If Ever I Fall (17 page)

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Authors: Erin Trejo

BOOK: If Ever I Fall
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“You are so fucking hot.”

“We just had sex not even 4 minutes ago. There is no way you want it already.” Oh I guess I need to prove her wrong again. I throw the blankets back so she can see just what it is she’s doing to me before she smiles.

“Get over here.” I order her and to my surprise she comes. She climbs on the bed before I yank her closer to me.

“I will never get tired of this.” Cupping her ass in my hands someone knocks on the door.

“What?” I’m in the middle of something here and I’d prefer to not be disturbed.

“Gavin get your butt down stairs now. If I come back up here I’m coming in. You have 5 minutes. I don’t want to see that little pecker of yours either.” Laney doubles over in laughter. Only my grandma would say that shit to me.

Letting go of Laney, I climb out of bed quickly as she looks at me confused.

“She isn’t playing. She will come in.” Laney laughs again while I pull my clothes on quickly. That’s the last thing I want is for my grandma to come strolling in on my naked ass.

“What a baby.” She teases me as she pulls her clothes on too.

“Shit she has come in on me before. I sleep fucking naked, shit was awkward.” I laugh with her this time. My grandma is a piece of work, I tell you.

After we are dressed we head down stairs and my heart hammers in my chest. I have a surprise for Laney and I don’t know how she’s going to react. I can only hope it’s good.

We sit around the fire while the kids open their presents. Laney is lost in the moment as I slide the heart shaped box out from under the tree.

I set in on her knee and her eyes dart to it before coming to meet mine.

“What is this?” She looks at me with a slight tear in her eye.

“Open it.”  Laney’s hands shake as she reaches for the box. Holding it in both hands, she pulls the lid off slowly. Her eyes widen as a smile pulls across her face.

“If Ever I Fall.” She reads the words I had inscribed on the heart shaped locket I bought for her.

“Open it.” Laney shakily pops the locket open and on the inside is a picture that Sean snapped of us at my mom’s. I don’t know when he took it but we were looking at each other with big smiles on our faces. It was the perfect picture of us.

“I fell.” She laughs the perfect laugh as she reads the words inscribed on the inside. Laney turns to me with her eyes so full of love.

“I fell too. Thank you.” She presses her lips to mine and holds me around the neck. She means the world to me and I plan to show her that every chance I get.

She made me fall harder than I knew was possible.

I hang the locket around Laney’s neck as we watch the kids. Her hands keep finding their way back to it, rolling it between her fingers like it might disappear.

“It’s there forever.” I whisper against her ear. I don’t miss the shiver that has her shaking in my arms.







“Gavin let’s go!” I swear this man has to be the slowest person I know.

The last couple of months have flown by like a breeze. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. Gavin has shown me a whole new world that I never knew existed until I met him. He is by far the best man.

“Do we have to go? I want to stay here and fuck you senseless before the show tonight.” Wrapping his arms around my waist, I mold my body into his. Gavin tells me every day how we mold together perfectly and I believe he’s right.

“We already told Sean we would. Besides, I want to go out. Tonight has me nervous.” This is going to be my first performance with the band and Gavin has something special set up for me.

“Don’t be nervous. Our whole family is going to be there.” Gavin laughs as he jumps back so the punch I just threw misses him.

“You ass. That isn’t helping!” Gavin smiles as he pulls me back into him.

“I know, I’m sorry. Tonight is going to be perfect. Grandma already said it was and she’s always right.”  Gavin kisses my neck before he let’s go of me.

“You’re not wearing that.” Pointing at my dress, I look down with him.

“Why? You told me to be me. The scars look stupid don’t they?” Gavin shakes his head before he looks back up at me. He talked me into this little sundress that shows my legs. I have to admit that I’ve come a long way with his help at realizing that the scars will be there forever and there is no reason to hide them, they make me me.

“It has nothing to do with that and you know it.” Stepping closer he grabs my hand and places it directly on his rock hard dick. This man is insatiable.

“You get all of that from this dress?” Looking up into those striking eyes, he amazes me.

“You know that dress is short enough to see those sexy legs plus I know what’s under it. If you wear this I will be walking around with the world’s longest hard on the whole day.” I giggle at that one. I love how easy it is for us to talk and be together. Everything has been falling into place lately and the calming affect it has on me is mind-blowing.

“I guess that will go in the book of world records then because I’m not changing.” I bounce off towards the door while he groans behind me.

“This is fucking killer. I can’t believe that you are doing this to me.” I love that little whining and pout that he’s doing as he walks out the front door.

“Oh, poor baby. I’m so sorry you can’t control your manhood.” Grabbing him around the waist, I hold onto him.

“You are going to be sorry later when I get you in bed.” Gavin’s hands hold onto mine as he walks us towards the truck.

“Are you sure we have to go?” Oh, more of that whining I love.

“It’s your brother! Yes, we are going.” As I walk around him to climb into the truck he slaps my ass.

I watch his amazing body move with ease around the front of the truck until he climbs in.

“I know we have discussed eye fucking in the past.” He cuts his eyes at me and I laugh hysterically.

We ride in a comfortable silence on the way to the lake where we are meeting Sean.

After the miscarriage Sean’s girlfriend left for a while to try to reclaim her own life. At least that’s what she told him.

He’s been a mess but he doesn’t show it much. He keeps himself on track and I have a new found respect for him for that.

Pulling up, I see Sean wandering around with a little girl by his side.

“Whose little girl is that?” Asking the obvious question, Gavin looks up.

“I have no idea.” Gavin puts the truck in park and we both hop out and head towards him. He looks so happy, I don’t understand.

When he looks up and sees me he heads straight towards me with a smile on his face.

“God, I’m glad to see you.” He grabs me into a hug before grabbing Gavin next.

“What’s going on?” Gavin looks between him and the little girl who looks very much like Sean.

“This is Jersey. She’s my daughter.” Holy fuck! What? Umm… Well I don’t know what the hell to say here.

I look at Gavin while his mouth hangs open and he is just as shocked as I am. I don’t know who the mother is but Jersey is beautiful.

“I don’t understand.” Gavin looks between the two again. Sean smiles before he speaks again.

“You remember Jordan? This is our daughter. I didn’t know until a few weeks ago. I had a test done and she is mine. Jordan couldn’t take care of her and she talked to Jessie. He’s the one that told me. Apparently they have been in contact.” I try to follow along but I wasn’t around for this part of their lives. I just know that there is a tiny human that looks just like her daddy.

“Can I take her to play while you guys talk?” Sean nods as I lean down and take her little hand in mine.

“Come on. Let’s go see the water.”  I start to walk away when Sean yells.

“Thank you, Laney. For everything.”

“I’m proud of you Sean. You’re like a brother to me.”

















“I don’t understand Sean. Why has she never come to you?” I watch as Laney plays with Jersey near the water. The smile that lights up her face is stunning. I never knew she could be as beautiful as she is right now playing with her.

“She said she didn’t want to bother me. She knew we were working on the band and she didn’t want to throw anything else at me.” Sean looks at his hands before looking back at me.

“So now what?”  I pick at the grass where we sit and talk. This is a mess that I hope he’s ready for.

“Now I have a daughter. I’m keeping her.” The smile on his face says it all.

“What about..” He cuts me off before I can finish.

“She’s gone. It’s done. She couldn’t handle it when I told her, not after the miscarriage. I can handle this though Gavin. I’ve known I wanted kids for a long time and there she is.”  I follow his gaze to the little girl that’s trying to skip stones with Laney.

“She’s beautiful man. I’m here for whatever you need.” Slapping his shoulder, I stand and pull out my phone.

Laney is standing in the water to just below her knees. She looks like an angel. The way the light reflects off the water illuminating her. She’s breathtaking. She isn’t hiding the scars on her legs either that tint them a darker shade than the rest of her.

I snap the photo before she ever sees me. I’ll keep that for personal use.

“Let’s go meet my niece.” Looking back at Sean he smiles as he stands.

We walk towards the two girls that mean the world to us and I can’t help the new sense of pride that flows through me.

Laney has come so far in such a short amount of time. She has come out of her shell and shines like the light in my life that she is.

Meeting my niece is a little strange but she is the sweetest kid I’ve ever met. I can’t believe she’s Sean’s.

“You know I’m the best uncle ever.” I pick Jersey up and throw her in the air listening to her little girly squeals. It melts my insides and makes me want kids of my own.

“We should get one of these.” I shake her out in front of me at Laney as she kicks the water around.

“Not anytime soon we aren’t.” Smiling at her, I can picture her carrying around little Laney babies on her hip. She would make the best mother in the world.

“Give me her. I need to get her a drink.” Sean takes Jersey from me before he walks back towards his car.

“She’s beautiful.” Laney walks up wrapping her arms around my waist before I kiss her head.

“She is. I can’t believe it though. He’ll make a good dad.” She squeezes me tighter before she speaks into my shirt.

“So will you one day.”

“You ready to go? I need to fuck you again before the show. You know, baby making practice.” Laney pushes at my chest but I don’t let go. She has my heart in her hands and she knows it.














I have the stage set up with a brand freaking new grand piano just for Laney to use. It looks perfect but the surprise at the end of the show is what I’m hoping to blow her away with.

We went out and played just like we were supposed to but now Sean is introducing his little girl to the fans. That means my surprise is up next.

I’m nervous as hell for this, my palms are like water falls sweating the way they are.

“You ready?” Jessie walks up slapping me on the shoulder.

“Shit no. I don’t know about this. What if she doesn’t like it?” Jessie shakes his head as Sean walks off the stage with Jersey clinging to him.

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