I Kissed A Playboy (7 page)

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Authors: Sorell Oates

BOOK: I Kissed A Playboy
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Gabe was her only family. She’d been single for four months since breaking up with her prior boyfriend. Faith got too close to a client, who had failed to confess he was married, then refused to pay his outstanding invoices. Gabriel had warned her, but didn’t pester her when it went wrong. It had opened her eyes to the fact that not every man was an open book.

Many had secrets and those intent on keeping them from alleged partners usually had a reasons for not sharing. The money they’d lost was discouraging, as was the humiliation of having an angry wife screaming down the phone at her. The trauma taught Faith a hard lesson and instilled in her the key to maintaining a professional relationship was not to mix business with pleasure.

Noting it was 3am on her watch, Faith knew she had to get home for a catnap to be able to function in the office the next day. It would be unfair to have Gabe tending their mountainous in-box for two days running, given how hung-over she’d been yesterday. The contracts were shared. Gabriel might be thrilled she was testing out the dating scene, but even his good temper had its limits.

Despite the pace and upbeat music, Faith found herself swaying closely to Brian as if they were alone the on the dance-floor, moving to a smoochy ballad. Here she had the luxury to fully appreciate his physicality. She could feel how broad his shoulders were with her arms looped as a ring on his neck. Head nestled to his chest, she sensed his solidity and strength, rather than focusing on his exertions to sculpt his body. His scent was intoxicating. Raising her eyes she admired his square chin and high cheek bones. The dark blue eyes gazing down lacked arrogance, but were full of admiration and fondness.

For Brian, having Faith in his arms was bliss. He hadn’t intended or mapped out where this could lead. He could dance with another woman tomorrow; a dancer from an international ballet company, a model for prestigious designer, an actress from a Hollywood blockbuster. He could dance with any woman tomorrow, but she would never fit as perfectly in his arms as Faith did. Brian couldn’t utter his thoughts aloud, but the moment was his to cherish.

Remembering her duties, it was at Brian’s suggestion they exited the club. Faith was wistful. Every Cinderella had to leave the ball; her fate was predetermined long ago. As they strode out of the club, arm in arm, as if they’d known each other for two years rather than two days, Faith walked out to a crowd of paparazzi waiting by the front door.

The flashes confused her. Knowing how high profile the nightclub was it would be unsurprising to stumble by a rock-star or actor was in town frequenting the venue. As Brian’s name was shouted and the cameras closed in, she knew it was for them.

Faith had never been in any situation remotely similar to the one she was faced with. Brian was calmer, wrapping his arm protectively round her, striding determinedly towards the Hummer. The paparazzi moved in closer for a better shot of the couple. Suddenly she was caught in the crowd; a sea of desperate photographers trying to get the right snap for the right publication for the right money.

Their momentum propelled her towards the passenger door. A heavy footed man, trod on the heel of one of her ballet pumps as she stepped into the car; watching it vanish as Marcus drove the vehicle away. Faith was stunned as Brian cuddled her.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked softly.

‘I lost a shoe.’

Naturally shocked and bewildered, Faith couldn’t believe her best response was to complain at the loss of an inexpensive shoe.

‘You’re a proper Cinderella now,’ he cooed.

‘At least it was a cheap ballet pump and not a glass slipper.’

He kissed her cheek.

‘I’ve always wondered why she wore a glass slipper. I’m all for comfort when going out, but if you’re off to meet royalty wouldn’t you put your best shoes on? Jimmy Choos or something? It’s like she spent the whole day in her pajamas, put on her ball gown, but forgot to change her shoes.’


Her sea-green eyes finally met his.

‘You’re babbling. That must’ve been weird if it was your first experience.’

‘It was. Frightening in a way. The invasion of your personal space. I wasn’t expecting it to be like that,’ she confided.

‘I wasn’t expecting it at all, given how long I’ve been shunned by the press.’

‘One always assumes that people with money have no problems—even when you know it can’t be true,’ said Faith genuinely sympathetic to the hindrance of what Brain’s lifestyle entailed.

Brian chuckled.

‘I’ve courted the press for as long as I could. When your Dad’s a media mogul, you learn fast. It’s had its ups and downs for me. I’ve had some fun, but I’ve been demonized which some would find hard to handle. I treat life as a pantomime. People like to boo and hiss—it’s infinitely more rewarding than clapping and cheering.’

‘Okay. You can’t damn the paparazzi because you encourage it, but did you deliberately set out to be criticized for the reasons you have been? Do you play up to the role of womanizer?’

Brian stayed silent. Faith couldn’t tell whether he was mulling over the answer or annoyed she’d asked.

‘I should get you home. You look pale and shaken. You shouldn’t have had to go through that tacky, tawdry mess.’

Marcus pulled the Hummer into Faith’s driveway, Brian followed her to the front door. She was trembling. He couldn’t tell whether it was the early morning dew or being brutally exposed to a very different world.

‘I’m trying to be a gentleman here,’ said Brian, taking Faith’s hand. ‘But would you permit me the gift of a goodnight kiss?’

He didn’t wait for an answer. His lips planted themselves on hers. It was sweet and lingering. Brian’s eyes were closed as they broke apart.

‘Will you come in to keep me company?’ asked Faith, a mixture of need and want.

Wordlessly he shadowed her up the steps, as she opened the door to her modest bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, he watched as she wriggled out of her skin tight top; pleased to see her pert breasts and curved, feminine stomach. He hardened as her skirt dropped exposing her long, shapely legs. Brian genuinely couldn’t fathom how this angelic creature had ended up a self-employed secretary and not gracing the pages of fashion magazines.

Something stirred in his heart, when he saw her throw on a baggy oversized t-shirt of an 80s rock band long since forgotten. It wasn’t her eclectic music taste that turned him on, rather her modesty by donning nightwear. Reaching behind she unclasped her bra, managing to extricate herself out of it and fling it in the laundry basket, whilst masked by the t-shirt. There was no racy underwear, or sexy lingerie, merely Faith as she was; all natural goodness.

Shyly she moved to the bed.

‘Cuddles I think?’ suggested Brian.

Faith nodded, hopping in her familiar, comfortable bed. Removing his sneakers and jeans, Brian stripped to sleep in his t-shirt and boxers. As soon as he spooned Faith, he was unable to control his physical urges. He shifted uncomfortably, hoping she wouldn’t feel the strain of his underwear. Brian growled as she teasingly moved her buttocks near his erection.

‘I’m supposed to be comforting you and keeping you safe, not canoodling and seducing you.’

She sighed sleepily and sexily. There was a definite minx-like streak in her. Wriggling in his arms, she turned to face him. Brian sensed her smiling in the dark.

‘Is there an expiration date on how long you keep me safe for?’

‘I wish you wouldn’t think the worst of me,’ he said briskly kissing her. ‘You asked me if I played the role of a womanizer. Had you asked me a week ago, I’d have denied I played the role. I’d have said my appreciation of women was part of my nature. When you asked though, it made me wonder is it only a role I was playing until the right person came along. Being with you has been a real eye-opener. I see how well you conduct yourself.

You maintain all the poise and composure of the wealthy without ever losing your down-to-earth, working-class roots. I’ve seen rich women, try to slum it for charity. Perhaps it’s what I’m doing myself. I stick out like a sore thumb, but you fit right in without trying. You weren’t just part of the scene, you became the scene. People gravitated towards you.’

‘I felt out of place.’

‘If you did, it didn’t show.’

They kissed again, longer—like lovers do.

‘Faith, what are you doing to me?’ asked Brian, as her palms pressed against the pectorals of his chest. ‘I’ve had an amazing night. One that will forever be standout and memorable for me, but I’m too tired to put up a fight.’

She pulled at the waist band of his boxers. His heavy exhale only encouraged her.

‘Will your brother hear?’

‘The house is set up as two flats. He lives downstairs, I live upstairs. It’s how we prevent killing one another and how we give ourselves the freedom to have a private life.’

Brian could barely process Faith’s living arrangements as her hand ran down his flat stomach to the thatch of pubic hair. As she gripped the base of his hard-on, he gritted his teeth to prevent himself moaning audibly. She squeezed, pleased as he expanded in her hand. The pulsating and throbbing had Faith moist between her legs. She wanted him inside her; she needed him inside her.

Peeling his boxers down, she sneaked in to caress his smooth, muscular buttocks. Unable to exercise any further restraint, Brian yanked her shirt off. He drew her in, enjoying the sensation of her large, bare breasts glued to his own smooth chest. Kicking of his boxers, he let Faith feel his full length pressed to her tummy.

Slipping out of her panties, she moved swiftly on top. As she eased herself onto him, they groaned in unison. Faith had always assumed he’d be the ‘Wham-Bam-& Thank You Ma’am’ type, but he was the complete opposite. Secure on top, hands planted firmly on his chest, Brian rocked his hips slightly, allowing deep penetration. The rhythmic movement was intense and intimate. Hungry to have the beautiful man in her bed, Faith was learning there was a budding beautiful heart in Brian; buried beneath a spoilt child and a young man frustrated with the limitations of his surname.

Stroking her face, he raised himself enough to kiss her, as he continued moving further within her. The passion which gripped Faith shocked her. She raked her fingers through his thick, blue black hair, prolonging each kiss, becoming feverish for his touch. Her fingernails grazed down his shoulders, making him tip his head as he bit his bottom lip at the mixture of pain and ecstasy.

Taking charge, Faith altered her position to rub herself against him as she bobbed up and down on his erection; never breaking eye contact. Her waist was held firmly by his vice-like fingers, occasionally pressing hard; forcing her to let him remain embedded a fraction longer than she could handle. They frolicked and challenged each other, acknowledging one another as equals in bed. That Brian was confident enough to let a woman take charge, but devilish enough to remind her of his physical prowess was enticing to say the least.

Aware of her growing demands, Brian lowered himself flat, reaching to cup and tease her breasts. His shaft, nestled in Faith grew even harder, as he watched her face respond to his pinching her nipples and massaging her breasts. He increased his own pace, moving one hand down between her breasts, over her stomach stopping to rest his thumb on her bud. He liked the slippery sensation of her pulsating under his circulating thumb. Instinctively he knew she was close to climax as she squeezed her legs tight.

With a final probing thrust, Brian released feeling her peak in tandem with him. Exhausted she collapsed on top of him. Gently turning to spoon her, Brian discreetly removed the condom he’d sheathed without fuss when he accepted he was unable to resist her affections. Having her warm body curled and molded with his, made falling asleep akin to something from a fairytale.



Chapter Eight



Not unusually Brian awoke to his phone ringing. He saw his PR rep’s, Susie, name appear on the screen. He switched it to silent, burying his head in Faith’s neck. She mumbled sleepily, then woke with a start.

‘Is it morning?’

‘It’s 7am.’

‘Really?’ she asked, sitting up bolt right.

‘I know. It’s an unthinkable hour to rise.’

‘Not for me. I’ve got a job.’

He knew it was a passing comment and resisted the impulse to interpret it as a jibe.

‘Have you got a minute or two for a wake-up cuddle?’ he asked with a hang-dog expression.

Even Faith knew a cuddle would be an advantageous start to the day. As they snuggled, Brian’s physicality suggested graduating to a more invigorating early morning work-out. His phone rang repeatedly.

‘You better get it,’ advised Faith, using it as an excuse to go for a shower.

Hands, lips and bodies entwined, it would be all too easy to stay in bed for the morning.

Brian hit answer.

‘Susie, what can I do for you?’

‘Have you got the papers?’ asked Susie breathlessly.

‘No. Why?’

‘You’re are moving on up and you have the best PR agent in the world.’

‘Why’s that then?’ Brian’s voice became chilly.

‘Your father sidelined your antics to the gossip section of his papers, but the tabloids have you and,’ there was a pause as she searched for the name.

‘Faith,’ said Brian, filling in the blank.

‘Faith Spires on the front page.’

‘Did you set those photographers up Susie?’

‘No Brian. I sent out a press release notifying every name on my database you’d be attending the auction and we didn’t get a nip.’

‘In fairness I didn’t get to the event until well after dinner had finished and the auction was nearly done.’

‘That explains why my two best contacts didn’t cover the event. I got on my knees and begged till they agreed. I doubt I’ll be able to call in any future favors from them.’

‘Don’t chastise me Susie. I’m not a naughty child.’

‘You act like one, but it’s irrelevant now I suppose,’ she agreed. ‘Being caught unaware at that club, people have happily put two and two together and got four.’

She waited for Brian’s to confirm whether this girl was a toy or someone serious. He gave nothing away.

‘Whatever. For our purposes, this is the perfect scenario we require for your current specific publicity requirements. A playboy billionaire dating a poor secretary with a disabled brother is tabloid fodder. They’ll lap the story up. I couldn’t have designed it better myself,’ said Susie gleefully.

‘What are you saying exactly?’

‘I’m saying your profile is rocketing in the best possible way. How do you fancy a photo-shoot this afternoon at the hospital with Faith—let people know what you’re doing and how the relationship is blossoming?’

‘There’s more to this than PR, Susie.’

‘You’re a popular socialite, with a handful of famous friends, whose star is fading. I’m trying to help. Don’t forget, this is the life you’ve said you’d like to lead. You’ve started something. We have to run with it while the interest is there. You know the score.’

‘Faith’s not used to this. It frightened her. I can’t expect her to start transforming into a socialite to aid my career,’ protested Brian weakly.

‘You’re not. It benefits her as much as it does you. The whole point was to raise funds for a hospital research grant. Think of the publicity her cause will gain,’ reasoned Susie.

‘That’s true.’

‘She was thrown in at the deep end with the paps, but how did she cope?’

Brian reflected on the steamy antics they’d engaged in once home.

‘Yeah, okay with me holding her hand,’ he said.

‘Which is exactly what will happen at an organized photo-shoot. It’ll be calmer in controlled conditions. She’ll be able to prepare herself. It’s a win-win situation.’

‘Put like that it is.’

‘Taking her to that club was genius Brian, whether it was intentional or not. Keep this going. You may not be flavor of the month with the glossies, but a real Cinderella story will capture the nation’s heart.’

‘I’ll talk it through with her.’

‘Promise to ring later. I’m jumping on this while it’s red hot.’

‘Okay, okay, I will,’ concluded Brian, hanging up the phone.

‘A real Cinderella story,’ he said, dropping the phone to the side of the bed.

Faith stepped out of the shower. Wrapped in a thick green towel, Brian had an urge to wrestle it from her to have his wicked way.

‘I have to make a move. I’ve an early meeting with a client,’ she said brusquely.

The change in the atmosphere was noticeable. He knew she’d eavesdropped on the call.

‘Sure. Sorry, I don’t mean to be in the way,’ replied Brian.

‘You aren’t. There’s no rush, but I have to get going.’

‘Should I scupper out with you?’

‘Stay. Have breakfast if you fancy it,’ offered Faith.

‘What and endure the protective big brother talk from Gabriel?’

‘Gabe’s not like that. He loves a story, though. Perhaps you could tell him Cinderella.’

Faith skipped out of the room, stopping Brian from chasing her. Naked and vulnerable in an unfamiliar house, he didn’t have the sureness to risk dashing after her to explain. The run in with the paparazzi had been unfortunate, but did result in them obtaining priceless column inches.

Using the press for personal or charitable gain wasn’t illegal, nor did it in any way cheapen or degrade the budding relationship. It made logical sense to Brian, but he knew Faith mightn’t view it in quite the same way; it wasn’t her world. There were pros and cons. In this case it was a surefire winner. He knew he was going to have a struggle convincing Faith.

Having dressed, he slunk downstairs. The siblings were close. As twins, there was no doubt in Brian’s mind Faith would’ve already filled Gabriel in on her debut with the cameras and what his PR rep was cooking up as a means of utilizing today’s headlines.

There was no avoiding Gabriel. Although immersed in his office, Brian heard his name called as he unlatched the bolt of the front door. Retreating he knocked on the already open door of Gabriel’s office.

‘Hey, Brian.’

‘Hi Gabriel,’ greeted Brian nervously.

‘Have you read the papers today?’

‘Not yet,’ confessed Brian cautiously. ‘My PR rang first thing to deliver the news.’

‘We’re used to you gracing the papers, but to see you and my sister coming out of a club half-trashed is hard to take in.’

‘It wasn’t a set up,’ he said defensively.

‘I know,’ said Gabriel soothingly.

‘I think your sister may have got the wrong end of the stick.’

‘She does that,’ shrugged Gabe. ‘You’ve two choices. Hide out, which I’ve had to do, or persevere to show her the other end of the stick.’

‘You guys are twins. I thought you shared everything.’

‘We do, but that doesn’t mean we don’t disagree. When Faith found out my girlfriend was pregnant, she went mental calling me irresponsible. Muscular Dystrophy is genetic. I know why she was concerned, but if my Dad hadn’t risked it neither of us would be here. As it is, he did and I’m here. Okay, I’m not running about doing exactly what I’d like to do, but it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy myself.

It certainly doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have kids. I’m content and challenged which is rewarding to me. I’m certain I can provide a decent and happy life for a wife and kids of my own. Suffice to say when Faith heard the news, I went into hiding by taking my pregnant girlfriend on a short break to propose marriage. She’d simmered down to see the positives when I arrived home.’

‘I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend.’

‘I bet you didn’t even think I was capable of getting her pregnant.’

The two men grinned at each other in camaraderie.

‘Where is she, then?’

‘Sasha? My fiancé? She’s living with her mum while we prep the house for me and the baby. She’ll move in when she enters the third trimester.’

‘That’s why you and Faith have separate living quarters.’

‘Of course. We’re twins but we left the womb twenty-three years ago. We have to have our own personal space, especially given our employment. Hanging on to the family home was an unspoken decision. Downstairs was already fitted to accommodate Dad’s condition making it easy for me to move in and we renovated upstairs for Faith. As long as we’re here, we’re here as a family.’

‘Would Faith ever consider moving?’

‘Would Prince Charming ever consider whisking her to his castle?’ inquired Gabriel with a raised eyebrow.

The comment jarred. Had Faith mentioned the ‘Cinderella Story’ Susie was determined to spin.

‘I’d like to whisk her away. Somewhere without cameras, without duty or responsibility. Somewhere we can be ourselves.’

‘You like her?’

‘You sound shocked.’

‘I wasn’t sure you had it in you to generate any real feeling. You were pretty callous and sleazy when you met her at the auction.’

‘You don’t mince your words, do you?’ asked Brian, admiring Gabriel’s forthrightness.

‘No. Faith sees the best in people and wants the best for them. She’ll put herself out for anyone and lend a hand to any worthy cause, but she assumes everyone else does the same. It’s not how the world operates. I know that, but I’d hate to see that innocent aspect of her tarnished. It’s what makes her precious. It’s what makes her bring out the best in people.’

‘She can be annoying,’ mused Brian.

‘Oh yeah, and over-zealous. Well-meaning, but brevity and clarity aren’t her strong points.’

‘But with all that, comes passion and commitment. That definitely counter balances everything.’

‘You going to whisk my older sister away?’ quizzed Gabe.

‘How much older?’

‘Fourteen minutes. She’s a real old maid.’

They laughed.

‘Can you get yourself home tonight?’

Brian’s question was tentative.

‘You seem a decent guy Brian, but loosen up. You’re treading on eggshells with me, when I’ve already crushed them all with the wheels of my chair. I’m engaged to a wonderful woman, who will happily assist if Faith’s not here. Stop worrying you’ll hurt my feelings or sound politically incorrect. I’ve been in the chair since my mid-teens. I’m used to it. Relax. Give yourself a chance. You may even gain a friend in a wheelchair and soon enough it’ll be you telling people it’s no big deal.’

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