Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) (5 page)

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Authors: Sadie Hart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement)
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Hell. She didn’t miss much of their muscles either. Rather, she noticed every damn one. Kanon had a nice ass too. Lennox took another swallow. Liquid courage by all means tonight.

“Enjoying yourselves?” The question slipped out before she could second guess herself, and they both jerked their heads up at the sound of her voice.

They didn’t, however, stop dancing.

“You get what you needed?”

“Just need one from the snake and I’m good to go.”

Kanon turned, dropping one arm from Tegan’s back and he reached for her. “Aibileen’s on duty ‘til three. You can dance a few rounds before then.”

His grin turned wicked then. All pure, sweet, sensual sin and Lennox thought about running. Dodging right back out to her car and leaving them both stranded here.

Yeah. Some big, bad Enforcement Hound she was.

Kanon’s hand found her waist, curving gently over her hip and Lennox lifted an eyebrow. Daring, without moving. She was not going to run. She was a ridgeback and one of the top Enforcement Hounds in the country. Lennox Donnelly didn’t run.

Tegan’s hand slipped around her other hip.

Lennox swallowed. Besides, backing up now would definitely be showing fear.

They eased closer and her back locked up as a shiver skated down her spine. The pair of them were built like tanks. Muscled, gorgeous, tanks.

Kanon bumped her shoulder with his. “You should dance with us.”

“Yeah,” Tegan whispered.

She sucked in a hard breath, “I don’t think that’d be smart.”

“Why?” Tegan nudged her hip with his, his arm sliding around her waist. “Kanon’s off the hook, innocent. We’re here with a good chunk of the night left to spend. Why waste it?”

“Wanna bet if we were Hounds she’d already be on the dance floor?” Kanon’s eyes locked with hers, accusing, even as the words came off light. But he was right. If she’d been off duty and one of the Hounds had asked her to dance...why not?

“Discriminating,” Tegan murmured, his lips curved into a soft smile as he laid a kiss against the edge of her jaw. She jumped at the touch, but there was nowhere to go.

“No. You’re just in my space.” Her voice shook a little as she said it.

“Then back up.” Another kiss.

“Unless you like us in your space.” Kanon’s gaze dropped to her lips just as Tegan kissed the swell of her neck.

Lennox tightened her grip on her beer and tried to think of what to say, but she kept staring at Kanon’s eyes, his gaze locked on her lips and she wanted him to kiss her. As stupid as it was, it wasn’t like he was a criminal anymore and she wanted to try a lion.

“Lennox,” Tegan whispered. “You gonna back up yet?”

She swallowed, shaky. “No. But I might smash this bottle upside your head.”

She felt them both pause, Kanon’s gaze lifting to meet hers. Reevaluating. She had a choice. Tuck tail and run or stand and fight.

She’d always been more of a fighting kind of woman.

Lennox pressed her beer bottle into Kanon’s free hand, grabbed hold of his shirt and yanked his lips down against hers. Kanon’s kiss was exactly like she’d imagined. Hard, dominant. Hot. He kissed feverishly, furiously, and she stretched up on her tip toes to meet him completely. Her tongue sparred with his, desperate, wild. A little like the Hound who’d just tossed out the rule book.

He tasted like beer and popcorn, salty and sweet. There was the smell of fur just under his skin, feline instead of canine. Feral. Lennox broke the kiss on a sharp gasp, when Tegan cupped a hand under her chin and tilted her head back to steal a kiss of his own.

She didn’t hesitate. One moment she’d been kissing Kanon and the next she met Tegan’s mouth, every bit as hard and fiercely as she’d taken his partner’s. He was softer than Kanon, more playful. Not at all what she’d expected. She’d thought Tegan was the hard ass of the pair, but if kisses could tell, theirs spoke a completely different story than the men acted.

Tegan ran a hand down her jaw and she shoved it away, only to wrap her hand around his wrist so she could hold on.
They didn’t scare her
, she wanted to scream, but saying it felt too much like evading the truth. So she melded it into her kiss instead. Her knees quaked and she clung to both of them to keep herself from sliding to the ground.

A cold brush of magick touched her skin, like the icy touch of reality, oddly familiar and Lennox pulled away, her tongue pressed to her upper lip. Shit. She’d kissed a lion.
lions. Calmly, she reached for her beer, took it gently from Kanon’s hand, and started to turn away.

Hot breath slid over her neck as Tegan’s teeth found her pulse and he nipped over her collarbone. Kanon stepped in front of her, mimicking the nip on the other side. “Running already?”

Lennox started to shake her head when the magick nibbled over her skin again. Whoever the witch was, they didn’t have good control tonight. Her gaze darted over the writhing bodies on the dance floor, the stools by the bar. Nothing. Then again, it was hard to find anything in this bar other than the two men surrounding her.

“I think we scared her.” Tegan wrapped her tight against his chest and leaned over her, his hips cradling hers from behind, only to have Kanon press himself flat against her front.

Tegan gave a low rumble of a growl as Kanon’s hand slipped over his, his thumb trailing over Lennox’s side as Kanon skimmed his hand all the way up Tegan’s arm until he’d wrapped them both in a hug.

Lennox jerked, startled, her attention drifting back to them as Kanon took Tegan’s mouth with his, her still pinned between them. There was no gentleness in the kiss, no room for manners. Kanon stole it with every intention of domination and Tegan met him back, every bit as rough and ruthless, and they held Lennox between them, ground against her.

They pulled back, growls rumbling out of both of them, stiff. And there it all went down the tubes. Fuck. She knew better than this. Not that she wanted two men in her life, especially these two, but it just proved her point. One kiss was all it took and it all went to Hell.

Lennox shook her head, pressing one hand against Kanon’s chest to try and shove him back a step. “Cool it. Both of you. I am not a bone and besides, this was as adventurous as I get for a night. We’re done now.”

She felt them both pause. Kanon blinked down at her for a second before a soft smile touched his lips. Almost teasing, chiding. He pitched his voice low as he whispered, “We’re not dogs.”

She snorted. Yeah, and that’s why they were snarling like a bunch of tomcats over a female in heat. “For the record, dogs share better than lions. And it doesn’t matter. I’m not exactly a grand prize, go scrap over someone else.”

Tegan trailed a hand up the side of her neck, twisting his fingers in her hair. “I’m missing the memo.”

“She thinks we don’t share.”

Tegan huffed. “Honey, we share pretty damn well.”

damn well.” Kanon leaned down to nip over her bottom lip. “And for the record, we weren’t fighting.”

Tegan nipped along her jaw. “If anything, darling, the only person between the three of us that has any issues...is you.”

She doubted that. Lennox pressed her hand harder into Kanon’s chest. “This still isn’t going to work.”

Kanon frowned at her, eyebrows furrowed but slowly he took a step back. “All right then. Still need to meet that last witness?”

. Lennox nodded and squeezed out from between them.

“Right this way,” Kanon said and gestured towards a dark skinned waitress passing out drinks at a nearby table. He gave a sharp whistle and the woman lifted her head, flashing him a toothy grin.

One second,
she mouthed, finished passing out the drinks and headed their way. The woman had no qualms whatsoever sidling right up to Kanon’s side as if she owned it. She pressed a kiss to his lips, but not before Lennox saw the flash of fangs. Then she leaned over a pressed a kiss to Tegan’s cheek as well.

Apparently they hadn’t been lying about sharing.

“Aiby, this is Lennox Donnelly. Remember that—”

Oh no. Lennox grabbed her badge out of her back pocket and flipped it open. “Shifter Town Enforcement, Lennox Donnelly,” she said, promptly cutting Kanon off. She was not about to have him leading a witness. “Do you remember the altercation between Kanon and a Hound last Wednesday?”

The waitress stiffened, grimacing. “Aibileen Walters and yes, I do.”

“Ms. Walters, can you tell me what happened?”

“Kanon had just gotten done dancing with some poodle-shifter. She’s a regular and an easy lay. I remember thinking he was gonna go filch a condom from Tegan before following her out.” Lennox slid a gaze to Kanon and he had the grace to look guilty, the corners of his lips pulling back in the slightest hint of a wince.

“Tegan was at the bar, chatting up some cowboy with a Stetson. Can’t remember if he was a shifter or not, but probably. I was watching ‘cause I still had hopes of getting off shift in a quarter hour and if Tegan waylaid Kanon, I was getting doubly fucked that night.”

Lennox fought the irritated twist in her gut. They weren’t her type, but the pair of them kissed like demons and if Lennox were into the bad boy brigade she’d have to admit she’d be tempted. Though how two incredibly gorgeous, sexy men weren’t her type even for one night was beyond her.

She blew out a soft breath.
Aibileen hadn’t stopped chatting and so far, her story corroborated with the two written statements she already had.

“There was a trio of Hounds at the bar. Fishing for information, they’d already asked me about Mack who runs the auto store up the street.” Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Kanon paused behind Tegan, leaned over to whisper something when one of the Hounds turned and butted in. He must not have liked Kanon’s response ‘cause he jumped him.”

Which concluded a trio of witnesses all claiming that the assault had not been started by Kanon.

“Kanon finished the fight, Tristan called it in, I got off shift...” She grinned. “So we all went back to my place to hang low.”

And do things Lennox really didn’t want to think about. “You willing to give me a written statement on that?”

“Of course. Gotta give me a few though. Table three’s been waiting while I’ve been blabbering.”

“Thank you,” Lennox said.

“Thanks Aiby,” Kanon said.

“Any time boys. I’m free tomorrow, if you wanna make the trip twice in a row.”

Lennox swallowed the urge to growl. It wouldn’t matter because tomorrow she’d be so far out of their lives that this would all be done and over with. Then Tegan slid a hand around her waist, his chin finding the crook of her neck and Lennox felt him relax against her. Calm. “Maybe another time,” he said softly.

Aibileen took the hint and left, hips swaying as she headed back for her table. Kanon turned on her, a teasing smile slipping over his face as he reached a hand out to cup Lennox by the jaw. “I thought you said something about dogs and bones...”

“No, it was something about how she wasn’t a bone,” Tegan supplied. The corners of his lips twitched. “Didn’t appreciate being fought over...”

Great. She was never going to live that one down. “I didn’t...”

Kanon stopped her with a soft kiss, his hands finding her hips as Tegan traced small circles against her belly, his lips trailing kisses down the back of her neck and along her shoulder.

“Of course not. Now, you have three testimonies telling you I’m innocent.”

“You’re officially off duty.”

Kanon took her beer and set it aside, only to turn back with one hand extended for each of them. “So, shall we dance?”

She should have said no.

But they were off the hook and tomorrow no one would have to know.

Lennox let her tongue trail a quick, wet line over her lips. She nodded and let the pair of them lead her out onto the dance floor. After all, what could a few dances hurt?


She didn’t remember what time they’d gotten in, only Tristan’s low laugh as he’d handed one of the boys a key, promising them the rental was empty and that it was cheaper than a motel because he didn’t charge friends. After that, there’d been nothing but a stumble down the sidewalk and a large puppy pile on the bed.

Lennox rubbed at her eyes, the rest of her body tightly wrapped between two sleeping, happy men. Her breath hitched for a second. She hadn’t. There was no way. She’d never... Lennox stared down at Tegan and Kanon, both cuddled up to her as they cradled her between them. The only thing even remotely good about the situation was that she was still clothed.

That they were
still clothed.

Lennox blew out a breath. The chances of them all getting naked, screwing around, then all climbing back into their clothes before bed…yeah, she was safe. The knowledge did wonders for her sanity. She hadn’t actually slept with her job, just next to him.

Shit. She needed an inhaler.

Her chest gave a painful squeeze and Lennox wriggled her way out from between them. She was going to need one heck of a shower before she headed back to Enforcement. If the other Hounds scented lion on her skin... Lennox shook her head. Her credibility would be shot, her reputation, poof, up in smoke.

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