If You Dare (19 page)

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Authors: Liz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: If You Dare
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By the time they were done shopping, Cordelia couldn’t stop laughing and she couldn’t remember a time her feet had hurt worse.

When Taylor suggested a smoothie, it was all she could do not to shout bless you my child.

They sat at the picnic style bench and she thankfully tasted a strawberry banana frosty while Taylor indulged in triple chocolate treat.

“I told you those shoes would hurt if you didn’t break them in first.”

“My feet might hurt, but they look cute.” Cordelia held out her feet and smiled at the tiny black bows on the tops of her shoes.

“That they do.” Taylor pointed her straw at her as she spoke. “You go home looking like you do right now, and my brother’s going to totally freak out.”

Cordelia laughed. “If he’s there when we get back, he’s going to do the same about the way you look.”

Taylor just shrugged sending the tee shirt further down her shoulder and Cordelia was struck again by how much she looked like Joe.

“So tell me how it feels to be the first to conquer my brother.”

Right. As if Joe could ever be conquered. “I wouldn’t know.”

“Sure you would.” Taylor took another drink of her smoothie and sighed. “I’ve never seen Joe so completely blown away before. I’m surprised he remembers his own name. He even told my mother about you when he was on the phone yesterday.”

That was news. Cordelia moved her smoothie away and tried not to be happy because no way should he be telling his mother about her. “He what?”

“Told my mother about you. He didn’t mention any names. Just said he had to get off the phone because he had a date.”

Oh. “That’s not quite the same as talking about me.” Cordelia didn’t know why she felt disappointed.

“Oh yes it is. Joe never talks about his plans. Never. And after he got off the phone with my mother, he forgot where he’d put the wine.”

Cordelia was completely lost in this conversation. “And that’s important…”

“Because Joe has a wine rack in his kitchen, and he’s quite proud of it.”

Cordelia could only imagine. “So he told his mother he had a date and forgot where the wine was. You’re right. I’ve conquered him.”

No way did Taylor miss the sarcasm in her voice.

But even if she did, she chose not to comment on it. She simply shrugged her shoulders, shot her a wait and see look, and took another sip of her triple chocolate treat.

And then she moved in for the real kill. “So, I noticed you looking at the cutest clothes today. Not at all your style. Long skirts, flat shoes, neat teacher vests.”

Joe’s sister needed to look into a career in investigative journalism.

“Like you know my style.”

Taylor just shrugged again. “I think there’s more to you than meets the eye, Vegas.”

She should change the subject, she really should. “How do you figure?”

Taylor moved her smoothie cup away and sat back. “Well, you sleep in long cotton pajamas. You bought two cat pins today. You’d never had a bikini wax before yesterday. And you’re now happily wearing shoes with bows on them. I’d say nothing about you matches up.”

“Matches up with what?”

“Who you’re pretending to be. Fess up. Come on. It’s not like I’m going to run go tell my brother.”

Cordelia wished she could tell the truth. But she was afraid once she started she wouldn’t be able to stop. She enjoyed the anonymity of the woman she was pretending to be.

“I think you’re crazy is what I think.” She looked down at her watch so she wouldn’t see Taylor’s reaction to her denial. “And I think if we don’t head back now, your brother’s going to beat us home.”

Taylor didn’t look like she cared all that much, but she did stand and grab her bags. “Don’t think I’m going to forget about this.”

Cordelia shrugged and grabbed her own new purchases. “I figure you’ll be much too busy getting to know Keith to worry about me.”

If she’d been looking for a way to permanently change the subject, she’d certainly found it.

“You’re right about that. Tonight is going to be the best night of my life.”

They got in the car and Cordelia could only hope Taylor was right. She deserved a good time. And judging by what she remembered of the pool party, Keith would make sure his friend’s sister had a great time.

Somehow she didn’t think Joe would see things quite the same way. Hopefully she didn’t get stuck in the middle.

Joe wished it weren’t so late as he let himself in the apartment. He’d thought of Cordelia all day, wished he could bring her up to the office, but he had a million cases working at the same time and all involved millions of dollars, and if he played his cards just right, junior partnership was his.

In fact, given the caseload, he’d actually left the office early. But it didn’t do any good to sit at work when all he could think about was the woman who might leave in a few short days.

Might being the operative word. Of course she didn’t know that yet.

He stumbled over a shoe and looked down. Sure enough a black sandal blocked his path. And next to it, another. And up the hall a pair of pants hung on a door handle with black satin panties on the floor beside them.

Man oh man. She was absolutely incredible.

He followed the path of clothes and looked down to see a white lacy bra with front clasp outside the bedroom door and a white shirt hanging near it.

He shook his head trying to remember what he’d been thinking only moments before, but he couldn’t. All he could think of was the fact that Cordelia was naked and waiting. For him.

He opened the bedroom door and sure enough there she was, just as he’d imagined, sprawled on her stomach, knees bent, feet in the air. She turned her head when he walked in and he watched as her lips turned in a welcoming smile. But it wasn’t her smile that caught his attention.

She moved a book to her side and started to get up but he stopped her with his hand. “Wait. Don’t move.”

She held completely still, not saying a word, but obviously wondering what had come over him.

If she only knew the picture she presented right this moment. “I just want to take this in. Humor me.”

He let his eyes linger on the curve of her back, the line of her perfectly rounded buttocks, the tattoo that called for a kiss.

Taking a step forward, he imagined doing just that.

The title of the book she was reading surprised him. Somehow he’d never thought of her as the kick ass military hero novel type.

But he didn’t want to think about books just then. He tossed the novel onto the floor and ran a finger down her bare back, following the curve of her spine all the way to her hips.

Damn he wanted her with an intensity that scared the hell out of him.

Tracing her tattoo with the edge of his fingernail he listened as her breath hitched, watched as she spread her legs in a barely noticeable motion, as she closed her eyes and let her head rest on the soft cotton sheets.

“Taylor’s out for the evening. She left a note saying she’d be back before too late.”

She just nodded, her cheek brushing against the sheet.

Reaching up he undid the knot of his tie and pulled it off his neck. Letting the silk material brush against her skin, he watched as she sighed.

He dropped his suit jacket on a closet doorknob and then loosened his tie, never taking his eyes from hers.

“So it looks like we’re on our own.”

In seconds he was naked, ready. But first there was that kiss.

He sat on the bed and dropped his lips to that sexy tattoo of hers, tasting her skin, watching as goose bumps spread out over her entire backside.

Damn but she drove him crazy. He wanted to do the same to her.

Beginning with tiny circles he started messaging her neck and shoulders, feeling her soft skin under his hands, hearing her breath whoosh in response. He moved her hair to the side and bent to kiss the back of her neck with deliberate softness, seduction.

She smelled like shampoo and something floral, soft, sexy as hell.

He lifted his head and continued to massage her back. Lower, lower until he reached that tattoo.

When he’d climbed on the bed, he’d envisioned taking her just like this, with her backside against him, with his fingers bringing her to quick orgasm while he plunged inside.

But now he knew that’s not what he wanted at all. Not what she needed. And Lord help him he didn’t know how he knew what she needed, but he did.

Gently he turned her over so she faced him and then, after rolling the condom into place, he slid inside. He felt her legs wrap around him, felt her arms embrace him. Slowly he lowered his lips to hers, touching her mouth with his as he moved inside her. And in that moment he knew. He’d fallen completely in love with wild, sexy Cordelia Lewis.

Cordelia wished she could stop time. When she’d started this charade, she’d envisioned wild, hot sex. The kind she’d experienced with Joe over and over.

But never had she expected this sweet urgency, this complete giving. This connection.

He surged inside her again and she gave herself over to the rising feelings that shook her to her very core.

Her climax, when it came at the same time as his, hit in soft waves. One after another until she could barely breathe. Until she wished she could hold onto Joe forever.

She’d never felt so incredibly wanted, so completely in tune, so devastatingly sad in her entire life.


She turned her head to the side and tried to hide her tears, but she wasn’t fast enough.

With one finger he caught a tear and brushed it away. “What’s this?”

His voice was soft, soothing, and it made her feel even worse.

“I’m sorry. This was just so…” She couldn’t complete the sentence. Didn’t even know how to start.

Joe brushed her hair away from her forehead and kissed her gently. “I know. I feel it too.”

He couldn’t begin to know what she meant. She wasn’t even sure what she meant. “Tonight’s the end, Joe.”

He didn’t seem to hear her, just brushed away the remaining tears and kissed her again before shaking his head. “It’s not.”

“Irene will be home tomorrow night. And your sister’s at your place. And you’ve got work. In a couple more days, I’m leaving.” And you weren’t supposed to be real. This was supposed to be fantasy, fun.

“Shh.” He placed his perfectly manicured fingertip on her lips. “Don’t talk. We’ll talk later.”

And then his lips were on hers in a deep, silencing kiss that scattered her thoughts and left her breathless once again.

Cordelia took refuge in one single word. Later. For now she could enjoy this perfect moment.

And she did.

Later happened way too soon.

Cordelia watched as Joe buttoned his pants and smiled down at her. Lord he was sexy. The perfect big city lawyer. Even in the disheveled suit, he looked like the soon to be millionaire he was.

Her opposite in so many ways.

So this was it.

As terrible as this moment was, she wouldn't trade it for anything. Somehow he must've read her thoughts because he kissed her quickly and brushed the hair off her forehead before whispering, "Hold on just a second. I'll be right back."

Cordelia didn't trust herself to answer, so she settled for a nod as she watched him leave the room.

God this sucked. This was so much worse than she'd ever imagined. She'd been so sure she could handle a brief affair. A fun fling. A fantasy.

Somewhere along the way this had become so much more than any of those things.

And now she was stuck.

It wasn't like she could take everything back. Her fantasy week didn't come with a return policy. She'd set out on this course in the airport. She'd committed herself to following through that night at the pool party.

And sometime in the last few days everything had changed. She'd allowed herself to get caught up in make believe.


And tomorrow she was changing story lines. Instead of happily ever after, she had to ride off into the sunset. And she did have to. Her life was back home in Texas. In a town almost identical to the one he despised. A town she loved dearly. She had her garden, her little house, her cat. Her reality.

Besides the fact that as new as this was to her, it wasn't to Joe. He was used to women like she was pretending to be. He lived life in the fast lane and loved every minute of it. From the money and power to the high stress work atmosphere to the crazy parties he and his friends threw.

So this really was it.

One last night.

Hopefully she could make it last a lifetime of memories because that's all she'd have left.

When Joe walked into his apartment, he was surprised to find it still empty. He grabbed the classified section of the newspaper and made a mental note of the time.


Taylor should be home soon.

At least he hoped.

Maybe Cordelia was right. Maybe he needed to give his sister a chance to grow up. To have fun.

Lord knows he'd had his share of fun at her age.

But then that's what scared him.

In fact, just to be on the safe side, maybe he'd go ahead and bring Cordelia here, just until Taylor was home.

She could come over, he could share his ideas, make his case, and then who knew where the night would take them.

Lord he'd never been so nervous.

But then he'd never wanted anything so badly.

Cordelia listened as Joe slipped the key card back in the slot, as the door clicked shut, as his steps brought him closer.

She didn't know what he had planned, but she knew exactly what she had in mind. Propping up on an elbow, she hoped she succeeded at the sexy pose.

But then he walked in, took one look at her and shook his head with a deep sexy laugh. God he looked good in that suit.

"Darlin, there's nothing I'd like better than to come over there and," He stopped, took a deep breath and she thought she heard him whisper the words, ah hell, before he crossed to her, sat on the side of the bed and touched her lips with his.

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