Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)
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“You look tired and I can’t imagine you’re going to get much sleep tonight either,” Sasha said.

“I’ll be fine. I can nap when he does and when we get home.”

“When you get home, we’re going to have a serious talk about telling your friend and housemate more. I may seem like I want crazy band members or some up and coming struggling artist. I would be equally happy with an actor who has money. See if Declan has any friends in need of comfort.”

“We’ll see. I haven’t agreed to see him again yet.”

“You will.” Sasha smiled, leaned in, and gave her a hug.

The problem with her friend was she knew her too well. For now Cassi just yawned and walked back into Tommy’s room. There was a single bed next to his and she knew this was where she wanted to be, even if she didn’t get much sleep.

Chapter Nine


Tommy was home two days and was starting to get bored already. The two of them watched most of his DVDs at least twice and his arm didn’t seem to be painful to him. He let the whole world know he was annoyed. He couldn’t run and climb and didn’t want to rest for the week. Sasha was on the early shift at the retirement village and was bringing Audrey around after work. It would be fantastic to have the adult company.

Cassi cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and hoped it would be good enough. The front door opened and Sasha yelled out their presence.

“They're here, Mommy,” Tommy yelled.

From the smile on Tommy’s face, he was happy for new company, too. Having Mom at his beck and call was obviously not enough. He would now have another two adoring females. Audrey was dressed beautifully as usual. She came in, hugged Cassi, and then went over to sit next to Tommy.

“Oh, you poor thing, Tommy. I hear you were saving a cat’s life when it was stuck up a tree,” Audrey said with a wicked grin on her face.

“No, I was after candies. Sasha hid them.”

“Don’t believe a word of it. I didn’t hide them. I told you they were there and not to touch them.” Sasha wagged her finger at him.

“Well, I believe someone said they wanted me to draw a turtle on their cast. You must let me know if it hurts and I’ll stop.”

“It won’t hurt. Mommy says I’m brave and the turtle will protect me.”

Audrey sat down next to Tommy as Cassi made some drinks. He sat patiently as she drew and colored in the turtle. It was not so much a drawing as a work of art. As she watched the two women before her with her little boy, she realized how lucky she was to have people like them in her life. A few years back, she would never have believed it.

Sasha had picked up a new DVD for Tommy on the way home and they sat and watched it with him. After dinner, Cassi got him ready for bed. Once he was in his pajamas and snuggled down in under the covers, Audrey read to him. Cassi stood at the door to the room and listened as tears came to her eyes. When he was all tucked in, Audrey followed her back out to the kitchen.

“I should be going soon. Are you all right, Cassi? You look as though you’re going to cry,” Audrey said as she touched her arm.

“I’m fine. It was just lovely seeing you both together. He hasn’t known what it’s like to have a grandmother in his life, and he seems to have taken to you.” Cassi wiped the tears away.

“I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t realize you’d lost your mother.” Audrey squeezed her arm.

“I didn’t. I still have both my parents, but when I left home and went to live with Tommy’s dad, they disowned me. We haven’t seen each other since. I’ve tried, but they’re very religious and think I’m wrong. They were right about Steve being bad for me though. When I left with Tommy, I thought they would have helped, but they said no.”

“Sometimes people are foolish. My son and his wife are very rich and live in another state. I don’t fit into their lavish lifestyle. I visited a few times, but my grandson was always out. I felt in the way, so now I don’t bother.”

Cassi gave Audrey a hug and considered how they were both feeling the same about how their lives had turned out. The ones who should have been there for them seemed to have let them down. For now they had found each other, and that was positive.

“When my husband was alive, I didn’t notice my son becoming so distant. I suppose we were always busy with this and that. It’s the old statement about how you choose your friends and not your family.”

Cassi embraced her. “Sasha said you’d like to come back again on Saturday. I think Tommy will have more energy by then. He’s getting better each day, and will be back to his old naughty self soon enough.”

“I would like that every much, but do tell me if I’m being a nuisance,” Audrey said as she grabbed her purse from the counter.

“You can come here and be a nuisance all you want.” Cassi walked her outside and waved as Sasha drove Audrey off to the village.

Back inside, she sat on the couch and sighed loudly. The thought crossed her mind she was trying so hard to organize everything so her life would be safe with Tommy. Life had a way of messing up her plans anyway. She actually had to live and not just exist.

She could not deny the constant checking of her cell phone the past few days. Declan said he was busy and would message her when he could. Most nights there was something, plus the odd text during the day. He kept everything friendly, and she assumed he was worried Tommy might see something. It was impressive he was staying around, even though he knew almost nothing about her. She so hoped this wasn’t just a physical attraction, even if she didn’t know what she would do with more. As if the universe was sending her a sign, her cell went off to show there was a text. It was Declan.

Crazy day here. Hope the little guy is doing okay. Miss you.

He was wonderful always asking about Tommy, but it was little things like, ‘miss you’ that made her heart skip a beat like a young girl again. Okay, she was getting seriously stupid as far as the romance went. She was thinking ‘miss you’, meant ‘let’s be together forever’. She needed to get her level head back. It seemed to have gone out the window the night she had sex with him in the mountains. Was there such a thing as a soul mate, and had she found someone special? The idea was wonderful, and who would not want to run with it? That aside, she needed to reply.

He is getting better and being a pest sometimes. Says it hurts and I give in. I miss you too.

After she sent it, she developed second thoughts about the last bit, but it was too late. Was she leading him on? This was too friendly, but she couldn’t stop herself. Well, she could, but she didn’t want to. She went and made a cup of tea, but found herself staring across the room at the cell phone waiting for it to make the sound of a new text from him coming through. She could tell him to call. Tommy was in bed, but she didn’t want to risk hearing his voice right now. This guy made her reckless, and reckless had been a bad road to follow in the past. Another text came through.

Busy ’til Friday. Look after the little man. Let me know if you need anything. I mean it.

She was sure he did, and her list was long as her arm. He couldn’t provide safety against Steve though. No one could. The police tried once and it made him worse. Her stomach did a flip at the thought alone. Cassi didn’t want to leave her friends or Declan. Somehow it seemed the only solution in the long run.

Sasha walked back in the door and yawned as she placed her purse on the counter.

“You’re looking at your phone, so I assume Declan is texting. Shit, I still can’t believe you know him.”

The minute her housemate spoke, Cassi knew she wouldn’t be moving away from here. She loved Sasha and would cope with whatever happened.

“I do, he’s lovely, and it’s not making life any easier. It could be so easy if he was conceited, but he isn’t.”

“Tell him you need to move to Outer Mongolia to keep Tommy safe and I’ll look after him. I mean it’s the least I could do for you as a best friend. It will be hard snuggling up and keeping him warm at night, but what are girlfriends for?”

“I don’t think so.” Cassi surprised herself for her reaction at the thought of someone else cuddling up to Declan. It was not something she wanted to think about. She accepted he was an actor and would probably do romantic scenes. Carrying on with Sasha would be real. It was all silly, though. She was just messing with her own head.

“That was what I thought. You have it bad, sister.” Sasha shook her head and laughed.

“A few weeks ago I would have said don’t be so silly, but I have to admit he’s getting to me.” He was more than getting to her. She’d fallen in love with him.

“Well, on another note. Audrey said she will be back Saturday to make cookies with Tommy. He can sprinkle in the chocolate chips with his good hand. She said she also wants to talk to us about something. I hope she’s okay. I’d hate it if she was sick. There’re some grumpy old people at the village, but she’s one of the nice ones.”

Cassi lay in bed later and considered there was no point getting confused about her feelings if they were going nowhere. She couldn’t get away to see him anyway.

Saturday came and Tommy was better. He rarely needed any painkillers, and he said his arm was getting itchy inside the plaster cast. Cassi phoned day care and Nina was happy to have him back on Monday. As long as he didn’t knock out any of the other kids with his cast, that was. Nina promised she would also make sure the other kids didn’t draw on top of his turtle picture.

After breakfast, Sasha picked up Audrey. She turned up with her easel and paints. The smile on Tommy’s face was contagious as they all set up the paper and paints so he could work. Steve had been such a fantastic artist. She hoped Tommy would be more productive with his talent when he got older than his father had been.

Next on the agenda when Tommy finished his masterpiece, was cookie making time. He sat at the counter as Sasha got the ingredients ready. When it came to adding the chocolate, she reckoned more went in Tommy’s mouth than in the bowl, but it didn’t matter. Once the cookies were in the oven, they sat down with coffee as Tommy ate his apple.

Audrey took a sip of her coffee and then got out a notebook from her purse along with some flyers.

“I’ve been thinking over the past few weeks that I need an interest. The village is beautiful, but the people are boring. It was fine when my husband was alive because we would travel, but now I sit around too much. I think if I sit still too long I’ll forget how to move and get out. You girls have made a difference to that.”

“You have made a difference with us, too,” Cassi said.

“I would like to invest in you both. I think the idea of the gourmet picnics is wonderful. I would be willing to give you money to buy the baskets and set up advertising. If it takes off, we could look for a small place you can work from.”

Cassi and Sasha sat there for a moment in silence. This was fantastic and unexpected, but Cassi didn’t want to take Audrey’s money in case it failed.

“I think it would be wonderful, but what about work?” Sasha asked.

“I think we should worry about that if it takes off. If we only get a couple of orders, we won’t have to worry and can at least say we tried,” Audrey said.

“This is great, but how does it get you out of the village?” Cassi asked.

“I’d like to design the linen and get them printed, and then they could be for sale. If you wouldn’t mind. I’d also love to come here whenever it was convenient. I’m considering leaving the village and buying a house. Maybe we could all live there. Just consider it. I won’t be upset if you say no. I know this is asking a lot.”

“I think it sounds brilliant and we will get started on a business plan later,” Cassi said, as the doorbell went. They were not expecting anyone, but when she glanced at Sasha and Audrey, she could see they were grinning. “Are you two up to something?”

Sasha shook her head. “Never. I need to take the cookies out of the oven. They should be ready. Why don’t you answer it, Cassi?”

Cassi opened the door and her heart raced as she realized he was there. Even with a hooded top pulled down over his face, she would know him anywhere. She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. He was holding a bunch of helium balloons. Some said, get well soon, but one of them was shaped like a turtle. She would not cry, though the tears were really close.

“Can I come in?”

“Of course. I’m sorry. I was just shocked to see you here.”

She saw a SUV parked at the curb and glanced up and down the street to make sure no one noticed her famous visitor. Once in the hallway, he didn’t say anything, but threw back his hood. He was here in her home with his gorgeous eyes, wonderful body, and the world’s best smile. Her heart was bursting with joy as she grinned at him.

He placed one of his arms about her waist and pulled her to him. His lips were on hers and the rest of the world didn’t exist for that moment. She wanted him as much as she had before, and returned his kiss with equal passion as her hands rested against his chest. There was a cough behind them, and she turned to see Sasha grinning at the pair of them.

“Are you two going to stay there all day until the balloons go down, or come and join us for cookies and coffee?”

Declan followed Cassi into the kitchen. She took a deep breath before she started the introductions. She still couldn’t believe he was here.

“This is my friend, Audrey, and I assume you and Sasha have been in contact planning this, and this is Tommy. This is Declan, who I met when hiking. He gave you the Rory toy when you were in the hospital, and he’s brought you some balloons.”

Tommy’s eyes went wide as he stared at the balloons. “Thank you. Look at my cast. It has a turtle on it like the balloon. Audrey did it. I broke bones.”

Declan went around to examine the picture. “It looks pretty good to me. Audrey is a very talented lady and you are a brave boy.”

Cassi could see Audrey blush at the compliment.

“You can put your name on it? Sasha and Mom have.”

Tommy grabbed a pencil off the counter and handed it to Declan. Cassi bit her lip, wondering what he would do.

“I’d like that.”

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