Read How to Love a Blue Demon Online

Authors: Sherrod Story

How to Love a Blue Demon (18 page)

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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“You promise?”

He laughed. “I promise.”

“Is that everything?”

He nodded. “I think so.” Everything else she could experience firsthand when she came to Cyanus. But instinct warned him now wasn’t the right time to mention her coming home with him. Rierdane had cautioned him countless times that when he did “the big reveal” it was best to build the new information like a wall, brick by brick, so as not to overwhelm her.

For a long time Cass
said nothing.

Well, okay. I can’t actually believe I’m gonna say this – ‘cause to be honest, I’m still kinda hoping that I’m dreaming. It would make this shit a whole lot easier to deal with if I could just wake up in a few hours, and find out I accidentally ate something bad that made my black ass hallucinate – but I think I can fuck with you,” she said, and he grinned knowing she was teasing him.

“Why?” he asked curiously.

Cass shrugged. Her brown eyes looked so deep into his he felt she was looking for something. “I guess because I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay,” she affirmed. “That means I’ve gotta noodle this thing out until I can wrap my head around the fact that I’m attracted to an alien.”

“An alien?” he chided. “I’m a demon.”

“You’re an alien,” Cass told him. “Your blue ass comes from somewhere not on Earth. Therefore, demon or not, you are an alien.”

He laughed softly, but his grin faded when hers did. He scowled.
“You’re thinking of him.”

he felt lower and smaller than a Cyani sand lizard to resent a dead man, but he couldn’t help himself. If he had his way she would think of nothing but him, of making love with him, and playing music. He adored when she played her music.

, yeah.” She shrugged. “I just found out he’s dead. He was my man for a long time, and I loved him,” she said quietly, swiping away a few tears.

held her, stroking her back as she wept. Feeling her sadness his feelings of jealousy faded, replaced by relief. He was glad she was grieving the loss of his host. It made her even more sweet to him, more compassionate, utterly human and practically irresistible. It also meant she was healing. And that meant she was that much closer to falling under his spell, and his body, where he needed her more with each passing moment.

“You’re hard,” she whispered
, as if she heard his thoughts.

“Yes,” he said, eyes narrowing as he looked down at her.
“I usually am when I’m around you. I can’t help it.”

“I,” she gulped.
“I’m sorry.”

Eyoen was shocked to see the vulnerability on her face. Her eyes skittered away from his; it was the first time she hadn’t loo
ked at him directly, and he didn’t like it one bit.

“I don’t know what to do,” she confessed.
“I know I’ve slept with you before, but it wasn’t really you. You’re, a, stranger.”

“No,” he whispere
d. “I’m simply your lover with a new face,” and he kissed her.

Cass was
stiff at first. It did feel like she was in bed with a completely new man. How could it not? She had never touched his blue skin until a few minutes ago. Hell, she hadn’t even known he existed. She had never felt his heat, or his strength, his long hard muscles or the power in his hands as he held her.

he knew that when she closed her eyes his kiss would feel the same as the one she’d enjoyed a few hours earlier. It was on a different mouth, but he knew without conceit that mouth was still adept at its purpose.

As he slowly pulled her close, stretching her arms and legs to wrap snugly around his body, he found she was sweeter than usual, pliant and a bit unsure.
That vulnerability made it easier for Eyoen to kiss Cass in ways he’d never kissed another woman: slowly, reverently, lovingly. Now that she knew the truth he could relax in his right body, one she still found attractive. He felt stronger, confident, like his old self, only better because she was with him. His lips and tongue mated with hers, whispering without sound his need for her, his hopes for their future.

He savored the b
reath whistling gently through her nose, her touch as Cass raised her arms to circle his neck. He felt her hands burrow into his hair and shuddered as her nails gently scratched his scalp. He shifted so that she straddled his lap and groaned when the treasure between her legs warmed his cock. He thrust up as she snuggled down, grinding against her until he felt the wetness that signaled her desire.

He leaned back, breathing hard and their eyes met, golden yellow and
chocolate brown. He nipped her bottom lip with his and then sucked away the small pain.

“I really want to make love to
you,” he whispered, sighing when he felt her tense just a bit. “But I know I must seem strange. Do you think, is there any way –” he faltered.

“What?” she whispered.

Eyoen sighed in frustrated longing and shook his head. He didn’t know how best to articulate what he wanted beyond those simple words. He only knew that now he’d revealed himself it felt like torture not having her under him, not having his flesh buried inside her body. He wanted to hear her cries, feel the snug tightness he’d enjoyed before in his true form.

ut he didn’t know what he’d do if he frightened her or if she rejected his lovemaking, and he wasn’t well versed in the nuances of human emotion to know for sure that he’d won her trust in the short time since he’d shared who he was. He wanted to make her happy, wanted to hold her close, to squeeze and touch her until she fell asleep in his arms like before. But he wanted it to happen naturally, not because he’d pushed the issue and swept her into a pheromone induced fog. So he tamped down the sexual feelings and just held her.

“That night I almost shit the place down,” sh
e said suddenly, “You did more than just massage me and clean me out. My voice is stronger; my hands feel better when I play my guitar.”

He nodded.
“Yes, my dear. But I didn’t hurt you in any way.”

She laughed. “I know. I’ve never felt better.”

His eyes searched hers anxiously.

“What?” she whisper
ed, kissing him softly and rubbing their noses.

“I want you,” he confessed
, and the longing in his voice was so obvious, so heart tugging, Cass pulled him close and he held her tight.

“I want you too,” she answered
, opening her legs wider as she gripped him close.

Despite the best intentions, Eyoen couldn’t resist the offering. He had to make love to her now or go crazy.
“I, I don’t know if I can be as gentle as I should be,” he said cautiously, needing her to understand what he wanted, what he needed.

She laughed softly. “OK.”

He stared at her, not sure if she understood what he was trying to tell her. He felt like ripping her panties off with his teeth, bending her over a chair and fucking her until it broke. He wanted to bind her hands to the slats in the head board so she couldn’t get away, and he’d be free to lick and suck and taste every single inch of her dark, beautiful body.

He cuddled her closer,
burying his face in the crook of her neck and sucking gently. Her scent calmed him, soothed the ravenous hunger that had surged in his blood like some wild animal straining at a leash.

“You are
a haven to me,” he whispered. “Your world and mine could fall to pieces around me, but as long as you remain untouched by all but me, I could care less.”

Cass groaned at his beautiful words, her eyes begging him to continue.

“But you also tempt me practically beyond reason. Only the strongest mental discipline keeps me out of you right now, and my control frays more with every movement of your soft curvy boy against mine.”

nbelievable,” she whispered, rubbing her lips back and forth on his chest.

He groaned as she gently kissed the side of his face,
his ear, sucked on the lobe, licked the point at the top and made him shudder. She nibbled at his full lips. She seemed to want him as much as he wanted her, but still he hesitated.

“What’s wrong, Eyoen?” she asked softly, the sound of her calling his name sending a curl of desire through him so strong he sucked in a harsh breath. “You scared
now too?”

Eyoen felt his powers surge
at her teasing. His cock was as hard as Cyani brick. He was shaking he wanted her so badly.

“Calm yourself, sire,” Rierdane cautioned.

Leave us!

He felt his servant fade away, but forced himself to heed his words. He’d never forgive himself if he inadvertently hurt Cass. Human bones lacked the density of his kind. Their bodies were softer, even the mens, lacking the resilience and durability of his people. She was fragile.

“No, I’m not,” she whispered, the kittenish smile on her face drawing forth his own grin. It faded as he realized what had happened.

“You read my mind.”

She blinked. “I did?”

“You said
, ‘No, I’m not.’ I was thinking how fragile you were, that I need to go slow with you. Did I speak aloud?”

Slowly she shook her head.

Eyoen clasped her to his chest so tightly she squeaked and beat at his shoulders in alarm.

“Do you know what this means? We’ve bonded, my love!
We’ve started the process.”

Cass leaned away and would have b
roken free of his embrace if he let her. He didn’t. “What process?”

He scowled detecting a drop in the level of her arousal.
“The mating process.”

“What’s that?”

He shrugged impatiently. “It’s like your falling in love, I suppose, only more so. Once a Cyani demon finds a mate, they can hear each others’ thoughts, sense each others’ emotions, communicate across distances.”

She thought about that for awhile.
“Like a high level kind of intuition.”

He nodded. “
Yes, only more so. You’ll be able to siphon off some of my strength if you need it, or lend me yours. I’ll always know where you are and how you feel and vice versa.”


He shrugged. “It’s

“What’s that?”


They both shifted slightly to accommodate the erection he’d yet to lose. It nestled beneath the lush curves of
her ass, and he rubbed gently, not fanning the flames of his desire hotter so much as stoking the fires.

Cass rose
above him until her knees were on the bed, thighs vertical with his body. She raised her breasts with her hands, the full, round globes overflowing her grip. She leaned down to rub herself against his mouth, his cheeks, back to his mouth until he opened on a groan and sucked her in.

She released a shaky sigh as
he began to suckle. The strong, rhythmic pull of his lips, swipes of a busy, slightly abrasive tongue reverberated like a damp, determined pulse between her legs.

Her heart sped
up even faster as his big hands splayed across her back, nearly covering it and pushing her closer to his mouth until she thought he would smother with his face buried in her cleavage. He flipped them until she lay on her back, his mouth still pulling strong at her breast, the other one now, the first one wet and puckered and sensitive from the air shifting with their movements.

He groaned and began to talk to her in another language, a lovely guttural, utterly masculine sound full of clicks and rolling r’s that sounded like soft marbles bouncing inside his busy mouth.
Somehow she knew he was telling her that she was beautiful. That he loved fucking her, couldn’t wait to be inside her, stroking them to a climax she’d never, ever forget.

“Promises, promises,” she whispered.

He grinned as he broke away from her succulent flesh long enough to meet her eyes, then his closed, and he went back to enjoying himself, nibbling and licking and sucking as he made his way down her body.

When he reached his prize he parted her gently with two long fingers and blew lightly to make her shiver. He said something against her flesh, and she ar
ched into the foreign words, pressing wet nether lips against his mouth and begging for the stroke of his tongue.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered in English
, and Cass hands again filled with her breasts, head rolling on the bed as he adjusted one of her long legs over his shoulder and settled in to feast at his leisure.

She groaned as he licked, lightl
y at first, teasing her with an explosive pleasure that hovered just slightly out of reach because he controlled it. She strummed her own nipples when he told her to, trying to coax the pleasure forward, wanting the orgasm he promised with each movement of his long body and big hands, his warm wet tongue. She whimpered as she tugged at the tips of her breasts, and he rewarded her by sucking her engorged clit into his mouth and laving it hard.

He nibbled and sucked, alternating between hard and soft and fast and slow until she was sobbing, tears running down her
face she was that ready to come. Then he devoured her, growling as he buried his face in her, sucking so hard her back and shoulders arched off the bed.

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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