If You Love Me (6 page)

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Authors: Anna Kristell

BOOK: If You Love Me
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“If I can
force myself to get out of bed in the morning, I’m planning to.”

“I’m so
sorry, Ash. It’ll get better, one way or the other.”

right,” Ashley replied.

Amy drove
to her apartment. Ten minutes after she’d sat down, her cell rang.


Dillon here.”

“How’d you
get my number?” she asked.

“I got it
from Adam’s phone while he was in the shower,” he replied with a deep laugh. “I
can’t talk long but it’s a go on this end for Saturday.”

here,” she answered. “Call me Saturday and we’ll work out the details.”

“I’ll do

Dillon.” She hung up the phone and shook her head. As hot as she thought Dillon
was, he’d made it clear he wasn’t a one-woman man. No point in getting tangled
up with him. Besides, there were more important issues at hand.



Ashley ran
to the phone. Disappointed to see it wasn’t Adam, she almost didn’t answer it
because it was a number she didn’t recognize. Curiosity got the better of her
though, and she did answer. “Hello, this is Ashley.”

“How are
you, babe?” the deep voice on the other end asked.

“How the
hell did you get my number? This isn’t the same number I had when we were
together. Apparently, you’ve changed yours, too.”

“I have my
ways, sweet thing. So, how’s it going? Are you over your little fit about me
kissing you the other night? You know, you’re still pretty hot when you’re

“I could
care less if you think I’m hot or not. I told you, I have a husband.”

“Not from
what I hear. The scuttlebutt is hubby wants out.”

“Where do
you get all of your information? Whoever you’re talking to doesn’t know what
they’re talking about.”

“When are
you going to wake up and realize the guy’s done with you? I have a remedy for
your blues. Go out with me Saturday night. Show old what’s-his-name you don’t
need him,” he said with a chuckle.

“Never in
a million years would I ever go out with you,” she replied tersely.

yourself, babe, but you’re missing out on a good time.”

“Grow up,
Ross. Life isn’t all about good times.”

“You need
to chill out. See you around.”

“Not if I
can help it. Goodbye, Ross.”

She threw
her phone down. “Get out of my life, Ross!”

When the
phone rang again a few minutes later, she picked it up, looking first to make
sure it wasn’t Ross. “Amy, thank God it’s you.”

“Who were
you expecting?”

“Ross just
called and asked me out Saturday night. Can you believe that guy?”

“Well, you
have plans with your best gal pal Saturday night so too bad for Ross. That’s
what I’m calling about. How about I pick you up at seven? That way we can eat
before the band gets going?”

whatever,” Ashley replied without interest.

“I’ll see
you then, got to run.”

“Yeah, see
you, Amy.”

Ashley sat
down on the couch and groaned. “Why did I tell her I’d go?”

The phone
rang again. This time it was Dillon. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Have you
talked to Adam since the other day?”

“No, why,
is he okay?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“I don’t
know. He never came home from work and he’s not answering his phone. I thought
maybe he’d come to his senses and was over there with you.”

“I’ll try
to call him but I doubt he’ll pick up for me.”

hurriedly hung up before Dillon could reply and dialed her husband’s number. Adam
answered on the fourth ring. “Ash, what do you want?”

calling to make sure you’re all right. Dillon said you didn’t go to his place
after work. He’s worried about you.”

going to have to learn not to bother you with my whereabouts since it’s not
really your concern anymore. I’m fine. I had to work late. I didn’t know I had
to check in with my baby brother or my soon-to-be-ex-wife.”

“Adam we
need to talk. This isn’t resolved yet.”

“Have you
signed the papers?”


there’s nothing to talk about. I have to go.”

please…” she begged. But he was already gone.

herself to another lonely night, Ashley took a bath and went to bed where she cried
herself to sleep.

The next
few days she kept busy at work and Carrie, Braydon, and the rest of the staff
at the accounting firm tread lightly in her presence. By the time Saturday
arrived, her stomach was in knots at the thought of going out. And by the time
Amy picked her up at seven, Ashley was ready to back out and go to bed with a

“Snap out
of it, Ash,” Amy said as she pulled out of the driveway. “It is what it is. You
have to go on living.”

“I don’t
know if I can do that, Amy, at least not yet.”

When they’d
placed their dinner orders, Amy leaned over and teased her friend.
“Smile, Ashley. Or at least try to look like
you’re having a good time.”

attempted a light laugh. “You’re right, Amy. If Adam wants to be an ass, let
him. He’s missing out on a lot of quality time with me right now. When we get
back together, he’s going to have a lot of making up to do.”

sounds like it might be fun. And I like the positive attitude, girlfriend.”

They were
just finishing dinner when Dillon and Adam walked in.

“Oh, my
God, there’s Adam. He’s with Dillon,” Ashley said as she watched the two men
sit a few tables away.

“Now might
be a good chance to talk to him,” Amy suggested with an innocent smile.

not, there’s some chick talking to him.”

Amy turned
around and caught Dillon’s eye. He winked at her. , “She didn’t stick around
long. Apparently Adam told her he wasn’t interested.”

“I don’t
think they’ve seen us yet,” Ashley replied.

watched their table to see what happened next. After the two men ordered
drinks, Dillon looked up, saw her staring and waved. He got up and walked
toward their table while Adam remained behind.

seeing you two here,” Dillon said as he stood next to Amy, smiling.

“Hi, Dillon,”
Amy replied.

Dillon,” Ashley said.

“You two
girls doing the town tonight?” he asked.

talked me into coming out for dinner.”

“Is that
right? Well, I had a heck of time talking your husband into coming out with me,
but here we are. Small world.” The band began to play. Turning to Amy, Dillon
asked innocently, “Would you care to dance with me?”

she said. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Go on,
have fun,” Ashley replied. “I’m going up to the bar to get another drink. I
don’t think the waitress will be back anytime soon now that the crowd’s picked
up.” Ashley watched her friend and her brother-in-law walk onto the floor as
she stood up. She walked to the bar and ordered her drink.

“I’ll have
what the lady’s having,” a male voice said.

She turned.

He paid
for their drinks and replied, “You wanted to talk. I guess this is as good a
time as any. Start talking.”

really isn’t the time or place.”

“If you
want to talk to me, it’s going to have to be here and now. How’ve you been?”

“How do you
think I’ve been, Adam?”

“I think
you’ve probably been pretty happy lately. Am I right?”

She looked
at him sadly. “You’d be very wrong is thinking that, Adam. I’ve been…”

An arm
draped itself around her shoulder. “Hey, babe, sorry I’m late. Are you ready to
hit the dance floor?” Ross looked at Adam, extending a hand. “Hi, I’m Ross.”

“I know who you are,” Adam growled. “I guess
we’re done here. See you around, Ash.”

shuddered. “Wow, friendly cuss, wasn’t he?”

“What the
hell do you think you’re doing?”

you, of course,” he answered. “After all, you’re a married woman as you keep
reminding me. When I saw that dude hitting on you, I thought it my duty to come
to your rescue.”

was my husband and we were
having a conversation,” she replied angrily.

look like he was very interested in continuing it,” he said. “In fact, it
looked to me like he took my coming over here as an excuse to get away.”

“I’m going
to tell you one more time. Stay away from me. Get out of my life. You did it
before with no problem, I’m sure you can do it again. Go back to Florida. Go to
Timbuktu for all I care, just get the hell away from me.” She stormed off,
returning to her table. She noticed Adam hadn’t left. He was sitting at the
table with his drink staring into space. She was debating about whether or not
to go over and try to pick up the conversation when Dillon and Amy came back to
the table.

“Are you
all right, Ash? We saw what happened,” Amy said as she sat down.

“I am. I
told Ross to leave me alone. Now I’m trying to decide whether or not to go over
and try and talk to Adam again.”

“Uh oh,”
Dillon said.

Ashley turned around in time to see Adam walking to the dance floor with the
girl who’d talked to him earlier. “Damn it, what is he doing?”

“It’s all
for your benefit, I’m sure. Don’t get all riled up,” Amy said soothingly.

As Ashley
looked at the dance floor, Ross caught her eye from the bar and raised his
glass to her and grinned.

quickly turned around, ignoring him.

“I want to
go home,” she announced.

“Are you
sure?” Dillon asked.

“I can’t
watch my husband out there with that…that…husband stealer.”

“You two
need to grow up and quit playing games. What happened to that couple who
couldn’t keep their hands off each other, made everyone around them sick, and
ran to the altar three months after they met?” Dillon asked heatedly.

afraid that couple doesn’t exist anymore,” she replied sadly.

don’t leave. Maybe Adam will talk to you later,” Amy said.

“I just
want to go up there, rip him out of her arms, and haul his ass home to bed
where he belongs,” Ashley replied.

“I say go
for it,” Dillon said with a chuckle.

looked at Dillon, stood up, and walked proudly to the dance floor. With shaking
knees and a knot the size of a softball in her belly, she tapped the girl in
Adam’s arms on the shoulder. “May I cut in?” she asked sweetly.

Giving her
a dirty look, the girl looked back at Adam. “Better do what she says, that’s my

The girl
reluctantly stepped out of his arms. “Take care of this one, honey. He’s a

Adam had spoken up and called her his wife, Ashley was encouraged. She stepped
into his embrace and he put his arms around her. Just hold me the way you used
to do.”

wordlessly pulled her to him as she placed her head on his shoulder. They
swayed to the music, neither of them speaking, as they savored the moment.
Ashley’s heart was beating fast and the knot in her tummy was dissolving as it
was replaced by a familiar heat. Adam kissed her neck. “Baby…”

She looked
up at him with tears in her eyes. “Take me home.”

“Are you
sure that’s what you want?”

“It’s what
I’ve always wanted, Adam,” she replied. She stepped away from him, took his
hand, and led him off the dance floor. When they got to the table, Ashley
quickly looked to Amy. “Can you give Dillon a lift home?”

Amy and
Dillon looked at each other. “Yeah…sure…is everything okay?”

“It is
now,” Ashley said as she looked up at Adam and smiled.

“ I’ll see
you later, bro,” Adam said.

“Or not,”
Dillon replied with a deep chuckle as he fished his key from his pocket and
handed it to Adam.



leaned down to kiss her when they reached Dillon’s truck and as she melted into
his arms, she moaned.

“Get in
the truck,” he whispered. “Quick.”

she obeyed. As she buckled her seat belt, he slid in behind the wheel on the
driver’s side. She placed her hand on his thigh and he looked over at her
before putting the key in the ignition. “I’m going to ask you one more time.
Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Do you
even need to ask?” She leaned over and kissed him on the lips again.

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