Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (44 page)

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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Even without the added libido fuel of the tree, her oral devotion would have blown his mind. No pun intended. This certainly wasn’t his first trip to the blowjob rodeo, but she was easily going home with the winner’s trophy.

Losing himself to the decadent sensations, he closed his eyes. That lasted for about a second. No way could he resist watching her deep throat him. Her greedy moan vibrated through his flesh and he about lost it. He pulled from the wet haven of her mouth. Ignoring her murmurs of complaint, he shrugged from his shirt and spread it on the ground before taking her hand. “My turn.”

He eased her on top of the flannel and inched her thermal top upward, tormenting them both with the slow progression of his kisses as he revealed her creamy skin, centimeter by centimeter. By the time he uncovered her breasts, her ragged pattern of breaths accompanied his. He unhooked her bra’s front closure and peeled back the satin cups. Her nipples immediately pebbled in response to the coolness of the air. Not about to refuse that invitation, he swirled his tongue over one rosy crest.

His name a blissful sigh, she arched her back and sifted her fingers through his hair. He transferred his attention to the nipple’s mate, ensuring it didn’t feel left out. After indulging in one last suckle, he roamed lower, following the quivering valley of her abdomen while he worked her yoga pants and G-string past her hips.

Momentarily curbing his kisses, he tugged her flip-flops free and finished removing her clothes. Sitting back on his haunches, he relished the beautiful banquet she presented. Her hair fanned around her like a fiery corona, its strands almost the same vibrant copper as the oak’s leaves. Unabashed in her lush femininity, she reminded him of an earth angel.

Recalling the wicked things she’d done with her mouth seconds ago, he dropped the angel part. She was all devil. And he’d have it no other way.

Intent on driving her to the same wildly intense edge of pleasure she’d bestowed on him, he widened her legs and settled between them, keeping her pinned open with his shoulders. He pressed his jaw to her inner thigh and rubbed along her silky skin, deliberately marking her with his beard scruff. Dipping his head, he kissed the crease where her groin and thigh met. The heady sent of her arousal filled his senses, luring him inward. Her glistening labia beckoned.

Separating the plump folds with his thumbs, he licked a lazy path from her slit all the way up to her clit. She moaned, her head falling back. Encouraged by that response, he concentrated all of his efforts on the slick nub, tormenting it with short flicks and leisurely glides of his tongue. Her pussy grew wetter and wetter, soaking his mouth and chin. The need to make her come charged every cell in his body. Narrowed his focus to one solitary purpose. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he pushed her over the peak and she screamed his name.

Sliding two fingers inside her, he located the sensitive patch of tissues guaranteed to rocket her into the stratosphere. He rubbed her G spot and she shuddered, her muscles tensing. With those signs clueing him in that she was primed to detonate, he sucked her clit, coaxing her release with firm pulses of his tongue.

She broke on a shuddering wail, her body bowing and convulsing with ceaseless tremors. Her fierce climax only stoked his desire to make her come a thousand more times. But this next one he wanted to be on his cock. Too bad that was unlikely to happen, since he had no condoms.

He released her thighs and leaned up to kiss her nipples. Reluctantly abandoning the ripe buds, he smoothed the hair back from her flushed face. Her dreamy look was the ultimate ego booster. “I want to bury my cock inside you so bad, my balls are probably blue.”

“Poor baby. We can’t have that.”

He nudged her nose with his. “As much as I’m dying to get inside you, I don’t have any protection.”

The moment he said it, an avalanche of Trojan packets pelted them from above. Tucking his arms over his head and Tully’s, he dared a peek skyward. “What the

She giggled. “Guess it’s a case of ask and you shall receive. I’m just glad we don’t need lube. That could have been messy.”

The shower of condoms stopped. Inspecting their windfall, he grunted. “That tree has been hanging around too many rabbits if it thinks we’re going to be utilizing all of those in one sitting.”

“I dunno.” She slipped her hand between them and caressed his shaft. “Feels like you’re
for the occasion.”

Without question, if she continued playing with his cock like that. Then again, just having her warm, sexy body wet and ready for him was enough to guarantee blazing through a good deal of those condoms.

He unlaced his boots and yanked them off before shucking his pants and briefs. The entire time he stripped, Tully visually ate him alive. He indulgently stroked his dick. “Like what you see?”

“You have no idea.”

“Then how about you show me.” He arranged his cargos in front of her. Dissatisfied with the level of padding the clothing offered, he scratched his chin. “Wish we had a cushy king-size. Would be helluva lot more comfy.”

The ground rumbled, nearly knocking him off his feet. Instinct taking over, he quickly threw himself over Tully. He had no damn idea what he was protecting her from but better not to risk it. Still, it didn’t exactly prevent him from feeling like a huge dope when an enormous log bed materialized under them an instant later.

Mystified, he cautiously plucked at the moss green quilt covering the mattress. “Why do I feel like I signed up for express delivery from Bed, Bath, and Waaaaay Beyond?” Shaking his head, he grabbed one of the condom packets and ripped it open with his teeth.

Tully snatched the latex from him. “Allow me.” Awarding him a saucy grin, she wiggled beneath him and pushed against his hips. “Move up a bit.”

He dutifully complied with the request. Instead of situating the condom on him, she slid her mouth over his cock, her hum of pleasure destroying his equilibrium. Her tongue teased the slit in his cockhead, licking up every pearly drop of his pre-come. She released him with a succulent
and slipped the Trojan over his engorged gland. “Slides in much easier when it’s wet.” Judging from the wicked sparkle in her eyes, she was plenty aware of the double entendre.

“Mm, maybe we oughta check out that theory.” He hauled her upward and settled between her legs. Catching her behind the knees with his arms, he eased inside her. Good thing she was soaking wet because she was tighter than hell. Mind-numbing incredible as the snug fit was he didn’t want to hurt her. So he’d go easy on her. For now. Once he’d properly loosened her up he couldn’t promise anything. Particularly since he was already dying to bottom her out. One inch in, seven more to go. It’d be a fucking miracle if he didn’t lose his damn mind before sinking that last inch.

She arched her back, her nails digging into the bedding as he dragged over her G spot. Unable to resist the way she clenched around him, he retreated a fraction and grazed that sweet spot again. She whimpered, her glassy stare pleading. He leaned down and sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. She rippled around him, the sensation shooting fiery bliss down his spine. He hissed a breath. “Aw, damn, baby. You feel like fucking heaven.”

She panted against his mouth. “Give me more. Please.”

“How much do you want?” He offered the question as a tease, but her next words were anything but.

“All of you.” The emotion shining in her eyes went miles beyond the physical.

Forcing his gaze from hers, he slid his hands beneath her ass, hiking her closer as he thrust deep. That first driving plunge electrified his nerves like a live wire. Groaning, he pumped his hips, basking in the responding clutch of her pussy. He circled his hips, grinding her clit against his pubic bone. She gasped, her body going liquid around him and her nipples abrading his chest. He kissed the side of her neck. “You like that.”

“God, yes. Don’t stop.”

“I’m not. Gonna ride you hard until you fucking lose it on me.” Keeping to his word, he pistoned deeper and deeper, each stroke pushing her nearer to the breaking point. He could feel it in the desperate way she gripped his flanks. Felt it in the flutter and release of those tiny muscles greedily clinging to his shaft. So close. So. Fucking. Close.

Her breath hitched, body tightening. That telltale sign giving him his cue, he hammered deeper than ever, pinning her to the mattress when her peak hit. He swallowed her cries, his tongue mimicking the motion of his cock as he spiraled her orgasm to the absolute max. The sucking pull of her climax finally did him in. Lodging to the hilt, he groaned her name and shuddered, undiluted nirvana exploding in his cells.

Slumping, he fought to catch his breath. He couldn’t recall ever coming so hard in his life. Much as he wanted to blame it on the tree’s erotic elixir, he knew the woman limp as a noodle beneath him was the true culprit.

Tully affected him in a way that no other woman had in a very long time. The scary part? He was starting to like it.



aking up to a family of raccoons staring at her ranked high on the list of things she’d just as soon not experience again. Jolting up in bed, she poked Huck in the shoulder. Rather than leaping to her rescue as any knight in shining armor should when faced with stray, potentially rabid wildlife, he snored louder and rolled onto his other side.

Time to take matters into her own hands. She grabbed the pillow behind her head and threw it in the direction of the masked varmints. Their indignant chittering loud enough to wake the dead—but apparently
Huck—they scurried off. Unfortunately, they decided to abscond with one of her flip-flops and Huck’s flannel shirt as parting gifts.

Uh oh. Well, that’s what he got for snoozing through a coon crisis.

She glanced toward the oak. It took an inordinate amount of time for her fuzzy brain to comprehend what was missing. The shimmering wall was gone.

Apparently the tree was satisfied with its sexy bit of fun and deemed them free to leave.

She should be thankful for the opportunity. No more porno bunnies and voyeuristic thief raccoons for her. So why did she feel sad?

Reluctantly abandoning the cozy warmth of the bed, she pulled on her thermal top. It was long enough to cover her butt so she opted to forgo her yoga pants while she hunted for a spot to cop a quick squat. She located a private area blessedly free of poison ivy on the outer edge of the clearing. Relieving her bladder was a huge relief. Realizing she had nothing to wipe with? No so much. “Where’s that bear with the Charmin when you need him?”

Recalling the oak’s tendency to take helpfulness to the extreme, she gulped. “I didn’t mean that literally. Really. Just a nice roll of TP would be fantastic.”

A tube of tissue dropped from the sky directly onto her head. Wincing, she snatched the toilet paper before it tumbled to the ground. It might be the magical matriarch of the forest, but the tree could stand to perfect its aim.

After freshening up and wrapping the tissue to dispose of later, she returned to the clearing and retrieved her pillow. Although the bed and the gorgeously sleep rumpled Huck beckoned, an irresistible force called her to the oak. The early morning light painted its leaves a softer shade of copper than the evening before. Despite the muted tones, its mysterious majesty reigned powerful as ever.

She’d been too blitzed on lust last night to pay proper attention to the multitude of names carved into the massive trunk. It’d been many years since she’d paid the tree a visit. Even before ending up on the outs with Huck, she’d mostly stayed away. It was either that or endure seeing him with Melanie. That’d been a particular hell she’d avoided at all costs.

Tearing her mind from that dark avenue of thought, she traced a fingertip over two names centered in a crooked heart. They were new to her. Safe to say many of these were. Although she was sure Huck didn’t appreciate people sneaking onto his land to see the tree, knowing there were still believers out there, well, it was a good thing in her book. The world needed more believers.

She moved on to the next set of names, this pair all too familiar. Noah and Patience Eastwood. Unlike Huck’s parents, hers hadn’t started their magical courtship via a flat tire. Fed up with her single status at the not so ripe age of twenty-five, Patience Eastwood—then O’Connell—had ventured into the woods and presented the tree with a heartfelt request—a soulmate to share the rest of her days with. Noah, an amateur wildlife photographer from Ohio, had been traveling the UP, capturing the Northern Michigan landscape through his lens. He hadn’t even planned the side trip to Blue Moon, but a strong compulsion had gripped him as he passed the sign for the tiny town. Something bigger than life called to him. Something that would change
life. Heeding that unwavering certainty, he’d turned his vehicle around and kept driving until he’d reached these woods.

To this day, her dad swore that his life started the moment Patience walked out of the forest toward him.

A warm glow resting in her heart, she kissed her fingertips and pressed it to her parent’s carving before circling the tree. She continued reading the engravings until she came across two that punched a sucker blow to her gut. A ball of queasiness expanding in her belly, she eyed Huck’s and Melanie’s names.

She had no idea how long they’d been there. Or who carved them. But the very fact they were there filled her with a deep unease.

No matter how horribly Melanie wronged Huck, it didn’t change the past. He’d loved her. Possibly to the point of proclaiming it to the entire world by marking it on the tree. For all prosperity.

She hadn’t failed to notice his response last night whenever she took things to an emotional level. Or more accurately, his
of response. Either he didn’t feel the same intense connection she did, or he was deliberately shoving it away. Even if it was the later, it presented no less of a bleak outlook.

Huck may never open his heart to her. Her own heavy, she stepped away from the oak and blinked against the moisture welling in her eyes.

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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