Husband Wanted (12 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Hughes

BOOK: Husband Wanted
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Frannie felt the same. Hearing Clay say it meant the world to her. “We haven’t known each other that long.”

“Sweetheart, I know you inside and out. You’re one of the most loving, caring people I’ve ever met. When I think about what you’ve been through . . . You could have chosen a dozen different career paths, but you’ve chosen to help others, because of your experience. That says a lot about you, about how strong you are, how brave.”

Frannie was touched by the endearment. “I’m not as brave as you think, Clay. I have fears and insecurities. I worry that there will be some people I won’t be able to help.”

“If anybody can do it, you can, but you’re right, Frannie. You can’t save the whole world, but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to make a difference in a whole lot of lives. You’ve already touched mine. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, and I still have some anger and resentment toward my father. I still think that he has ulterior motives for what he does.”

“It’s not going to go away overnight, Clay. You’ve been harboring these feelings a long time.”

He kissed her tenderly. “See?” he said when he raised his lips. “I know all I need to know about you. You’re beautiful inside and out. And that makes me want to make love to you even more.”

Frannie knew in her heart he was being sincere. He had not told her he loved her, but he had said enough to make her want to be with him as well. “I’m a bit anxious,” she confessed.

“Are you afraid of getting pregnant?”

“I take birth control, but there’s no absolute, one hundred percent guarantee.”

“Would it help if I used a condom? Not that I have one on me, but I could go out and get one.”

“Now? It’s eleven o’clock. The drugstores are closed.” Actually, she was glad he wasn’t prepared for a roll in the hay.

“I filled up with gas today at the station in town. They had a condom dispenser in the men’s room. I could be there and back in less than twenty minutes.”

She thought about it. “I’ll go with you,” she said, fearing she’d change her mind if she waited alone. They climbed from the bed and dressed quickly.

They were ready in a matter of minutes, sneaking through the hall, down the staircase, and out the front door. A full moon guided them to Clay’s car. He helped her in, then joined her in the front and started the engine.

“Jeez!” she whispered. “Do you have to be so loud?”

“It only
loud,” he told her. “It’s not really.”

She looked at him, frowning, trying to make sense of what he’d said.

They made the drive in record time, pulling into the gas station beside the pumps. Stacy McIntyre, the owner, hurried out of the station in moss-green overalls.

“Clay, m’boy,” he called out, tucking his head into the window. “What are you doing back? I sold you a full tank today.”

Clay looked at Frannie, then back at the man. “Uh, we were taking a drive and the oil light came on,” he said. “Thought I might get you to check it.”

“The oil light, huh? That doesn’t make sense because I checked your oil and you had plenty.” The man went around front. “Well, let’s open her up and have a look-see.” He waited for Clay to pull the hood release, then lifted it.

“Okay, go,” Frannie said. “Now’s your chance.” She nudged Clay, wanting him to hurry up so they could get out of there.

He climbed out of the car. “Mind if I use the men’s room, Stacy?” he asked. The older man looked up as he pulled the oil stick from beneath the hood. “Can’t do that.”

Clay almost tripped over his own feet. “Beg your pardon?”

“Out of order. You’ll have to use the women’s bathroom.”

Clay sighed and rolled his eyes. Frannie shook her head and looked the other way. Maybe it was a sign that they should not make love after all.

“Come on now, Stacy,” Clay said. “All I need to do is wash my hands. I’d feel like a sissy going into the ladies’ bathroom.”

Stacy nodded as he slid the oil stick back into place and puttered beneath the hood. “Okay. You know where to find the key. Just don’t go flushing the toilet or you’ll find yourself ankle-deep in water.”

A moment later, Clay appeared at Frannie’s window. “You got any quarters? All I have is bills.”

Frannie gave a huge sigh as she reached inside her purse and pulled out a roll of quarters, ten-dollars-worth of tip money that she had planned to take to the bank. “Here,” she said.

Clay arched both brows. “You really don’t think we’re going to need this many?”

She blushed. “Of course not.”

He grinned. “Good. I’m not eighteen anymore, you know.”

“Would you just go?” she said.

Stacy was closing the hood when Clay came out of the men’s room a few minutes later. “There ain’t a dang thing wrong with your oil,” he said. “I even checked your transmission fluid again. Strangest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks, Stacy,” Clay said. “I feel better knowing everything is okay.”


Walter was coming out of the kitchen with a cookie and a glass of milk when Clay and Frannie let themselves in the front door. “Well, this is a surprise,” he said, glancing from one to the other. “Y’all are up kind of late.”

“Neither of us could sleep,” Clay whispered, hoping nobody else was going to get up. “We took a drive.”

A sound on the stairs made them look up. Mandy stood at the top rubbing her eyes. “I thought I heard a noise.” She quickly cleared the stairs and joined them in the foyer. “Oh, yum, milk and cookies,” she said. “May I have some?”

“Sure you can,” Walter said. He glanced at Clay and Frannie. “Come join us. Just don’t tell Greta you saw me cheating on my diet. Frannie, will you pour the milk?”

“Um, okay,” she said, noting the look of impatience on Clay’s face. “This won’t take long,” she whispered.

“Hey, does anyone play cards?” Mandy asked. “That’s a good way to pass the time when you can’t sleep.”

“I know right where Greta keeps the cards and poker chips,” Walter replied. “Let’s play at the kitchen table.”

Frannie shot a look of apology toward Clay and followed.

They played Texas Hold’em until three. Finally, Frannie gave up when she couldn’t stop yawning and the faces of the cards blurred before her. Clay folded as well and followed her up the stairs to their bedroom, where she went into the bathroom to change. She came out a moment later wearing his pajama shirt and literally staggered toward the bed. She was asleep the minute her head hit the pillow, only halfway covered, one slender leg taunting him.

Clay sighed. “So much for romance,” he mumbled. “Guess that leaves me with nothing to do except take a cold shower.”


Frannie awoke to something warm and wet nibbling her ear. She fanned it away, then heard a throaty chuckle beside her. She opened her eyes and found Clay gazing down at her, a smile on his handsome face. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said.

She blinked. “What time is it?”

“Almost ten.”

“That late?” She made a move to get up, but he stopped her.

“Dad and Mandy are still in bed. I heard them come up sometime around dawn.” His eyes impaled her as he reached up and stroked the line of her jaw. “There’s no rush.” He lowered his head and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

His intentions were clear. She was suddenly uneasy. “Clay, I—”

“Shhh. Don’t talk. Just lie there and let me make you feel good.” Even as he said it, he reached for the covers and brushed them aside.

Frannie felt exposed. His pajama shirt had ridden up during the night, falling at the waistband of her panties. She was suddenly thankful she wasn’t wearing those god-awful cotton underwear that had caused Blair to shudder. She didn’t have much time to think about it. Clay captured her lips once more and sank his tongue deep inside her mouth. As he kissed her, he opened the buttons on the shirt she wore one by one. Finally, he gazed down at her breasts, still flushed from sleep.

“So pretty,” he said, reaching up to cup one. He lowered his head and took the cinnamon-colored nipple into his mouth, teasing it until it awoke to full erectness. Frannie closed her eyes, giving in to the sheer pleasure. His hair-roughened jaw grazed the tender skin and added to the delightful sensations. By the time he moved to the other breast, she could feel the heat building low in her belly. She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. He swept her legs open and entered her, and they both gave sighs of pleasure as they climaxed together.

“That was . . . awesome,” Frannie said, feeling as though she was floating on a cloud.

“Yes, it was,” Clay said.

“Hmmm.” She rose up on one elbow and gazed down at him, a seductive smile playing across her lips. “Know what I think?” she said, but didn’t wait for his reply. “I think I might like to try it again.”

It was almost noon before they came downstairs, freshly showered and dressed for the day. They found Walter and Mandy at the breakfast table. “Remind me never to play cards with your daughter again,” the older man said. “She whipped my butt.”

“That’s my girl!” Frannie said proudly.

“By the way,” Walter said. “Jean-Paul is mad at all of us for holding up breakfast. Claimed he prepared this fancy egg dish and had to throw it out when nobody showed.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Frannie said, feeling bad over the ruined food. Still, she was literally glowing inside and couldn’t take her eyes off Clay. Every time their gazes met, he smiled that heart-stopping smile, and she was reminded of their love-making. She wondered if anybody else could see the changes in them. Surely they were both obvious as heck.

Once Clay had finished his first cup of coffee, he turned to Mandy. “How’d you like to go to Savannah and spend the night?” he said. “We could stay on the river. I know this great restaurant. Then—” He paused and his voice dropped an octave. “We’ll drive you to the airport Monday morning.”

“That would be great,” Mandy said.

Clay turned to his father. “Would you like to join us?”

Frannie was pleasantly surprised by Clay’s invitation.

Walter shook his head. “At my age traveling is more of a nuisance than a pleasure.”

Clay gazed at the man quietly. His father had been such a powerful figure in his life; he’d never considered the fact that he was growing older. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“Yes. I’m looking forward to a long nap.”


They were on their way an hour later. Mandy chatted almost nonstop during the drive while Frannie and Clay exchanged meaningful looks along the way.

Several uniformed doormen hurried up to greet them as they pulled onto the apron of a gleaming twelve-story hotel. All three made a joke of going through the revolving glass doors that led into a lobby with enormous vases of tropical flowers. Clay checked in, and they followed a young man pushing a cart toward the elevators, even though they only had two small suitcases and a change of clothes.

“I think you’ll like your suite, Mr. Coleman,” the doorman said as the elevator stopped at the tenth floor. “It’s one of our finest. Actually, I’m surprised you were able to get it on such short notice. I understand the hotel is full.”

Frannie looked at Clay in question as they got off the elevator, and he merely smiled in return. “How’d you do it?” she whispered.

He winked. “If you’re willing to pay enough money, you can get anything you want.”

“Maybe some things,” she said. “But not

The suite was beautifully decorated in rose and dove-gray. The living room opened on either side to a bedroom. Mandy was given a room with double beds covered in rose-and-cream-striped comforters. Frannie sighed wistfully at the room she’d share with Clay. The mahogany king-size bed was draped in rose-colored satin and piled high with plump pillows.

“It’s lovely,” she said, running a hand across the comforter.

lovely,” Clay replied, watching her as she took in the room. The drapes were open behind her, spilling sunshine into the room and making her appear as though she were wearing a halo.

Frannie felt shy under his intense gaze. “I’ve never stayed in such a fine place. I suppose this is my week to play Cinderella.”

He closed the distance between them and slipped his arm around her waist. “If you belonged to me, I’d see that you always had the best of everything.”

“And you think that’s what I want?” She didn’t give him a chance to respond. “I can think of a few other things I’d prefer in a relationship.”

He crossed his arms and regarded her. “For example?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Deep love, loyalty, and devotion.”

Clay joined her on the bed and pushed her back, then gazed down at her face. “Is that what you want, Frannie? True love forever and ever?” He smiled. “Like in the fairy tales?”

She nodded. “You think I sound naïve?”

He put a finger under her chin and raised her head so that she was looking directly into his eyes. He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “No, Frannie. It’s nothing less than you deserve.”

“Excuse me.”

They looked up and found Mandy standing in the doorway wearing a grin. “Are you guys going to make out all day or are we going to do something fun?”

Clay grabbed a throw pillow, and threw it at her, missing by a couple of inches. “We
having fun till you showed up.”

Frannie smiled at her daughter.

Clay sighed and pushed himself into a sitting position. “Okay, okay,” he said. “Where would you ladies like to go?”

“I want to look in those little shops along the river,” Mandy said, obviously impatient to be on her way. She hurried across the room, grabbed Clay’s hand and tugged. “Come on, I’m in a hurry!”

“I have to repair my lipstick,” Frannie said.

“You wouldn’t have to keep doing that if Clay would stop kissing you.”

Laughing softly, Frannie stood, then stepped into the bathroom long enough to check her hair and apply lipstick. “Okay, I’m ready,” she announced.

The three of them entered the elevator once again, this time headed for the lobby where a man in a dark suit played soft music on a gleaming black baby grand piano. Several couples lounged nearby on overstuffed furniture, sipping cocktails and chatting softly among themselves.

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