How to Wed an Earl (20 page)

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Authors: Ivory Lei

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: How to Wed an Earl
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Her thoughtful action had endeared Penelope to his elderly butler, who understood the business opportunity the new mistress had offered and was spending every minute of his free time working on the new Countess of Ravenstone’s

Lucas opened the study door and smiled in amusement at the sight that greeted him. Penelope, dressed in one of the new pale muslin gowns Aunt Lucy’s modiste had hastily put together, was directing the footmen, who were carrying armloads of parcels upstairs.

His wife scowled at one. “Sammy, you should not be carrying anything until your burned hand has healed. Let me take that from you.”

Finchley stepped in before she could climb up the stairs to the footman. “I’ll take care of it, my lady.”

Penelope gifted the butler with a grateful smile before turning to his sister. “You are going to look beautiful in these, Olivia!” she said with ill-concealed excitement. “I don’t know much about fashion, so we were very lucky we ran into Mari while we were in Oxford Street.”

“The gowns you chose complement your figure, Penelope,” Aunt Lucy stated. “Even through my pounding headache, I could tell they made you look like a fairy princess.”

“Why, thank you, Aunt Lucy. I shall make you some chamomile tea to relieve your headache,” his wife promised. “Then, perhaps, you’ll say I appeared more like a nymph than a fairy princess.”

Aunt Lucy looked thoughtful. “Now that you mention it, Madame Claude’s creations make you look quite ethereal.”

“Lucas says I look like a nymph,” Penelope said proudly. “I never thought I’d say this, but I so enjoyed picking out fabrics, being poked and prodded … ”

Lucas’s wide shoulders shook with laughter as he listened to the rest of the conversation.

“ … and that gentleman we met at the bookshop — I will not be surprised if he pays us a visit soon.”

“He was very nice,” Olivia murmured.

He frowned. “What is this I hear about a gentleman?”

Penelope whirled at the sound of his voice. “Lucas! Olivia and I met this young man at Hatchard’s. I think he said he was Lord Blakewood, and he was kind enough to help Olivia find this book she wanted to read.”

Lucas stilled. “Was he?”

Viscount Blakewood was the son of one of the men whose business practices had led his father into dun territory. Lucas had repaid the old man in kind, and the scandal that ensued had contributed to Society’s labeling him Raving Ravenstone. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what Blakewood’s son was planning by seeking out Lucas’s sister.

He gave Olivia a stern glance. “You are not to talk to Blakewood again, do you hear me?”

Olivia picked at her skirts. “Yes, Lucas.”

He felt Penelope’s disapproving stare. He ignored it. “It looks as if you have many things to do to prepare for the Uffingtons’ party tonight, sister. Why don’t you run along upstairs?”

“Yes, Lucas.” Olivia ran upstairs with Aunt Lucy at her heels.

His wife waited until the girl was out of earshot before giving him her opinion. “What was that all about?”

“I do not know what you are referring to.” He strode back into his study.

She followed him and shut the door with a resounding crash.

“What the devil was that for?”

“I thought it would be more dramatic,” she quipped. “What is your problem with Blakewood?”

“His father and I have an unpleasant history, which resulted in the man’s financial ruin. He ran off to France and spent his last years there, leaving his son to pick up the pieces. It would be best if Olivia stayed away from Blakewood.”

“I see.” She cleared her throat. “I believe your worries are premature. It was nothing more than a friendly chat at a bookshop.”

He sat down behind his desk and picked up the documents he’d been reading before the ladies arrived. “I intend to make sure they have no further interactions.”

She hesitated, casting a cursory glance at the burgundy leather furniture that stood in stark contrast to the green and gold floor-length curtains of his study.

He watched her as she touched a bouillotte lamp before looking around for something else to occupy her hands. His body tightened as he thought about suggesting something he very much wanted her to do with those hands.

Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It wouldn’t do to spend too much time with his little nymph. He’d done his duty to marry her. He had other responsibilities to think of now. He enjoyed her company, and she was delightful in bed, but he refused to let his desire for her take over his entire life. Already she had gotten under his skin. If he weren’t careful, he’d end up becoming as pathetic as his father.

The ghosts from the past screamed a warning in his mind.

His hand tightened to a fist. “Is there something else you wanted to say, madam? I am very busy.”

Penelope jumped at the sound of his voice — maybe he’d been too curt. He cursed, dismissing the ridiculous worry. It would be better if they didn’t spend so much time together. He didn’t want her to get too attached to him — attachment led to expectations, and expectations inevitably led to disappointment. He didn’t want Penelope to be disappointed in him.

She moistened her lips with her tongue, and for a moment he was riveted by the action.

“Well, Penelope?”

Penelope looked at him speculatively, as if trying to gauge the color of his soul. “It’s only … I don’t think Blakewood means any harm. He was exceedingly nice to Olivia. It was the first time I’d seen her really smile in the time I’ve known her.”

“Olivia is not the smiling sort. And it is my duty to protect her until the time comes for her to marry.”

Penelope took a seat on one of the burgundy leather chairs across his desk. “She is also your sister, and I think you intimidate her. You were rude to her just now.”

“I merely told her to prepare for the Uffingtons’ party tonight.”

“That’s just it,” she muttered. “Did you even ask her how our shopping expedition went?”

“I already heard how it went from your edifying commentary out in the hall.” He didn’t want to talk about his sister any longer. He’d been craving another taste of Penelope all morning, and she was here in his study with the door firmly shut. “I look forward to seeing you in the new gowns you have bought, nymph.”


At the naked hope in her eyes, he found his first smile. “Yes, really.”

He held a beckoning hand out to her. “Now, come over here and show me how grateful you are for those gowns.”

Penelope took his proffered hand, and he tugged her onto his lap. He crushed his mouth to hers, savoring her sweet lips, growling his pleasure when she opened her mouth to welcome the invasion of his seeking tongue.

“I’ve missed you,” she said in a breathy sigh when he finally managed to lift his mouth from hers.

His hand slid beneath her skirts and petticoats to find her bare thigh. She squirmed in reaction. Her rounded bottom came into contact with his erection, and he groaned. She was a natural temptress.

“Show me where you missed me,” he whispered against her ear.

In answer, Penelope took hold of his hand, which had been caressing her thigh, and inched it upward, urging him to cup her heat, showing him exactly. Her uninhibited action tore another groan from Lucas’s chest as he explored her moist, welcoming folds. She was already very hot, very wet for him. He trailed kisses across her collarbone and mentally consigned his worries about spending too much time with his wife to the devil.

He lifted her off his lap and set her on his desk, sweeping the surface clear with his arm. Documents, missives and ledgers went flying across the room.

Penelope looked up at him in confusion. “Lucas?”

He slid her legs apart and stepped in between them. “Just hold on, sweetheart. I’ll take care of everything.”

He quickly worked the fastenings of her gown, loosening the bodice, her stays and chemise to expose her naked breasts to his devouring gaze. Hungry for her, he proceeded to kiss every inch of her exposed flesh, fondling her until her breath came in ragged gasps, mingling with his own labored breathing.

He knelt before her, tasting her womanly core with an urgency and desperation he’d never known, losing himself in the scent of her desire. As soon as she cried out with her climax, Lucas was on his feet, opening the falls of his trousers, unable to wait any longer.

Failing to be gentle, he pinned her back on the desk and joined his body to hers with one fierce, demanding thrust.
God, she felt so good.
His large shaft stretched her out, filling her. She cried out, wrapping her legs and arms around him, and he groaned as the change in angle allowed her to take in even more of him.

Their mouths fused together, tongues mating as their bodies moved in a hard, wild rhythm. He pumped into her in powerful strokes, neither of them noticing the desk drawers rattling as she clung to him for the ride, and he felt the pleasure take over her again. Her body convulsed around him, milking him. Lucas groaned her name as he thrust himself to the hilt inside her one last time and claimed his own release.

He collapsed on top of her. He buried his face in her neck as he gasped in deep, panting breaths. The scent of sexual satisfaction surrounded them, and his eyes remained closed as he savored the way his wife enveloped his body in every way imaginable, clinging to the blissful place she’d taken him.

But awareness was already returning, and with it, a dawning realization crashed over him. He’d completely lost control with this woman. He opened his eyes, registered the surface of the desk and remorse burned in his gut. He’d taken her right here in his study, for God’s sake.

What was wrong with him?

He levered himself off her and righted his trousers, then he lifted her off the desk, steadying her when she stumbled on her feet. Wordlessly, he started straightening her gown, unable to meet her gaze.

What was it about this woman that made him lose his mind whenever he touched her? Never had he known such overwhelming passion, this overpowering need to possess her and bind her to him completely that took precedence over everything else. If he hadn’t known better, he’d think that some otherworldly force was behind this insanity. That she really was a mischievous nymph who had decided to play with him.

He stared at her face, noting the lovely tint of her cheeks, her pretty lips that were swollen from his kisses. He felt himself harden, and his mind reeled as he realized that he wanted her again. Immediately. He stepped back in awe.

“Lucas?” Penelope called out, her uncertainty clear. Her chin trembled as she reached for him.

He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, thankful when Finchley discreetly knocked on the door. “What is it?”

Finchley opened the door and gave a discreet cough. “Begging your pardon, my lord, but Lord Westville has arrived. He said you were expecting him.”

He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Yes. Show him in, Finchley.”

A moment later, Anthony walked in. Amusement lurked in Anthony’s eyes as he looked at the heap of documents on the floor, then at Penelope, before finally resting his gaze on Lucas.

“Am I interrupting something?” Anthony’s gaze shifted back to Penelope, and he bowed respectfully. “Forgive my forwardness, my lady, but I haven’t seen Ravenstone in weeks.”

Anthony cast Lucas a sidelong glance. “The last time we saw each other, you were on your way out of Town to pick up some baggage.”

Lucas scowled at his friend. “If you can stop grinning like an imbecile, Anthony, I’ll introduce you to my wife.”

Penelope excused herself from the study soon after the introductions were made, mumbling something about changing her attire and made for the door to leave the men to their business.

He watched his friend follow Penelope with his gaze as she exited the room. Lucas cleared his throat, and Anthony turned to face him.

“Your new countess is enchanting,” his friend remarked.

Enchanting was the perfect term to describe the nymph. She had cast a spell on him from the moment he’d met her in that coaching inn. Even now, it was all he could do to concentrate on what Anthony was telling him.

“News of your sudden marriage has swept the Town. Everyone is curious to see the new Countess of Ravenstone.”

He sighed and sank in the chair behind his desk. “They will see her soon enough,” he grumbled. “We are going to the Uffingtons’ ball tonight.” He gave Anthony a direct stare. “I trust my sister has not caused you any trouble while I was away?”

“No,” Anthony assured him, taking a seat on one of the burgundy leather chairs on the other side of the desk. “Little Olivia was well behaved as always. I’ve no doubt she will get an offer before the Season ends.”

With the small talk out of the way, they started talking business. Now that the Ravenstone fortune was safely in his hands, Lucas could go back to investing without worrying if his inheritance would be snatched out from under him.

It had only been three weeks since he was last in Town, and not much had changed in that time. Anthony filled him in on the latest news, but his thoughts kept wandering back to his wife. He had the uneasy feeling he’d hurt her with his silence after their last encounter.

He’d lost himself completely and had probably been too rough with her. He stared at his desk surface in contemplation. He didn’t doubt Penelope’s enjoyment of their lovemaking. He knew she found fulfillment. And yet, he couldn’t shake off the haunting image of her looking at him with that vulnerable, lost expression so soon after their interlude.

He grimaced. He probably owed her an apology. He didn’t know how wives expected to be treated after performing their marital obligation, but he suspected they expected more than mere silence.
Damnation. Marriage is hard work.

The problem with Penelope was that she was unlike any other woman he’d known. She probably wouldn’t be soothed by flowers or trinkets. Hell, he was probably going to have to adopt a few abused donkeys to soothe her ruffled feathers. And then a thought hit him. “Anthony, is Colonel Martin in Town?”

“He is, as a matter of fact. Why do you ask?”

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