How To School Your Scoundrel (32 page)

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Authors: Juliana Gray

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #regency england, #Princesses, #love story

BOOK: How To School Your Scoundrel
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Penelope took a single step back, as belonged to a distant widowed relation who had reached a certain age. She allowed the duke to take in the miracle of Ruby: her iridescent skin, her honey-blondness, her mouth like the bow of a particularly strong-fisted Cupid. Her graceful waist, the swell of her youthful bosom. Her well-trained voice, rounded and lowered and molded by the experienced hands of the very best Swiss finishing school. (Penelope herself had attended that school, thirty years and a stock market crash ago, and she thanked God the lawyers couldn’t take
away from her at least, they couldn’t reach into her throat and take away her beautifully fashioned voice.) When Mrs. Morrison made the ecstatic introduction, and the Duke of Olympia made some rumbling courteous reply, Ruby held out her slender hand and said, as if she were quite accustomed to meeting dukes, “How kind of you, Your Grace. The honor is all ours, of course.”

And then the duke said something else, and a brief silence floated in the air, and Penelope realized that his words had been directed at her.

She turned her surprised gaze from the curve of Ruby’s cheek to the man standing before her.

“Oh!” said Ruby, before her mother could open her mouth. “This is our dear cousin Mrs. Schuyler, who was kind enough to agree to take the voyage with us. Though I do wonder if she’ll repent her generosity by the time we sail past Nova Scotia.”

“Mrs. Schuyler.” The duke fixed his eyes on her, and a rather queer sensation overcame the sensible Mrs. Penelope Schuyler, who had borne so much misfortune with so much fortitude, who had carried on regardless beneath a thick layer of aplomb.

She felt as if someone had just painted the world a most extraordinary shade of summertime blue.

She was too far away to offer her hand, tucked as she was in the shadow of Ruby. She inclined her head politely instead. She was an American, by God, and she didn’t curtsy to dukes. “Your Grace.”

The Duke of Olympia’s eyebrows lifted, as if he were expecting more. But what was she supposed to say? That she was honored to meet him? She couldn’t quite remember.

She must be a little unstrung, she realized, a little thrown off by the intensity of color in the ducal pupils. She’d never seen a shade quite like that, certainly not in the center of a magnificent face like that. Ruby was wrong: The duke wasn’t eight feet tall, or even seven, but he did stand a good three or four inches above six, towering physically and metaphorically above them all. Up close, his hair was more silver than white. He was remarkably lean-waisted and broad-shouldered, a man who evidently didn’t choose to lounge with the other aging dukes in the leather-scented quiet of the club library, snoozing away his remaining afternoons over crisp sheets of newspaper. No, he radiated vigor. He was made of energy. His stomach lay quite flat beneath his white silk waistcoat. His evening clothes fit him elegantly. In short, he wore his six and a half decades with remarkable ease, and Penelope was trying to work out why and how he effected this almost youthfulness, and was just concluding that it had something to do with his lack of whiskers, when she heard Ruby laugh.

“She’s not usually so tongue-tied, Your Grace. I think you’ve got to stop glowering at her like that.”

“I beg your pardon,” said the duke, making a little bow. “I must have been lost in thought. A consequence of my ancient years, I suppose.”

“Oh, no, your lordship,” said Mrs. Morrison. “Not ancient at all. Isn’t that right, Ruby?”

Ruby laughed again. “Mama,
Your Grace
. Not
your lordship
. Because dukes, we presume, are just chock-full of divine grace. Isn’t that right, Your Grace?”

“In truth,” said Olympia, with a single pat to the watch pocket of his waistcoat, “a simple
will do. Or
, if you must.”

“What do your friends call you?” asked Ruby.

The look he cast her was not the slightest bit amused. “I have no friends, Miss Morrison. But my family, when they deign to address me by something other than a vulgar epithet, call me Olympia.”

“How very intimate,” Penelope said, under her breath.

The duke’s eyes shot back to her. “We
English, after all.”

The gong sounded over the end of his sentence. Penelope wondered at its temerity.

“Dinner at last,” said Mrs. Morrison. “I believe we have the honor of sitting with you, your . . . your . . . that is . . . Duke?”

The Duke of Olympia turned to the elegantly set table before them, snowy of linen and gleaming of silver. The captain’s table, toward which the captain himself was now advancing, resplendent in uniform and whiskers.

“I fear I shall perish from the pleasure,” said His Grace, with a sigh.

•   •   •

small white rectangle of a letter lay on the carpet, just inside the stateroom door. Penelope bent and picked it up.

Miss Ruby Morrison
, the envelope proclaimed, in calm black handwriting.

She held it out to Ruby, who was just entering behind her. “For you.”

“For me?” Ruby’s eyebrows arched upward. She took the paper between her fingers and opened the flap of the envelope.

Penelope proceeded to the small washstand, where she unscrewed her garnet earrings—a gift from her husband, deemed too insignificant for the lawyers to bother with—and began to remove the pins from her heavy dark hair. John had always loved her hair. Her skin might be taking on lines, and her bosom no longer resided at quite the same height, but her hair remained thick. And her eyes were bright, she thought, staring intently into the mirror. Not so luminous as Ruby’s wide hazel man-traps, perhaps, but then she wasn’t trying to trap a man, was she?

No, of course she wasn’t. At her age, in her lowly condition. The idea.

She glanced to the side, where Ruby’s reflection hovered over her shoulder. The Cupid lips had formed into a pink-rimmed
, slightly parted in the center.

“Something interesting?” Penelope asked.

Ruby’s mouth closed. She looked up, smiling, and folded up the paper and stuffed it back into the envelope. “Not really. That awful Miss Crawley we met at tea wants to go walking with me tomorrow morning.”

“Walking where?”

“The promenade deck, I suppose. If the weather holds.” Ruby stifled a yawn. “My goodness, I’m exhausted! What a great effort it is, talking to a duke all evening. Watching every word.”

Watching your words?” The last pin came free, and Penelope picked up her brush.

Ruby laughed her tinkling young laugh. “Well, comparatively speaking, of course. He wasn’t so bad, I’ll admit. But I’m not going to let Mother marry me off to him.”

Penelope set down the brush and turned around to unbutton Ruby’s dress. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, my dear. After all, before you can claim the glory of refusing the Duke of Olympia’s hand in marriage, he first has to offer it.”

•   •   •

uby was dead right about exhaustion, however. Whether because of the duke at dinner, or the cold salt air on deck, or the previous week of frantic preparation, Penelope couldn’t even remember drawing up the covers and falling asleep in her berth.

She only found herself startling awake into the dark room, some unknown time later, under the distinct impression that something—or someone—was moving about the cabin.

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