Hot Redemption (16 page)

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Authors: K. D. Penn

BOOK: Hot Redemption
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Without hesitation, Epic complied. His lips came down almost brutally on top of mine and his tongue pushed into my mouth, completely dominating me. And I let him. I let him take control as he tore my tiny shorts and tank from my body. I spread my legs open wide, moist and so ready for him.

“I can never get enough of you.” He dipped his fingers into my wet pussy and groaned.

A blistering need set my whole body on fire. “Stop talking and fuck me.”

He pushed inside of me roughly, with no mercy, and I delighted in the feel of his hard cock. There was some kind of weird dynamic, one that my Epic-befuddled brain was hard pressed to sort out at the moment. And although he ruled over me with that huge body wrapped in muscle and power, I still felt in control. A slapping sound ensued, and his grunts echoed my cries of bliss.

I'd never felt anything like it before.

Epic rolled me over. I rode him at my own pace, rolling my hips ruthlessly and sliding up and down on him as he cupped my breasts and pinched my swollen nipples. My pussy clamped on to him, so hot and soaking with desire. I stared into his lust-filled eyes as he watched me bring us both pleasure. He mumbled incoherent and yet sweet-sounding gibberish that had my heart swelling inside my chest even as I rocked my way toward my release.

Are we making love? Is that what we're doing? Am I falling for him
? Questions swirled around in my brain that I couldn't answer, so instead of pondering them anymore, I threw my head back and screamed. My orgasm spread through my body like wild fire. My vision darkened around the edges.

The next thing I knew Epic flipped me over onto my back. I shrieked in surprise.

“Fuck. I'm almost there.” He yanked his cock out and fisted the tip. “I need to paint you with me.”

Inch by inch, I dragged my tongue along the bottom of my lip, knowing that he was on the edge of pleasure and insanity. “You want to come all over me, baby?”

He trembled above me. His arm shook as he tried with all his might not to move his hand over the tip of his dick and come. “F-fuck yeah. Can I?”

“Beg me.”

“Please.” His body quaked for a second, but he gained control of himself. “Please Nixie baby. Please!”

I grinned. “Come on me, baby. Do it now.”

White-hot liquid burst out of his throbbing head and landed all over my face and breasts. Normally I would've found it insulting, but the way he painted me with his pleasure felt right somehow. He was claiming me, and I was letting him. I slid my hands over my body and rubbed it in like lotion.

“Fuck, that's hot.” He groaned as his gaze followed my every movement. He snapped picture after picture. Light flashed so much around me I thought
would turn blind.

“Enough, Epic.”

“Sorry. I just don't ever want to forget this moment. When I'm at my worst, I'll pull these images out of my head and think of you.”

I lifted a finger to my lips and tasted his sweet release. “Mmmm . . . you taste good.” I knew my smile was anything but demure. “I think I need a shower now.”

Epic grinned. “No,
need a shower now. I'm going to clean you all up, just to do it all over again.”

“How can you already be ready again?”

“Because that's what you do to me, Nixie baby.”

I bit my cheek and suppressed my smile. “I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow, am I?”

“I don't think either of us will.” Epic scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder, heading toward the shower.

We made love in the shower for so long and so loud that Toy stomped in and demanded we shut up—but of course we didn't. And Epic wasn't satisfied until we both collapsed, completely spent, just as morning light began to spill through his bedroom window, replacing the moons' shadows with the illumination of new beginnings.



After the breakthrough between Nix and me last night, this morning I woke up, got a little crazy, and splurged by buying us both matching aerial scooters. A fire pattern covered hers. Black guitars decorated mine. Shade would trip if he knew. Luckily, he'd been too busy with the kids, the women that Ain had brought over, and the orders I gave him for the hit.

Nix and I rode the scooters to Dynamics. I'd made sure we took the long way so the whole path was clear of other drivers. Ain called earlier and told me that he got Nix an audition with the head managers. I was supposed to start work as a bouncer that night, but I decided to come early and make sure those managers kept their filthy hands to the side when Nix began to rock those hips.

We flew away from the city. Multi-colored glass towers shifted to scattered towns with hills of thick grass and machine-operated farms that sprayed pink liquid over black soil. The trail I guided us on was called a Free Path. Like most planets in the galaxy, areas with large poles that bore a yellow flag symbolized that all aerials could rush through without following the usual highway laws. Free Paths existed outside of major cities and over oceans and deserted areas.

“Damn the Duchess! This thing moves!” Nix's silk dress wavered in the breeze.

Her midnight-black stands danced in the air as she sped past me. Violet shades wrapped around her face. She'd refused to wear the helmet I bought her. Not that a helmet could save her from a hundred-foot fall, but it would have made me less jittery. She had her back exposed today. The dress tied around her and exposed the huge Phoenix as it flew out of the flames. For a few seconds I imagined the Phoenix flew to me.

“I just have to test this baby out.” Her scooter exploded with speed. She zipped by. A line of smoke trailed behind her.

I put my black sunglasses on and yanked the dial back on my scooter. Red lights glowed on the dashboard as I increased the speed to catch up with her. “You promised, Nix!”

“Going seventy miles per hour sucks!”

A gust of wind blew past me. My shirt and jeans rippled. “A hundred fifty miles per hour is deadly. Slow the fuck down!”

I'm sure she groaned, but I couldn't hear her. Her scooter rang out several beeps. The yellow lights at the back of her vehicle flashed to signal to the riders behind that she would be stopping. She slowed down and I adjusted my speed with her. She was lucky this was the free path where no trafficbots monitored the area or she would have been captured, ticketed, and maybe even had her vehicle towed away.

She drove to my side. “You're acting like you're my father. In case it's not obvious, that's not a good thing.”

“Fuck it. I don't want anything to happen to you.” I gripped the handles on my scooter hard.
Holy Duchess, please don't let anything happen to her. I can't take any more losses.
“We have twenty more miles before the sector of Lady Polynesia comes up and less than a mile after that for the club. Let's get there in one piece, Nixie baby.”

“Nah, I don't want to.” She stuck out her tongue and zoomed off, honking her horn.

I'm going to strangle her, right after I fuck the shit out of her. Maybe I'll bend her over and take her right in the ass, right on that scooter that I'm going to destroy.

“Worst case scenario, I can swim!”

“You're insane,” I yelled back.

“Says the guy that gave me his heart key!”

I couldn't help but grin.

Yeah. I am a little more insane than her. But who else deserved to wear it? Who else would ever deserve to wear it? She is my match in every way possible.

I'd been slowly dying from my snorting quake when she entered my life and saved me. Only the Duchess of Light knows what would have happened to me if I'd remained on the drug. I could have been a danger to my little brothers and sisters. Nix didn't know me. She said she helped me due to business reasons, but I knew better. She was falling for me as hard and fast as I was falling for her. Therefore, my heart key rested around the right neck. I couldn't think of anyone more worthy than her.

“Let's race!” Nix glanced over her shoulders.

“Let's do something even more fun.”


“Look forward to where you are driving and do it at a safer speed.”

“Boring!” She increased her speed. I rushed after her.

Nothing but ocean lay underneath us. It was clear blue and reflected the rays of the sun. A few steel boats cruised under and cast out metal nets. I didn't see any humans on the deck and assumed the whole fishing unit was run by robots or some sort of remote control where a staff manipulated it at a surface station. That's how fishing was done back on earth. The robots had dominated the fishing and farming industry. The only people who grew things were enthusiasts who had the land to plant a few vegetable seeds. “You're fucking insane!”

“Insanely fun! Epic, watch this!” She rose five feet up. I lifted my head as she twirled the scooter and her around in one swift moment.

“Nix, I'm going to kill you!” My nerves flared on edge.

“You'll have to catch me first.” Clouds of smoke burst in the air as she raced away.

At first I began to scream curses at her, but then I watched her bob her head like her own special music played in her head. I'd never seen her this way, so carefree and relaxed. I loved it.

So I shoved my stress down and did something even crazier . . . I just laughed. It bubbled out of me.

“Catch you, huh?” I chased her, yanking the dial on the scooter all the way down. The metal on my display shook. The engine hummed. My teeth chattered. I unbuckled my pants and opened them. My jeans fell to my ankles. I shoved down my boxer briefs. Cool air tickled my skin. My dick lay limp between my legs.

“Catch this!” My scooter whizzed past as I wiggled my ass at her. Laughter exploded behind me. Even over the humming of my engine, I could hear her hooting with joy.

Less than twenty minutes later we arrived in the sector of Lady Polynesia where club Dynamics was located. The sun had set on this side of the planet. Darkness painted the sky. The Free Path switched back into the aerial highway. Nix and I moved into line with the other floating scooters.

Music played from many of the Hoover crafts—popular pops songs I'd heard too many times about stars and love. It was funny how bands these days couldn't come up with a more innovative song topic than comparing their love to stars. Currently, the song “Star Gazer” hovered at number one on the charts and had been there for months. Number two was “Love Star”, then “Stars of My Heart.” Number four was the rap song “Star Fucker”, although the radio version was “Star Lover.” I groaned and wished I'd gotten the upgraded scooters with the ViFi Signals that captured sound waves from up to five planets.

Many of the buildings gleamed a shade of bright red and lit up the area around them. Most of them were restaurants and hotels. They extended high up into the sky and bordered the aerial highway on both sides. Although Lady Polynesia was the sector's official name, many referred to it as the Red Light District. I could see why. It was reminiscent of the red light districts on earth.

Perfume drifted to my nostrils. A copper platform floated my way. The vehicle must have been the size of a van. Five naked women stood on the top surface, holding the side bars. A man sat in the front and turned the wheel. The ladies whistled in my direction and wiggled their hips. Their nipples stood erect on those perky breasts. Upside down triangles of silky hair lay between their thick thighs.

White lights slid past the top of the machine. “Come play with us. All currencies accepted.”

“You see something you like?” Anger laced Nix's voice.

I turned to Nix. A neutral expression spread across her face, but I knew she was pissed. I smirked. “There's nothing over there for me. I'm just looking.”

She twisted her lips to the side as if she were thinking about it and then said, “Yeah, well, I guess looking is okay. Especially if you're only looking so that you can see how utterly lacking they all are in comparison to me.”

“I'm glad you approve.” I laughed.

Farther ahead, letters glittered in the sky and spelled out
A massive building rested under the flying letters. All black glass covered it. Black glass tended to be the regulation now for strip clubs, brothels, casinos, and drug dens. There couldn't be any other color but black, to represent darkness and to signal that this place was a business where the Duchess of Light would never venture to. Apparently the Duchess as too pure for these establishments, but had no problem taxing these places to fuel the galaxy's economy. I hated how the Duchess looked down on them.

“Alright, Nixie baby. That's our stop.” I gestured to the club and flipped on my right signal. Nix followed. We parked on the roof with all the other vehicles. Two bars zipped out of the sides of our scooters and wrapped around the ignition to keep them secure from any aerial jackers.

“That was fun.” She gripped my ass and squeezed. “Do I get to see this again tonight?”

“After I see yours.” I seized her curvaceous ass and pulled her into a kiss. We stood there for several minutes, sucking on our tongues, biting our lips, and slipping our hands across our bodies. I groaned and stepped back. “We have a job to do.”

“I didn't forget.” She blushed.

I nipped at her chin. “Then stop making me forget. According to our plan, you're supposed to be my cousin.”

I scanned the parking lot, but luckily no one was around.

“Well, we're clearly kissing cousins.” She strolled forward and approached the door before me. I hurried to the doorknob before she could grab it and opened it for her. She blushed again. “Who would have thought my kidnapper and master of chains would turn out to be a gentleman?”

I winked. “I try.”

An electronic bass boomed below. I couldn't hear the song because we were so far up. Smoke lingered in the dark passageway. A light blinked on and off where it hung from the ceiling. One bald-headed guy stood inside. Small screens sank in the wall behind him. One screen displayed the parking lot.

Fuck. He may have seen our kiss. I hope it doesn't matter. We'll have to be more careful.

“Only employees enter the back.” He held up his hand.

“I start as a bouncer tonight. She's interviewing.”

“Welcome to Dynamics. Please show me your ID or scanners.” He stood and reached my height.

“I don't have any scanners in my wrist.” I pulled my identification out of my pocket and showed the one-inch disk to him. He slid a pen over it. My face, name, address, and planetary status showed up on the top screen.

“Epicaderous Brownstone?” Nix covered her mouth with her land, but still, I heard the giggling. The guy chuckled too.

“It's Epic.” I shrugged. “Give me a break. My mom loved that cartoon
The Gods of Septors
when she was a little girl. Epicaderous was her favorite.”

“I thought that was a three-legged dog?” The guy's face scrunched up into a confused look.

“No. He was the leader,” I grumbled.

“So you're the new bouncer. Are you Ain's cousin?”

“Yeah.” I motioned to Nix. “I came early to escort her to her audition. She's my cousin too.”

“Good. The bosses don't let couples work together.” He scanned Nix's ID and then pointed to the dimly lit staircase that lowered into the club. “The club is made up of five levels. The bosses are on the third. They'll be waiting for her by the center stage. Usually they have some gear for her to put on. I think you can pick it out and change in the bathrooms on the side.”

“Sounds good.” I got ready to walk down there with her.

He blocked my way. “No guys but the bosses are allowed during the audition. Not even relatives.”

Then I don't want her to go.

I didn't like us being separated until I was more familiar with the club and the people who owned it. I almost dragged her out of there, but knew it would just piss her off.
Maybe I should keep her out of this hit and convince her to play a smaller role.
I glanced at her and she shrugged. As usual, no fear swam through those green eyes. A mask of confidence clamped on to her face. And in that instance, I remembered I couldn't keep Nix out of the plan no matter how much I desired to keep her safe. She made her own rules and only followed them, not mine or any others.

“You still want to do the audition?”

“Of course.” She tossed me an odd look.


She grabbed my heart key that lay between her cleavage, outlined the edge of it with her thumb, and walked to the stairs. “Wish me luck, Epicaderous.”

I'd remember that later when I had her legs spread across my bed.

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