Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) (26 page)

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Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #alpha male werewolf curves, #bbw werewolf erotic romance, #Hot Springs Werewolf, #bdsm werewolf

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And it was mind-blowing.

I heard myself making small groans, tried to stop and found I couldn't. My breathing reduced to quick gasps and I was having trouble thinking much of anything. I felt Red slip his fingers through my hair and I opened my mouth automatically. A moment later his scent filled me and I felt the tip of his cock touch my bottom lip. I closed my mouth around it as he moved forward, filling my mouth. I tried to suck, tried to lick and use all my tricks but I barely had any control over my body. The plug was making muscles inside me twitch all by themselves and each time they did, a warm jolt surged through me. I tried my best to concentrate on Red's delicious cock but the plug was demanding all my attention.

"Don't change," Red whispered.

Change? I could barely keep my breathing going at the moment let alone change.

"Be mindful," he said and pulled gently on my hair.

Concentrate Harper. You can do this.

I concentrated and my mind came back a little. Along with an image of Red standing in front of me, his cock in my mouth. And there was another Red, behind me, his cock inside me. I was bound and held in place, servicing both of them.

This image flashed into my mind and immediately I felt the uncontrollable shakes start inside me. The vibration had worked me almost up to the peak and now my imagination was going to take me over. The deep warmth within me turned to heat, surging. As I was pulled along, I started to suck on Red's cock even harder. Licking and twisting my head. I wanted it inside me. I wanted him entirely.

I tried to keep sucking but the vibrations from the plug were too much. Between two gasps I felt my body clenching in beautiful agony, felt stretched and filled completely, held in place, completely submissive to my Alpha. I groaned and Red's cock slipped out of my mouth but there was nothing I could do. My body wasn't under my control. My muscles in my legs started shaking, weakness and pleasure combined and the clench became a burst and relaxation and then another clench. I came, groaning and twitching and still the vibrations didn't stop.

It was different from any orgasm I'd had before. I'd had sharp and slow and warm and overwhelming. This was a silent explosion of warm honey that flooded out from deep inside me. I felt my muscles contracting around the plug and as they did, deeper waves of warmth flowed through.

I don't know how long it went on for. Normally I could pull away, catch my breath, recover but I was tied and under Red's control. I couldn't stop it or control it. After some time of me groaning and feeling the intense buzz inside me, I felt Red touch something and the buzz subsided to a low setting. It was still pleasure but I could recover.


Red, in my ear, squatting down next to me. He nuzzled my earlobe with his teeth and then kissed my cheek and down to my neck. He stroked his hand through my hair, gently, like he was being extra careful not to pull it. He kissed my neck and then his lips brushed against mine and he kissed me. It was soft and that one kiss turned into another. He kissed me on the corner of my lips, on the cheek, back to my top lip. His soft kisses became playful pecks and I laughed as I tried to keep up.

"What are you doing?" I whispered between kisses.

"It's a small break before the next part," he whispered in return and then laughed.

Okay yes, I still had a plug vibrating inside me and I'd just had some epic orgasm stretching out forever and was obviously intensely aroused and he could have tweaked my nose and I probably would have groaned in pleasure but... that laugh. His voice, light and musical. I
connection. I felt his care for me.

I felt.


A tear appeared from nowhere under my blindfold and trickled down, only to be absorbed before it escaped and gave me away. Red kissed me again on the lips, then the nose and then pushed the blindfold up just enough to kiss by the side of my nose where the tear had trailed down.

"I want you Harper Finch," he said and kissed my cheek once more before lowering the blindfold into place.

He returned to where he'd started near my ear and neck and nipped my earlobe before chuckling again to himself. Then he was gone, leaving me feeling warm inside and not just because of the epic orgasm.

Red Guile, my wolf of contradictions. My gardening, wine-drinking cowboy who liked to swing dance and who also had a bench to tie me to. No matter what shape he was, he always surprised me. I felt my plan to leave flake away into dust. I couldn't leave him. I wanted him like he wanted me. No matter what happened.

I felt a touch then on the back of my calf. It was light and tickled. Not a finger.

"No, don't!"

"It's just a feather Harper," Red said and then trailed it down my calf to the bottom of my bare foot.

I'd made it through a vibrating plug. I'd made it through Red slapping my ass. But at this light touch, I nearly shifted. I felt my teeth lengthening and my senses sharpened as I slid in the direction of wolf.

"Hold woman," Red said and gave me a gentle tap on my butt. It was enough to anchor me, to pull me back from the slide that once started would be almost impossible to halt. Red gave me a moment, barely long enough to take a breath before he stroked the feather across my other foot. I pulled my leg in its restraint and cried out.

"It's too much, it's too much!"

But Red didn't stop. He stroked the feather down my insole and then back up my leg, across my thigh and to the other leg. Down again until he reached my foot. He kept this pattern up and each time he reached my toes I had to fight against shifting. Then he stroked upwards and the break was enough to take hold of myself.

"Good," Red said.

I felt the feather on my back and then he dropped it so it touched the back of my bound hand and fell to the floor. I breathed in at the relief from the sensation and felt Red's hand touch my back. Then the tip of his cock touch my pussy.

The plug was still inside me, vibrating gently and then Red touched it, turned it off. As the vibration vanished I felt my nerves recover. They'd been trembling, overwhelmed with sensation and to have the plug turned off almost made me come right then. Now that it was silent I still felt stretched and filled but now I could feel far more. Red moved forward, just an inch and I felt myself stretching around the head of his cock. I was wet, ridiculously so and I knew he could slide all the way in if he wanted. Just one movement. But he didn't. He moved inch by inch. I felt his hands on my hips as he slipped into me. The stretching feeling intensified as the head of his cock entered me. It felt like there was now only a thin barrier between the plug and Red and that barrier was made of pure nerves that were twitching and jumping. Red kept moving forward, inch by inch and I realized I wasn't breathing. All I could feel was his cock, hard and thick and how it felt inside me. I let out a gasp and took a deep breath and then Red slid all the way in. I felt his hard body touch my ass, pressing against me. I felt the pressure of him against the plug.

I'd never experienced anything like this before. Red held himself in place and I breathed and tried not to come from his cock and the plug inside me. I was stretched and filled and it was producing a deep heat within me that at the moment was a gentle lapping but threatened to become a tsunami.

"Mine," Red said and I felt his fingers tighten on my hips.

I had no mind, no thoughts. I was body and sensation. So I was surprised when I spoke.


It was all he needed. I didn't get a chance to process my shock. Red moved from holding still to fucking me. He pulled back and then thrust into me and I gasped aloud as his body hit the plug.

I was tied down, I knew, but as he fucked me I moved back and forward. Or so it felt. Maybe my hips were moving and nothing else. I felt tied in place. Contained. Controlled. But at the same time free and wild.

I was tied to the bench and Red was fucking me but I wanted to be here. I'd put myself in this situation.

If he hadn't tied me down, I would have asked him to.

I got these thoughts as a flash between one thrust and the next and then they were gone in a burst of pleasure. Red was iron and steel. Solid muscle. He fucked me and each time he thrust into me I gasped and moaned and tried to move against my restraints but I couldn't. I had only the smallest glimmer of control and for a moment as Red slowed I thought I could keep hold of myself but then I felt the plug roar into life and Red sped up again.

The world was Red and his cock. My body. My clit, throbbing. The plug, vibrating like crazy. Behind my blindfold I was seeing colors as I alternatively clenched and rolled my eyes back in my head.

I heard Red start to grunt, his voice deepening and the sound of him drove me wild. I was restrained but I managed to move my hips, to fuck him as he fucked me. I was stretched and filled completely but I squeezed and heard him breathe in. I squeezed once more and then I came, jolting underneath him. I wasn't groaning or screaming. Just some long sound of pure pleasure that intensified as Red roared like a wild thing and came inside me. I felt every sensation. His hard cock jolting. The liquid warmth. My own body tensing and pulling at him.

"Fuck," Red said and I heard the wavering in his voice. He was strong and fast and powerful but he'd almost worn himself out fucking me.

This thought whispered by as Red pressed something on the plug and turned it off. I could still feel his cock inside me, pressing against my g-spot and it felt incredible but there was no way I could continue. My limbs were filling with warm sand. I felt drunk almost, that warm rush in my legs and arms that comes a few minutes after those first few mouthfuls of beer or wine.

I felt Red slip the plug out of me and then he was touching my ankles and, incredibly, I must have gone to sleep between him undoing those cuffs and my wrists. I awoke, or thought I was awake as he undid my wrist and next I was in his arms, still blindfolded.

The world split into moments then. A dark corridor. The stairs. The shower, the light off, my blindfold dropped somewhere. Standing under warm water with my hands around Red's neck as he gently ran soap over my body. Thinking that I should help but feeling so drunk on him and content that I just stood there. Then a rough towel, so dry it crackled. Then a dim corridor again, a soft bed, warm sheets and a bliss so complete I could die right then and be happy about it. Boxes in my cabin forgotten along with the idea that drove me packing them up in the first place.

The bliss of Red next to me, our breathing slowing, a gentle kiss and then sleep.


awoke in the darkness, coughing. Smoke, fuel and fire. The room was filled with smoke and I could hardly breathe. I reached for Red but he wasn't there.


I rolled off the bed, fell to the floor and closed my eyes.


I held my breath and pushed the fear away. Let my senses expand. The fire was all around the house. Wooden beams were cracking in the heat. The roar of it so loud. But there was no heartbeat other than my own. Red was either dead or wasn't here.

I pulled myself up from the floor, eyes stinging and lungs crying out. The newly-repaired bedroom window stuck so I picked up the lamp and smashed it and then used the lamp to widen the hole. As soon as I did, the cold night air rushed in and I saw it was almost morning. I climbed out the window and fell on the grass on my hands and knees, coughing. The cool air was glorious and I drank it in. I stood up and stumbled away from the house calling out.

"Red! RED!"

I ran around the front of the house and saw it was fully ablaze, the fire roaring like a demon from hell. I could smell the reek of fuel coming off in waves from the house. There was no way I'd be able to run in there. Even from where I was I could feel my skin burning. I looked around but there was no one in sight.


My voice was dwarfed by the roaring inferno. It had spread to the garage and then I saw that Red's truck was gone. Maybe he'd left in the night - although I couldn't understand why. Not that it mattered. So long as he was alive. I turned and bolted down to the cabin to find my phone. No service as usual. Naked and half out of my mind I waved the phone around until it finally flickered a single bar. I called 911 and reported the fire but it cut out after I gave the address.

I tried again but I couldn't get through and whatever magic had summoned a signal had vanished. I threw on some clothes and my shoes from yesterday that still had droplets of blood on them and then went back outside. In the few minutes I'd been inside dawn had broken. I looked up the hill and saw Red's home was completely ablaze, the fire roaring and shooting twenty feet up into the air above it. Sparks were flying up in a mushroom cloud and there were loud cracking sounds as beams inside the house burst apart in the tremendous heat.

I stood there for half an hour, helpless, and watched Red's house burn. It roared and crackled and eventually the walls toppled and the whole thing collapsed in on itself. Every minute I watched it burn I felt the fire was sweeping through me too but it wasn't making me hard like steel that is heated and cooled again. It was burning me, destroying all my foolish ideas. The anger and rage that was the werewolf was gone - or under control. Last night with Red had shown me I could control it absolutely and I didn't want to let it out again because the only solution I could see right now was to leave or go on a murderous rampage and I was no murderer.

Like a zombie, I walked inside and then loaded up the packed boxes into the back of Boris one by one. It didn't take long at all, time seeming to jump by in chunks and some part of me commented that I must be in shock.

I locked up the cabin and then left the key under the mat before I placed my broken laptop in the front seat of Boris and got in. The fire brigade hadn't come yet and I guessed that the address had cut out too soon. Or the Toulouses were in control of that too. At that thought I felt my stomach turn and a little of the fury ignite inside me. They surely were behind this attack. Where was Red? Did they have him?

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