Howl of the Wolf (21 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Howl of the Wolf
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Arand whirled around, ever conscious of the black hole swirling just off to his left. He didn’t want the portal at his back as he had no idea what would come out of it.

Why hadn’t the line of salt held them off? The portal had opened inside the circle. Maybe an animal had scuffed the salt away, opening a breach in their protective circle. More likely was that Hades was more powerful than Sabrina’s witch friend. Not that Arand was surprised, but he’d hoped the salt boundary would offer Sabrina some protection.

The two upright demons attacked and he met them both at once. Metal clashed and sparks flew as the demons hacked and he countered. The two on the ground were dragging themselves toward him. He growled and went on the offensive, driving the two standing demons backward. They didn’t watch where they were going and fell over their comrades, falling into a tangled heap.

Arand went in for the kill.


“Holy shit. Holy shit,” Sabrina chanted under her breath. There were actual living, breathing demons in her granny’s backyard. Her shoulder ached from the kickback of the shotgun, but she fired again when one of the demons sprawled on the ground started to crawl toward Arand.

The man was a fighting machine. It was like watching an action movie, only this was chillingly real. Arand’s swords were an extension of his hands and he used them with lethal force. He’d cut the backs of two demons’ legs in the blink of an eye, whirling into position to face the remaining two.

Their heads. He’d said they needed to be beheaded. And here she was without an axe or a handy machete. She didn’t think any of Granny’s carving knives would be big enough to do the job either.

Stepping down off the porch, Sabrina cautiously moved toward one of the downed demons. She’d already filled his chest with buckshot but wasn’t sure how much of an effect it had had on him since Arand had slit his hamstrings so soon after. The hideous creature still had a nasty-looking sword in his hands. And the demon’s fingernails were like something out of a horror movie—sharp and long.

Its skin was mottled a dark black and blue color. Not attractive. And those teeth. The creature hissed at her, exposing two rows of sharp, dark teeth. Obviously, there were no dentists in Hell.

“I’m not exactly happy to see you either.” She raised the rifle and aimed at his neck, praying she’d hit him. Before she could fire, Arand pushed the two upright demons toward them and she jumped back just in time to avoid being knocked down. As it was, the two demons Arand had pushed back fell over their comrades.

Arand moved in for the kill.

He slashed with his blades, cutting through the thick demon flesh like a hot knife through butter. Blood sprayed and demon cries pierced her eardrums. She fell back and her butt hit the step.

When the last demon’s head was detached from its body, Arand threw back his head and howled. Sabrina couldn’t look away. Blood-spattered and sweaty, this was the immortal warrior of the Lady of the Beasts. He raised his swords into the air, the blades coated with demon blood and gore.

The grass around the beheaded creatures sizzled and burned and she drew her feet up onto the step. The air grew still and the demons’ bodies began to disintegrate before her very eyes.

Arand lowered his swords and his dark gaze cut toward her. “I told you to go inside.”

Sabrina swallowed hard, reminding herself that Arand wouldn’t hurt her. His fury whipped at her, but she didn’t flinch. “I did go inside. I just didn’t stay there.”

He swore. “By the Lady, Sabrina. This is not a game.”

She pushed herself to her feet, locking her shaky knees to keep them from collapsing beneath her. “I know. But this is my fight as much as it is yours.”

A breeze blew up, lifting the ashy remains of the demons and carrying it toward the swirling black hole. “The devil always claims his own.” Arand’s voice was grim.

Sabrina kept her gaze on what had to be a portal into Hell. “Is that all of them?”

Arand shook his head. “That is only the beginning.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.” Sabrina peered around the yard, taking in the scorched earth and the smudged line of salt. “Guess the salt didn’t work this time.”

Arand took a deep breath and slowly released it. “No, not this time. Hades is much too powerful to be kept out by nothing more than salt.”

Sabrina could have kicked herself. Jessica had told her to cleanse the area as well and burn incense. The entire ritual had to be done for the salt to have real strength.

She took a good look at Arand and was appalled to see blisters forming on his chest and arms where the demon blood had struck him. “Your skin. It’s burned.”

He raised his arms in the air and began to chant. It wasn’t any language Sabrina recognized, but there was no mistaking the rise of power around them. The short hairs on her arms rose and the air was electrically charged, much like it was before a thunderstorm. A radiant light surrounded Arand, bathing the blood from his body and leaving his skin whole and healthy and his swords gleaming bright once again.

Wow, that was some skill to have. Just another reminder of how different they were.

The swords winked out of existence as Arand stalked toward her. She took a step back before remembering she wasn’t intimidated by him. He glanced over his shoulder at the portal. “I don’t know what is coming out of there next, but you will do as I tell you.”

“Will I?” She knew she should just agree with him. This was no time to pick a fight with him. But it galled her that he would think she would just up and abandon him to battle on his own.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “You will do as I say.” The harsh planes of his face and his tight grip left little doubt that he was more than willing to do whatever it took to get her to agree.

The swirling black circle grew darker, as though it were sucking all the light from the very air around it. Sabrina’s gaze was locked on to the portal, wondering what fresh nightmare would step from its midst.

But it wasn’t a demon that stepped out of the black swirling mass, it was a man. He wore a well-tailored charcoal-gray suit, a black shirt and tie and a shiny pair of leather shoes that looked like they cost a bundle. A diamond earring winked from one ear and a ring with a large black stone sat on his left hand.

“Having trouble with the little woman, wolf?”

Power struck her with the force of a hurricane. No one needed to tell her who this was. She’d recognized him the moment he spoke. He’d spoken to her in her dreams. This was Hades, Lord of the Underworld, god of Hell.

The time of reckoning had arrived.

Chapter Fourteen

“I would have been here sooner, but I was…unavoidably detained.” Hades tugged the cuffs of his shirt down to align with his jacket. “I hope the wait wasn’t too hard on you.”

By the Lady. Arand’s enemy was finally before him and he wished him back to Hell. Anywhere but so close to Sabrina. “Feel free to leave us waiting longer if you wish.” He narrowed his gaze, watching the god carefully. But he kept all his senses open in case any demons tried to sneak up on them.

Sabrina stood on the porch with the shotgun cradled in her arms. The weapon was useless against the god. He willed her to go inside, but she stubbornly stayed where she was.

Hades cocked his head to one side, studying him. “Family came to visit. You know how family is, Arand. You can always depend on them to muck up the best laid plans.”

“Why are you here?”

“So eager to die, wolf.” Hades shook his head in mock sorrow. “So antagonistic. All of you so ready to die.” He paused. “Or at least most of you were.”

Arand didn’t say anything, letting the silence stand between them. He could hear Sabrina’s breathing, light and fast, her heart racing. She had to be scared out of her mind, but she stood her ground. He almost wished she weren’t quite so brave.

Impatience snapped in Hades’ eyes. “I suppose I should make the standard offer. Are you willing to join with me?” Calculation entered the devil’s gaze and the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. “I’ll even let the woman live.”

Arand was torn. He tightened his fingers around the hilt of the sword that had reappeared in his hand the moment Hades appeared. Would the god honor his promise?

“No, Arand.” Sabrina’s voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it as if it were as loud as a shout. “You can’t bargain with the devil.”

“Silence, woman.” Hades threw his hand out and sparks flew from his fingertips, jumped through the air and slammed into Sabrina’s chest. She fell backward with a pained cry.

“Sabrina.” Arand raced toward her and fell to his knees by her side. Her eyes were closed and her heartbeat was erratic, and Hades had barely put any power behind the strike. Worry tore at him and his wolf howled in anger, demanding vengeance against the wrong done to his woman. She was still alive, but barely. She wouldn’t survive another hit by Hades.

“Make your decision, wolf. If you’re not going to join me then I have to kill you.”

Arand slowly stood and turned toward the god. Raw fury pumped through his veins, feeding his growing power. His senses, already amplified, grew even sharper. He knew there were other people approaching, but all his focus was on Hades.

He snarled at the god in challenge but didn’t attack. He was smarter than that. Hades would not make him lose his cool and attack mindlessly. He would use the best of man and beast to defeat the god and end the curse once and for all.


“Hurry.” Jessica motioned to Tilly to move faster. Even though the mechanic at the garage had been quick, it had seemed to take forever to have their tire changed and get back on the road. The clock was ticking and every minute counted. Jessica had a very bad feeling.

A downed cypress tree blocked the road into Sabrina’s place and they’d been forced to walk the rest of the way. Jessica couldn’t help but feel it was deliberate, just as the car accident and the flat tire had been. It was as though something was trying to keep them from reaching Sabrina to help her, something evil.

Tilly was on the phone to her granny, who was chanting and praying for them. “Granny says to beware.”

Oh yeah, this creepy feeling she had wasn’t simply her imagination. She gripped her amulet tight and said a brief prayer for safety.

Tilly ended the call and hurried to catch up. “What do you think is happening?”

“I think he’s here.” No need to say who
was. Jessica had her circle of witch friends lending their energy of protection to them, but she didn’t know if it would be enough.

A female cry pierced the air and they looked at one another in growing fear.
. They hurried down the dirt path, trying not to make any noise, but Jessica figured it didn’t matter how much noise they made as they ran. Both Arand and Hades would know they were here.


Arand tried not to look toward the woods to his left, but he wanted to swear aloud. Sabrina’s friends were close and getting closer by the second. They meant well but would only be two more people he had to protect, making it more difficult for him to battle the god.

He spared a quick glance back toward Sabrina. She wasn’t moving but was still breathing. Barely.

Arand needed to end this. Now.

He raised his sword to engage Hades in battle, but the devil didn’t even move. Instead, the god smiled, calculation in his gaze.

“I think I’ll let you fight the captain of my army in my stead.”

Arand didn’t even blink when Mordecai strode from the woods, sword in hand. He looked the same as he had all those years ago. The same black hair and eyes, same lethal air surrounding him. They’d been friends once. Brothers. Now they were mortal enemies.

Behind him, Sabrina stirred. He prayed she played dead until the battle was done.

“Mordecai.” He inclined his head to his former comrade.

“Arand,” Mordecai returned. There was no emotion in the serpent’s eyes, only deadly intent and determination.

So be it.

Arand raised his sword as Mordecai rushed toward him.


Her chest hurt like a sonofabitch, but at least she was alive. Sabrina couldn’t remember a time in her life when she’d felt worse. Her entire body ached and the scent of scorched flesh and cloth surrounded her.

Metal crashed against metal and the sound struck fear into her heart. Who was Arand fighting? She forced her eyes open and blinked to focus her vision. Her wolf was fighting a man she’d never seen before. He had dark, shoulder-length hair, swarthy skin and was dressed in a black T-shirt, khakis and combat boots. This one wasn’t a demon. He was definitely a skilled warrior.

She wondered who he was, and then she heard Arand call his opponent by name.
. This was the warrior who’d betrayed them all to join Hades.

And speaking of the devil…

Sabrina turned her head slightly and found the god leaning against a tree watching the fight between the two former friends. She pushed herself upright and looked around for the shogun. Thankfully, it was right beside her. She wrapped her fingers around the weapon and cradled it against her aching chest. Maybe it wouldn’t work against Hades, but it might slow down Mordecai. She’d watch for her chance and take it.

Watching the two men fight was like watching master swordsmen battle. Their movements were fluid, almost like a dance as they weaved and bobbed to avoid being struck before countering with another attack. They jumped and whirled, both silent and utterly deadly, their bodies ultimate fighting machines. Sweat beaded on their foreheads, the only real sign of exertion. She had a feeling they could go on like this for hours, maybe even days.

She steadied herself against the railing post and raised the shotgun. Sabrina wasn’t sure Hades had seen her, but she was keeping one eye on him, not wanting to take any chances. She was ready to dive out of the way if he threw another one of those deadly lightning bolts, or whatever they were, at her. Whether she could get out of the way in time to avoid being hit again was the real question. She prayed she could, but she wasn’t hopeful.

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