I Too Had a Love Story (22 page)

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Authors: Ravinder Singh

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BOOK: I Too Had a Love Story
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Also by Ravinder Singh

Can Love Happen Twice?

When Ravin first said ‘I love you …’ he meant it forever. The world has known this through Ravin’s bestselling novel,
I Too Had a Love Story
. But did Ravin’s story really end on the last page of that book?

On Valentine’s Day, a radio station in Chandigarh hosts a very special romantic chat show. Ravin and his three best friends are invited as guests to talk about Ravin’s love story. But surprisingly everyone apart from Ravin turns up. As the show goes live, there is only one question in every listener’s mind: what has happened to Ravin?

To answer this question the three friends begin reading from a handwritten copy of Ravin’s incomplete second book—the entire city listens breathlessly, unable to believe the revelations that follow.

This highly anticipated sequel by Ravinder Singh is an emotional rollercoaster that bravely explores the highs and lows of love.

Rs 125


My sincere thanks to the following people, for taking me ahead in the journey of writing this book.

Khushi’s Dad, for reviewing this book for the very first time and helping me with his first edit work.

Priyanka Rathee, my colleague, my good friend, for being punctual at the 4 o’clock evening tea at
in our campus, where she used to pen down those beautiful prose pieces for this book.

Ridhima Arora, my cutest and dearest friend, for being the kind of a reader who can be any writer’s delight. For always keeping my spirits up and showing me the better ways to bring this book up.


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First published by Srishti Publishers and Distributors 2009
Published in Penguin Metro Reads by Penguin Books India 2012

Copyright © Ravinder Singh 2009

Front cover photograph © Getty Images
Cover design by Saurav Das

All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

ISBN: 978-01-4341-876-4

This digital edition published in 2012.
e-ISBN: 978-81-8475-867-2

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