How to Write (35 page)

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Authors: Gertrude Stein

BOOK: How to Write
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It is with a palatial opportunity not to estrange the dilapidation of utter edge of outer egging it on in a best of when it is in desperation to be announcing left make for forfeiting that if it is made and made in change which when it is nearly edging in retrenching because called purpose made elongation to fraternity that it can have to have to care to become a meditatively octoroon for their family and assembly they were made desperately especially for the waiting without blenching to the curling of their negligence made for this as in an instance of preciously pleading that it is when they cry they must make cake with their how do you do they need to have a lake should it be such with while for their mercifully made practicing for the convinced and joined playing the rest of the carefulness of reaching the appointing of the abandoning of never let it having that as an invidiously chartered to be theirs soon as in flexibly irritating that without moon made it a care for them call hear should fortunately for and even have not what is in the precision of common to them as a ground of their complaint which whenever and an amount of open they please call tell will and bottom it with a new zeal of restitution as if have and with it it is what in an anointment of the disposing of it about so when bereft of their stationing in superior and in touches of the noun which made latter as at once the pressure of willing made in plenty of retribution that it is for the nicely modest of it not with as the noise of made which in about the vacancy of lining without their precision of useful to supposition made in declaration of the weeding amount of places named as yet.

The often richer top to not the table of their without wanting for near as to be all this made of it as if theirs is not a shutting of the point of advantage advantages how it is but not as a mother to her one. Forgetting a mother to her one whether. Babies a pleasure. She says that it is what ever makes a difference. It is a trap and corrected for their after how is it in hours. It is not that once in and out comes to be shoved around to the wade and wading. They have forgotten weighing.

Many articles fetter the mistaken rectitude of being sheltered a blunder of the acknowledgment prevailed running in indivisibility this make left to them now which a blight that is perverted to the investing made should in the carriage of mounting that the division joined in the curiosity of ruling in the claim of their blanket of shown this do the collapsing precede agate and a double of the endowment whether measure it is a deliberation of frequently preyed not habit as the size made it is feasibly about the prevailing with and way of aspect in a test show come to side within a willing fort of this or to avoid more cut in half out of it in temperate as a pole without for this not a while back. Very sorry that it will never do.

Bay with abate a nuisance to be predicted in nomenclature for fortunately better than however should it be claimed about the whether it is find and found made the prevarication of two knew in but plainly in the intermittent of the power that can have just without it point of embroidered collared as a freshness of the utilitarian cover of a needle better regular wended as met believe that new should calculate finely theirs in response none messed with pale in consultation minimising for the forest imperilled collaboration utility mournful at most rain is and must the polite feeling remain provided just as much known this in through the having printed woe begone south and brushed with special shown a glance adaptable come in a closed rented fabrication just in endowment as they please easily only without doubt plaited as a cooling of the interval combed as the point without which prudence comes to before whatever politically rather for that as nice and made a plate of to dare say in justificating what inland makes dolls have feet and tidies when ought it or laugh to-day gone in restless toned it mellow of balloon in so more with wending partial to highly bade known restoring escape for the choice could when weather loved in truly rusted channel of their biting it in consequence of double which is change for that and hurled believe come copper in the just able presiding fairly interval to best of it said without a blow they were worth while in the hope of it may to gallop in the season because straddling could it amount when but for it as a to do pardonably a gold and coin with a vase last as a point of departure which is why they are interminable out of the whole wide world I chose to do good which is what they own of him he has been met by their helping it to come about.

It is a pleasure to converse without an answer and as to that having a part of the time in which to bother about it as in case that it is predetermined to be fancifully all of it in spite of the surroundings with which they are so nevertheless renewed equitably to do the not at all as if it is a politeness chequered be whether it is blooming as an antidote beside the bother of this with and worried let her be thought less than it is a kind of neatness in the blend of lubricant as whenever coming right away as can forget the more of it when is it that it is more then ever what they had rather have when it is about due.

In attended violently ability if two see which in elaborate readily cress and avoided there alarm which indirectly for that in seen considerable made it prefer their chance with polite shattering of the widening of which it is not that a pleasure in pairs for that as within collided obviously a copy refer just as chosen to not lonely in a minute thereby the understatement of advantage perfectly balancing not by chief with it at a point that there is in elaboration for there nearly please which is a prevailing colored in the point of their betrothed to the as soon as when it is an occupation for the appointing of lots of the well being of lighten to be rest of it as there was made to choice come to elaboration mixed finally as relentless in the reach of when might it in the avoidance of meticulous as which is dawn to be declaration of arose made as with it for the next instance adroitly shut it in the correction of weakness in the out put of meditation made away come to be please there accurately in radius of their soon having fathomed should next be named there is waning for the reach out in a plating of the inelastic just as a door to be conveniently rest as whether in bestowed rushed to be soon for this in the election of their while it is best for them to like it at all as much as they could which is by their nearly with a better industry for it formidable should without welcome rushed as an avoidance of minor principally called it having made a point of their rather having richness in the partly without close as they many in a time for this is complaint of not prevailing partly for this in a tether that change it made merely with all in entirely it is made from fanciful in rest to the renouncement of their with it shown as made which because individual should choose same the same as all droll that it is in might when with it for the nuisance of the allowance of whether it is integral in reliable fast plain and a twice as once they could for gather summary collect renew collide race and might for the best of it as predicted come to the claim of their revelling in shall which it is best when there can be cover to hover let it down to an obliged to be severed from the very much whatever it is that is at all like it the rest of the believe it or not as they like it makes no difference whichever they like it to have it to do it in a way which is the one that is not only all of it nearly come to be thought that it is very well known and not mistaken in liking to rely with which is it in the after all that it is more than that which makes it to and fro a much better than it is blankly a rest of it in the meantime because it is in inclusion that it is called highly presentable to the resistance of their welfare and willingness an appointment restfully allowed by their being willing not by half of the interruption that they color as the better than it is without a draw of which it may shall form in the care of their responsibility such when and select the remainder of the disappointment of the hardness of reversing it in change to be all called within and for their rights as they can be and draw determined come meant and renounce to do it as mainly which is in rehabilitation for their chance which is why they must be very careful made to be allowed vacantly in be wide and side of the better wished for relatively thought about the same that is all of it a kind as kind in the new better than called when they gain what ever they have of it it is news to them they like it they must miss it they will be better than at any time whenever it is not what is when they are obliging in the honorable discharge of their husbanding their effort which is what is what even call it in indigo that it is a positively ardently marvelling that they could which can when made a name to be on account which way they went there where leaves are loaned by the avoidance of having it a loss that they might come to be whether whichever collaboration in intrusion indicated should it have remembered up to fifty that is allowed for the shoulder of mutton that is very well beside the agreeable round about when it is needless as they may boast of why they were called cherry which can make intermittent have finely bestowal jump come to soon as how they were beside on the wav which is very much whichever they wished and likely to do as well for them whenever it is a fatigue to have proper papers in the day-time for the same which is what is it in the rightly loving angel as they may whenever it could and said it once in a while in accord with it in a denial of rain could it be about the time they said which is why they always like it better which is very well for them whenever they will be alternately adjusted to it not a partly chosen with why should and come to see about it whenever they are there where it is a pleasure to have it known as having been done by them which it is as is very well known whenever they care to have an influence which makes them leave it alone very much in the way they like as is very much better for them and which they do do whenever they have the chance and it is just as well to know it even better as coming to be relieved it is not known as a burden not as a relief but as a pleasure which it is just at this time all of it as light as a feather in a part of the day which it could be had as whatever they liked that is what they never like more than they do this all in a way of revolting in the selection of does it happen to do made in time to be exciting and a convenience and an estimation of this in two which is not a change to rest in it alike from it in the correction of better than stained glass too which is it as they have with all found come rested in a colliding with tall and vegetables close to the best of it in a winding restlessness of why do they come within made to order whenever it is done that they like they made it clear for it is just what they must do to call as allowed be with this reading made easy by plenty of time and to be sure with which it is please not to meddle in the advice of why they went with all to do with every once in a while which is made to be lost with respiration as to duty calls not hopping come to their care made without as to their plan to shave it down it is too bad and they must be known as a part of it as at all they could be thought to have it about twinkling refuse a bedewing in a star of shut it to destiny that it could dwindle in the taking it away where they went in about that time there too in a cause of remounting the statues on a pedestal which had been used as a flower garden being filled with earth like that to do thought it actually an adjunct to the garden.

It makes no difference within right about what collecting from ferns shall be mislaid by fuller had by mine fasten the lent for whichever can doubly have passed behind netting conditionally roused when by the stand in which confidence to be enclosed for the allowance of past rationing for the finality of upper condition of eventually tranquility of unified indubitable should glance without that washing for the shown without mere provocative establishment of having met with called that they will fasten in restiveness combined in the moistening of the peculiar for which it is in equity that it can shoulder join this prevailing as the sum put which ever the appointment in apples of the sheen of their popularity for this intricacy that it shall illuminating the fastening of the pealed in stability of their allowance for it for a fortune of known sensibility of when wedding it must in the interval of the restiveness of why is it that to come again makes it a change and it does with or without symptoms they have to be as allowed for the funicular of respectability of their whether it is chance that belies it for the much as in a point to make it do made without explanation for the reiteration of the endowment of withering exclamation shortly to have finance actively in retarding the ministering of abundantly for them in shine of not cut shall and be in two for season that it is law that makes it made to have it speech that for the renown meant but to for to add made with a call it is at all that they can share and share alike letting it undo the more than twenty five that they have in the house more under moreover in the undeniability of wrecking it shut in before the best of it in intent come by more than it is in that in because of an article of close which made a neglect of chosen for the amount of whatever it is left to call that it is a share of that it is shared in the narrowing of the conditional interposition of the adjoinment of when they are laughing it is not to be believed that it is come together with well very much better known made easily in plane it is a disappointment to not do whatever is what they must be sure to share that they like that they say that they are particularly to go away. What does make a difference. It is in plenty of time that they are in plenty with venom and a complaint of inundation of better to judge others as at once that they cannot be said to have butter too in the name of Jerusalem which makes it dreaded and mended as towering and she needs signatures. It is out of a better left to the period of attenuating this in season for the approach of resting of the bewidening of their popularity because it can be that a dome in ignoring of advantage is precluded from the justified attempt to dove in the bother alone of their consigning made to shut in two in a claim of allowing adjutant of the precision of middle of the room of when it is in a choice of faintly have had hand heavily attract in the rectangular bewilderment of what it is as though. It is why they have this. Left to them. At all. It is better not to do too much if you are bewildered. Not in a way of championing the considerable divulging of it is present. That more entitled. For the renewal. Come to be shining. In a way to not left it over in the progression of entitled made in time that they do bent in the wav related.

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