Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon Series) (26 page)

Read Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon Series) Online

Authors: Cait Lavender

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon Series)
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Billy, along with Cody, Everett, John and Chuck, piled out of the truck, unloaded their animals and proceeded to tack up with a practiced ease that spoke to the years these men had spent roping and riding. All of them wore cowboy hats and Wranglers, some with the telltale ring worn in their back pocket from Skol tobacco cans. One of the men was missing a finger that had gotten pinched up in a rope. I’d known those men for a long time and smiled to myself at their friendly banter as I waited atop my horse.

“Well, I hope you boys are ready to earn your meal tonight. The trucks are supposed to get here in about an hour and a half, so we better get a move on.” I pulled my right foot out of the stirrup and lifted it to rest around my saddle horn. It was my favorite way to relax in the saddle, and it reminded me of earlier days when women had to ride sidesaddle. “Don’t doubt me when I tell you I’m going to make you work for your rib-eye today.”

The men had helped me before when I needed to round up calves, and they were no stranger to my super-secret way of cooking said steak so perfect it could bring tears to your eyes. It was nothing more than a ripping hot barbeque, a cast iron skillet, butter and garlic salt, but you’d swear I had a diploma from Le Cordon Bleu by the way they fawned over it.

“Really Shelby?” Cody asked, eyes wide with hope. “Choice?” I smiled at his question.

“USDA Prime, my man.” His eyes rolled in anticipation. “So you’d better be worth every penny or I’m eating yours!” All five men hopped into their saddles and followed me past the barn in search of my cattle.

We rode in silence for all of five minutes before one of the men cleared their throat. I turned and Everett nudged his big bay gelding up abreast of Roanie.

“So, word around town is you and the new warden are together now. S’that true?” He tried to look casual, but I could almost hear all the other men prick up their ears in efforts to catch my answer. It was the bane of my existence for a while now that I had become one of Raymond’s most eligible bachelorettes. If there was one thing cowboys liked better than a pretty girl, it was a pretty girl with ranching land.

“Well...we’ve started dating, but I’m not sure if it’s much more than that.”
Lord knows I want it to be...

The men mulled that over in silence before one of them, Chuck, piped up. “So does that mean we could go after some hogs some night here? He wouldn’t arrest friends of yours, would he?” I pretended to think on it. If that was the case, Cash wouldn’t be able to arrest anyone in Raymond because I was
with nearly the whole population.

“I don’t want you shooting one of my Black Angus heifers by mistake, Chuck. Not even Cash would be able to protect you then,
from me
.” The men laughed and we rode on, the boys teasing and cracking jokes.

The rest of the day went by in a blur of dust, sweat and curses. There’s nothing like a good ol’ boy for cussing up a storm when he missed a throw. For the most part, however, the trucks were loaded quickly and when evening came everyone was tired but happy with a job well done.

I sat alone in a camp chair by my barbeque drinking a Sierra Nevada when Cash pulled up. Dinner had been a hit. It was probably a good thing he showed up late because I wasn’t sure how he would have reacted to the men moaning in orgasmic rapture over the steaks. The guys had left about a half hour earlier and I relaxed and looking at the stars when Cash sauntered up.

He sat down next to me and we both continued to gaze at the night sky and watched the moon rise over the mountains. It seemed like it was larger than usual and glowed with an eerie orange light as it hung low on the horizon. Wordlessly, I handed him a beer.

“It’s a hunter moon.” Cash’s words made me jump as they knifed through the silence.

“I’m sorry, what?”

He took a swig of his beer before answering. “The moon. They call it a hunter moon because it’s common for hunters to use its light to hunt deer this time of year.”

I took a pull of my own beer and sat thoughtfully staring at the moon, still huge and orange, rising slowly above us.

“You’re late.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I had to meet with my lieutenant and a couple other wardens to plan out tomorrow.” His voice sounded tired so I cut him a little slack.

“That’s okay. The boys only left a little while ago. What is going on tomorrow?”

I looked over at Cash but I couldn’t see much in the dwindling light. What I could see of his face, his straight nose and strong square jaw, were cast in shadows from the moonlight. The camp chair creaked in protest as he stood up, downing the rest of his beer and pulling me to my feet.

“Four other wardens and I are going to be here early tomorrow morning. We’re hoping to go find the pot grow and surprise our grower. If we can arrest him and confiscate the marijuana it’ll be a good day.” He took my hips in his hands and pulled me toward him until I was flush against his body. “I want you to stay here while we search. Whoever this guy is, he’s already killed one person, and I don’t want to add you to his résumé.” His voice was smooth and persuasive but I still stiffened in his arms. He felt my response to his words and tightened his grip on my hips as if expecting me to bolt.

“You know I can’t do that, Cash.”
Two can play that game,
I thought as I replied in an equally level tone. “This is my land that bastard is probably messing with, and I want to be there when you get him. I know I won’t be allowed that close, but without me you and your wardens won’t get near him.”

I leaned my forehead on his chest and took a deep, relaxing breath of his woodsy scent. He grabbed my pony tail and pulled my head back until I looked him in the eyes. “I’m not going to be able to work or focus, Shells, if I think you’re going to get shot. It’s not going to happen!”

“I’ll stay back! Give me a bulletproof vest, a Lexan wall, whatever, but I’m going to be there!” We stood glaring at each other for what seemed like forever before he faded into resignation. I brushed my hair out of my face and he leaned in slowly and placed a soft, delicious kiss on my lips.
Yay! I win!

“What am I going to do with you?” Cash asked, more to himself than to me.

 I grinned wickedly and ran my icy cold hands underneath his uniform and up his stomach, making him yelp. He jerked my hands out from under his shirt and imprisoned them in his while he pulled me up the steps of the porch and into the house.

When we reached the hallway in front of the guest bedroom he pulled me into a soul scorching kiss. His hands slipped down the back of my jeans and cupped my behind, pressing my hips against his own. His mouth was soft, but demanding. I answered his demands with some of my own, finding his tongue and sucking on it gently. I took his moan into my mouth before nibbling down his strong jaw and then on to his earlobe, soothing my bites with my tongue.

As I worked my way down his neck, tasting his warm, silky skin and settled at the base feeling his pulse twitch underneath my lips. Suddenly, I was flooded with the nearly overwhelming urge to bite him. And not just any little love nip, but a full-on toothy one hard enough to draw blood.
What am I, a vampire?
I thought absently. I scraped his skin with my teeth, and Cash let out such a raw groan of unadulterated need that I nearly followed through with the impulse.

“No,” I moaned before peeling myself away from his neck.
This is just too weird! I’m not into the S&M crap.
Cash hissed, and before I could react he pushed me against the hall and put his hands on either side of my head, supporting himself on the wall as he drew in ragged breaths. His eyes were squeezed shut and once again he had a pained look on his face but this time I felt exactly the same way.

What just happened?
My chest heaved, trying to gasp for any and all oxygen that seemed to have evaporated from the space around me. I stared up at his face, suddenly scared at what I might see when he opened his eyes. When he finally did, the glow was back with a vengeance.

“If I didn’t know better I could almost believe you were deliberately trying to torture me into insanity.” A little shocked at the rough intensity in his voice, I stayed silent, still confused by my feelings. “You seem to know how to push me dangerously close to my breaking point, so close in fact I’m heavily debating on the merits of taking you right here and now.”

Said my naughty inner-monologue and I couldn’t disagree or help the delighted little wiggle my hips made against his. Cash exhaled, and his hands on the wall fisted until I could see his knuckles white against the tan of his skin. He squeezed his eyes shut again like he was really fighting with himself.
Oh, I hope the right Cash wins!

I ran my fingers up his chest.

“So why don’t you?” I said in what I hoped was a sufficiently seductive voice.

His eyes snapped open. They were filled with emerald fire. “I can’t. Not yet, Shells,” He moaned, his voice like sandpaper. “Oh God, but I want it.”

 I couldn’t help the petulant frown that took over my face at his words. The whole ‘blue ovaries’ thing was really starting to get old. I crossed my arms over my chest and adopted what I hoped was an icy demeanor. “Well, I guess I’ll just sleep then. The sooner we find that guy the sooner you can stop worrying about me and get back to your life.”

Pain and frustration filled his eyes, but he backed up allowing me enough space to brush by him and walk down the hall to my bedroom where I turned, gave him one final glare, and slammed the door. I locked it.

I leaned my head against the door, listening to Cash’s heavy sigh and his footsteps as he padded into the guest room and clicked the door shut. I hated this. I hated that he made me into a needy, horny and moody woman. I hated that a large part of me knew I was being unfairly harsh toward Cash. But most of all, I hated that I had this deep suspicion that Cash kept some kind of knowledge away from me that could change my life.

The impulse to bite him had come from way out of left field. The rational, human part of my mind was repulsed and a little frightened by it, but another deeper, more primal part of me felt like it was not only right, but necessary. And judging by Cash’s reaction, he knew exactly what I had been contemplating and had wanted it too.

I knew as soon as I laid eyes on him that my life would never be the same and so far my instincts had been correct. Cash treated me like I was a fragile china doll, and it rubbed me the wrong way. The only person through all of this drama who seemed like he was willing to tell me what the heck was going on was his brother.

You can’t do what you’re thinking,
my snarky shoulder angel said in my ear.
The hell I can’t!
I said back to it. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what would most likely be extremely unpleasant and something I would definitely regret later. I picked up my phone and dialed Cash’s home number. When it rang, I shifted from foot to foot in apprehension; part of me prayed he didn’t answer.

“Hello?” A voice like silky chocolate answered. I contemplated hanging up, but since star 69 had been invented, James might call back and then Cash would know I was talking to someone.

Reluctantly, I answered. “Hi James, this is Shelby Flint. Cash’s, um,
?” I said the last bit to make a point about what this call was
There was a beat of silence before he answered. I heard rustling, as if he laid back on a couch or a bed.

“Hi, Shelby. What makes you want to talk to me at this time of night? If Cash isn’t doing it for you, I could—” Cutting him off before I could hear what he ‘could’ do, I replied sharply.

“The other night you and Cash were having a private conversation that he didn’t want me in on. I hoped you would tell me what you were talking about.” I kept my voice low and even, trying to hide the desperation I had for answers. I was met with a dark, sexy chuckle that, were I a lesser woman, would have slid the panties right off of me.

“Yes, I bet you do have some questions and as much as I’d love to educate you...” he let that float around for a moment before continuing. “I think this is something you should probably ask Cash.”

I pushed down the wave of irritation with his patronizing manner and answered patiently. “I have tried to ask him but somehow he always manages to avoid answering me. His behavior is so random I’m starting to get whiplash! James, please. I have to know why he’s so hot and cold with me.”

“Well, Shelby, since you’ve asked so nicely I will tell you all.” My heart leapt only to thud on the floor with his next words. “Not over the phone though, can I meet you?” His voice was smoother than caramel, but it couldn’t soothe my nerves as I thought about being face to face with him alone. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration.

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