If You Dare (45 page)

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Authors: Kresley Cole

BOOK: If You Dare
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Yet he'd refused.

His gaze was fixed on her face, his eyes as dark as she'd remembered them. She could still affect him, and was thankful for all the new things she'd learned in her five London seasons among seven master cousins. She was no longer a girl, and with new bows in her quiver, Jane could torture him even more than she had before. She would torment him and he could do nothing about it without risking marriage to her, a consequence he'd made clear he didn't want.

For every hopeless day and night filled with tears, for every man she'd compared to him and found lacking, for his decision to leave her . . .

For all her pain, she would make him pay.
“Oh, Hugh, darling, it's close in here, is it not?” She undid the first five buttons of her blouse and drew it wide to fan herself. After opening the window on her side, she tugged up her skirts so she could kneel on the seat, then reached over Hugh's lap. She drew a knee to his thigh and placed her palm inches from his groin. His whole body went rigid.

With her other arm stretched out to the window, she turned to him so their lips were barely inches apart. “You don't mind, do you, darling?” His jaw clenched, and he swallowed hard. His brows drew together as though he was in pain.

Make him pay.

They hit a bump and his hands shot to her waist to steady her, but she made sure she fell to straddling him. Her palms clutched at his brawny chest, then rubbed there, trailing
lower, and he hissed in a breath.
“Jane . . . ,”
he growled, tightening his hands on her. She could feel him hard as steel beneath her and adjusted her position on his erection until he groaned.

And pay.

“How clumsy of me,” she purred. “Look at me with my knees spread over you . . . seated so tightly . . .
sliding . . . slowly . . . down upon your”
—she leaned in close to his ear, making sure he heard her breaths before she enunciated
He lowered his head to her neck and shuddered violently.

When she eased back, he faced her looking stunned. His normally clenched jaw was slackened.

And pay. . . .

She patted his shoulder firmly—all business—then maneuvered and swished back into her seat to gaze casually out the window. “Yes, darling, now it's
better in here.”


The Captain of All Pleasures,

A 2003
Romantic Times
Reviewers' Choice Award winner

The Price of Pleasure

Available from Pocket Books

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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Copyright © 2005 by Kresley Cole

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-2690-2 (ebook)

ISBN: 1-4165-0359-5

First Pocket Books printing May 2005

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