Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) (2 page)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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“Well?  Did it?  Or shall I just see for myself?”  He cocked his head to one side as if to wait for an answer but then slid off my body.


I still couldn’t speak.  My heart was hammering in my chest and when he moved to look down my body, I squirmed under his gaze, pressing my thighs together. 


He trailed a finger across my bare stomach and then back again. 
If I wasn’t wet before, I sure was now!
I quivered in delight.  Then he slipped his finger under the waistband of the boxers I was wearing and continued to trail his hand back and forth, without going any lower.  I arched my back in frustration but he just pushed me back down.


“So … shall I see for myself, or are you going to tell me?” he murmured in that deep sexy voice that made me almost faint with wanting.


I shook my head and he stilled his hand.  Suddenly, he pushed his hand down into the boxers and slid a finger into my slit.  I jolted - a mixture of shock and pleasure, and then relaxed as he slowly trailed his finger back up and over my clit.  I opened my legs expectantly but he withdrew his hand.


I raised my eyebrows and pouted indignantly.  He grinned and then sucked on his finger as though it were a lollipop.  “Hmmmm, you taste gooood!” he drawled before jumping to his feet.


“Come on, you wanton creature.  We’ve got to get ready for work!”  He held out his hand to help me up but I just glowered at him in frustration. 


His eyes flashed and his lips twitched with barely suppressed mirth.  “What’s the matter?  Did you think that I was going to take you here and now?”


I stood unaided and just looked at him from beneath frowning eyebrows, hoping to convey the message that I was thoroughly pissed off with his games and yet, not willing to admit that I had thought that I was going to be shagged senseless before breakfast. 


He stood, hands on hips, watching me with obvious amusement so I did the grown up thing and stalked off, back to the bedroom.  I stomped straight into the en suite and turned on the shower.  I removed my bra, boxers and hair band and stepped under the hot spray.  I quickly shampooed my hair and washed my body in what must be record time.  I turned off the shower, and turned to get a towel from the heated rail, only to find Lucas sitting on the side of the bath, watching me with a smirk on his face.


I wrapped the towel around my hair, grabbed another from the rail and sashayed past Lucas, water dripping off my naked body.  I could hear him chuckling as I walked into the bedroom. 
Weirdly, I didn’t feel rejected, just frustrated … very frustrated! 
It would serve him right if I lay on his bed and brought myself off …
now that was a thought! 


As I walked to the bed, I noticed the time on the alarm clock.  Almost 7am! 
I had a meeting at 9am with a prospective client and I needed to go home, get changed and get my samples ready for the meeting and get back to the office.


I quickly towel dried my hair, then my body and sat on the chaise, attempting to detangle my hair with Lucas’ comb.  I did the best that I could then I pulled on my blouse, skirt and jacket.


Lucas sauntered back into the room with a towel around his waist, just as I was picking up my purse.


He stopped and raised his eyebrows questioningly. 


“I have a 9am meeting and it’s already gone seven so I must dash.  I’m sure I will be safe walking the short distance to my apartment now,” I explained.


“I wouldn’t guarantee it …especially when wearing no underwear,” he replied.


“Nobody will know that I have no underwear on.”


know,” he retorted.


hardly going to attack me, are you?” 
You don’t even want me this morning when I was offering myself to you on a plate! 
I pulled a face.  “I’m a big girl.  I can take care of myself.”


He narrowed his eyes and his jaw clenched.  I automatically took a step back.


“Just stay there until I’m dressed and then I’ll take you.  No argument!” He disappeared into his dressing room and I debated whether or not I should just go.  Instinct told me that it would be unwise to disobey him so I sat on the chaise and combed my hair through again.


A few minutes later, he returned wearing a light blue button down shirt and black slacks.  He repeated his hair styling routine (if you could call it styling) and looked as just fucked as possible. 
Although he wasn’t … he could have been, but he wasn’t! 
I glared at his back as he went back into his dressing room.


Two minutes later, he was ready.  As I slid my feet into my pumps, I found myself wondering which version of Lucas was most gorgeous.  Business Lucas, all crisp and smart in a black designer suit, dominating the business world or Athletic Lucas, working out in his sweats? 
Actually, it was simple … both!  NO! Neither … the most gorgeous Lucas of all, was naked Lucas - by a mile! 


Lucas refused to allow me to walk through Manhattan with no underwear, even with him accompanying me.  So we descended in the elevator to the basement garage and Lucas got behind the wheel of his Lexus SUV.  It seemed ridiculous to me to take a car journey rather than a five minute walk but Lucas was adamant.


He pulled up outside my apartment block and, despite my insistence that I could manage from there, he shot out of the car and dashed around to my door.  Just to block the view of any passersby as I swung my legs out of the car. 


“Thank you, Mr. Hunter, for protecting my modesty,” I said, sarcastically, as I stood.  “I can take it from here.”


“What about breakfast?  You haven’t eaten - and I doubt you will have time.  I’ll grab us something.  Be back in five minutes.”  And he walked off, leaving me staring after him. 


After greeting James, who didn’t bat an eyelid at my appearance - crumpled clothes and wet hair, I told him to let Lucas up when he returned. Then I dashed into the elevator and up into the apartment.


Thankfully, there was no sign of Angel as I hurried into my bedroom.  I didn’t have time for twenty questions.  The client I was meeting was the owner of a record label and well known for his philandering ways.  I decided to go with a younger, fresher look than I usually wore to meet clients. 


I chose a demure navy pencil skirt and a navy, silk fitted blouse.  I decided to wear my blue glitter Jimmy Choo heeled pumps to complete the look.  I sprayed my hair with heat protection spray and then blow dried it.  I had just finished applying my make-up when the intercom buzzed.


I let Lucas in.  He’d bought bagels and cappuccinos for us both.  We ate our bagels then I took my coffee into my room; I still needed to straighten my hair.  When I emerged into the lounge, Lucas was browsing through the designs and samples that I’d put ready to take to my meeting.


“These are bloody good, Issy.  If anything, too good,” he said, his tone grave.


“What are you talking about?  How can designs be too good?”


“I don’t want anyone else using your design talents … or any of your talents, come to that.  I want to keep you for myself.”  I could see that he was entirely serious.


I frowned, wondering how best to tackle this.  “Lucas, whilst I am flattered by your kind words about my talents, you can see how ridiculous that would be.  I would be out of business in no time.”


“Actually Issy, by the time we have finished with Mini Dakota, I have another construction project - a considerable new build - that will need your design input, and there will be others after that.  And, there are areas of the Orion Building that I would like to have redesigned - including my apartment.  I would say that you have at least a year’s work exclusively for me.  You don’t need to be taking on other projects.”


I knew that I should be extremely thankful to have the security of Lucas’ projects, especially given their prestige, but my mind flashed back a few days to Lucas sending me that ridiculous check because I had spurred his advances.  What if that happened again at the end of the month’s trial period? 


“Well, I haven’t been given this job yet but I have made a commitment to meet with them this morning to show them my proposals so I must honor that.  And if I don’t hurry, I’m going to be late.”


He didn’t look happy but thankfully, he didn’t argue.  I collected my things and followed him back down to his car.  We drove back to the Orion Building in silence.  As we got out of the car and headed toward the elevator, Lucas asked me to meet him for lunch in his office.  I agreed and we got into his private elevator.  We ascended in silence and, when the doors opened on my floor, I felt the awkwardness between us. 


Lucas eased it by wishing me good luck with my client (although he probably didn’t mean it) and I responded by giving him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving him to travel up to his office alone.  His private elevator was just around the corner from my office. 


As I opened the door to my office, the beautiful scent of fresh flowers delighted my senses.  On my desk was a huge bouquet, similar to the one that Lucas had sent me before.  I smiled, knowing that he’d done it again, and wondering, once again, how he’d done it.  I reached over, took the card - it wasn’t hidden this time - and removed the card from the envelope. 


Thank you, Issy … you know what for x


I smiled at his thoughtful gesture.  The flowers were truly gorgeous and they made me smile whenever I looked at them.  I looked at the clock.  Fifteen minutes until my client was due to arrive.  I began to feel nervous so I made myself a cup of coffee and, just as I sat to drink it, my cell vibrated.  It was a text from Lucas.


Relax - you’ll walk it! Good luck anyway. Still not sure about sharing your talents though – any of them! Change of plan for lunch.  I’ll collect you from your office at 12:30.  Be ready x


How weird that his text should come, telling me to relax, just as I was beginning to feel nervous.  I leaned over and inhaled the glorious scent of the bouquet.  I reread the text and smiled at his dominant tone.  Normally, if someone tried to boss me around, I would deliberately be difficult and choose the other path.  But oddly, I didn’t feel like that. Not with him.  I was already looking forward to 12:30.




Chapter 2


My meeting went well and I was hired on the spot.  Living up to his reputation, the guy was a bit of a letch, staring at my breasts and touching my hand at any opportunity.  I was glad that I kept my desk between us.  It was only for the redesign of an office and all of my design ideas were approved.  Despite my protests, he insisted on leaving me with a check to retain my services and a deposit for ordering materials.  I just needed to wait for the architect to make contact and then I could begin to order the required items.  The job would be completed in a few weeks. 


When I got up to see him out of my office and to the elevator, he immediately invaded my space.  His hand went to the small of my back as we walked and he was so close that his thigh brushed against mine.  Then, as we reached the elevator, I felt his hand stray onto my ass so I quickly stepped forward to press the button.  I turned to face him to prevent him from touching me there again but he took my hand and lifted it to his lips.  I tried not to cringe as he kissed the back of my hand.  I felt him turn my hand over and, as I braced myself for the kiss on my palm, I heard loud angry sounding footsteps approaching.


Can footsteps sound angry? 
Even before I saw him, I knew it was Lucas.  My mind flashed back to Lucas’ display of jealousy at the club when the guy I was dancing with tried to kiss me. 
Oh god, please don’t let him hit my new client!
I spun around, and sure enough he was storming down the corridor with a face like thunder.  Thank goodness, the elevator doors opened at that moment so I quickly extricated my hand from his clutches and muttered goodbye.  I began to scurry towards Lucas, relieved to hear the elevator doors closing behind me.  He was almost upon me now.


I smiled in a vain attempt to derail him.  No such luck; he just spat out “Not here” and then grasped my arm and almost dragged me back to my office. 

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