I Love You More Than (18 page)

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Authors: Kortni Renea

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Felicia couldn’t wait to see what her
would be later that night. Little did he know, Harrison had just given her something other than David’s foolishness to think about for the rest of the day.

Chapter Twenty Nine



Christmas was a week away. Felicia couldn’t believe how well things were going. She, Harrison and the girls spent the majority of the week together then on the weekends, they’d taken to staying over at his warehouse. She’d never seen the girls so relaxed and happy. Dana was in hog heaven. She chose the loft that was on the third floor. The room had a wall of windows and a built in window seat. They now had the hardest time dragging her out from the room and away her books. Whenever they wanted to do something as a group before the sun went down, they had to physically make her leave her room.

And to think she had almost backed out of coming clean to the girls. Of course Harrison wasn’t hearing that, but she had. Would she always allow fear to rule the rest of her life? Felicia couldn’t believe how much her life had changed inside of six weeks. Harrison did as he told her he would and exterminated David from her life. All of David’s shit was removed from her house.

His four vehicles that he liked to brag on having but didn’t use. Junk, junk and more junk. You would’ve thought he had the royal crowns’ jewels in his possession the way he was so protective of it. He never wanted anybody to know what the fuck he had. She hadn’t realized how much of a prisoner she had truly been in her own home. Yes friends and family had told her the same thing over the years, but she hadn’t been able to see it for herself.

Now she was living life after the fact. Damn if it didn’t feel like she’d just been released from a maximum security prison. The girls didn’t have to walk on eggshells. They could call for each other from wherever they were in the house. They were now able to do this without fear of getting in trouble or yelled at.

David hadn’t changed. He was still as vindictive as ever. At the moment was refusing to see, talk or spend any time with the girls. Felicia would try to get him to realize that he was only hurting himself in the beginning. She finally let it go when her father pointed out she could no longer control David’s presence in their daughters life.

“He’s never been present baby. You know this. And if you’re being honest with yourself, it’s why you kept his sorry ass around for so long. You knew the moment you cut ties and stopped wiping his ass for him, he’d probably have little to nothing to do with his daughters. You can no longer hide from them that their father is a sorry ass excuse for a man. Do you know when I dropped his shit off at that nice lady’s house, he had her and her kids out there unloading it? He sat and gave instructions on where to put it from the front porch.

“But that’s no longer my business. I just sent up a prayer thanking God that he allowed my baby to come to her senses. That she’s not wasting the rest of her life away on him. I told his lady friend that I would pray for her as well. And that she should keep herself prayed up too. You never know how much you need the Lord until you are lying next to the devil himself.”

After Felicia had that conversation with her dad she stopped calling and texting David about seeing the girls. Much to Harrison’s relief. He didn’t like her doing that either, but knew that it could be a slippery slope. If he voiced to Felicia his opinions about them not missing out on anything with David’s voluntary absence, he didn’t know how she’d take that.

They not only had him, but her father and cousins as well. They would not be lacking good male role models. Nor would they ever question if they were worthy to be loved if he had his say. If Felicia had any concerns that her daughters would have a problem with her and Harrison being together and spending so much time together…she’d wasted precious time. Harrison was great with them. Felicia never knew what it was like to actually co-parent. She’d always had her parents as a backup when needed, but it wasn’t the same. Harrison quickly stepped in to help out whenever she had a late meeting or unveiling of a recent remodel.

On those nights, he and the girls would go bowl a couple of rounds at the bowling alley. Eating the greasy bowling alley food for dinner. That was their little secret…or so they thought. It never failed. Dana or Elena would leave their score card in their pants and Felicia would find it while doing laundry. She would be jealous that they went without her, but Felicia was a horrible bowler. Horrible to the point there was usually almost always a fall involving her. Every single time!

The girls loved hanging out at Harrison’s place the most though. All that open space! They could run and jump all they wanted while upstairs in the loft and never get reprimanded. Felicia and Harrison were usually unaware of all the physical exertions they let out while upstairs. But whenever Harrison’s or Felicia’s nieces and nephews came over to hang out…there was nowhere you could go to escape the noise. Well, there was one place they’d discovered last time they’d had a house full. His bathroom was a safe haven where nothing could be heard and they couldn’t be heard either.




This Christmas was different from all the one’s they’d had in the past. Harrison convinced Felicia to put the tree up at his place instead and for them to spend the week of Christmas with him. Felicia’s office was closed for the holidays. The girls were on break. It made perfect sense! This way he’d be close to them and his shops. Felicia finally gave in and relented. The girls were of course on board with the arrangement.

Christmas Eve was spent with Harrison’s family. Felicia made a huge pan of chicken and dressing. They were frying five turkeys, so she elected to go with the chicken. Felicia was having a good time, but she was also tense trying to keep an eye on the girls. Make sure they didn’t get into any mischief.

“Stop it. They’re fine, you need to relax!” Emma fussed at her as they were bringing the food out from the kitchen.

“I know. I just don’t want them to break anything by accident from running around inside when they know better.” Emma looked at Felicia like she was a nut job.

“Felicia you do know that my parents have fifteen grandchildren right? There’s nothing out on display right now that’s sentimental to them. You can trust that. When October hits, Mom starts packing things away that she or dad love. From Halloween to New Years, they are apt to have a house full of kids at a moments’ notice.” Felicia relaxed after the chat with Emma and really enjoyed herself. And to her surprise everyone raved about how good her dressing was, including CK.

“I think we’ve found our permanent dressing maker!” CK announced to the family, embarrassing Felicia. “I am letting it be known from here on out I am resigning from the position. It’ll free me up to focus on the turkeys and all the sides.”

After everyone was stuffed full and on the verge of unconsciousness, the kids opened their gifts. There were so many from CK & Winston and all their aunts and uncles. To Felicia’s surprise Dana and Elena had just as many gifts as the other grandchildren to unwrap. She found herself brushing away a few tears that had escaped from the corners of her eyes.

Harrison not missing a beat, put his arms around her. He walked them out onto the enclosed porch. They stood quietly looking out into the black night at the stars. The yells and shrieks of surprises followed by choruses of thank you’s played repeatedly for them in the background.

Leaning his head down so he could rest his chin on her shoulder Harrison quietly asked, “Are you okay?”

Turning slightly to the side so he could see her smile, Felicia responded, “I am. I just got a little choked up in there. I have missed my friendship with Emma, CK and the rest of your sisters so much. I hadn’t realized how much until now. I knew everyone would be nice to me and the girls making us feel welcome. I just never expected for them to go out of their way and treat us like one of their own. Remember, this is new to me before you start lecturing me.” Felicia quickly reminded Harrison.

She found herself being taken to task a lot lately if she commented, remarked or thanked Harrison for something that was a normal behavior. But because of her past, his actions seemed like he was going above and beyond. He didn’t want her gratitude for doing something any man worth his salt would. He just wanted her love.

Chapter Thirty




Christmas morning came too soon as far as Felicia was concerned. They didn’t get back from the Kincaid’s until after midnight. After the kids went down, they stayed up until almost three in the morning wrapping and assembling their toys. Three hours later brought the girls into their room jumping up and down on the bed announcing ‘Merry Christmas’. Accompanied by ‘get up sleepyheads’.

“Alright, alright, alright. I’m up, lets hit it!” a very tired and sleepy Harrison grumbled. Felicia was still in the bed silently hoping they’d forget about her and she could drift back off to Lala land. She felt a hard stinging slap on her ass. So much for that.

“Get up! If I have to get up, you do too.” Felicia had no time to reply as she was being swept up in Harrison’s arms and carried out into the great room. Reaching the seating area that surrounded the Christmas tree, Harrison finally set her down. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she looked grumpily up at him.

“Girls go ahead and get started. Coffee! I need Coffee.” She announced as she walked half sleep to the kitchen to brew a Keurig cup of coffee.

“Make me a cup too babe!” Harrison called as he helped to direct the girls on which gifts to hit first. Felicia didn’t acknowledge his request, so he wasn’t sure he’d be getting a cup of brew.

Five minutes later, Felicia emerged from the kitchen. She looked much more alert and was carrying two cups of coffee. Felicia walked over to where he sat on the arm of the chair, videoing Dana and Elena. They were currently crawling around the tree like banshees ripping open the wrapping paper and throwing the shreds everywhere. All she could do was shake her head at the scene before her. Smiling at the giddiness and pure enjoyment the man she loved felt over the scene before them.

Christmas’ past usually found them at her family’s house, which they would be going to later. But because David always slept in the living room and was never an advocate or participant in Christmas, the girls would have to wait until nine to open their gifts. Yet something else Felicia could add to her list of regrets.

Harrison could always tell whenever Felicia started thinking about the past and wishing she had done things differently. She would retreat and withdraw into herself. Shutting everything out and became extremely tense. That was always the telltale sign.

“It’s Christmas! A time to be thankful, joyous and celebrate the blessings we have in life. Stop beating yourself up about the past. What’s done is done. There’s nothing you or anyone can do to change it. If you could go back and change things you probably wouldn’t have given David the time of day. That would leave you without the first true loves of your life.”

Felicia was so grateful to have Harrison in her life. He was always there to give her a push back in the right direction when needed. He didn’t let her sit and harp on the fact that the father of her children was missing in action. Instead he reminded her that he was there to step in, in any way, shape or form needed. All she had to do was ask and it was hers.

The girls loved their Christmas gifts. Especially the one gift Harrison was permitted to buy for them. From the excitement, wonder and surprise coming from her little ones, she knew he found a way to outsmart her. Harrison had gifted them each an iPad. But he didn’t stop there. He’d also loaded each of them with games and learning apps that he knew each of them would love.

“I think they like their gifts.” He observed as they had been quiet for five consecutive minutes. Turning to him Felicia let him see the look of credulousness on her face.

“Really? You think so?” she asked letting the sarcasm drip all over her words.

“Yes I really think so!” Harrison responded choosing to ignore her sourpuss mood. He had played fair and adhered to the rules. She said one gift and that’s what he got them. Harrison bought them each a 128GB iPad that he loaded with books, games, movies, learning tools and whatever else he could find that he thought they could be interested in. He had one for Felicia too, but he thought it best to hold onto that for a while.

“Come on,” he cajoled, “don’t be like that. Does mommy want her gift?”

Felicia would be lying if she told him that she didn’t want it. But a part of her was scared to see what he’d gotten her if he got her girls their own iPad. She’d told him not to get her anything. He struck that down as soon as the words had fallen from her lips.

“Girls why don’t you start taking your gifts up to your room and go on and get dressed so we can go over your cousin Hailey’s house.” Harrison suggested as he started trying to make piles of the trash, making sure no gifts were pitched.

“Okay. Come on Dana. I want to show Regan my iPad. Now we can text and FaceTime!” Dana of course was already going through the library of the kindle app wanting to see what goodies Harrison had downloaded for her.


“I need to take the pies out of the fridge. I’ll grab you a trash bag too.” Felicia came back with two garbage bags. She didn’t know how she had ended up buying as much as she did. Typically she didn’t get much because the girls would get gifts from her parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. So there was never a need for her to buy a lot of gifts. But this year she’d somehow forgotten all of that. Or was unknowingly trying to make up for the hell she’d put them all through.

She held the garbage bags as Harrison dumped boxes, bags, tissue and wrapping paper inside them. Once the seating area was cleared of the festive clutter Felicia sat down and took a long sip of her tepid coffee. Didn’t matter to her at this point, as long as it was still packed with caffeine. It could’ve been ice cold for all she cared. Felicia watched Harrison walk over to the tree and wondered what he was looking for. All the gifts were gone. She’d assumed he had her gift hidden in his room. Reaching his hand and half his arm inside the tree he pulled out a long envelope.

Walking over to her, if that’s what you could call it. Felicia felt as if she was in the jungle and Harrison was the big bad wolf coming to eat her alive. Pushing the ottoman forward with his leg until it was situated in front of her, he walked around and took a seat.

“I know the past few weeks have been rough for you. Although nothing in comparison to the last decade. So when I was wracking my brain on what the hell to get you…a thought occurred to me. I called Analia and confirmed my suspicion and I knew without a doubt it was the perfect gift.”

“Harrison…” Felicia started, she couldn’t handle it if he got her an expensive electronic device. As it was, he’d already upgraded her iPhone three to a six and nothing was wrong with her three. But he’d insisted there were new features she just had to have. She could really utilize the phone with her permanent role as a lead designer. He’d convinced her it was his gift to her for the promotion she’d officially received. And somehow, convinced her it made sense to go ahead and add another line on for the girls. Getting the free iPhone four. She would never admit it, but she did love her new phone. Probably a little too much for Harrison as she was able to stay constantly connected to work. But it was his doing after all.

“Stop looking at me like that. It’s not a tablet I promise.” He declared holding an innocent looking envelope out in front of his face. He kept extending it and taking it back repeatedly until Felicia couldn’t take not knowing what was inside any longer. She snatched the envelope away from him.

“That’s not nice.” Harrison reprimanded her while appearing as if his feelings were hurt by her actions.

Felicia leaned forward and giving him a quick kiss and a radiant smile to make up for her orneriness. She then tore the envelope to shreds trying to get to what waited for her inside. Harrison laughed at her antics. Now he knew for certain where Dana and Elena got their wild abandon for gift opening from.

“They get it honest I see.” He commented unable to keep quiet any longer. The only acknowledgement he received that she’d heard him was the tongue she stuck out at him. Other than that, she was too busy occupied reading what was in front of her. Inside was the printed confirmation that she was going to the Dominican Republic! Punta Cana to be exact.

“OH MY GOD!” Felicia screamed as she launched herself at Harrison knocking them both back onto the ottoman. “Are you serious? We are going to the Dominican? Harrison! Oh my gawd.” Felicia reigned kisses all over Harrison’s laughing face.

“If I knew you’d react like this, I would’ve got you this years ago.”

“Hush! I can’t believe it!! I’ve never been out of the country.” Her eyes got big and round, “I don’t have a passport.”

“No need to worry about that. We don’t leave until February. We’ll expedite it. You like your gift baby?”

“Like it? I love it! And I love you.” She gushed glowing all over. Gone was the tired, cranky lady that had got up two hours earlier.

“Good. I was hoping it would put a smile on your face.” He told her as he stared up at her. Felicia was absolutely the most beautiful woman that existed to him. She wasn’t just beautiful on the outside, her spirit and soul were genuinely pure as well. She was the type of person that only wanted the best for everyone she knew and loved.

Felicia looked deep into the eyes of a man she knew loved her and her children. She’d never felt so happy and blessed before. She sometimes found herself scared to close her eyes for fear that it would all turn out to be a dream when she reopened them.

“You put a smile on my face Harrison. Just you. But unfortunately you don’t get your gift until we are on our way back from Analia’s. We’ll have to stop by Kincaid’s’ to get it.” Harrison raised a brow at that, but didn’t question her.

“Let’s shower and get ready.” Harrison told her slapping her on the butt.

“Really? Are we really going to just take a shower and get ready,” she asked knowing better.

“Let’s go do what we do in the shower and then get ready.” He amended to a laughing Felicia as he rolled them onto the fur rug.




By time Felicia and Harrison got ready to leave, they were running a little behind. An hour to be exact. But everyone had smiles on their faces as they entered Hailey’s house and were greeted by the warm smiling faces of her family.

“What took you guys so long? The kids have been driving me crazy waiting on you.” Analia asked as they were unloading the bags of gifts Felicia had brought for her little cousins. Felicia gave Hailey a side eyed look and continued on as if she hadn’t heard her.

“I bet I know what took them so long. I heard about what you got for Christmas from your man Li!” Felicia looked around her surroundings to make sure their parents weren’t in the room or listening. “I understand girl. If I would’ve gotten a trip to the Dominican…y’all would still be sitting outside waiting to get in.”

“That’s right. My baby is talented!” Vincent announced to the group.

“Vince don’t nobody care about what skills Hailey has! With four kids we would automatically assume that she was skilled, FYI.”

“Alright let’s get things started! Who’s playing Santa Claus this year?” Jacob asked breaking up the conversation the kids were having. Every year the adults took turns playing Santa and distributing the gifts. Their parents claimed they’d put their time in with them and had since retired from the pool. So it was between the cousins on who would get to play the role.

“Don’t everyone speak up at once.”

“I was Santa last year, so I’m out!” Felicia announced in a surly mood. Analia burst out into laughter from the memory.

“Didn’t you almost sprain you ankle?” she asked as tears were pouring down her face at the memory. Hailey joined in bending over and holding her stomach.

“Those kids are dangerous and hazardous on Christmas. I value my life too much for it. So which one of you is going to do it? We haven’t had a male Saint Nick in quite a while.” Felicia stated as she looked back and forth between Calvin and Vincent. Catching on quickly they both looked to the other before looking at Harrison.

“You know what Felicia you’re right. It should be one of us men this year. And seeing as how Son here is the newest member of the clan, I think we should let him have that honor and privilege today. What do you think Vincent?” Clapping Calvin on his back Vincent looked at Harrison with unleashed humor.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea Calvin. What better way for him to get to know our brood?”

Felicia watched with utter amazement as Calvin and Vincent still managed to find a way out of playing Santa this year.

“You two are a bunch of punks!” Felicia told them under her breath. “You’d rather a stranger,” she squeezed Harrison’s hand to make sure he knew she didn’t really mean the words she’d just spoken. “Come in and play the role than for you two to do it?”

Calvin and Vincent looked at each other deep in thought and turning to Harrison and Felicia in unison replied “Hell yeah.”

Felicia couldn’t have imagined a more perfect holiday. Harrison fit right in with her family as she knew he would. Whether it was talking football, basketball, golf or fishing, he was able to not only maintain a conversation but engage one as well.

Calvin and Vincent had both given her their nods of approval. Stating that Harrison was
‘good people’
. She knew the moment he had her aunt, uncle and parents undoubtedly wrapped around his little finger…

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