Ice Rift (26 page)

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Authors: Ben Hammott

BOOK: Ice Rift
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Henry stared at the opening. The monster briefly appeared, then it was gone, and so was Theo. Powerless to do anything to help, he listened to their struggles. Theo shouted out panicked instructions. To save his friend, Henry rushed along the corridor.



Though Richard’s view of the alien was only imagined, he could hear its raspy breath. He moved his head slightly to peer through gaps between the item-covered racks that blocked most of the creature from his sight and glimpsed parts of a pale ghostly form. Though he was scared and could see no way to survive this encounter with the alien monster blocking his only escape route, his strong sense of self-preservation kicked in. He dragged his unwilling body upright and moved along the rack until he stood at the end of the gap that stretched the length of the room. The monster stood between him and the only exit. All he had to do was get past the monster and he'd be free. He put a hand to his headlight, rested a finger on the on switch, and waited.

The monster sensed the human move. Dragging its ruined leg, it shambled through the doorway. Objects scattered by its feet skidded across the floor and crashed noisily into the metal racks. When the monster reached the end of the shelf, it paused, turned to face its prey and screeched like a nightmarish phantom.

In mingled horror and frightened anticipation as to the events about to unfold, Richard followed the progress of the ghostly form through gaps in the shelves. When the terrible vision lurched into view at the far end of the room and roared, he almost slunk back into the corner to hide from his fate. Plucking up the courage he desperately needed, he screamed what he thought was a terrifying war cry, switched on his head lamp and rushed at the monster.

It was hard to say which one of the two life-forms in the room were most surprised by this unexpected event. Though the Hunter's eyes widened slightly to register its surprise, the rest of its face failed to register any concern for the small, weak creature rushing to attack it.

The cowardly side of Richard, forced into action by his sense of self preservation, sent frantic messages to Richard's braver side to stop this foolhardy action that would only get him killed, and return to the far corner of the room and cower in fright. Richard's braver side ignored the warnings and forced him to relinquish its ownership of the valuable scanner.

Though reluctant to do so, Richard valued his life more. With all his strength behind it, he threw the scanner Frisbee style at the creature's head. When it left his hand, Richard stumbled on the objects littering the floor.

Without directing his gaze away from the creature rushing at it, the monster reached out a clawed hand and grabbed the makeshift missile from the air.

A screech of metal signalled Richard’s collision with the edge of the last rack in the row. It bent from the impact. The last two twisted fastenings holding it in place popped out. The rack toppled, taking Richard with it.

The monster dropped the scanner and made a mistake. Ravenously hungry, when its prey appeared so near, instead of grabbing for the falling metal shelves, it went for the food pressed against the far side. Its claws stretched through the gaps in the shelves and were about to grasp the flesh of its victim when the rack crashed into it, knocking it to the floor with a glancing blow to the head.

Richard dodged the clawed hands that groped for him, steadied himself and shoved a shoulder hard against the rack. While it fell, he bounded up the side. He glimpsed the monster's face through a gap between the shelves and smiled before diving through the space between the rack and the top of the doorway. He rolled as soon as his hands touched the floor, and in one fluid motion jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could away from the room and the monster inside.



Henry opened the door and rushed through as soon as the gap was wide enough. A short dash brought him to what he searched for, an intersection. He rushed to the right and stared at the grill in the ceiling too high for him to reach.



The grill screeched on the sides of the vent as it and Theo were forced backward at speed by the frustrated monster unable to get at its food. Well aware that the grill was only thing protecting him from a gruesome, painful death, Theo gripped it so tightly his knuckles were white.

Hunger for the feast so close prevented the Hunter from working out that if it stopped and yanked the grill from its prey's grip, it would be able to feed.

Theo, though terrified by the sight of the monster he stared at through the gaps in the slatted grill, somehow held his panic in check. If Henry was successful there was still a chance he'd live through this latest nightmare. He twisted his head back to discover the source of the sound behind him. Another Hunter appeared out of the shadows and quickly advanced with a devilish screech. It grinned menacingly with saliva drooling from expectant jaws and grew closer at an alarming speed. Theo's chances had run out. Death beckoned him.


Henry turned when the door back along the corridor rasped open. Footsteps approach the intersection. The fear that had gripped him swiftly receded when he spied the beam of light dancing erratically. Monsters don't have torches. Someone rushed into view.

“Richard!” Henry called out.

Richard slowed and glanced at Henry, equally surprised by the encounter.

“Quick, help me. We need to save Theo.”

Richard was confused by Henry's request; Theo was nowhere to be seen. He stared hesitantly at the frantic man while he considered his options. The engine room was close now, probably only about fifty yards along the corridor. He could reach it in no time and escape from the ship. Nevertheless, he thought it might be wiser to help the old man. “What do you want me to do?”

Henry pointed up at the vent grill. “I need you to lift me up so I can remove the grill. Theo's trapped inside.”

Richard positioned himself below the vent and cupped his hands. Henry placed a foot in them and stepped up. Groaning with the old man's weight, Richard hoisted Henry high enough to grab the vent. Henry pushed up the grill. Something slammed it back down. He glimpsed a pale form move across the vent― another monster after Theo. He wouldn't stand a chance. He punched the grill aside, grabbed the monster's rear leg and yanked it through the opening. Unable to support the struggling man's weight, Richard let go and stepped back. Henry dropped to the floor, dragging the monster with it. The Hunter's head smashed against the side of the vent opening before thudding to the floor between the two men. Richard, shocked to see the Hunter's sudden appearance, kicked out at its face. Every blow brought another screech from its teeth-filled mouth. The Hunter lashed out with a claw. Richard darted out of its reach. Henry attacked. He stamped on the monster's head, hoping he could repeat the same effect as he had on the last one. The monster twisted to face the new attacker. Claws reached out to slash and rip. Sharp claws ripped open Henry's leg from thigh to shin. He screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground. Another swipe ripped through his clothes and skin, so deep one of its claws snagged on a rib, pulling Henry atop the monster.

Theo dropped through the open and slammed the grill into place so forcefully it jammed. He fell onto Henry and the monster. An ice axe headed for his face. Theo screamed.

Richard, stunned by the monster's brutal attack against Henry and the amount of blood pouring from the man's life threatening wounds, turned to flee when he remembered he wasn't completely weaponless. He whipped off the rucksack and pulled out Eli's ice axe. He stepped forward and raised the axe above his head. He aimed for the Hunter's face. Before the axe had covered half the distance, Theo dropped atop Henry and the monster. The tip of the axe narrowly missed Theo's face when the man jerked his head to the side. The axe point entered one of the monster's eyes. It howled and bucked. Theo and Henry were thrown to the floor. Richard pulled out the axe with a gruesome slurp and struck another blow that smashed through the monster's teeth and tongue. A third blow entered its forehead. The monster's frantic throes pulled the axe from Richard's grasp. He backed away. The monster's movements grew weaker until it moved no more. Panting heavily, Richard slid down the wall to rest.

Theo rushed over to Henry. A quick examination of the man's wounds told him his friend wouldn't survive. He felt a hand grip his arm weakly and looked at Henry's pale face when he spoke.

“You are alive, my friend.” Henry's voice was weak.

Theo smiled. “Thanks to you, old man.”

Henry nods at the wounds he cannot see. “Is it bad?”

Theo nodded sadly.

Henry smiled weakly. “It's just as well. I'm too old for this adventurous lark.”

Henry and Theo glanced up at the vent. They'd forgotten about the other Hunter. Its claws appeared through the grill slats that still separated it from its meal. The bending metal screeched with its efforts to pull it free.

Henry pushed Theo away. “You must go before it gets through, or my sacrifice will have been in vain.”

“But I can't―”

“You must. Now go, quickly, you don't have much time.”

Richard climbed to his feet. “He's right, Theo. There's no saving Henry, but we can save ourselves. I'm leaving with or without you.” He turned away.

With tears misting his eyes, Theo looked at Henry, who grew weaker by the minute. Death wouldn't be long in coming.

“Go, Theo, please.”

Though reluctant to leave his dying friend, Theo backed away. “Goodbye, Henry.”

“Goodbye, my friend.”

Theo turned and fled.

Henry stared at the Hunter monster glaring back at him through the vent. It could smell his blood and it wanted a taste. The Hunter's attempts to free the slatted cover increased. Henry glanced around. His eyes came to a rest on the axe buried in the dead monster's head. He dragged his weak body painfully over to the corpse. The tortured screech of metal rang out. The grill dropped to the floor with a loud clatter.

Henry gripped the axe handle and wiggled it free. The monster dropped to the ground and roared. Gathering his last vestiges of strength, Henry swung the axe at the sound. The monster grabbed Henry's arm that held the weapon and twisted. A loud crack of bone accompanied Henry's pain-filled scream. The axe slipped to the floor. Henry faced the monster and stared into its evil, soulless eyes. The fiend's jaws opened. Its tongue slid across sharp teeth. Though he dreaded what was about to come, Henry smiled defiantly at the monster. Claws neared his face. He knew there would be pain. He almost welcomed it, because death would soon follow, and he would be frightened no more. At least the time it spent eating him would give his friends a chance to escape.

Driven by its primordial need to eat and kill twinned with an indomitable will to survive and its lack of any empathy, dispatching its prey quickly to spare it pain wasn't something the Hunter considered. It dragged one of its sharp talons from its prey's forehead down to its chin and bathed in the scent of fresh blood, red and thick, seeping from the cut. It leaned closer, ran its tongue along the blood trail and lapped it up. It licked its lips with a satisfied slurp. It wanted more, much more. It gripped a flap of skin and tore off a chunk.

Henry felt the pain and heard the scrape of claw upon bone, his bone. The creature's rough tongue scouring the sensitive cut brought a fresh wave of torment. The sound of ripping skin, his skin and the intense pain almost brought him the relief he desired, but unconsciousness abandoned him. He remained alert to witness his pain and death. He felt his warm life-giving blood run down his face and neck and saw the claw reach out for more.
Death won't be long now.
I'm coming, Martha.

Henry screamed.

When Death welcomed him into its fold, he was glad to be there.



JANE PULLED THE WALKIE-TALKIE from her pocket. “I'll try to reach base camp. Scott and Pike must be worried about us and, if I can reach them, I can let them know what we've found. They might be able to contact someone to get us some help once the storm dies down.”

“Good idea. I'm sure as soon as NASA finds out about the spaceship they'll move Heaven and Earth to get here.”

Jane smiled. “If they believe us, that is.”

“Good point. If you do get through, let them know Richard and I are here and to let those at Byrd Station know we're okay.”

“Will do.” Jane pressed the speak button. “Jane to Ice Rift base. Are you receiving me? Over.” She released the button and waited. Only static and shrill white noise replied. She tried again. “Jane to Ice Rift base. Are you receiving me? Over.”

The static continued.

Jack glanced up at the opening. “The storm must be blocking the signal.”

“And being below the ice doesn't help.” She looked up at the hole. “Reception might be better if I climbed up to the opening.”

“If you think it's safe, it's worth a try.”

They turned on hearing footsteps. Richard and Theo approached. Both looked like they had been in a battle and some of the blood on their clothes looked fresh. Theo walked with a slight limp and wore a sad expression. With the absence of Henry and Max, it was an indication something awful had happened. Richard smiled at them; he no longer looked smug.

“Where's Henry and Max,” Jane asked, fearing the answer would confirm her suspicions.

“Dead!” was Theo's reply.

“The monster's got them,” added Richard. He noticed the sandwiches, walked over and helped himself.

Jane laid a hand gently on Theo's shoulder. “I'm sorry, Theo.”

Theo glanced around the cavern. “Where's Lucy?”

Jane quickly explained that she was still on the ship and why they'd left her there.

“So we have to go back,” said Theo, not relishing setting foot on the monster infested spaceship again.

"Some of us do,” said Jack.

“Well, I'm not going,” said Richard, between mouthfuls.

Jane glared at him. “Now why doesn't that surprise me?”

Richard smiled.

She noticed Theo looking up at the hole. “The blizzard hasn't lessened any.”

“I was afraid of that,” said Theo, wearily. “So we're stuck down here, with

“Until the blizzard passes or abates enough for us to risk facing it.” Jane held up the walkie-talkie. “I can't get a signal down here, so I'm going to climb up just below the hole to see if I can get through to Scott. Let him know what's happening and what we've found.”

Theo glanced at the rope dangling from the opening. “It might work, but be careful.”

Jane slipped on a harness, grimaced when the straps pressured chaffed skin caused by her earlier fall, and attached the rope.

The others watched her climb.

“There's coffee and sandwiches if you want them, Theo.”

Theo turned to Jack and shook his head. “I just want to get out of here.” He lit a cigarette and took a long drag.

A low rumble forewarned the start of another ice tremor.

The ice began to vibrate and quickly grew in intensity.

Jane halted her climb and prepared to slide down if any chunks of ice fell through the hole. When the ice settled just as suddenly a few moments later, she restarted her climb. When she was only a few feet from the top a loud crack echoed through the cavern. Her worried glance above revealed the cause. Fracture lines spread out from the opening. At the same time as the ice above her collapsed, she released the descender's grip on the rope to send her speeding down its length.

The others looked in horror at the large chunks of ice plummeting toward Jane.

When the sides of the hole fell into the cavern, the rope had nothing to rest against. It dropped and swung. Jane fell a few feet before the slack in the rope was taken up. The spike the rope was tethered jerked when the rope’s travel was halted by the edge of the enlarged hole, but held firm. Jane gripped the descender to stop her fall and swung when the rope found its new center of gravity. It saved her life, taking her clear of the falling ice that whizzed past behind her and smashed on the ground. Jane speedily rappelled to the ground and looked at the large pile of shattered ice. She glanced over at her friends. “That was close.”

With a worried frown creasing his brow, Theo stared up at the roof of the ice cavern. “We need to get out of here. The increased tremors are evidence the rift could break away from the ice shelf at any moment. If that happens, we'll really be in trouble.”

Jack looked at their only lifeline. “Is the rope still secure?”

Jane gave it a tug. “As far as I can tell, but we can't leave yet. Lucy's still on the ship.”

"Its okay, I'll go and get her,” said Jack.

“No without me you won't,” Jane said adamantly.

All hell broke loose.

It began with pieces of ice, large and small plummeting through the enlarged hole, bringing with it a fluttering of snow and ice crystals. A screech of tortured metal drifted into the cavern. Something large and red appeared and jammed itself in the opening. It was the Sno-Cat that had fallen into the rift. The ice groaned from the weight. The vehicle juddered. The ice supporting the Sno-Cat collapsed. It nose-dived to the ground. Ice and snow followed in its wake. Jane dived to the side, but tethered to the rope, she was tugged back. She slipped on the strewn chunks of ice and fell to the ground. She rolled onto her back. The front of the Sno-Cat filled her vision. She needed to move. Her gloved fingers fumbled to release the rope from the harness. Just when she thought she would never do it in time, she was free. She crab-walked out of the path of the falling vehicle. The violent sound of crushing metal invaded the cavern when the Sno-Cat crashed to the ground inches from her feet. Jane shook with the adrenalin rush and her close escape from death. She let out a sigh of relief. Groaning metal indicated the Sno-Cat was still on the move. It toppled straight for her. She rolled to the side. The Sno-Cat struck the ground behind her. Worried she still wasn’t out of danger, Jane climbed to her feet and moved away.

When the Sno-Cat toppled it had snagged the climbing rope, pulling it taut. The strain was too much for the spike driven into the ice to resist. It was yanked free and shot through the hole.

Jack saw the spike. His eyes followed its trajectory. He sprinted across the cavern. “Look out, Jane!”

Unaware of the latest threat, Jane turned. Jack ran toward her. Jack leapt and collided with her. Both tumbled to the ground. The tip of the spike buried itself into the ground in the exact spot where Jane had stood moments before.

Jane looked at the spike that had nearly killed her. “Thanks, Jack.”

Jack climbed to his feet and smiled. “I think you escaped death at least three times just then.” He held out a hand and helped her stand.

Jane smiled at Jack, grabbed his offered hand and stood. “Guess I’m just a lucky girl.”

“It's customary in these damsel-saving situations for the saviour to receive a reward. A kiss would suffice.” Jack grinned, expectantly.

“I'm sure it would.” Jane gave him a peck on the cheek.

Disappointment spread across Jack's face. “Oh, I was expecting more.”

Jane smiled. “Yes, I'm sure you were.” She glanced up at the enlarged hole high above. “We're not out of danger yet. We're stuck down here now.”

All heads swiveled to look back along the ice tunnel.

“Something wicked this way comes,” said Jane, fearfully.

Jack glanced up at the hole in the ice. “And we have nowhere to run.”


Three Hunters had followed the scent of the humans to the engine room and had spread out to search for them. One had arrived at the hole in the hull and followed the scent to the sloping ice tunnel. It had dug its claws into the smooth ice and climbed up. When it heard the sounds of the strange creatures drift from a passage in the ice, it had howled its hunting cry and rushed through the ice tunnel.

Jack glanced around the cavern for a weapon and picked up the ice pick he'd laid aside. The others copied him.

Theo smelt gasoline. He looked at the battered Sno-Cat. Fuel dripped from its ruptured tank. He remembered the crew of the Nostromo fought the Alien with flame throwers; they didn't have them, but they did have something. “What about fire?”

The others looked at him. “If we soaked something in gasoline and tie it to a stick or something, we could light it. Most creatures are afraid of fire so maybe the monsters are too.”

Jack agreed it was worth a try. “It could work.”

“We don't have a stick,” said Jane.

Jack glanced at the Sno-Cat “Yes we do― the wooden seats.” He rushed over to the crashed vehicle and crawled inside. He tore away the foam seat and used the ice axe to pry a slat free.

Jane handed him a wool jumper when he climbed out.

She nodded at Richard's blue bag and smiled. “I'm sure he won't mind.”

Jack wound the jumper around one end of the wooden slat and tied it in place with the arms.

“Hurry up, Jack, its coming,” warned Richard, who kept his gaze directed along the ice tunnel.

Jack spotted the Hunter making its way cautiously toward them. He knelt, bathed the cloth in the puddle of gasoline until it was saturated with fuel and crossed over to the others. He held the makeshift torch out to Theo. “Light me.”

Theo struck his lighter and touched flame to the fuel soaked cloth. It whooshed ablaze. Dark smoke rose when the cloth took hold. The smell of singed wool filled the air. Jack held it out in front and waited.

The Hunter halted and stared at the flames. It gazed around the cavern and, for a few moments, focused on the hole in the roof. It looked back at the humans, shrieked and rushed at them.

Though all eyes were concentrated on the creature's every movement, Richard nevertheless couldn't prevent himself from stating the obvious. “Here it comes.” He backed away.

Jack waved the burning stick from side to side. The creature was almost upon them and seemed unafraid of the fire. When it was barely two yards away it leapt to the side. Its claws dug into the ice and propelled it along the wall. Shards of ice sprayed from each claw to leave a gouged trail in its wake. Their eyes followed its climb up the wall toward the roof.

Jack's eyes shot to the opening and guessed the creature's intention. It was trying to escape. He dropped the torch, ran over to the metal spike, tugged it free and followed the creature's path through the cavern. He drew the spike back javelin style and put all his strength behind the throw. The spike sailed through the air.

The Hunter squealed when the spike struck it a glancing blow on the shoulder before sticking in the ice. It lost its grip and fell. Its claws shot out to reclaim a purchase on the scalloped ice. Trails of ice sprayed out from the creature's slide down the wall, leaving behind deep-clawed gouges. It slowed and stopped. It turned to look at the group and snarled.

Jane hurled her ice axe.

Though her aim was true, the creature had moved before the axe struck. It bounced off the wall and clanged to the ground.

The creature reached the roof, climbed along it and slipped out of the hole. It had escaped.

Richard let out a sigh of relief. “That's one less nightmare to worry about.”

Jane glared at Richard. “You couldn't be more wrong. It's free now. On a planet where it doesn't belong. If it reaches civilization who knows how many will die at its hands.”

“But we're hundreds of miles from anywhere and anyone. It won't be able to survive the cold for long, will it?” said Theo, uncertainly.

A low trembling roar rolled through the ice.

The cavern walls shook. Chunks of ice fell and exploded on contact with the ground. The cavern was becoming unstable.

One large chunk narrowly missed Jack, showering him with ice shards when it crashed to the ground. “We can't remain here much longer.”

Jane looked at him. “I agree. The cavern could collapse at any moment. We'll have to return to the ship, find Lucy and then plan our next move.”

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