry. Loving him was the best.”

“What happens now?”

“I go back to my regularly scheduled life. I heal. I continue to be a ray of sunshine in my friends' lives.”

“Maybe he'll—”

Dana shook her head. “Don't. Don't pretend he could come back. Hoping would take the last ounce of strength I have. It's over. I've accepted that. Hoping would be too hard.”


are the most annoying women on the planet,” Garth said, ready to start punching the wall. He'd never understood why a man would want to do that. At least he hadn't before. He got it now.

“It's a gift,” Izzy said serenely, from her place on the chair next to the sofa where Lexi reclined, her hand on her huge belly.

“Poor Garth,” Skye said, from the other chair. “Do you have a blood pressure problem? Should we be worried?”

“I didn't have one before today,” he said, unclenching his teeth.

They were in Lexi's living room. He'd brought along a list of Titan assets with the foolish hope they would be able to easily divide them. There was plenty to go around. But would his sisters talk rationally about any of it? Of course not. They'd shifted the conversation every time he'd tried to steer it toward stocks, the racehorses or the house.

Defeated, he tossed down the papers he held and dropped his head to his hands. “I give up,” he said. “You win. What do you want?”

“Magic words,” Izzy said with a sigh.

“They are pretty,” Skye agreed.

“Not pretty enough.” Lexi groaned and shifted into a sitting position. “We want to talk about Dana.”

His head snapped up. Every sense went on high alert. “Why?” he asked warily.

“She moved out,” Skye told him.

“I know that. She said she wanted to go and she did.” He hadn't liked her leaving, but she was an adult. He couldn't force her to stay.

“That's it?” Izzy demanded. “You don't have anything more to say?”

“I miss her?”

Izzy rolled her eyes.

“She's in love with you,” Skye said quietly. “Do you know that, too?”

“She told me.”

They all stared at him.

“And?” Lexi prompted.

“She probably doesn't mean it.”

It was a weak response, he knew that. But it was the best he could come up with.

“Men are so stupid,” Izzy grumbled. “Dana tells you she loves you and all you can come up with is she probably doesn't mean it? What if she does? What if she totally loves you and believes you're the one?”

His first thought was that his luck wasn't that good. His second was that she would expect him to love her back and that wasn't going to happen. “She doesn't.”

Lexi glared at him. “Are you serious? Come on, Garth. Give us something to work with here.”

“This isn't your problem.”

“It is because we care about you both,” Skye said. “Dana is our best friend and you're our brother. Let's walk through this together. She said she loved you and you said what?”


All three of them stared at him.

“Nothing as in…” Izzy said.

“Nothing,” he repeated. “She told me not to say anything.”

“And you chose that moment to listen?” Izzy's voice was a shriek.

Lexi's annoyance turned to speculation. “You were totally freaked out,” she said slowly.

“That's not how I would describe it.”

“But you were. You don't want her to love you. After all, you stood in my office and said you weren't in love with her. I believe your exact words were ‘I don't love Dana. I don't do love. Ever.'”

The sisters all exchanged a look. He knew exactly what they were thinking, but they were wrong.

“She wasn't there,” he said.

“Yes, she was,” Lexi told him. “She heard it all.”

He swore silently. No way. He wouldn't have wanted that. Wouldn't have said anything if he'd known. “Are you sure?”

Lexi nodded.

“Talk about sucky timing,” Izzy said. She pointed at Garth. “This is all your fault.”

“Why? What did I do?”

“You hurt Dana.”

“I never asked her to care about me,” he said without thinking.

“There's a defense,” Lexi snapped. “Dammit, Garth.”

He stood. “No way. I'm not the bad guy here. I was minding my own business.”

“You were coming after us,” Skye reminded him.

“When out of nowhere, Dana appeared.”

“You hurt us,” Lexi said. “She was protecting us. Man, you so don't deserve her.”

He agreed with that.

He hated that he'd hurt Dana. She didn't deserve that. She was…he didn't know what. Special for sure. But love? He wasn't the kind to fall in love. Out loud, he only said, “I don't believe in love.”

Lexi nodded as if she thought that was perfectly understandable. “Yes, but the question is, do you believe in Dana?”

Garth was quiet. “What?” Izzy demanded. “What are you thinking?”

“Shh,” Skye said. “Let him be. He's a guy. This isn't easy.”

He ignored that and them.

He'd always told himself he didn't want to fall in love. That love was all risk and no benefit. He'd won—he had it all. And without Dana, what was it worth?

He wanted to be with her, to share his life with her.
He wanted to make her laugh, make her happy. He wanted her crabbiness and her humor, her stubborn determination and her tender heart.

“What the hell have I done?”

“Finally,” Lexi said, and collapsed back on the sofa. “I'm exhausted.”

Izzy tilted her head. “I could almost hear the rusty gears grinding in place. I wonder if Nick went through the same kind of thing. I'll have to ask him.”

“There's a conversation designed to make him feel good,” Skye murmured.

“What do I do?” Garth asked. “How do I fix this?”

“Not our problem,” Lexi told him. She picked up the list he'd brought. “Back to dividing up the assets you bought. There are a few personal things I want from the house. A desk in the east guest room. One set of china.”

“The one with the blue flowers?” Skye asked. “You always liked that pattern.”

“That's the one.”

“There's a great set of flatware that goes with it, and you should take some of the crystal.”


“I want the racehorses,” Izzy said. “When they retire, they can come live on the ranch. Rita will be thrilled.” She turned to Garth. “Rita runs the stable.”

“I don't care about who gets what,” he said, frustrated again. “You have to help me.”

we don't have to do anything,” Skye said, grin
you called this meeting to divide up assets. I'll take a few thousand shares of Titan World for Erin. I know you're going to sell off the company, so they'll be converted into something else, but that's fine. Mitch should get the cattle. I'm with Lexi on wanting a china set. Which leaves the house.”

They weren't listening and he had a feeling it was on purpose.

“I'm thinking Garth,” Izzy said.

“You should have it,” Lexi told him. “You earned it.”

“Plus we can have Christmas Day there,” Skye said.

Wait a minute. “You said you were having Christmas at Cruz and Lexi's place.”

“We changed our minds,” Izzy told him. “Just as an FYI, you need a really big tree. I know where all the ornaments are, if that will help.”

“It won't.”

“I have the name of several caterers,” Skye added. “I'm guessing you won't want to cook.”

“We are not having Christmas at Glory's Gate.”

“Of course we are,” Lexi said. “Trust me. You'll love it.”

He dropped his head to his hands again. “You're killing me.”

“Then our work here is complete.”


up the long driveway.

“Where are we going?” Kathy asked anxiously from the passenger seat.

“It's a surprise.”

The look she gave him told him that in her world a surprise wasn't a good thing. Something else Jed had done to her, he thought grimly.

“I have something I want to show you,” he amended. Kathy didn't look reassured. He reached out and patted her arm. “It's right there.”

He pointed to Glory's Gate.

The large house stood silhouetted against the blue Texas sky. It seemed larger than usual, with windows staring down like eyes and a white fence that rolled to the horizon.

“Who lives here?” Kathy asked as the car came to a stop.

“No one, right now. I want to show you the house.”

It was something he'd been planning since he was fourteen and Jed had thrown him out of his office, he thought as he parked the car, then came around to the passenger's side and opened the door.

Kathy got out slowly, cautiously. He held out his hand and helped her out of his car. She stared up at the house.

“It's big.”

“Yes, it is,” he told her. “And very pretty inside.”

She didn't look convinced.

“Jed used to live here,” he said.

That got her attention. She smiled. “I know Jed.” The smile faded. “He's very sad. He cried. But he'll be better soon.”

Nothing Garth was hoping for.

“Is he here now?” she asked.


Jed was in jail. The judge had seized his passport and revoked bail. The list of charges grew every day. More people were coming forward with information to help the prosecution. It seemed that everyone Jed had ever screwed wanted payback.

“I knew him,” Kathy said slowly. “A long time ago.” She screwed up her face, as if trying to remember something, then shook her head.

Garth nodded, then released her hands. “Come see the house.”

She followed him up the stairs, then through the wide front door. He'd been by earlier, to make sure the place was clean and there were fresh flowers. Now he led her from the entryway to the living room. He started toward the kitchen, but she came to a stop and shook her head.

BOOK: Hot on Her Heels
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