How Many Friends Does One Person Need? (32 page)

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age at death, 204–5

aggression, 259, 260, 261–2, 264

agricultural revolution, 157–8

Alexander the Great, 55

algebra, 118

alligators, 121

Altamira cave paintings, 135–7

Amboseli National Park, 16, 195

Amish, 27–8

amygdala, 170

androstadienone, 247–8

androstenone, 247

Anglo-Saxons, 57–8

apes: brain size, 22–4, 272–3; capacity for theory of mind, 176–7, 197, 200, 277; classification, 274–5; culture, 194; grooming, 61–2, 73–4, 243, 286; group size, 24; habitat, 134, 135; language, 195, 275; mating strategies, 29; moral beings, 275; pelvis, 93; quadrupedal, 134; relationship with humans, 4, 116–17, 127, 277; sleeping, 83; social cognitive abilities, 31, 178–9, 181, 272, 277; social interactions, 31, 35, 179, 285; story-telling, 200; tools, 193;
see also
chimpanzees, gorillas, orang utans

Arden, Ros, 208

Aristotle, 7, 118

armies: conquests, 54–5; units, 17

Asimov, Isaac, 217

Atran, Scott, 280

Attila, 52, 139, 153–4

attractiveness, 233–7

Audubon Society, 5

Austen, Jane, 228, 236
[Page 293]

Australian Aboriginals, 33, 82, 123

autistic people, 277

babies: care of, 95, 107–8; human prematurity, 85, 92–5; motherese language, 76–7; paternity, 95–6, 257; skin colour, 91

baboons: habitat, 24; language, 196; mating strategies, 262; neocortex size, 24; religion, 279–80; social skills, 16; tactical deception, 29–30

back, lower, 93–4

bacterial infection, 104–6

Baker, Robin, 257

Bantu peoples, 91, 101

Barton, Rob, 15

Basques, 51–4

Bates, Tim, 206

Bayes, Thomas, 184

Bebo, 21

Becher, Tony, 27

bees, 98, 195

Behe, Michael, 114

Bellis, Mark, 257

Bentham, Jeremy, 268

Bering Strait, 123

biodiversity, 103

bipedalism (walking upright), 93–4, 133–4

birds: brain size, 12; chromosomes, 97; dinosaur relationship, 120, 121; divorce, 260–1; monogamous relationships, 12, 13–14, 221, 255–6, 259–60

birth: human childbirth, 92–6; place, 44–5; premature, 85, 94–5; sex ratio at, 110; weight, 104, 206

Blair, Tony, 166

blue tits, 193

blushing, 19–20

bonellia worm, 98

bonobos, 275–6

Borodin, Alexander, 216

trees, 147–9

Boyer, Pascal, 280

brain: complexity, 11; emotional responses, 16, 170; energy consumption, 11–12; evolution, 161, 181; frontal lobe, 181, 269–70, 273, 290; judgements about morality, 269–70; limbic system, 15–17; neocortex, 15–17, 23–4, 29, 181, 272–3; size, 12–13, 22–4, 81, 92–3, 130–1, 261, 272; striate cortex, 272–3; visual processing, 181, 272–3

Buffon, Comte de, 7

burials, 137, 288–9

Burns, Robert, 213, 218–22

Bush, George, 167

business organisations, 26

Buss, David, 232

Byrne, Dick, 29, 176, 179

Carnegie Medal, 249

Cartmill, Erica, 176, 179

cave paintings, 53–4, 135–8

Celts, 53, 57–9

chain letters, 186–9

Changizi, Mark, 19

Chaplin, George, 89–90

Chatters, Jim, 123

Chauvet cave art, 137

Cheney, Dorothy, 195–6

Cheyenne Indians, 250–1

childbirth, 77, 85, 92–5

childcare, 107–8

chimpanzees: babies, 77; classification, 274–5; culture, 194; DNA, 121; eaten, 131, 145; extinction threat, 145; habitat, 24, 134; language, 196; laughter, 68–9;
[Page 294]
mind-reading capacities, 179; moral beings, 275; neocortex size, 24; pygmy (bonobo), 275–6; relationship with humans, 122, 133, 134; religion, 279–80; skull size, 134; social cognitive abilities, 181, 272; tools, 192–3; typewriting, 200

China: migration from, 91; sex ratio, 109–10, 112

Christ Church, Spitalfields, 125

Christianity, views on evolution, 116–17

chromosomes: genetic analysis, 120–1; maternal and paternal, 15; X, 18–19; XX, 96–7; XY, 96–7; Y, 47, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57–8

chuckwalla lizards, 261–2

cities, 4, 24–5, 159

Clark, Arthur C., 217

climate warming, 150–2, 156–9

Clinton, Hillary, 167–8

colour vision, 9, 17–20, 183–4

community: kinship, 35, 38–9; membership, 39, 82; role, 35; small-scale, 35, 38–9, 291–2

conscious thinking, 23, 63, 72, 170, 181

conversations, 74–5, 79–80, 286

Copernicus, Nicolas, 119

Corti, organ of, 184

creationism, 113

crocodiles, 98, 121–2

cuckoldry, 255–8

culture, human, 4, 137–8, 175, 191–4, 196–8

Cunningham, Michael, 235

Cuvier, Baron, 7, 182

Dalí, Salvador, 163

Daly, Martin, 95, 259

dance, 72, 284, 287

Darwin, Charles:
Descent of Man
, 70, 72, 85; evolutionary theory, 6–10, 100, 111, 115–16, 126, 164, 227, 279, 292; influences on, 157, 183; letter-writing, 21; marriage plans, 243;
Origin of Species
, 5, 7–8, 113, 157

Darwin, Erasmus, 7

Davies, Nick, 256

Dawkins, Richard, 5

DDT, 99, 116

Dearie, Ian, 204, 205

death, age at, 204–5

Declaration of Arbroath, 50–1

Dene-Caucasian languages, 53

Dennett, Daniel, 177

Descartes, René, 191, 195, 209, 210

Dhondt, André, 260

dialects, 44–5

Diamond, Jared, 91

diamond market, 64

dichotomies, 182–5

dinosaurs, 120–2, 143–4

diseases, new, 100–3

divorce, 108, 110, 254, 260–1

DNA, 47, 120–1, 124–5, 140, 255

dogs, 180, 195, 277

Dohnányi, Christoph von, 218

Domesday Book
, 27

dominance, male, 29

Dominica, island of, 41

Donner Party, 39–40

Douglas, Stephen, 168–9

Duck, Steve, 238

Dunbar’s Number, 4, 24, 28, 285

dunnocks (hedge sparrows), 256–7

Durkheim, Émile, 284, 291

Edinburgh Enlightenment, 213

education: effect on political views, 170–1; exercise and,
[Page 295]
208–12; science, 214; Scots, 212–14; study of Latin, 223–6

Einstein, Albert, 172, 212, 216, 218

elections, 164–9

emotional response mechanism, 16

emotional responses, 169–71

endorphins: levels, 210–11; release triggered by grooming, 62, 69, 286; release triggered by laughter, 68, 69; release triggered by music, 72, 76, 78; release triggered by religious rituals, 284–5, 287, 291–2; release triggered by spices, 106; role, 62, 209

Enquist, Magnus, 259

Eskimo peoples, 91–2, 246

evolution, 5–10, 113–15, 279, 292

evolutionary psychologists, 42–3, 71, 161, 185, 281

extinctions, 143–6; frankincense trees, 146–9; languages, 152–3; mammoths, 149–52

eyes, 17, 114–15

Facebook, 21

faces, 164–8

factory size, 26

Falk, Dean, 76

Farisai, Kamal al-Din al-, 119

Farrant, Patti, 106

Farthing, William, 248–9

fertility, 207–8, 234

Feynman, Richard, 217

fighting, 16–17

Flores, island of, 128

food production, 157–8

forests, 144–5

fossil record, 119–20, 128–35

frankincense, 9, 146–9

Freud, Sigmund, 244, 258, 283

friends, number of, 21–2, 32

‘Frisch Effect’, 234

frontal lobe of brain, 181, 269–70, 273, 290

Fulani, 88

Furness, Bob, 260–1

Gaelic, 9, 41–2, 152–3, 154–5

Gardner, Lucinda, 163

genes: haplotypes, 48–50; mutation, 49–50, 85, 115; parental, 14–15;
see also
chromosomes genetic drift, 49

Genghis Khan, 47–50

genomic imprinting, 15–16

geology, 182–3

Gilday, Jamie, 45

Glass, Philip, 218

godparents, 42, 108

GoreTex, 26

gorillas: classification, 274; eaten, 131; extinction threat, 145; language, 196, 275; relationship with humans, 122, 275; zoo exhibit, 267

gossip, 79–81, 286

great apes,
chimpanzees, gorillas, orang utans

Great Chain of Being, 7

Greenland, 125

grooming: baboon tactical deception, 30; language as, 73–4; nuzzling, 243; relationship involved, 61–2, 73–4, 80, 286–7; release of endorphins, 62, 69, 286–7

group size, 23–8, 33–4, 81, 290–1

Haidt, Jonathan, 268

Hamilton’s Rule, 43–4

haplotypes, 48–50

Harcourt, Sandy, 253

Hauser, Marc, 270

health, link with IQ, 204–6
[Page 296]

hearing, 184

height, 162–4, 166–9, 207

Helmholtz, Herman von, 183

Hering, Ewald, 183

heroism, 249–50

Hill, Elizabeth, 163

Hill, Russell, 26

Hitler, Adolf, 170

‘Hobbit, The’, 128–32

home-wreckers, 260–1

, 69, 93, 127, 128, 129–30, 290;
, 129; genus, 134;
, 81

Hume, David, 213, 268, 270

hunter-gatherers, 158–9

Hurst, Jane, 246

Hutterites, 27–8

Huxley, Thomas, 117

ibn al-Haytham, Hasan, 118–19

ibn Musa, Abu Jafar Muhammed, 118

Ice Age, 149–50, 156

Iceland, 58–9

immune system, 106, 244–6, 285

income, IQ and, 207

Indo-European: language, 51–3; migrations, 51–4, 139

Intelligent Design (ID), 113–16

intentional stance, 177–8

intentionality: ape capacity, 181, 200, 272, 273; brain evaluation of, 270; definition, 180; fifth-order, 180, 181, 199–201, 272, 289, 290; first-order, 180, 181, 272; fourth-order, 200, 289, 290; frontal lobe involvement, 181, 269–70, 273, 290; human capacity, 181, 199–200, 272, 273, 289–90; monkey capacity, 181, 272, 273; religious belief and, 271–2, 278, 289–90; secondorder, 180, 181, 200, 271, 272, 273, 289; sixth-order, 201; third-order, 200, 289, 290

Inuit, 38, 125

IQ, 185, 203–6, 207, 210, 212

Islam: law, 260; science, 118–19; views on evolution, 117

IVF pregnancies, 106

Jablonski, Nina, 89–90

jealousy, 259–60

Jobling, Mark, 57

Johnson, Dominic, 264

Johnson, Douglas, 169

jury system, 171–4

Kanpur (Cawnpore), 35–6

Kant, Immanuel, 268

Kanzi, 275–6

Kaskatis, Kostas, 71

Keefe, Richard, 230

Kelly, Sue, 248, 249

Kennewick Man, 123–4

Kenrick, Douglas, 229–30

Kenya: Amboseli National Park, 16, 195; fossils, 132; religion, 116–17

Kerry, John, 167

Keverne, Barry, 15

killdeer, 260

kinship: circles of acquaintanceship, 34; communities, 35, 38–9; evolutionary significance, 43–4; social framework, 35

kissing, 243–6

klipspringer, 259

Kluckhohn, Clyde, 192

Kroeber, Alfred, 192

Krummhörn, parish registers, 42, 227, 237

Kummer, Hans, 30
[Page 297]

lactase gene, 86, 88

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 7

language(s): animals, 195–6; apes, 275–6; Basque, 51–4; dialect and, 44–5; evolution, 79–81, 153–5; extinction, 152–3, 155; geographical distribution, 102; Indo-European, 51–3; motherese, 76–8

Lascaux cave art, 137

Latin, 153, 154, 219, 223, 225

laughter, 9, 66–9

Lavoisier, Antoine, 186

law, 58, 171–4, 260, 268, 271

Lawrence, T. E., 209–10

life expectancy, 204–6

light, 182, 183

limbic system, 15–17

Lincoln, Abraham, 168–9

Little, Tony, 165–7

Lonely Hearts columns, 228–32, 236–41

‘Lucy’ skeleton, 129

Lyell, Sir Charles, 183

lying, 175–6, 197

Lyons, Minna, 250

Lysenko, Trofim, 118

macaques, 24, 121, 193

MacDonald, Finlay, 228–9

McGrew, Bill, 192–3, 194

McGuinness, Sarah, 232

Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis, 23

Magna Carta, 171

malaria, 100, 101, 116

Malthus, Thomas, 157–8

mammals: age of, 144; brain size, 12–13, 92; monogamous relationships, 12–13, 255

mammoth, 149–52

Maoris, 246

marmoset monkeys, 254–5

marriage: advertising for a mate, 228–32; divorce and, 108, 110,254, 260–1; patterns, 227–8;
see also

Marx, Karl, 117, 282, 291

mastodon, 121

mating game, 232–5

colonists, 40

memory, 28, 224–6

men: colour vision, 17–19; conversations, 75–6, 79–80; fighting, 16–17; Lonely Hearts adverts, 228–32; male–male relationships, 16, 80; marriage, 227–8; monogamy and promiscuity, 258, 262–5; skin colour, 91

Mendel, Gregor, 15

mentalising, 31

MHC (major histocompatibility complex), 244–5

mice, 245–6

Michelson, Albert, 218

migrations: human, 139–41; Indo–European, 51–4, 139; Scots, 35–8, 146

milk, 85–8

Mill, John Stuart, 268 ‘Millennium Man’, 132–3

Miller, Geoffrey, 71

mind, theory of, 175–7, 180, 197, 276–7, 289

mind-reading abilities, 179–82

Ming Hsu, 270

miracles, 280

mitochondria, 47

molecular clock, 121

Mongol empire, 48–50

monkeys: babies, 77, 94–5, 107; brain size, 22; colour perception, 19; deception, 197; eaten, 131; grooming, 61–2, 73–4, 243, 286; group size, 24; jealousy, 259; language, 195–6;
[Page 298]
mating strategies, 29; monogamy and polygamy, 254–5, 259; pelvis, 93; sleeping, 83; social cognitive abilities, 31, 178–81, 272, 273; social interactions, 31, 35, 178, 285

Monnot, Marilee, 76–7

monogamy: birds, 12, 13–14, 221, 255–6, 259–60; brain size, 12–14; extra-pair mating, 258–60; home-wreckers, 260–1; humans, 221, 254, 261, 262–5; mammals, 12–13, 221, 255; monkeys, 254–5; oxytocin sensitivity, 65, 262; paternity and cuckoldry, 256–8; primates, 253; size of testes, 253; vasopressin receptor genes, 262–5

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