I Saw You (13 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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Motherfucking breathtaking.



My girl was here, six-pack in hand and a smile on her lips. She was beautiful. Dressed in a simple pair of grey lounge pants and tank, no luggage from what I could see. Not that I searched much—my eyes were set on hers.


The note I’d received made sense and I was more than ready for her.

My hunger grew with each breath she exhaled.

Her scent surrounded me, that sweet and condemning scent that was purely her singed my veins.

Time stood still and then, fuck. Standing in front of me one second, and the next, I had her inside
home. Against
wall. With our bodies pressed together.

I had her legs wrapped around my waist before she could react. In the background, I heard the sound of aluminum cans falling to the floor. Didn’t give enough of a flying one to stop and make sure they hadn’t burst. Not when I had her in my arms.

Mouth fused to hers, I took her essence into my lungs. Made it a fucking unbreakable part of my DNA.

I’d missed her taste.

How she hummed lowly in the back of her throat whenever our lips touched.

Our tongues met, and the sigh we released was instantaneous. It was as if we’d just taken our first calming breath after a long storm. An instant release of tension.

What was frantic at first, turned soft. Caresses, light touches of our lips until we just stood there, mouths pressed and breathing in the other’s exhale.

Pulling back just enough to rest my forehead against hers, I stared into her eyes. “I’m beyond fucking thrilled, Slim…” lowering my face to her neck, I nuzzled the soft skin there, causing her to let out a cute girlish giggle “…but what’re you doing here? How the hell did you get past the gate?”

“I’ll answer, if you move.” With a firm shove, she tried and failed to make me take a step back. Fuck that. I didn’t budge an inch.

“Not moving.” Instead, I nipped the skin underneath her ear and then lavished the tiny bites with my tongue. By the time she left, she’d have my mark over every inch of her body.

Arianna huffed, but those slim fingers of hers wove themselves into my hair and scratched at my scalp. “You’re distracting me from telling you a very interesting story.”

“My apologies, ma’am.” Closing the still wide-open door with my foot, I turned around and marched right back up the stairs. She squealed from the sudden movement, but never asked to be let down.

No. My girl held on—arms wrapped around my neck and her lips pressed against my own.

Not moving them, just feeling.

Inside my room, I let her down and made a move toward the shower. “Let me shut the water off. I’ll be—”

“I could use a shower.” Arianna smirked and made a show of pulling off her tank top, leaving her in nothing but a simple white sports bra and those sinful lounge pants. So fucking sexy.

“Could you, now.” I beckoned her over with a finger. “How dirty are you?”

“Filthy.” She looked up at me from beneath her long lashes and bit her lip coyly. Never had my cock throbbed for a woman the way it did for her.

“Get in.” A shiver ran down her short frame at the raw hunger in my voice. Arianna walked ahead, but stopped just shy of the bathroom’s entrance. Bending at the waist, she shimmied out of her pants and stepped out of them. Her ass—motherfucking perfection—was on display with just a small hint of the dental floss she called underwear showing.

Everything within me burned.

From head to toe, I throbbed.

Felt her. Her aura. Her essence. Everything that made her beautiful.

Electricity flowed between us. Sparked this unnatural need—this goddamn desire to touch. Had to; there was no other choice for me but to accept the inevitable. Succumb to her beauty.

To that sick urge of dominating my female.

“Are you coming in?” she whispered, looking at me from over her shoulder. Meant to be low, inside the silence of the room where only our breathing could be heard, it was loud. Concise, yet needy.

All I could manage was a small nod while pointing at the room. With a sassy smile across her lips, Slim finished walking in and went straight for the shower, only to stop, a buzzing sound having caught her attention.

My electronic shaver sat atop the counter, vibrating.

“No,” was all she said while walking over to the shaver and turning it off. On the same move, she opened the lowest drawer in the cabinet and dropped it inside. All the while I watched, amused.

“Demanding little thing,” I mused, and her head snapped up. Our eyes met in the mirror, and she shrugged. “Isn’t it my decision if I shave or not?”

“Not anymore, it isn’t.” Not apologetic in the least.

“Get in.”

“Isn’t that my choice?” Cheeky smile in place, she leaned forward on the marble countertop. She arched her back the tiniest of bits, yet I noticed her every move.

How seductive the curve of her spine was.

The two dimples that sat above her ass.

A colorful swirl—a tattooed quill that wrapped around her hip. That was new. Wasn’t there the day I tasted her pussy for the first time. I’d memorized every inch of her that night.

Walking behind her, I let my towel drop to the floor. Pressing my body against hers, my hands wandered down to her bare hips. Pulled her against me. Nestled my cock between the cheeks of her ass and let the pre-come at the tip moisturize her skin.

Fingers digging in, I leaned down to whisper in her ear. “When did you get this?” Accusatory, my tone came out harsh. I wasn’t mad, but I was jealous.

Jealous because someone else touched her—marked her flesh.

Got to feel her squirm beneath their fingertips.

“Calm down, you brute.” It was the pout in her voice that brought me back from the murderous rage than began to simmer. “My artist is basically married, and I know his girlfriend. She works at the shop too.”

Didn’t calm me down, but it did help. At the very least, I could breathe again.

“Sorry,” I mumbled before lavishing the back of her neck with open-mouthed kisses. Thank God she’d shown up with her hair up in a messy up-do. Left her neck bare and the few tendrils that had come loose now framed her face, soft curls that now caressed her blushing cheeks. “I like this.”

“Shut up.” That light tinge turned a brighter red.

“Call me the big bad motherfucking wolf, Slim. I could just eat you up.”

“Please,” she cooed, the green in her eyes almost nonexistent. Pupils dilated, she watched me from beneath those long lashes, and I shivered at the raw desire I saw in them. “Every single cell in my body is crying out for your cock. It’s insane. An obsession. Nothing can curb this craving.” The last was said in a whisper, as if she didn’t want me to hear.

Nothing can curb this...

“Did you try?” A sick and twisted part of me needed to hear her answer. A confirmation that could crush me, or an affirmation that told me I was all she wanted.


“Right answer.” Fisting her locks in my hand, I pulled her head back. The movement caused her back to arch and her luscious tits to jut out—rubbed my cock against her dripping cunt.

Engorged to almost the point of pain, the head nestled against her soft lips.

I throbbed.

Her juices coated me while a string of my pre-come fell to the floor.

Fuck. It’d be so easy.

Another shift, and I could be inside. Feel her wrapped around me. The flutter of her walls pulsating around my length. Cocooned, surrounded inside my heaven on earth.

“Shit,” Arianna hissed from between clenched teeth. Her clit twitched against me, and a shiver ran down her spine. Lips parted, she took in a deep breath and swiveled her hips. Moved against me. Bathed me in her juices.

“Let me have you,” I groaned against her mouth. Just a small amount of space separated me from claiming her.

She looked at me from the position I held her in. “Talk first.” It left her as a pained whimper, as if it were the last thing in this world she’d wanted to do.

As if a bucket of cold water had been dumped over my head, I released my hold and took a few steps back. “What?”

“More than missing you...” turning around, Slim leaned against the vanity “…I came to get some answers.”

“Explain, please.” Mimicking her stance, I met her stare. Open and vulnerable, I let her see that I had nothing to hide. If she doubted us…

“For thirty days, I’ve waited.”

“So have I.” Blind woman had no idea just how much I’d missed her. How hard my cock was for her should be proof of just that.

“I’m sorry, Chester, but I don’t think you understand me.” With a gentle push off the granite counter, she came to stop before me. Arianna reached a hand up, caressed my cheek. “You left me doubting you, babe. Ashley—”

And my cock lost its hardness at the mention of my best friend’s name.

“I’m sorry.” What else could I say? “That had never been my intention, Slim.” Nuzzling her palm, I looked up at her from beneath my lashes. Playing dirty, I had no shame.

“Not fair,” she gasped before narrowing her eyes.

“Never said I played for that team. More often than not, they lose.” Grasping her hand in mine before she pulled it back, I brought her fingers to my lips and kissed each one. “I’m an asshole, Arianna, but never toward the people I care about. Those I protect and take care of. And you, babe…
matter.” Her eyes sparkled, came alight with that declaration.

“Thank you.” She took a moment to collect her thoughts, but I didn’t give her a chance to continue. There was some explaining on my behalf that was needed.

“Unfortunately, I’m also a flake when in the studio.” At my confession, she gave me a soft smile in understanding. “It’s not an excuse, but the truth. Most days I live there. Coming home only to sleep and then do it all over again in the morning. We wake up, write, and then record for days on end.”

“Kind of a strike-while-the-iron’s-hot situation?”

“Exactly, babe. When the creativity flows, we take advantage and put in crazy hours. Simply, I forgot all about having Ash…” I didn’t miss the way her nose scrunched up as if she’d smelled something foul “…Skype with you and explain.”

“Having to work crazy hours is something I understand all too well.” She ran the tip of her fingers over the bags under my eyes. “You look exhausted.”

“I am.” Pulling her closer by the hips, I kissed her lips before biting down on the plump bottom. “But more than that, I’m fucking thrilled to have you here. In my arms. Feel your skin against my own.” Her rumbled groan went straight to the tip of my dick, and I swelled immediately. Pressed harder against her.

“Is that so?”

“You have no idea just how hard I want to fuck you.” Head swollen and red, it leaked––rubbed against her midsection.  “But at the same time, I don’t.”

Arianna stiffened in my arms. “What the hell does that mean?”

Tightening my hold, I spoke against the soft flesh of her neck. “I want everything, Slim. To seduce. Take. Break you.”

“Want that too, but—”

Placing a finger over her lips, I silenced her. “But you are right.” Slim didn’t like being silenced and arched a brow. “I owe you that conversation.”

Lips pursed, she nodded. “So what now?”

“Now,” I hummed, waggling my eyebrows lasciviously. “You get in that shower and wash the grime off while I go jerk off in the guest bathroom.”

“I could help—”


“No,” Slim mimicked incredulously.

Shaking my head, I reached down and squeezed an ass cheek in each hand. “We clear this shit up first, then, and only then, will I fuck you. Take advantage of my generosity. Enjoy it, because tomorrow, I won’t have mercy.” Lips at her ear, I licked the shell. “I want you on my bed and dripping my come. Pussy lips red and abused—the memory of my cock stretching you will forever be your downfall. An addiction.”



Waking up with a hard-on
was nothing new.

Waking up with the need to fuck was a daily occurrence.

Waking up with my cock nestled between my Slim’s thick thighs was something I could never tire of.

Her back to my chest, I held her naked body all night. Warmth spread throughout every inch of my body at the feel of her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. Each time she sighed and unconsciously pulled herself a bit closer.

There wasn’t any space left between my body and hers.

Motherfucking perfection.

“Watching me sleep is a bit creepy, you know.” Rough with sleep, her voice still had that sexy edge that caused me to twitch between her thighs. A move she didn’t miss. Just a subtle grind at first—a minute flex of her hips that caused her labia to skim over my hardened length.

Just like the night before, it’d be so simple. A quick tilt of my hips, and I’d slip inside.

“Admiring my girl’s crazy bed hair is anything but creepy, I’ll have you know.” Even made a show of running my fingers down her soft cheek, pushing the few lose strands off back. The loose bun she’d gone to bed with had become semi-undone. Barely held on by the two bobby pins she’d put there for that same purpose.

“Too early for this, Cheesy,” she grumbled before attempting to pull away.

Not having it.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Rhetorical question since I’d already pulled her back into place.

She struggled, wiggled against my hold until she wore herself out. “I was going to brush my teeth, babe.”

“Not yet. I’m just not ready to let you go.” Wasn’t that the goddamned truth. I’d become the world’s biggest pussy for this girl. “Can I get a quick kiss at least?”

Craning her head back, she smiled at me and puckered up. “Just one.”

If all I was getting was one, then I’d make it good. With a quick flip, I had her pinned beneath me, her legs spread, and my hips nestled between her warmth. The tip of my cock rested against that sweet clit that trembled for me.

Her wetness coating me.

Her hips spreading wider.

Her softness welcoming me to take.

“Hi.” I looked down at her, a cocky smirk across my lips. The sudden movement had my girl taking in a deep breath while her eyes watched me. Narrowed, relaying a mock anger she wished I would buy.

“Brute.” The needy whimper it came as only caused my smile to grow.

“Don’t be a brat, Slim.” Leaning down, I nipped her chin hard, ignoring the quick intake of breath she took the closer I got. “Just want my good morning kiss.”

“Is that so?” At the feel of my cock flexing against her, she gave me a saucy grin of her own. “Feels like more to me.”

Not wanting to disappoint, I shifted above her, and with the head of my dick entered her. Just the tip, and my eyes rolled back. Tight. Wet. Heat.

“Fuck.” What else could I say? Nothing. Not a goddamned thing in this life had ever felt so good. And it was just the tip. “Slim,” I gritted out, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of my face. “I’m never fucking letting you go.”

If I fully sheathed myself, I’d come. Not a single doubt that I would.

“Kiss me.” Breathy and low, she reached up and with her fingers through my hair, pulled me down to her lips. Chaste, a few quick pecks while I tried hard to regulate my own breathing.

Arianna’s pussy had rendered me useless. Just like I knew it would.

I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the feel of her walls trying to draw me in deeper.

“Talk, baby.” Blasphemous words tasted bitter on my tongue. “We need to talk. Let me do right by you.”

“You suck.” Cute pout and then a swivel of her wide hips. Another inch entered her.

Motherfucking Christ.
“Trust me, I know.” Before she could say anything else to entice me, I pulled out. A hiss escaped her at the loss of contact, but before I could get off the bed and head toward the shower, Slim stopped me.

Tiny fingers wrapped around my cock, the hold tight. “I’ll make it up to you…that I swear.” Then, she fucking ruined me. Took from me the last shred of sanity and left me a boneless heap atop my bed. In one swift move, I was on my back with her mouth above my cock.

The tip of her tongue sneaked out. Lapped at the slit, tasted the pre-come that seeped from within. I’d been close before, but now, I was one light touch from erupting all over those sweet lips.

“Get out of my room,” I spat out from behind clenched teeth, my hands fisting the sheets. Trying with everything within me not to react—to fuck her and leave her a broken mess atop the same sheets I lay panting on.

Arianna winked. “As you wish, but before I…”

“Mother of fuck.” She took me in her mouth, only gagging once the head of my cock touched the back of her throat. Swallowing, her throat constricted. Felt like a blissful noose taking my last breath.

With her hand she tugged on my balls while bobbing her head. Body coiling, I tried to stay still. To not wrap her hair in my hands and push my cock deeper down her throat.

“Come for me, baby,” she hummed around my girth, and I tensed. The first time I came for her, it would not be rushed. Fuck, no. With Slim I wanted to draw out both our pleasure.

“No.” How I got the word out, I had no clue. And from the look in her eyes, she hated it as much as I did. “Quit fucking testing my patience, Arianna. Get out.”

“But…” My cock slipped from between her lips, and I wanted to weep.

Since when was I such a caring asshole?

Since you met her.

My fucking nightmare and fantasy turned reality.

“Not like this.” Pulling her up, I brought her down to lie against my chest. “Within the next hour we need to be showered, changed, and out the door. You will get the answers you seek, and I will get my cock sucked after. Deal?”

It worked. My girl went from sulking to giggling in my arms.

“You are a very sweet piece of cheese.” She nipped my chin hard once before rolling out of bed. “By the way, in our haste, we left my bag outside.”

Turning on my side, I watched her pad across the room and toward the en suite bathroom. “Didn’t see one.”

“Being so dark out, you missed it. All black carry-on,” she yelled over the sound of running water. “Can you get it for me? Don’t want to flash anyone possibly hiding in your bushes.”

“The fuck you will.” Sitting up, I wrapped the sheet around my waist and walked over to the door. “No one sees that pussy but me.” The last was grumbled, but the sound of her laughter told me it wasn’t low enough.

“I said
, not that they
.” Slim poked her head out the door and winked. “But it’s cute you get jealous.”

“You get clean.”

“You get my clothes.”

“Jesus.” Leaning my head against the door’s molding, I sent a silent prayer above for patience. “With you, I’m fucked.”

“More like taken.” A blown kiss and then she disappeared, leaving me with a grin on my face. Being hers didn’t scare me. No. It fucking thrilled me.

Made me hard as a rock.

I had issues.

I Saw You...

“Hey, Cheetos.” Ashley’s voice rang out, followed closely by the closing of a door. “Where are you, dork.” How the fuck had she gotten in here.

After a long and very cold shower, I’d gotten dressed and was heading down to cook breakfast. Not that I knew my way around the kitchen, but scrambled cheesy eggs were a specialty of mine. That, and bacon.

Everything in the world was better with bacon.

“Coming down,” I called out, trying to stop her from coming to find me. After Miami, she’d been a bit scarce. It was a good thing. The separation gave me time to both cool off and make decisions concerning her place in my life.

Ashley would always be my best friend, and it was time she reclaimed that role. Our lie—the one created to so-call “protect” me was hurting that bond.

“Goodie, you’re awake.” Ashley met me at the end of the stairs and crashed into me. With a fierce hug, she wrapped herself around me and sighed. “I come bearing the gift of food,” she mumbled against the cotton of my shirt while burrowing deeper.

Stumbling back with the sudden impact, I leaned against the end of the railing for support. Her hold had an edge of desperation. As if she thought I’d reject her and was holding on for dear life.

“Hello to you too, stranger.”

“Missed you.”

“Ash, we need to—”

A throat behind me cleared. “Am I interrupting something?” That tone. Same one she’d used at Lujuria.

“No.” Swallowing hard, I turned to look back at her—pled with my eyes that she’d let me explain. “You remember my best friend, Ashley.” The girl still in my arms stiffened at the mention of the word “friend,” while the other glared.

It was a no-win situation.

How could I?

Inevitability, one of the two would get hurt. More than enough reason for us to clear the air—to set straight the plates on this proverbial table.

“I do.” Nothing else was said, but her eyes spoke volumes. Jealousy and anger mixed inside those jade orbs. They spat fire at me—threatened me with her exit, if this clusterfuck didn’t start to make some damn sense.

“Slim, please.” Disentangling myself from Ashley’s hold, I pushed her off gently and then took a step back. “Let’s all talk. This conversation is more than long overdue.” Then, I extended a hand out to each. “Come.”

Waited for them to let me lead.

Wasn’t really surprised that my best friend fell in line rather fast, grasping my right hand tightly in her own.

Slim raised a brow, but didn’t make a single move to touch me. “Thirty minutes, and then I walk.”

“Baby, I—”

“Don’t beg her, Cheetos. She’s more than welcome to walk if she isn’t going to trust you.” Was the wrong foot for Ash to start off on. Why would she want to douse a fire that still held live embers?

“Quiet.” Arianna walked closer, narrowed eyes set on the woman standing beside me. “There are only two things I want to hear come out of your mouth. Moreover, that will be asked in due time. For now, shut it.”

“Everything will make sense, I swear.” Mistake number one was asking for both girls to take my hand. Making my intentions clear was a priority with both. “Just give me a chance to explain.”

Ashley’s annoyed huff beside me pissed me off, but for now I ignored her. There would be plenty of time for us to talk. For her to explain to me just how she managed to get inside my home without me giving her the code.

“You need to muzzle her.”

“Bitch,” Ashley mumbled under her breath. Idiot or not, I didn’t want to see her knocked out. I stood between them, made sure to block anything that could hurt the one behind me. Another mistake in Arianna’s eyes, but I stood firm.

Letting her beat the snot out of Ash wouldn’t solve a damn thing.

“Waste of my time.” Nodding, she waved a hand in the air. “Lead the way, Mr. Greene.” Nonchalance wasn’t her forte. For as much of a front as my girl put on, I saw the flash of hurt there too.

“Fuck this.” Stubborn woman would listen even if I had to tie her down and keep her prisoner. One hand reached out and pulled her to me. Chest to stomach we stood, my eyes begging her to just give in an inch.

“Let go.”

“No.” With her in my grasp, I turned to face my employee and friend. Dared her to lie. “Ashley isn’t my girl, Slim. More than an employee, she’s like family—my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.” Blunt and straight to the point was the only way to handle this mess. “I’ve never fucked her, and never will. I want you.”

At my words, the fight in her body evaporated and she melted against me. “Is that true?” Her eyes set on a now serious Ash. “Is it?”

“Yes.” Low, her tone came across on a meek whisper.
Motherfucking finally.
“Our relationship is a lie we feed the media.”

“So you’ve never…” Slim trailed off, and I chuckled. Girl didn’t believe me at all.

“No. Never.”

“But you want more with him.” Not a question, a statement.

Ash walked around me and stood off to the side of the stairs. “I’m here to organize his day-to-day and keep the
away.” Didn’t miss the emphasis she put on the word “whore.” “That is it. We are friends, Arianna. He isn’t interested in me that way.”

“I’ll take that answer…” stepping on the tip of her toes, she reached up and pecked my lips once “…for now.”

Hands on her hips, Ashley glared. “What else do you want?”

Stepping out of my embrace, Slim turned to face my best friend head on. “For this bullshit relationship to end. For you to learn that your place, when it comes to me, is not to protect his cock.” She ticked off her fingers. “I don’t share. Fake or not.”

And I was hard all over again.

Did she have to mention my cock?

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