Read How to Lose a Bride in One Night Online

Authors: Sophie Jordan

Tags: #Romance

How to Lose a Bride in One Night (24 page)

BOOK: How to Lose a Bride in One Night
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Annalise cringed, waiting for the crack of the revolver.

Bloodsworth backed up several steps. “Joanna, my love! What are you doing?”

She panted, her breath falling hard and fast. “I’m not going to let her ruin this.” She then swung the revolver on Annalise. “Why did you not just stay dead, you stupid cow? He doesn’t love you. He never loved you!”

Panic surged inside her as she stared down the barrel, trying to shrink behind the post. Was this it, then? How she would die?

She moistened her lips and spoke quickly, her words a jumbled rush. “Wait. If you shoot me, you won’t have him. The house is full of people. They will swarm in here the moment you fire. Think, Joanna. What will happen to you then? Don’t let him ruin your life.”

Joanna charged forward another few steps. “You are the one ruining everything!”

Annalise risked a glance at her husband. He had ceased to back away. In fact, he inched closer to Joanna, a slow smile forming on his face. Of course. If Joanna killed her, it would be the end of all his problems. The end to her.

He crooned so low, Annalise had to strain to hear him, “If she were gone, then I would be free to marry.”

“He’ll be free to marry,” she said, “but it won’t be to you. You’ll be in prison!”

Uncertainty flickered across Joanna’s face. The revolver wobbled, lowering a fraction in her hand. A sob spilled from her lips. “I don’t know what I’m doing . . .”

Annalise’s shoulders sagged in relief, now that the revolver was no longer pointing at her.

The door burst open then, and Owen stood there, legs braced, shoulders squared.

Her heart leapt to her throat. She released her clutch on the bedpost and stepped forward. “Owen . . .” His name trembled from her lips. His presence both thrilled and frightened her. He shouldn’t be here. And yet he was.

Another man’s wife or not, he’d come for her.

Dimly, she noticed one of the grooms in the doorway behind him, clutching a bloodied nose to match Bloodsworth’s. It did not require much imagination to deduce who was responsible for that.

Owen’s gaze swept over the bedchamber, missing nothing. Including her state of dishabille. His eyes scoured her, taking in her mussed hair and ripped gown.

Something flashed in his eyes then. A rage she had never seen. Especially from him. He’d always been so in control of himself. So calm and steady. Hot color burned his swarthy cheeks.

His gaze shot to Bloodsworth, and a moment later he launched himself across the room at the duke. They tumbled to the floor, rolling and crashing into a small side table. Glass shattered.

Joanna yelped and danced out of the way, brandishing the revolver in a wide arc. It was a wonder the thing didn’t go off.

Owen’s arms sawed through the air. His shoulders pulled powerfully at his jacket as his fists met the duke’s face with loud, crunching smacks.

“Stop! Stop it!” Joanna screeched, wildly waving the revolver.

“Shoot him!” the duke bellowed, angling his face away from Owen’s brutal punches to get the words out.

Joanna pointed the revolver at the men.

“Joanna, no!” Annalise dove forward, arm stretched out.

A loud shot cracked the air.

The smell of smoke stung her nostrils as she froze, staring at the two men. Blood spattered Owen’s face and chest.

She flung a hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. Her legs wobbled, ready to give out beneath her.

“Owen?” she croaked. The blood rushed to her head, filling her ears with a numbing roar.

His wide gaze locked with hers. He shook his head as if he did not quite know what had happened.

Action fired her limbs, carrying her to his side. If he was hurt, he’d need assistance immediately. There was no time for her to gawk and wring her hands. “Did she shoot you?”

“No . . . It’s not my blood.” He glanced down at himself, patting his blood-soaked front as if verifying his own words.

She released the breath she had been holding.

Joanna began to scream then. A shrill screech that reverberated off the walls. She dropped to her knees beside Bloodsworth, the revolver thudding to the floor. She rolled him from his side to his back, which was when Annalise saw the nasty wound in the side of his head.

She averted her eyes, her stomach churning.

Owen quickly pulled her away. They rose to their feet, giving Joanna and the body a wide berth.

The groom in the doorway rushed closer to see and made an odd bleating sound before racing back out of the room.

“He’s dead,” Annalise muttered numbly, shaking her head in disbelief. Bloodsworth was a wretch who had tried to murder her, but she didn’t relish the sight of his corpse.

Joanna’s screams quieted, turning into a low, keening wail. Her hands pounded at the duke as if she could somehow revive him with the force of her fists.

Then everything blurred as people flooded into the room. Joanna’s father barreled in and swept her into his hold. The watch arrived, no doubt fetched by the zealous groom. Soon more uniformed men from the local constabulary arrived. Joanna’s cries only grew louder as she was led away.

Annalise was ushered from the chamber after answering a series of questions, leaving Owen behind. A quick glance revealed him in deep conversation with one of the constabulary.

The butler led Annalise belowstairs into the vast library. She fidgeted anxiously. Her hands shook so badly she sat on them in attempt to still them. Owen soon joined her. He had changed from his bloodstained clothing. Dressed in a shirt that fit him too tightly, he sat beside her on the settee.

He tugged her hands free and folded them into his own. He chafed them gently, his dark eyes peering at her intently. “Annalise? Are you . . . are you well?”

She nodded jerkily.

His gaze skimmed over her. A blanket hid the evidence of her ripped, bloodied gown, but he’d seen that earlier. He hadn’t forgotten. “Are you hurt?”

She shook her head as she glanced down. “I stopped him before he could hurt me. The blood is his, not mine.”

A slow smile spread across his face. “You did that to his nose?”

She nodded.

“You’re amazing.” He brushed his lips close to her ear, his hands chafing warmth back into her fingers. His smile faded. Cold realization settled into the dark blue of his eyes. “He was the one. He hurt you. He put you in that river.”


“And you went back to him?”

“He would have hurt you. That’s what he threatened to do the day I saw him in Town.”

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, sending the dark blond strands flying in every direction. He leveled a tormented stare on her. “You were looking out for me?”

She moistened her lips. “Yes.”

“Don’t—you shouldn’t—” He stopped and closed his eyes in a long blink. He inched his face closer to hers, his voice a rough whisper as he said, “My life is not worth more than yours.”

“I could not let anything happen to you.”

He threw back his head, gazing unseeingly at the ceiling. His hands clenched around her still trembling ones. “Of course, you did not consider that it would destroy me if I lost you.”

At this announcement, her hands only shook more. She sucked in a breath that felt too raw and sharp going down.

After a moment he returned his gaze to her face. “You’re safe now, Annalise. You’re free.”

Her gaze held his, those words rattling inside her head.

“She’ll be fine once we get her some warm tea and up to bed,” the housekeeper volunteered, intruding on their little exchange.

Annalise’s gaze snapped to the housekeeper. She glanced around the vast library. This was Bloodsworth’s home. Not hers. She had no desire to stay another moment beneath this roof. “I’m not sleeping here,” she announced. “In this house.” The very idea made her shiver.

Owen brushed a tendril of hair back from her cheek. It was tender, but she inadvertently flinched. He frowned and pulled back, his eyes flickering over her. There was something unreadable in his gaze.

A great commotion outside the library drew her attention. Jack Hadley burst inside the room. Someone must have sent for him. She rose unsteadily to her feet, uncertain.

His gaze landed on her, his eyes wide and so like her own. Beyond him stood Marguerite and her husband.

“Annalise,” her father choked.

Marguerite rushed past him to embrace her. “We thought you were dead.”

Guilt stabbed at her. She had dismissed returning to her family after Bloodsworth tried to murder her. Jack had neglected her all her life until a year ago, and as fond as she was of her sisters, she saw them only infrequently. She did not think any of them really cared about her. Apparently she had underestimated them.

Her chest ached as she felt her sister’s tears against her own cheek, evidence of how much she cared.

Jack’s hand trembled as he caressed her head. “I’m so sorry, Annalise. I pushed you into marrying Bloodsworth.” His voice faded and he closed his eyes in a pained blink.

“Come, Annalise. Let us go home.” Marguerite looped her arm around Annalise’s waist and started to lead her from the room.

Annalise stopped, her gaze moving back to the settee where Owen had been sitting.

Only he wasn’t there now.

Frowning, she looked around the library, searching. Her gaze flew over Jack and Marguerite to the housekeeper, “Where is . . .”

“Lord McDowell?” The housekeeper motioned behind her. “Oh, he just slipped out.”

Her heart squeezed. Her gazed skipped wildly around the room, desperate, hopeful, as if she might have somehow overlooked him before.

“Come, Annalise.” Marguerite squeezed her waist. “We’ll get you home and soon all of this will be but a dim memory.”

Annalise nodded numbly even as she still looked, still hunted for the sight of him.

He was gone.


Chapter Twenty-nine

wen knocked on the door to Jack Hadley’s Mayfair mansion. He glanced down the street. One block over sat Bloodsworth’s mansion. She had lived so close to that bastard. He closed his eyes in a pained blink, recalling how close he had come to losing her.

Owen exhaled. The man was dead. He’d not give him another thought. He had enough demons in his past. Bloodsworth would not be added to their numbers. His only thoughts were for Annalise now. For being strong, good enough for her. For both of them. If she would let him.

He’d told himself to stay away. Her father and sister had swept in, and he just slipped from the room. What did she need him for anymore? Bloodsworth was dead. She had her family. Her freedom.

He’d told himself this for the last three days. He’d told himself to stay away. That he was nothing she deserved. That he couldn’t be the kind of man she needed. He might not be Bloodsworth, but neither was he good enough for her.

She’d placed herself in danger. For him. He didn’t want that kind of sacrifice from her, but she had gone and done it anyway. That kind of goodness and—he hoped—love, flowed through her. He would not be a fool to let her depart his life.

The front door opened and he presented his card. The butler led him to the drawing room. He waited impatiently for her, sitting for only a moment before rising and pacing the length of the room.


He swung around. She stood in the doorway, garbed in a gown that once again did not fit her properly.

He couldn’t help smiling. “I should have sent your new wardrobe over.”

Her expression clouded over and he immediately regretted the words. He didn’t want to send her clothes here. He wanted them to stay in his house. Just as he wanted
in his house.

Her chin lifted a notch. “Is that why you came? To discuss my clothes?”

He dragged a hand through his hair. He was fumbling this. “I came to see how you are faring.”

“I’ve been home three days. You are only concerned with my welfare now?”

“I knew you were out of danger.”

She nodded and advanced into the room. Lowering herself to a settee, she smoothed her hand over her lap. “Yes. I am quite safe now. Thank you, Lord McDowell.”

He stiffened at the proper use of his title. He did not want that chilly reserve between them.

In two strides he was beside her. “Owen,” he growled, taking her hands from her lap and folding them in his own.

With wide eyes, she tried to pull them free. He clung tightly.

“Why are you here?” she demanded, her brown eyes gleaming with anger.

His gaze devoured her face. “I’m here for you.”

She ceased tugging her hands away. She moistened her lips. “I appreciate your concern,” she began, her voice trembling. “It would have been more timely three days ago, but it’s nice to know you care.” She uttered this last with such derision that he knew she did not believe he cared.

Her hands slid free then and she was on her feet, moving for the drawing room doors. “You can find your way out.”

He reached her in two strides, grabbing her arms and swinging her around, his voice rough as gravel even to his own ears. “Damn it, I’m not going anywhere until you listen to me.”

nnalise blinked up at him, quite certain if she stood before him another moment and endured his extended sympathies she would break down and cry.

Three days. Three days had passed and he had not come. She had wept herself to sleep. It seemed absurd now that she had vowed to never be vulnerable again because she’d never in her whole life felt like this. And it was because she loved this man. She was raw and exposed before him, her heart in his hands, and he did not even realize . . . did not even care. Did not even want her.

She jerked her arms, trying to pull free, almost panicked to escape him before he realized how utterly at his mercy she was . . . that her heart was already his hostage.

“Let me go!”

“Annalise,” he growled, wrapping his arms around her and hauling her close. “Why won’t you listen to me?”

She shook her head, feeling the desperate burn of tears in her eyes. “No.”

“I can’t let you go . . .”

“Why?” she choked.

Something akin to panic crossed his face. She had never seen that look before. “Because I’m in love with you.”

She stilled, her mouth sagging in a small O of surprise.

“God knows I’ve tried to let you go ever since I found you,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t. God, I can’t. I don’t want to.” He dropped his forehead to rest against hers. “But if you ask it, I will.”

His strong body shuddered against hers with the release of his confession. She brought her hands up to frame his face, holding him as if he were some bit of magic that might vanish into air.

She pressed her open mouth to his. He sighed, and she slid her tongue to meet his, kissing him greedily until they were both panting. Until his hardness prodded at her belly.

He lifted his lips. “I love you, Annalise.” The words fanned her lips and her heart lifted, swelled until it ached.

“You . . .”

“I love you,” he repeated. “I want to marry you. Today. I know that’s not possible, but we can have the banns posted within the week.” He stopped for breath, searching her face. “Say something.” He drew a ragged breath. “Say

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes!”

He crushed her in a hug and lifted her off her feet.

“I love you, Owen.”

His hand smoothed over the hair at the back of her head.

“Just promise me no honeymoon cruises in the country,” she added with a gasping laugh, trapped in the tightness of his hug.

“Oh, Annalise, we won’t be leaving our bedchamber for a great long time.” His voice rumbled huskily beside her ear. “I might keep you there for the rest of your life, in fact.”

She giggled as he pressed a kiss to her neck. “Indeed. That will be adventure enough.”

BOOK: How to Lose a Bride in One Night
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