I Can't Help That I'm A Slut

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Authors: Logan Lee

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #voyeur, #oral sex, #cum, #rough sex, #virgin, #slut, #cumshot, #step daughter, #sex with teacher

BOOK: I Can't Help That I'm A Slut
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I Can’t Help That I’m A Slut


By Logan Lee

Rev 1.0



Copyright Logan Lee

Cover Image by Roland Darby
at freedigitalphotos.net


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This is a work of fiction,
and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





I Can’t Help That I’m A Slut




I’ve always been a slut. I can’t help it. I
went through feelings of guilt as a teenager. The worst guilt I
ever had was the day after my eighteenth birthday. I had started
filling out nicely my sophomore year in high school. By the time I
turned seventeen I had the whole package. I’ve never been really
tall, even now at twenty four years old I’m only five foot two, but
I do have a nice tight ass that sits on top two beautiful legs. I
have hips that one boyfriend in college described as being made to
hold onto for a good fucking, and tits that are the perfect size
for me. They aren’t too big and they aren’t too small.

My mother had remarried when I was twelve,
which was a little late for me to start thinking of Jon as my
“father”. We got along okay; I never had that rebellious streak
that lots of step children get when their parents remarry, I just
always sort of thought of him as my step father, not my father.

My mother had gotten pregnant with me in high
school and so was only seventeen herself when I was born, Jon was
five years younger than my mother, so when I was seventeen he was
only twenty nine years old. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that we
got along as well as we did. He was a police officer and I think
that may be where my attraction to men in uniform comes from. He
was in amazing shape since he always worked out at the gym after he
got off work before he came home. He stood about six foot with
broad shoulders and a muscled torso. He wasn’t a body builder type,
more of a panther covered in lean muscle. He had a military short
head of brown hair and an easy confidence that totally explained
why my mother had fallen for him.

Not that my mother wasn’t a catch, she was
built like me but slightly bigger in all the good areas; those
being tits and ass and hips. I never really thought of how hot my
mother was, or of how much we looked alike until I was eighteen. I
had gotten my driver’s license a few months before and I told my
parents that I was going to be out of the house hanging out with
friends all night on a Friday until my curfew of eleven pm. So I
left at about 4:30 in the afternoon and was almost to my friend’s
house when I realized that I didn’t have my cell phone. That being
the best leash ever invented for a teenage girl, I of course had to
turn around and go home for it. The whole round trip probably took
about a half an hour.

Normally I parked in the garage alongside my
mother’s car, and Jon parked out on the street. Since I was only
running in and running back out again though, I didn’t want to go
through all the trouble of opening the garage and pulling in and
then pulling out. I just parked on the street, pulling up right
behind Jon’s car. That’s why my parents never knew that I was home
again or my whole life may have been different.

I walked up to the house and opened the door;
it was one of the newer houses in those cookie cutter developments
so the door didn’t even squeak. I closed it behind me and ran up
the steps to my room, I was moving so fast since I was late that I
never heard anything until I was passing Jon and my mom’s doorway.
Then I looked over and froze like a deer caught in the

There was Jon standing with his back to me,
his naked back attached to his whole naked body. He was turned ever
so slightly so that I was behind and to the right of him. He was
fucking my mom like his life depended on it. She was on the bed on
her elbows and her knees, her legs slightly spread and her ass
stuck up into the air. Jon had both hands on her hips and was
pulling his dick almost all the way out before driving it back in
with enough force to rock her forward, and what a dick it was.

It had to be nine inches long if it was an
inch. It wasn’t the pencil dick that so many men endowed with
length have either, it was nice and thick and had a huge set of
balls hanging down below it that were slapping against my mom every
time he plowed forward into her.

They were both grunting and
moaning so much there was no way that they knew I was there but all
the same I stepped back around the door frame and peeked at them.
He just kept fucking her. I was still a virgin at that time but I
knew, I mean I
that he was good. He fucked her for at least twenty minutes
hard and from behind. Sometimes he pulled on her hair or slapped
her ass but finally, when I thought I would have to put him in for
a medal or something he cried out that he was cumming. My mother
started fucking back into him harder saying “Cum in me baby, cum in
my pussy” and things like that. I was shocked; I’d never heard my
mother say anything remotely dirty before.

Jon pulled out of my mom when he was done
cumming and climbed up onto the bed beside her. He lay down onto
his back and then motioned her over to him with a smile. Her ass
was still up in the air and I could see her wet, hairy pussy. It
even had cum dripping out of it! It was so hot it was like
something straight out of a porno movie. I watched as my mom
crawled over to Jon on the bed and began to suck his dick clean.
She licked his balls, slowly sucking each one into her mouth. Then
she licked all the way up the shaft to the head before she wrapped
her mouth around it and I watched the entire length of Jon’s slowly
softening cock disappear into her mouth.

When she was done she crawled up beside him
to cuddle in the crook of his arm. I snuck into my room, grabbed my
cell phone and snuck out of the house as quietly as I could. The
thoughts going through my head at that time were too many to name.
I knew a few things for certain though. First, I knew that Jon was
unbelievably hot. Second, I knew that if he fucked me like that
every day I would have married him too. Third, I knew that I needed
relief. I was still a virgin at that time, but I’d been doing the
job myself for years so I didn’t have any trouble as hot as I was
rubbing my pussy as I drove to my friends house.

Things pretty much went back to normal after
that. I was very nervous around Jon for weeks though. I couldn’t
even be in the same room as him without thinking about his huge
dick and I’m pretty sure he caught me staring at his groin at least
once. I think I must have spent days added up fingering myself in
bed over the next year and thinking about Jon, remembering how sexy
he looked fucking my mom.

Finally the stress and sexual frustration was
too much for me and I decided that I was going to lose my virginity
at my senior prom. I had just turned eighteen and I honestly
couldn’t believe that I was still a virgin. I had started dressing
like a whore, or at least as much of a whore as I could get away
with from my parents.

My mom wouldn’t let me get away with it but
Jon’s reaction was a little confusing to me. I was hoping to get a
reaction out of him that would let me know that I was dressing as
much like a whore as I wanted. But instead he wouldn’t even look at
me half the time or he would seem to get angry and leave the

Every day for weeks I would take a shower and
then wrap a towel around me that barely covered my breasts and my
pussy and then I would walk around the house. I tried to seem as
innocent as I could about it. Sometimes my mom would tell me to go
put clothes on, but usually I managed to avoid her. My goal wasn’t
to get any kind of a reaction from her after all.

The only time that I thought Jon noticed in
any way that was close to what I wanted was after I had taken a
shower and then decided to come down and sit in the living room
beside him. He was in the recliner with a beer in his hand,
watching something on the Military Channel and so I sat on the sofa
off to his right. I had the towel wrapped around me and I brought
some nail polish down as part of my plan. I lifted my feet up onto
the sofa with the towel still wrapped around me and adjusted until
I was pretty sure that Jon would have a nice clear shot of my
pussy. Then I started to paint my nails and not look at him at all,
just waiting.

I think I was probably on my third toe when I
heard him adjusting in the chair and saw some movement out of the
corner of my eyes. My hair was down over my face and I didn’t think
he could see my eyes from where he sat so I looked up at him
without moving my head at all. Sure enough he was staring wide eyed
and intently right between my legs. I was trying so hard not to
smile. I took my time with each toe after that, spreading my legs a
little to bend and blow on them in as sexy a way as a seventeen
year old girl knows how.

When I was done I stood up without looking at
him and saw his head whip back to the television. Then I snuggled
the towel up around me and walked over to his chair. I gave him a
kiss on the cheek and said in almost a whisper “Goodnight Jon.” He
mumbled his reply as I made my exit, conscious the whole time of
his eyes on my ass as I left the room. That worked so well it
inspired my next attempt that would work better than I had ever
dreamed possible.

I will never forget the first time that I
pulled out all the stops around him. I had a date with the guy who
wanted to take my virginity at prom, and my mom was working late so
Jon was the only person home. I could hear him down in the living
room watching some television.

I put on the shortest skimpy little black
dress I had, it barely covered my pussy. I wasn’t wearing any
panties at all and I tested it out by bending over in front of a
mirror, my cute little shaved pussy lips seemed to be pouting and
looking back at me. I had thigh high black fishnet stockings and a
pair of black open toed four inch heels with straps that
criss-crossed up to my knees. The dress was cut so low in front
that my tits, which were a nice B cup at that time, were the first
thing that any man should notice about me, especially since my
nipples were almost showing.

I topped it off by doing my hair and makeup
in the absolute skankiest and sluttiest, whore looking way
possible. I used tons of eye shadow and bright red lipstick. When I
was finally ready I took a deep breath and walked downstairs. I
didn’t need to go into the kitchen for anything but I did anyway so
that I would have to walk right through the living room.

I made a point of not
looking at Jon as I strutted my way through the living room but I
could feel his eyes on me from the second I came around the corner
from the hallway. There was absolutely no way he could let me leave
without saying
and if I knew him at all . . .

I opened the door to the
refrigerator and bent at the waist with my ankles crossed and a
hand out as if I was looking for something on the bottom shelf, and
then I waited, but I didn’t need to wait long. I heard Jon enter
the kitchen behind me so I casually looked around my legs without
ever straightening at him. He was staring straight at my exposed
pussy and leaning against the wall, beer in his hand. That’s when I
noticed on the counter near him the pile of empty beer bottles and
the glazed look in his eyes. I looked back at Jon and saw that he
had an absolutely huge tent in his jeans, and
was exactly the reaction I was
hoping for.

I smiled coyly at him and said “I’m a little
thirsty; too bad I can’t get one of those.” Before I turned back to
the shelf in front of me and pretended to look some more. I heard
him crossing the distance behind me, he was anything but quiet.
Then I felt his hand on my ass and my heart skipped a beat. I
froze. I never thought in a million years I would get this kind of
a reaction from him. This was beyond any experience that I had ever
had in all my eighteen years.

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