I Saw You (25 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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“Yeah, let’s finish Slim’s track.” Reaching out, he held his fist up for me to bump, which I returned with a shake of my head. “Miami’s the perfect city on the tour to release it.”

“I’d thought the same.”

Thirty Eight


“Welcome to Nassau,”
Arianna’s father, Ernesto, said once he found me by luggage claim. The man was all smiles while he clapped me on the shoulder and helped me with the two bags I’d brought. One of them was smaller than the other and held my own surprise for Slim. “How was your flight?” he asked while cutting the end of a cigar.

At my raised brow, he held the rolled tobacco my way, but I declined. “Cigarettes only and when stressed. Plus,” I said with a smirk, “your daughter hates the smell. Caught me once and gave me a huge speech on the adverse effects.”

Ernesto laughed loud and heartily while shaking his head. “Did she pull out her tablet and give you a five-point presentation?” How did he know? “She does it to everyone she can. Tries and fails with me each time; I like my cigars and a fifth of whiskey at the end of each night. Some habits are too hard to change…some old dogs don’t retain new tricks.”

“She did,” was all I added to the conversation while we walked out and toward the rental car. Ernesto paused in front of an old-school classic—vintage ‘69 mustang. Mint condition and cherry red, the car was a dream.

“Get in. We still have a small drive ahead of us, and Ari’s been very impatient all day. We think it’s the stress of last-minute changes made. Too much coffee, planning, and anticipation are driving the rest of us up the wall.”

“First off, nice car.” Ernesto nodded just as I knew he would and then raised his own bushy brow. As in, hurry the hell up and finish. “Two, what do you mean change in plans? Not following here.”

“Our yearly is back home in one of my restaurants, not some destination shindig. Key West and right on the water; I close up shop, and we party. Cook, fish, drink, and dance…smoke a few good Cubans I save for those days every single year.”

Jesus, his meaning hit me hard, and I rubbed a hand roughly down my face. “Are you trying to tell me that—”

“My daughter has a heart of gold and is foolish—so in love, that she talked me into the benefits of this trip. Arianna has my business ethics and pointed out a few things to consider. Not closing means more money. More money meant that I could spoil my Maria with a beautiful vacation and some pretty, pretty lights.”

“Pretty, pretty lights?” What in the blue fuck did that mean?

“Gambling, son. The women in her family, herself included, have a fondness for those penny slots. One of the hotels near where we are staying has one hell of a casino and she’s beyond thrilled to play and lose my money there.” His lips twitched at the mention of his wife’s gambling addiction, but then something else came to mind.

“Does Ari? Gamble, I mean.”

“No.” And he left it at that. He laughed while turning left, followed a long turn to merge onto a bridge that showed off much of the island. Streets were littered with old colonial buildings, hardworking people, and their bustling shops. Everything and anything you wanted could be found, especially rum.

“Did she really do all this for me? So that I would be able to come?” For a moment I felt insignificant and much like the asshole her family, I was sure, saw me as.

“Quit it.” His stern voice pulled me out of the road my head was traveling down. “She cares for you, so by extension we do as well. This…” Ernesto waved a hand around “…isn’t a chore by any means. Sun, beaches, good food, and booze. That’s what our crazy family wants, and we delivered in spades. No one was put out or had to break the bank to get here—we are a pretty well-off family. We’re happy to be able to accommodate you.”

“Still feel like a jerk,” I muttered low, but it seemed not low enough and the man made a sharp turn off the bridge’s exit and pulled over. He was quiet, seemed to be mulling over something in his head.

“I’ll be honest with you,” he started and then paused, taking a pull from his still lit cigar. “This relationship worries me, more for her than you, but I’m not blind to your feelings. My problem, Chester, is the position you’ve put her in. I get it. Explanations have been given and I’m patient, but no saint.”

“So she claims as well,” I spoke through a small chuckle.

“Where do you think she gets it from?” Wasn’t a question, nor did I answer. “But I do have a problem with you…or better yet, the relationship that places my daughter as your second dish. She’s a main, son, no one’s afterthought. Fix it.”

“Working on it.” In my opinion, the man had every right to question me. I’ve made his daughter cry more than once at this point. If he needed reassurance, he’d get that in spades. “Our staff—P.R. rep—has the press release, and it’s ready to be sent out to the media before we start touring.”

“Why such a long wait? Why not just get it over with?” Logical question.

“Because it’s not just myself I need to consider. I have a band, a group of people that have no gain in this mess and don’t need to be mixed up in the aftermath. We’re trying hard to make this painless for everyone. While on tour the hours are long, and press junkets kept to a minimum so that
control what they’re allowed to ask. No personal questions, or we walk.”

“How long?” No need to verify what he meant.

“Three weeks.”

“Fix this.”

“Promise, I will.”

I Saw You…

“What the hell took so long?” Arianna yelled while jumping into my waiting arms. Jesus, fuck, having her so close was heaven. More than I deserved for making her go through all this to be with me.

Four days of peace and quiet on a private beach in the Bahamas. Where our private villas were close, yet each family had privacy. Privacy I planned to capitalize on the moment we were alone tonight.

“Baggage claims was a bit of a nightmare.” Lying through my teeth, I smiled at her while spying on a smirking Ernesto from the corner of my eye. “Missed you,” I whispered into her neck, salt water and coconut-scented suntan lotion a heady concoction that made me twitch against her.

“Me too, Cheesy.” Wrapping her long legs around my waist, Arianna tightened her hold, causing my carry-on to fall on the paved parking area full of sand just steps from the beach. None of that mattered when she slithered up my body—pressed her heat against my cock. “So freaking happy to have you here with me.”

Not giving a shit who witnessed our reunion, I held her closer, one hand on her lower back and the other buried within her long locks. It’d been two weeks, and I needed her in every way that a man yearned for his woman. Completely and with unexplainable insanity.

“Thank you for inviting me.” I spoke low, lips pressed against hers while I reacquainted myself with her taste. How soft her tongue felt wrapped around my own. The little whimpers she released that came from the back of her throat whenever we touched. “For everything, Slim. For the change in plans, for wanting me to meet the people you love and adore you…for loving this asshole that breathes for you.”

“I love you too, babe. And while I won’t deny that I had to think and act quickly, having you here is worth it all.” With her two hands caging my face, Ari kissed me passionately. Claimed me, left me a worthless man at the floor of her temple while she stole the breath right from my lungs.

“Ahem…” Throats cleared all around us, and she laughed.

Slowed the kiss in between little giggles. “Guess I need to share you now, huh?” Her pout was adorable, yet it was the brightness in her eyes that calmed the nerves I’d felt at first. When I’d wondered just how her extended family would react to me and the persona I play up on that stage.

“You do,” I conceded and pecked her once more, “but tonight…”

“Just us?”

“Just you and me.”

“Mija, let me say hello to the rock star before everyone else gets their hands on him. Your cousins Francisco, is dying to talk ‘shop.’” Maria stood behind my girl with a hand on her hip and a huge smile on her face. So much sass, just like my girl. Without second guessing myself, I placed Slim on the ground and stepped around her. Before her mother could protest, I had her up in the air and squeezing her. Giant hug and a kiss from me; those cheeks bloomed, matching the light pink maxi dress she wore. “Chester!” she squealed and then laughed, her nose scrunching up the way her daughter’s did. “Put me down.”

Since the very start, she’d been on my side. Gave me the benefit of the doubt and pushed for me to admit my feelings—give Ari what she deserved: me.

“Hola, señorita.” That was the extent of my Spanish, and they knew it. Behind me, Slim laughed while her mom looked on with pride. “Como esta?”

“We will have you fluent in no time, son. Watch.” Reaching up on the tip of her toes, she patted my cheek in an affectionate way. Across her line of sight something happened; the sound of clinking bottles, hands slamming down on a table, and some colorful words could be heard. At my questioning gaze, she shook her head. “You came down for the main event and are in for a very loud evening. Men are playing dominos, women are cooking and drinking, and the children run around as if they have no sense. Welcome to the family.”

“Should I be afraid?”

“Terrified.” Arianna slipped her arms around my waist while sneaking under my arm to look up at me. It was now that the shock of desire had calmed that I realized just how little she was wearing. Small. Miniscule. Obscene little white bikini top and cutoff shorts, if they could be called that. So much skin on display, her tattoos stood out against the brightness of the sun’s rays. Nipples hard, strained against the thin fabric, and my mouth watered.

Her eyes twinkled in a way that promised dirty fun.

I groaned low enough so only she heard. “Utterly fucked is more like it.”

I Saw You...

“When I was your age, music stood for something, you know?” Orlando, Slim’s grandfather, clinked his beer bottle with mine. We were sitting out by the shore, just him and I bonding over musical preferences. His and mine didn’t differ all that much.

We loved everything from the Ramones to Billy Idol—from Elton John to the Beetles. A bit different in genres, but all were amazing…icons in their own right. He himself being a musician from Cuba, he left the country before the change in regime and the country’s laws became unbearable. His wise eyes had seen things I’d never witness in my lifetime.

“Best show you played?” I asked, because all musicians had the one. That one night when everything went right and the crowd’s energy literally made the room vibrate.

“Tropicana, the year was 1958 to a sold out show. Big money players, members of the Cuban radio, and beautiful women everywhere; we got the opportunity that catapulted us within the musical acts of that time. It was hard to stand out…become a household name with so many others fighting for the spotlight. We were fortunate to have the lead singer we had. Maritza was…”

“The love of his life,” Slim sang while taking a seat across my lap. “My grandmother was a true beauty.”

“So much like you.” Orlando smiled tenderly at her; you could feel the love between them—between everyone in this family. Welcomed with open arms is the sole way I could describe just how I felt while talking, eating, or even playing dominos for the first time. I was a part of them, and I loved it.

“Mom was stubborn too.” Maria took the small folding chair to her father’s right side, glass of sangria in her hand.

“Mom, stop it.”

“Is she still fighting about…” he trailed off with a wink in her direction.

“If you’re asking about the club, then yes.” Taking a sip from her glass, she mock glared at my girl. “A partnership would make the process so much easier.”

“Told her I wanted in.” Three pairs of eyes snapped my way. Two amused, one annoyed. “Her idea’s fantastic, a sound investment. I’ve seen firsthand just how Lujuria’s run, an iron fist yet with compassion. Our party was outstanding, handled with so much extra attention to detail. We’ve had so many people contact our manager, Brian, asking for information on who they should

“See, I told you, baby.” Maria’s face held so much pride. “You need to expand. Go big and for that, an investor is the most logical step. They don’t have to be hands on, just the money. With what you have saved and someone else matching it, the building you want could be bought outright and still have enough to remodel. No bank loans, Ari.”

“Can we not talk about this now?”

With a finger, I tipped her pinched face up to meet mine. “Then when, beautiful?”

“It’s not that I don’t want a partner—”

“Just not me?” From the corner of my eye, I saw her mother and Orlando get up to give us some privacy. Each giving me a thumbs up before disappearing up the beach. Once out of earshot, I stood up and placed her on the chair her grandfather had vacated. I needed to pace a bit. “Explain.”

“What if we don’t work out?” Was she kidding me with this shit? I didn’t answer her, just raised a brow. “I’m not saying I want it to happen, but what if. Come on, Chester, we met just a few months ago. Not enough time to…” she trailed off at the pissed off expression I was sure my face held.

Stomping over to the chair she sat on, I kneeled on the sand in front of her. “I fucking love you, Slim.” Our eyes stayed locked, hers widening as the mere truth in that statement settled in. “I’m not going anywhere. Not now. Not twenty years from now.”

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