I Won't Give Up on You (4 page)

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Authors: F. L. Jacob

BOOK: I Won't Give Up on You
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Hearing Sabrina’s voice out in the hall, I rushed over to the door, walking past Terrance. Stopping, I turned around. “Not a word about this in front of Sabrina. She isn’t to know a thing until we have answers.”

“Very well, sir.”

Helping her back to her room, she was once again out of breath and exhausted. She sat on the edge of the bed and smiled. It lit up my soul.

“Is everything okay?” She questioned as she mindlessly massaged her leg.

“Nothing for you to concern yourself with. I just want you to focus on therapy and getting out of here.”

A genuine smile crossed her face. “Me too, Caston. You have no idea.”

I laughed and helped her swing her leg up onto the bed before getting her set up with lunch. She turned on the television. I quickly changed it from the news because they’ve still been reporting on what happened, and I wasn’t ready for her to hear it through the eyes of the press.

After lunch she nodded off for a quick nap. Terrance arrived with my new phone, and I thanked him for his quickness.

In the afternoon, Bre and I were surprised when Lisa said that she has another PT session.

“Dr. Dana wants to kill me,” she grunted. I had to suppress a chuckle.

Lisa just smiled and replied, “No, she just wants you back on your feet and out of here sooner rather than later.”

The next few days continued on in the same manner. I was thankful to feel her arms around me at night, though. We shouldn’t have been sharing a bed, but we couldn’t go without holding each other any longer.

I was shocked with how quickly Sabrina had been healing and how steady she’d gotten in the first few days of therapy. About a week after her first session she flashed me a wicked smile, and I felt my cock twitch.

“Caston?” I was a goner. Her tone made me want to do anything she asked.

She slid to the edge of the bed and moved her legs over the side.

She gave me her best puppy dog eyes. “Cass, I think I’d feel better if I had a shower. Would you help me?”

“Sabrina, I don’t think—”

“Please,” she begged.

“You know I have no strength to say no to you,” I answered as I caught her in my arms when she began to lose her balance as she stood too quickly. “Are you sure this is okay?”

She reached up and grabbed my face. Pulling me toward her, she passed her tongue over my lips. I opened slightly to give her access, and she deepened the kiss.

I felt her sway in my arms, and I was increasingly more concerned this might not be the best decision. “I think you’re too weak to take a shower.”

She bit her lip. It got me every time. “Your kisses always make me weak in the knees, so that doesn’t count.”

I sighed. “Maybe we could try. Come on, let’s get you showered.”

We walked slowly into the bathroom. “Maybe you could come in with me to make sure I’m safe?”

A cavernous groan rumbled deep in my throat, and my cock strained through my jeans. “Bre, you’re killin’ me.”

She slowly shuffled alongside me as I led her to the shower. Once we reached it, I slowly lifted her shirt and lowered her pants. I couldn’t help myself. My hands were on her back, taking in the feeling of her soft skin. Goosebumps pebbled at my touch. Her breath caught as I reached around and cupped her breasts. My fingers rolled her nipples into hard peaks. Fuck, I needed her so bad.

I moved her into the shower and got her seated on the bench. Reaching forward, I turned the water on and stepped to the side as the water washed over her. She sighed immediately, and I knew this was the right decision.

She looked over to me. “It feels like pounds of dirt are sliding off of me.”

I laughed quietly.

“I guess, since I’ve been the one to give you sponge baths the last few weeks, I should help you shower too. It’s only right.” I flashed her the smile she could never refuse.

She held out her hand to me inviting me in, so I quickly discarded my clothing. Guiding me into the shower, she directed me in front of her. My cock stood at full attention. I felt bad for my reaction, but it had been so long. Smirking at me, she licked her lips and pulled my hips into her, taking my cock in her mouth until it hit the back of her throat. She relaxed and took me in further than I remembered.

“Fuck, Bre, your lips, your mouth.”

She swirled her tongue around my tip, careful to keep her teeth covered she bobbed her head and ran a hand up and down my shaft. My muscles twitched with the sensation of her mouth, and I knew she tasted my salty pre-cum because she moaned. The rumble of it sent unworldly mumbles escaping my mouth. I let my head fall back and slid my hands into her hair.

She moaned again and this time my balls tightened. Without warning, hot spurts flowed from my cock and filled her mouth. She sucked me in and swallowed every last drop. Once my spasms subsided, I pulled her head back by her hair and leaned forward, taking her mouth with mine.

“Baby, that was amazing, but you didn’t need too.”

“I did need it. I want to feel normal. Thank you.”

“I should be thanking you.” I laughed, kneeling before her. I pushed her legs apart carefully. “Now, I’m going to return the favor.”



I hated leaving her, but Sabrina assured me she was fine and she would see me soon. Dr. Dana also said everything looked good, her muscle was healing nicely, and she should be able to come home soon and have PT on an outpatient basis.

Getting out of the car, I was bombarded with press asking me questions about what happened, if Sabrina was okay, what was going on with Beverly? I just slid on my sunglasses and pushed my way through without a word. Fucking vultures. It didn’t matter what you told them they’d spin it the way it would sell the best.

Arriving at the doors of the court house I was greeted by my lawyer. He quickly fell into step with me.

“Any news?”

He scowled. “No.”

I stopped, my shoes squeaked as I turned to face him. “Horse shit.” I said a little too loud, causing people to stop what they were doing and look over at me. I poked him in the chest and seethed through my teeth, “She can’t fucking get away with this.”

He held up his hands. “I know, Mr. Black. We have all our people on it. I’m not sure why the judge called this meeting.”

Turning to find the room, I saw Sara and Jon up ahead. Jon had his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side protectively. Reaching them, I bent over to kiss Sara on the cheek and slapped Jon on the back.

“Ready?” I huffed.

Sara looked up at me with sorrow in her eyes. “I’m so scared, Caston.”

Jon pulled her into his embrace. “Honey, whatever happens we
be okay.”

My lawyer shook hands with Jon and Sara’s lawyer. I had wanted to use the same one, but they advised me it could be judged as a conflict of interest. He nodded to the guard once we were seated to indicate that we were all set. Thankfully, this was a closed hearing, so there was no press or extra people in the courtroom.

We all took our seats before they brought in the bitch.

I gritted my teeth when she walked in laughing and smiling with the guards. I wanted to jump over the table and beat the shit out of her, so I grabbed my legs and squeezed hard.

As she walked past us, she had the nerve to link arms with one of the guards and look over at us. “Hello, loves, Thanksgiving together? I’m willing to forgive and forget.”

Before any of us can say anything, my lawyer held his hand up to us. I nearly bit my tongue off trying not to say anything.

“Mrs. Holden, no talking to them, remember?” The guard cooed.

She looked back to him. “Oh, silly me. I must have forgot. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, ma’am, just, please, don’t do it again.”

The bastard actually blushed. What the fuck? She sure knew how to brainwash people.

I loosened my grip on my legs, and Sara reached for mine and Jon’s hands. We all stood when the judge entered. The chairs creaked when we returned to our seats.

The judge shifted some papers around before looking up at each table. “Thank you all for joining us this afternoon. It has come to my attention that there has been some discrepancy with evidence. I had originally held Mrs. Holden without bail, but given the circumstances, I have to reverse my decision and grant bail. Bail is set at one million dollars.”

“What!” I jumped out of my seat, Sara and my lawyer pulled me to sit again.

“Mr. Black, please, don’t make me hold you in contempt. As I was saying, bail is set, let’s set the trial for three months from today.”

He got up and walked out. Just like that things were turned upside down again. How does she do this?

Jon consoled Sara as she started to cry, and I turned to Detective Alverez, who was seated behind us. “Fix this now. She shot her. For fuck’s sake, what else could they need? We all saw her.”

He ran his hand along his collar. “I’m working on it. She’s going with self-defense and, well—”

“Don’t.” I stood up and moved to walk out, but my lawyer grabbed my arm.

“Remember, even though she’s getting out, we have a standing restraining order against her to protect you, Sabrina, Jon, and Sara. That means no contact what so ever. If you go someplace where she already is, the law says she must leave, not you.”

I nodded. “This is bull shit.”

“I know. We’re working on it.”

I was too angry to talk to anyone right then. I headed out the back of the courthouse to try to avoid the press. If I’d gotten in front of a camera right then, it wouldn’t have been good. Seeing that the coast was clear, I headed down the alley and out to the street on the opposite side of the block. I’d texted Terrance, telling him I was walking to the office. He immediately tried to call me, but I didn’t want to hear it. I needed to clear my head.

Three months until the trial. Three fucking months to deal with her shit. I wouldn’t let her get away with this. Over my dead body would that happen, she’d done enough to fuck with my life. I was in a zone, not paying attention to where I was going, and I knocked shoulders with someone.

“Watch it.”

His voice sounded familiar, but not placing it, I mumbled, “Sorry.” He was already a good six feet or so from me with a hoodie pull up, so I couldn’t really see his face, only some blond hair sticking out from the hood and his hands were in his pockets.

I continued on to the office, once again I went in through the back door. Since it’s isolated back there, I was able to make it to my office with very few employees seeing me.

No sooner did I sit at my desk, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Recognizing the number, I quickly answered.

“Bre, what’s wrong?”

She laughed. “Nothing silly. Why do you always assume something is wrong when I call?”

I brought my computer to life and went through my emails, mindlessly seeing if there was anything that needed my attention immediately. “I’m sorry, babe, rough day.”

“Oh?” I could hear the concern in her voice.

“Nothing for you to worry about, Bre. Just focus on getting better.”

“Well, that’s what I wanted to tell you.” I could feel her smile through the phone. It was infectious. “They said I could go home today or tomorrow, depending when you got back. Please, tell me it’ll be soon, I really don’t want to be here anymore.”

I was already out of the door, locking it behind me. “I’m on my way.”

“See you in a few.”

“Love you, Bre.”

“Oh, Caston, I love you too.”

I was sprinting down the hall and running out to the parking garage with Terrance hot on my heels, even though he wasn’t sure what exactly was going on. He must have seen me on the security cameras.

“Sir, what is it?”

“Sabrina. We have to go now.”

He unlocked the doors, and I climbed in. “What happened?”

There was a look of concern etched on his face. That’s when I realized I didn’t actually tell him. “She’s coming home. They’re releasing her.”

Terrance relaxed immediately and smiled.



I walked through the store and passed the tabloids. I saw
face plastered all over them. Some were with him and some were alone. I wanted to take every single one and throw them all over the fucking place. I wanted to stomp on her face. She didn’t deserve a fucking happily ever after. I grabbed a few and tossed them in my basket. I felt like a fucking douche for buying them.

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