Hunting Season (Aurora Sky (14 page)

BOOK: Hunting Season (Aurora Sky
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“We'll try things your way first,” Fane said as he straightened. “But if it doesn't work out, we do them my way. Agreed?”

I started opening my mouth, but before I could respond, he continued. “And if I take my clothes off for you, you better be prepared to do the same. And I do mean everything.” Fane let his eyes drift down my body slowly.

Every inch of me tingled and shivered. I didn't know whether I was hot or cold.

I folded my arms across my chest and met his stare when it returned to my eyes.

“Just don't go getting yourself killed before you get a chance,” I said.

Fane chuckled. “Very well, you've convinced me. I'll be careful, but you have to promise to do the same.”

“No one's killed me yet.”

Fane sobered. “Aurora…”

“I'll be careful. I'm not about to let my friends and family down.” I stepped to the edge of the concrete and patted my thighs. “Come on, Tommy. Back inside.”

The golden retriever lifted his head and looked my way. A second later he lowered his nose to the ground.

“Tommy, come,” I said louder.

This time, he trotted over. I let Tommy into the living room and stepped in next, Fane right behind me.

We rejoined Noel and Joss in the dining room. They both sat with a mug of tea at the table.

“Lenard Oneal,” Noel announced when we walked in.

I shook my head. “Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”

“He's a vampire with a thing for redheads. Everyone knows it. Best of all, he's already on Melcher's radar. I'll have Henry invite him to the party.”

It couldn't hurt. Who else could Henry invite? Maybe if we were lucky, Valerie would get abducted for real. Right, because everything had been falling into place so beautifully already. Lenard was in more danger than Valerie, but at least he would give Melcher a potential target other than Fane.

Fane nodded. “Now let's settle the matter of Jared.”

“If he wants to walk into a trap, I say we let him,” Noel said.

“We should surround him on all sides,” Fane said. “Leave nothing to chance.”

Nothing to chance. Famous last words. We were playing a game of Russian roulette, and I just hoped that when our turn came, the chamber would turn out empty.

Friday afternoon, Levi texted me to say he and Mason would pick me up at ten. I dressed early. I wanted to be ready to go as soon as they arrived. I'd already worn two long dresses to the tastings, so I selected a short black dress with a halter top that crisscrossed over my breasts. My arms and shoulders were bare. If I had to be tonight's bait, I might as well give the vamps easy access. The quicker we got this over with, the better.

I parted my hair on the left in front of the bathroom mirror, gathered it all into one hand and twisted it into a bun, which I secured at the nape of my neck with a metal clip.

As I put on a pair of chandelier earrings, Noel walked in wearing a midnight-blue lace corset top with a matching mesh skirt that flared over a pair of black boy shorts. She wore a lace choker and fingerless gloves. A matching set of Victorian skeleton keys hung from her earlobes.

I held the mascara wand aside and raised both eyebrows at Noel in the mirror.

“What's with the Goth revival?”

Noel sighed. “Total Goth scene on the eastside.”

I looked Noel over again. Boy, were we headed to different parties. “Well, be safe,” I said.

Noel stared back at me through the mirror. “I'll be the safest one tonight.”

Couldn't argue with that. Give me a bunch of crackheads and drug dealing vamps any day of the week over cold, calculating wine snobs or a jealous ex.

Noel looked away when she pulled a tube of lipstick out of the medicine cabinet and applied it to her lips. Bright red. Even so, she resembled nothing of the sickly creature she'd been when I first met her. Her skin glowed, and her hair had an impossible amount of bounce and shine to it.

Noel nodded. “That's a nice dress. You look like you're going to prom.”

“Right.” I snorted. “Carrie's prom.”

Noel flashed me a blood red smile in the mirror. “Wish I could stick around for moral support.”

“Believe me, you're better off not meeting my new teammates, Levi and Mason.” I scrunched my nose. “Complete douche bags.”

“Are they at least hot?” Noel asked.

I frowned. “Most definitely not.”

The only thing I saw when I pictured Levi's face was a sleaze bucket slime. Mason wasn't much better. He stood aside and let bad things happen without blinking an eye. Total tool.

After applying lip gloss, I set the tube on the counter beside my phone, a switchblade, and the silver clutch I planned to carry with me.

Noel followed my hand with her eyes.

“What's that? The hunter's survival kit?”

I looked down. “Hardly. I only have room for lip gloss and either the phone or knife.”

“I'd go for the switchblade. Much quicker than 911.”

No argument there. I unsnapped the clutch and stuck the switchblade inside. There was just enough room to nestle the tube of lip gloss in with the knife.

“Besides,” Noel said. “The signal on the hillside sucks.”

Who would I call anyway? Noel, Fane, and I would be on opposite ends of the city. Nope, it was just me and Mr. Blade.

Noel smacked her lips before turning away from the mirror. “Don't wait up for me.”

I huffed. “I'll probably be out later than you.”

“Sure about that?” she asked, flashing me a cheeky smile before ducking out of the bathroom.

I envied her and Dante's ability to make light of missions. My stomach always twisted up before an assignment, as though I were about to give a speech in front of a thousand people and had lost my index cards.

Noel called out a “goodbye” as she headed for the stairs.

“Be safe,” I called after her.

“You, too.”

The front door opened and closed. As I made my way downstairs, I heard Noel's car start up and pull out of the driveway. Once she'd zipped away, I went for the blood bags in the fridge. I didn't know where Noel had gotten them, and I didn't care.

Tonight demanded liquid courage and super strength.

I stuck a mug filled with blood into the microwave and hit the “re-heat” button. The metal box lit up and vented a slightly metallic smell.

The microwave beeped. I pulled the mug out and dipped my pinky into the thick red blood to test the temperature. Perfect. I was getting good at reheating blood just right. I lifted the mug to my nose, it was like inhaling a handful of coins. The aroma was far from my favorite, but the euphoria blood gave me was worth the coppery zing going down.

Maybe now I could get through the night.

At ten fourteen, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door to find Levi, dressed in clean jeans and a long sleeved tee, leaning in the frame, holding up a bottle of Merlot. He looked me up and down, grinning from ear to ear.

“Hello, beautiful. I brought you a bottle of wine,” he said.

I frowned. “I hope you came armed with more than that.”

Levi reached around his back and pulled out a gun. “Like my piece?” His eyebrows jumped.

“Guns are too loud,” I said.

“That's why I brought this,” Levi said, bending down and pulling up his pant leg. There was a hunting knife holstered and wrapped above his ankle.

“And this,” Mason said touching a knife holstered around his belt on one hip. There was another gun on his opposite hip.

“What's with the guns?” I asked.

“Back up,” Levi said. “House full of vamps. We gotta go in armed to the teeth.” He glanced sideways at Mason then back at me. “Aren't you going to invite us in?”

“Shouldn't we be going?” I countered.

“Not yet.”

I blocked the entrance. “Why not?”

“Because Jared is meeting us here.”

My heart skipped a beat. “I thought he wanted us to go in first.”

“He decided we're all going to caravan to the hillside. Now are you going to let us in? It's cold out here.”

Vampires don't mind the cold
, I nearly snapped.

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