If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1)
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Rose waited for a response; her stomach
churning with nerves. She expected Jack to shrug it off. He was so
easy going, so quick to tease. Except that wasn't what was
happening. And he didn't seem angry. But there was
in his eyes she’d never seen before. The
warm blue had become icy steel. Rose wasn’t afraid, she knew Jack
would never hurt her. But she was less sure of where this was going
to go.


That was it? No? No to what?

“This isn’t over, Rose. It’s just

“What does that mean?” she demanded. “I’m
not talking about ending us all together I just thought—”

“Now’s the time to stop thinking. Shut down
that beautiful brain of yours and just feel.”

She would have said more, she meant to, but
Jack leaned in and kissed her and all she was capable of doing is
what he said to do. All she could do was feel.

Just friends? Hell no. It didn’t take long
for panic to take the place of the calm determination that made him
so good at getting whatever it was he wanted. Whether it was a
football scholarship or building a multi-million dollar company
from the ground up. He had an unwavering belief in himself and his
abilities. Rose was his, he believed it. If he hadn’t been sure
before he was now. And it was time to show her.

Lord, the man could kiss. He didn’t rush but
savored the process. His tongue slowly traced the shape of her
lower lip bathing it with gentle swipes. He could take her blood to
a low boil with just that one languid movement. His teeth upped the
heat. Taking her lip and pulling just hard enough to sting and then
sucking it into his mouth to soothe any hurt he might have caused.
But that didn’t ease her growing need. Instead, she was suffused
with flush that traveled the length of her body. His kiss was the
source that fed her arousal. It was an arousal that centered in
that rapidly moistening place between her legs, a place that
desperately longed for his touch.

“I’m going to taste you, Rose. After
tonight, I’ll no longer have to imagine how sweet you are. Your
flavor will linger on my tongue like a fine wine. And I plan on
savoring every sip.”

Her clothes were suddenly an unnecessary
burden. They were in the way. She needed them gone, now. Jack must
have read her mind. He removed her top and bra with little effort
and no resistance. The cool air felt like heaven against her
overheated skin. No, that was wrong. Heaven was the feel of Jack’s
lips on her breast. His tongue lapped at her beaded nipple once,
twice before his teeth bit down ever so gently. He moved to the
other breast giving it equal attention. Rose fingers gripped his
head afraid he might take away the amazing sensations that were
coursing through her body. His short hair was surprisingly soft,
but the bristled tips still made her palms tingle with increased

“Do you like that?" Jack asked biting her
nipple a little harder than the first time.

“Yes, I like it all,” she breathed. “More, I
need more.

He chuckled knowingly, leaving her breast to
make a slow path of moist kisses down her stomach to the open
waistband of her jeans. When had he done that? It didn’t matter.
They were just one more thing that was in the way.

“Lift for me, sweetheart.”

Rose raised her hips so Jack could remove
her jeans. And the panties? No, he’d left them.

“I don’t need those.” Her voice was husky,

“But I do.”

“They aren’t your size.” She was feeling a
little nervous again which meant her brain was starting to be a bit
of a smart ass. This was where she always had problems. She needed
to shut down her brain and just let her body feel.

Jack raised his eyes to hers. Deep, heated
blue, not a trace of ice.

“Close your eyes, Rose. All the way. Can you
feel what I’m doing?”

His finger was just inside the elastic band
of her underwear. Rose swallowed.


“And that?”

His tongue. She gasped. One pass across that
oh so sensitive bud. Then another but slower, this time drawing it
into his mouth, material and all.

“You’re killing me, Jack. I’m begging

“I don’t want you to beg, sweetheart.” His
voice vibrated through her center causing her legs to jerk in
response. “I want you to let go. Let go and just feel.”

Rose could hear the passion in his tone,
feel how his breath was getting heavier, causing a coating of steam
to envelop her overheated flesh. She gasped at the sound of
material ripping and then his mouth was on her, his tongue opening
the folds. There was no hiding, her legs were wide, welcoming his
body, this touch. One finger, then two entered her easily, the
slick, plentiful moisture easing his way. They matched their
rhythm. His tongue, his fingers, her hips, moving together, taking
her closer to fulfillment.

“Let go, Rose. Give in. Give me

His words sent her over the top. A full body
orgasm that started between her legs and fanned out to the top of
her head and the tip of her toes. It seemed to be never ending. She
would start to come down, and Jack would send her just a bit higher
until there was no more. She was spent, a limp, thoroughly
satisfied woman.


Rose would have laughed, but she didn’t have
the energy.

“There are no words. Thank you.”

“I’d say the pleasure was all mine but let’s
just call it mutual.”

Jack sat back up on the couch and pulled her
into his arms. He brushed a soft kiss onto her temple and smoothed
back her hair. “Cold?”

“No.” She snuggled closer. “Give me a moment
and I’ll return the favor.” She slid her hand down his chest
towards the bulge in his jeans. “With pleasure.”

Before she could reach her destination, Jack
trapped her hand beneath his.

“This was for you, Rose.”

She frowned in confusion. “But Jack…”

“Next time.” Jack kissed her, sweet and
tender. He tucked the blanket they’d been wrapped up in earlier
back around her. “Shall I carry you to your bedroom or do you want
to stay here?”

“Will you join me?”

“Not tonight,” Jack said with genuine

“Then I’ll stay here.” She snuggled deeper
into the blanket. “Being in my bed all alone would be too
depressing and I don’t want anything to bring me down. I plan on
basking for at least a couple of hours.”

“I like the sound of that.” He gave her a
final kiss, sweet instead of hot. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at
. Eight o’clock.”

Rose watched him go and sighed. She could
spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out Jack Winston, or
she could do what she’d told him she was going to do. Her body felt
loose, relaxed. She was still floating on a post-orgasmic high like
nothing she’d ever known. The choice was easy, she basked.


was located south of Harper Fall’s outside
the city limits and away from any restrictions the town council put
on places that served alcohol. You couldn’t get a liquor license if
you catered to an
unsavory element
Tom Unger, owner and veteran of the first Gulf War, thought that
was the only kind of element
serving. The more unsavory, the better. As a result, it tended to
be a rowdy crowd.

Jack ordered a round of beers for himself,
Drew and the five crew members who had joined them. It was purely
informal and something they did from time to time to blow off
steam. Whoever was free and wanted to come was welcome.

“Seems to be more strangers than usual.”
Jack didn’t have to shout at the bartender, but it was a near

Bobby Finn had worked at
since it
opened. He was big and mean and kept the peace with intimidating
looks and a Louisville Slugger that was always within reach behind
the bar.

“Bikers,” Bobby said with a shrug. “There’s
some yearly gathering down the road at the campground.”

Great, bikers. Normally Jack wouldn’t have
had a problem with that. But he didn’t know any of them personally
and with Rose and her friends due to arrive at any time, he was
beginning to wonder if maybe this had been a bad idea. The women’s
safety was too important, and there was no predicting who in the
bar might have a short fuse when it was lit by alcohol and a
surplus of testosterone.

Making his way through the crowd with seven
long necks lifted over his head was a challenge but he made to
their table without incident.

“If our business ever tanks you could do
that for a living.”

Jack gave Drew the finger and passed around
the beers.

“I was thinking, maybe I should call Rose
and cancel. Too many strangers and they’re getting rowdy pretty
early. It will probably be okay, but I don’t want to take any
chances with Rose and her friends.”

Drew muttered.


“Tyler won’t come.”

Jack sighed. It had to be the hundredth time
Drew had told him that Tyler would be a no show. Usually while
gritting his teeth. If Drew didn’t do something about his feelings
for Tyler his dentist would soon be fitting him for a pair of

“Well, it’s too late, there they are.” Jack
got up when he saw Rose come through the door. “We’ll just have to
be extra vigilant and hope these guys know how to keep their hands
to themselves.” On the way, he patted Drew’s shoulder. “And it
seems you don’t know Tyler as well as you thought.”

Drew’s head shot around. Damn, he’d been
hoping she wouldn’t show almost as much as hee was hoping she
would. An entire evening of having her just within reach and
knowing she wasn’t his to touch. It had been ten years and her
taste was still so vivid in his memory he could feel the saliva
pooling in his mouth just thinking about it. The problem was she
hated him. And with good reason. He sometimes wondered, if he could
go back to those final days would he do anything differently? But
the answer was always the same. His reasons had been solid, even
necessary. He broke Tyler's heart and as painful as it would be he
would do it again. But what he wouldn’t do is stay away. He would
find her and explain. He would make her understand. Now it felt
like too much time had gone by, and he had no idea how to start
mending the cracks that had become chasms. But he’d figure it out,
he vowed. He would find a way. Just then, Tyler looked up and
caught him staring and for a moment he thought he saw a hint of the
love that used to shine so freely from those silvery depths.
Unfortunately, it replaced so quickly by the icy indifference he’d
grown used to that he couldn't help but wonder if that flicker had
just been wishful thinking. It was starting to feel like his whole
life was becoming one huge wish, a wish to have Tyler in his arms
again. Drew groaned. It was going to be a long night.

Jack made his way across the room as quickly
as he could without physically removing the bodies in his path. The
three newcomers were already garnering attention, and he wanted to
get them back to the table and out of harm’s way as fast as
possible. Sure, he knew he was overreacting. There were other women
in the tavern, and he hadn't noticed anyone giving them a hard
time. He’d always been protective of women, having six sisters will
do that to a guy. But this was different. Overprotective Caveman
Jack was someone he’d never met before and someone he doubted Rose
would like. Well, too bad. She was his woman, and it was his right
to take care of her.

“Great place,” Rose said into his ear as he
greeted her with a hug. “You’ve met Tyler and Dani. We were saying
that we can’t believe none of us have ever been here before.”
was a place all kids aspired to sneak into.
Very few succeeded and the few who made it past the door didn’t
make it far. Tom Unger kicked them out but not before he gave them
a talking to that left their ears ringing for days. If they tried
coming back again before they were twenty-one, they were banned for
life. Rose and her friends had left Harper Falls well before they
were old enough to get in. She’d wondered for years what was inside
the rather nondescript dark brown building and now she was finally
finding out. It was loud, dimly lit and smelled a bit like stale
beer and industrial cleaner. In other words, everything she’d hoped
it would be.

“You all look beautiful.” Jack took Rose’s
hand and ushered Tyler and Dani with the other. He was able to get
them back to the table and seated without any problems made. Yup,
Jack decided, he was overreacting.

“What can I get the three of you? It’s crazy
in here, and you never know when a waitress might pass by.”

“You went last time,” Drew interrupted.
“Stay here with Rose and let me go.”

“Thanks,” Jack said with a knowing shake of
his head. Drew couldn’t be around Tyler for two seconds without
bolting at the first opportunity. Then again, he was only going for
drinks. He had to come back.

“Whiskey, neat,” Dani said.

“Same,” Rose nodded.

Drew waited for Tyler’s answer with a
quizzically raised eyebrow. He would have waited all night.

“Tyler is driving so just bring her a club
soda.” Rose rolled her eyes at Jack but only because she knew Tyler
couldn’t see the gesture. It wasn't as though they were asking her
to engage the guy in a lengthy conversation. And Tyler had agreed
to come. Telling Drew what she wanted to drink wouldn’t have killed

After Drew had left to get the drinks, Jack
made the introductions. The five security crew members, Terry,
Linus, Carl, Mark, and Wade, were a bit younger than their bosses
but just as physically imposing. None of them lived in Washington
but were there for couple days of training before their next
assignments. Rose was still getting a grasp of the personal
security side of H&W. She knew people in the music industry who
had bodyguards, but they were with them day and night. Jack and
Drew only booked temporary jobs. They lasted a few days, maybe a
week at the most. From what Jack said they were in high demand and
if they had wanted they could have expanded to a much larger
operation. But they liked it small and exclusive. Jack had
laughingly told her it was classy, just like him and Drew.

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