Hour of the Bees (14 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Eagar

BOOK: Hour of the Bees
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Alta’s stopped packing and instead has her arms full of things that have called to her: everything, apparently.

Then I find something.

A bracelet. Black bark strung onto a leather strip. It jumps out from all the sparkly, bedazzled jewelry because it’s so simple. Like the ranch. I pick it up.

It’s like the bracelet from the story.

Alta sets her things down and looks at the bracelet in my open palm. She uses her coral fingernail to prod the bracelet’s bark. “Pretty,” she coos.

“I know,” I say. The bark swirls, grains trickling into formation, a cellular wooden waterfall frozen in time. It feels like staring at eternity, looking at this bracelet.

It calls to me.

“It’s really pretty,” Alta says again. A flame flickers in my chest. I know what she’s doing. She’s going to try to con me into giving it to her.

She’ll wear it for a month, then toss it out instead of passing it down to me. She hates giving me her old things — she wants to be the only owner of things forever.

“This would go perfectly with a dress I saw at the mall,” Alta says.

I’m not backing down. “Dad said I could pick something,” I say, “and I’m picking this.”

Alta glares. “It doesn’t match anything you have.”

, I think. This bracelet matches nothing in my wardrobe, matches nothing in Albuquerque. Nothing in my life. The bracelet isn’t anything like who I am; it’s a bracelet for who I want to be.

“I saw it first,” I say, hating how like a little kid I sound.

“Hey, what’d you find?” Dad comes back from stacking boxes in the minivan. I hold out the bracelet, and he takes in a sharp breath.

s bracelet. She wore it everywhere.” Dad ties it around my wrist. I try hard not to smirk at Alta. “It’s kind of perfect that you found it,” he says, “since you look so much like her these days.”

“I do?” I ask, and I realize that I don’t actually know what Grandma Rosa looked like.

“See for yourself.” He pulls a sepia-toned photo down from a shelf.

Rosa looks like an old-fashioned movie star. She’s tall and curvy as a cello, with pouty lips and black wavy hair hanging past her hips.

At first, nothing in her face is familiar. She’s beautiful and glamorous, and I’m, well, I’m like my dad. But then I realize her eyes are just like our eyes, too — squinty, with stubby eyelashes and no color in the irises, just dull black. Looking at Rosa, I see how I can tilt my chin up, glance at the world from beneath my eyelids like they’re heavy drapes, and add sparkle to my dark eyes by thinking mischievous thoughts. I practice it while Alta and Dad pack another box. It feels like a grown-up way to see the world.

in Chile.” Dad puts another photo in my hands, patting Lu on the head as he walks by him. “That’s one of her scarves, see?” My grandmother’s neck is draped in a knitted scarf that looks softer than clouds. “And here she is at the Olympics.” Rosa aims an arrow at the camera, tongue sticking out the side of her mouth in concentration.

“Grandma was in the Olympics?” I say, surprised — no one in our family is athletic.

“No, no,” Dad says. “She was at the Olympics selling her scarves and made friends with the Spanish archery team. Everyone loved those scarves. People paid a lot of money for them.”

“Was there anything Grandma couldn’t do?” I say, entranced by the photos. “She was so . . .”

I pause, overwhelmed by the words that could end this sentence: So adventurous? So talented? So wild and free?

So unlike Serge?

Dad has to clear his throat a few times before he can speak. “She was something, all right.” He gives us instructions to finish packing. “I’ll haul it out to the minivan later, when the old man isn’t looking.” Then he leaves, taking Lu with him, and Alta and I are alone.

I flex my wrist, examining the bracelet. Old wood, young skin. This is how I hoped to feel in my school clothes from ForeverTeen: ready to mount a horse and ride to the other side of the world. Like in Serge’s story.

So much of his story is stolen from real life. There’s a girl named Rosa who travels the world. There’s a sheep ranch in the desert. The world’s most persistent bees. A bundle of souvenirs from every country that’s ever existed. And now this black-bark bracelet . . . There’s even a scabby tree stump beyond the pasture, I realize, that kind of matches up. I wonder if Serge was always such a clever storyteller, weaving reality with fiction as masterfully as Grandma Rosa knit her famous scarves. Or is this another side effect of dementia? Does Grandpa Serge actually believe the stories he’s telling me?

Bzzz, bzzz
. . . Alta’s phone rings in her robe pocket and brings me back to the here and now. “You can just pack all this up.” She gestures to the pile of Rosa treasures she plucked up so greedily moments ago.

“You don’t want any of it?” I hold up the brocade bag from New Orleans that Alta gushed over. “Not even this?”

Her eyes shift cold: Moody Alta. “It’s all just a bunch of junk. She wasn’t even my real grandma, anyway.”

My chest deflates. Didn’t we just talk about Grandma Rosa, how amazing she was, and now Alta won’t even claim her? “But you’re my sister,” I say, “and she was my grandma. So that’s basically like saying she was your grandma, too.”

“Well, if you want to be technical, you’re really only my
sister . . .” she says, and I swear, something burns the outside of my wrist. The bracelet presses against my skin, its heat radiating up my body, exploding out of my mouth like I’m breathing fire:

“You’re just mad about the bracelet. Well, it’s mine. For once, something is mine. Your daddy can’t buy it for you, and you can’t bat your eyelashes and make me hand it over. It’s mine.” I love the way that word tastes, so I say it again. “Mine.”

Her glare penetrates me — there might be scorch marks on the wall behind me. “You’re right,” she says. “Your bracelet. Your grandma Rosa, your grandpa Serge, so it’s
closet to finish packing.”

She glides out of the room, a rattlesnake retreating, and my face glows red, like I’ve just been slapped.

I don’t know how long I stand there, waiting to cool down, but when I venture into the back of the closet to finish the packing by myself, it doesn’t surprise me to hear a faint buzz. Whenever I’m by myself at the ranch, the bees turn up their volume. This time I’m glad for their company. They make me feel less alone.

I snap my fingers, just to see how fast a second is. Things change that quickly.

Just minutes ago Alta and I were equals, playing dress-up in the closet. If only I could have bottled that moment up and saved it for when I needed it — but moments can’t be stored or repeated. They are lived once, then gone.

I measure time with changes.

The bracelet is heavy now, scratching my wrist. It’s the prize for winning against Alta, a bittersweet victory.
Not my real grandma
, she had said.
Not real sisters

I finish the closet joylessly, folding, draping, and packing in robotic movements. When the closet is empty, I shoo a few rogue bees out the bedroom window, and that’s when I spot something on the floor, back in the dark corner. . . . Something small and round. . . .

A seed.

A seed, black as a scorpion, the size of a penny. I examine it in my palm. A seed, in Grandma Rosa’s closet. A seed that grows into what? I guess we’ll never know; it would probably just fizzle and die if buried in the ranch’s gritty, sandy dirt.

While I’m puzzling over this, a bee lands on the seed and scurries along its surface. It inspects it, almost sniffing (do bees have noses?), then flies away.

The front door opens and shuts. “Carol?” Mom calls from the kitchen.

“Coming,” I say, and gently pocket the seed. The bee disappears out the window.

Mom kisses my cheek when I come into the kitchen. “Thank you,” she says. “Did Alta help?” She inspects my face as she asks this.

“Yeah, big help,” I say. Mom raises her eyebrows, but I don’t feel like going into it, so I change the subject. “What happened at the doctor’s?”

She swallows, then swallows again — Mom’s procrastinating saying the truth out loud, which is how I know it’s not good news. “He’s getting worse. His brain is deteriorating faster than they can track it.”

My heart lurches. “They don’t have a pill that can stop it?” I say. “There’s no cure? No machine that can slow it down, or a surgery . . .”

Mom’s eyes flood. “Brain deterioration is irreversible. Once the Christmas lights are off, they’re off.”

I guess I had hoped Serge would stay only comically forgetful, in the shallows of dementia — misplacing his boots, barking at the people on TV like they can hear him, asking if Inés has been fed, over and over. I can live with a Serge like that. But instead Serge is going to drift further out to open sea, lost inside his own broken brain. Mom spots my bottom lip quivering and hugs me.

“Oh, hon,” she whispers.

The dam of tears threatens to break, but I hold it in, hold it in, hold it in . . .

“Where is he now?” I ask.

“Where else?” Mom says. “On the porch.” I take a deep breath and head out there.

Serge is in his chair, whittling. He doesn’t look different than he did this morning, doesn’t seem any deeper down the dark, drippy well of dementia.

“Caro-leeen-a,” he says, “what is that around your wrist?”

My entire body freezes solid. “A bracelet,” I answer truthfully. “A very old bracelet.”

“It suits you,” he says. “You look so much like her.” He breathes in deeply, his oxygen tube sighing. “
, does Inés have food?”


“And water?”

Sigh. “Yes.”

He nods. “She’s a good dog.”

I sit on the top step. “Can you tell me the rest of the story? Do they really chop down the tree?”

He stares at the ridge, eyes in story-land already.

“Yes, they chopped down the tree. Left a scab on the land.” Serge’s knife moves like a blur. “Once upon a time . . .”

I mouth along with him, blinking back tears,
there was a tree

nce upon a time, there was a tree

And they cut it down

Not at first

First, Rosa took Sergio’s whittling knife, crawled up to their favorite branch, and removed small pieces of the coal-black bark, the size of ribbons. One for everyone

The villagers stood around the trunk, whispering prayers of hope. Rosa would free a strip of bark, then toss it below to a giddy soul, who would press it to his heart: his token of freedom. Bees darted around the villagers’ heads, annoyed by these confounded humans who blocked the blossoms and skinned the tree alive

When every villager but one had a piece of the tree, they celebrated with a feast of mutton and grilled cactus flowers. Sergio paced the lake’s shore, nibbling his meat. His eyes stayed on the starry sky to avoid watching Rosa, who was the fiesta’s lifeblood. Every time she danced, his gut lurched

The people asked Sergio to use his whittling skills on their bark strips, and at first he resisted. Why should he help them, when they voted to leave the village? To leave him?

But he relented, carving a talisman for every man, woman, and child. He skipped sheep chores to work on them, compelled to touch each piece of bark himself. He carved the wood as penance. Since he couldn’t stop the villagers from cutting up the tree, he wanted to make the butchered wood into something beautiful, something to remind them of home while they traveled. He shaped the bark into many things: pendants laced onto string; wooden brooches; barrettes for a girl with wild dark hair; charms shaped like the tree itself

Carolina asked for such a charm and attached it to her collar as a brooch

Rosa was the only one who preferred her bark plain — just the raw, untouched bark on the leather strip

Then it happened. People started leaving. One family at a time, they tiptoed away from the lake and danced over the ridge. They camped under different stars, then returned

They trekked into open desert and met up with coyotes. Snakes. Spiders. Cliffs. Rushing rivers with shifting, tricky currents. Purple lightning strikes. But they always returned

Such a cautious dance for a people who had never needed caution before

Once upon a time, there was a tree. And they cut it down

Not yet

But they did wish to go farther

They sought reassurance from Rosa. “Will the bark really be enough? Such a tiny piece of the tree will really protect us from death?”

Rosa reassured, but still they fretted. “Take more, if you’re worried,” she said

So they sawed off branches — just a few at first — and Sergio whittled fishing poles for the fathers to fish with, toy swords for the boys to fight with, baby dolls for the girls to swaddle. He even made carts for the horses to pull. There seemed no end to the amount of lumber provided by the tree. Gradually the tree was stripped of bark and limbs, a naked black beam pointing to heaven

Sergio never saw what happened to the tree’s white blossoms. Neither did the bees, whose collective angry buzz rang through the village long after sundown every night

Whole families left. The mission grew emptier night after night, and Sergio walked the halls counting who remained. Once, no one had ever left. Now they were gone, all gone

This time, when the villagers came home, they fell to their knees at the shores of the green-glass lake and kissed the water. Months away from home made them sentimental. They brought back their own souvenirs this time, evidence of their own bold travels: their own totems, their own treasure boxes from the East, their own seashells

They returned greedy. Hungry for more of the world — for more of the tree

They hacked wood from the bald tree, clawed it from the trunk, tore it, ripped it away at odd angles, splintered and raw. Instead of prayers under their breaths, they spoke loudly and grandly of their travels, sharing stories around the bonfire at their annual summer festival. Sergio tended to his sheep and watched his people take, take, take, like buzzards plucking flesh from a man still pumping blood

“She’s gone too far,” he murmured to Carolina, while Rosa exchanged upcoming travel plans with neighbors

Carolina widened her eyes at Sergio. “She’s only just started,” she said, and walked to her sister

The white blossoms never grew back. That sweet honey-vanilla scent faded from the village, replaced with the smell of sweat. Bee clouds swirled above the remnants of the tree, their buzzing louder than the new harsh wind that howled across the lake. The bees were desperate for pollen. But the blossoms were now a thing of the past

The past. The village was supposed to be a place immune to pasts, presents, and futures, but now there would forever be a division — a before and after. Before, when the tree was living. After, when the villagers were living and the tree was not

A new way of measuring time

Father Alejandro asked Sergio to carve him a canoe, so Sergio, his heart heavy, shaped a chunk of tree into a sleek one-man boat, which the Father took on his trip to a northern sea. A deadly hurricane struck, but the Father survived and brought the boat back. “The gift lives on,” he said, and smiled in a wild way that reminded Sergio of Rosa

A village family with three daughters had Sergio make a frame for a portable longhouse. The girls painted symbols and pictures on the wood, then they carted it up a treacherous mountain range in the West. When an avalanche of snow buried them alive, they climbed out and walked away, unharmed. “The gift lives on,” they said

“The gift lives on,” Rosa repeated to her husband, the rare times she was home

“So it seems.” Sergio scanned the once-bustling village in the oasis, now a row of dusty abandoned shacks

On a morning Sergio had planned to spend caring for his pregnant ewes, Rosa rode into the pasture. Inés abandoned the sheep to greet her, and Sergio helped her off her horse

“Welcome home
, mi cielo,
” he said. “Back so soon? You only left three weeks ago.”

“I wanted to be home.”

Sergio raised his eyebrows — all the glorious world to travel to, and Rosa chose the village? “How long will you be staying this time?”

“Until the spring,” she said

Sergio stared. “You’re staying for eight months?” Could it be she was finally cured of her wanderlust?

Rosa smiled, her eyes soft. “I’m staying until our baby comes.”

Sergio’s legs shook. He felt a thousand things at once: fear and nerves and complete, childlike elation. “A baby,” he whispered, and his heart nearly burst

Once upon a time, there was a tree, and Rosa sat on the grass, leaning into the trunk, her husband at her side with his hand on her swollen belly

“What shall we carve for the little one?” she asked

“Carve?” Sergio repeated

“For when the baby travels,” Rosa said. “A carriage, of course, and a crib made of the wood. But you could carve the baby some toys — a rattle, a doll, a set of blocks . . .”

With a pang, Sergio realized his child would only ever know the tree as lumber

Once upon a time, there was a tree. And they cut it down

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