Illicit Craving (Bend To My Will #5) (5 page)

BOOK: Illicit Craving (Bend To My Will #5)
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Vivienne didn’t dare tell him what she really thought. It had been a great evening so far and she didn’t want to ruin it by shining the spotlight on the fact that it was romantic. “I just…enjoy being with you.”

Jacob’s eyes gleamed in the candlelight, and he reached across the table to take her hand. “I’m so glad you’re having a good time.”

Not exactly what she meant, but good enough for now. “I am having a good time, Jacob.”

The salads were brought to the table, and they ate while finishing their first glass of wine. Then Jacob poured another. Vivienne felt very little inhibition. The musical had lifted her into a sort of magical euphoria, one that would surely dissipate before the night was over. Or maybe it wouldn’t. Possibly, it was Jacob that had that effect on her. The other times she’d seen the show, Vivienne didn’t recall feeling
this good

They chatted as they sipped the spicy wine, and Vivienne noticed how relaxed Jacob was. He didn’t talk about work, but instead shared more personal thoughts. He spoke of cars he owned, some that were housed at residences in other countries. And they talked about music, art, theater, and other passions. It was nice to see that side of Jacob.

Since it was late, they skipped dessert and left the last of the bottle of wine, which seemed like a crime. But they’d had their fill. In the car on the way home, Vivienne rested her head on Jacob’s shoulder. It had been a date she wouldn’t forget. Everything about Jacob was burned in her memory. She guessed that’s what it was like when you loved someone.

When they returned to her building, Jacob said something to Ian, then walked her inside. Crossing the lobby and nodding to the night doorman, they got into the elevator together. Jacob put his arm around her, and Vivienne’s heart skipped a beat.

At her apartment, Vivienne opened the door then stepped inside, and Jacob followed. “Lana’s staying with Trace tonight, since they are leaving tomorrow,” she said, unsure why that was relevant. Maybe it was an invitation, but she held little hope that Jacob would stay over.

But once again, he surprised her. Jacob’s blue eyes filled with desire, and he took her hand to lead her to the bedroom. There he undressed her, gently removing the satin dress. Vivienne slipped off her shoes, then Jacob removed her bra and panties, before stripping off the rest of his own clothes.

She removed the pearls and dropped them on the nightstand, beside the clips she’d yanked from her hair. He slid onto her bed and pulled Vivienne with him, holding her in his arms. Sweetly, tenderly, Jacob made love to her, looking sexy as sin under the glimmer of city lights against her window.

Jacob’s rock-hard muscles and warm skin drove her crazy. He kissed Vivienne, breathing her in, and she folded against him. When he slid his thick cock into her, she whimpered at the delicious stretch. He stroked with a steady rhythm, letting her feel him and arousing her. But the gentle fucking quickly exploded into something more primal.

Moaning and breathing heavy, Vivienne spiraled into release, along with Jacob. They climaxed at the same time, entwined in each other’s arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and fingered the hair on his chest.
I love you, Jacob
. But Vivienne didn’t say it. Instead, she snuggled against him, and they fell asleep.



Chapter 6

The next morning Jacob opened his eyes before dawn, and slipped out of bed to get dressed. It had been a late night, so he didn’t want to wake Vivienne. He’d sent his driver home, since he planned to stay overnight, so he’d have the doorman call a taxi for him.

He took a moment to look at Vivienne with her blond hair spilling out over the pillow. In the predawn glow her skin looked so soft, and her lips so tempting. That would have to wait, because he had to get going. Resisting the urge to undress and get back in bed with her, Jacob leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

Vivienne burrowed deeper under the covers, cradling her cheek to the pillow, but she didn’t wake up. “I’ll see you tonight,” Jacob whispered, his voice not disturbing her peaceful sleep. He touched the blanket covering her arm, feeling her warmth, and remembering the night before.

Then Jacob quietly stepped out of the room and managed to open the front door without making a sound. Once in the hallway, he hit the elevator button and started down. He took a deep breath. It had been quite a night, and Vivienne had captivated him once again.

With little effort she seemed to dissolve barriers between them, bend rules, and make her own. Jacob needed to regroup, before he was swept into a relationship he wasn’t prepared for. He was drawn to Vivienne in a way that was new to him, and as if being sucked down a wind tunnel, he couldn’t seem to halt the progress.

In the lobby, he spoke to the night doorman who was still on duty. “I need a cab.”

“Certainly, sir.”

While he waited, Jacob stood by the window, looking out on the city that was just beginning to stir. Vivienne had gotten under his skin, but he was relieved that it was Friday. He needed the playroom, the intensity and the thrill, but also the control. Tonight he could regain balance, take back the power that Vivienne willingly gave to him.

Jacob craved the endorphin rush, similar to a runner’s high, but from the intensity of sex play. Power had been called
the ultimate aphrodisiac
, and there was no better way to achieve it for Jacob than dominating in the playroom. With taking and surrendering power in a sex scene came heightened sensation, which he craved, even more now that he’d tasted it with Vivienne.

When the cab arrived, Jacob went out. “Thanks,” he said to the doorman as he exited the lobby.

The drive to his penthouse wasn’t long, and he tried to refocus while the cabbie negotiated early morning traffic. But Jacob’s mind was on Vivienne, visions of her under duress, edging toward pain, and pushing limits. It was time to challenge her, to lead her into higher planes of sensation that she didn’t yet know existed.


When Vivienne arrived that night, Jacob was ready for her. He’d sent the cook home, as he was prone to do when he wanted to be alone. It was time to have a talk with Vivienne, one that was private and very personal.

As if sensing the shift in him, Vivienne was quieter than usual. She wore skimpy shorts and a sleeveless top with sandals. Jacob looked at her long legs as she sat on the sofa and removed the sandals. “You don’t mind if I get comfortable?” she said.

Jacob just looked at her, knowing no response was needed. She was already being seductive, and it was working. He dug his toes into the carpet, noticing that her eyes traveled from his bare feet up his legs, to the muscles of his thighs showing at the hem of his shorts. Then she scanned his muscled chest, making him glad he’d worn the tight cotton shirt.

“Would you care for some wine?” Jacob said.

“You’re so polite,” Vivienne said, giving him a coy look through her thick lashes.

“Not for long,” he said, then reached for the bottle of wine.

Jacob had found that a pre-scene discussion was often erotic, just as the scenes themselves. It was important for players to plan beforehand, as well as evaluate the play afterward. He didn’t do enough of that with Vivienne.

Vivienne sipped her wine, while he looked at her full lips, wanting to nibble on them. He let his eyes drift to the light top she wore, imagining her braless underneath. Maybe she would do such a thing if he let her know that he liked such things.

Or no panties; that would be even better.

Orchestral music played in the background, and the recessed ceiling lights cast soft illumination over the room, enhancing Vivienne’s beauty. Although she needed no enhancement. Makeup or not, asleep or awake, she was gorgeous.

Admittedly, she was sexier than any woman before. Vivienne took another sip of wine, then raised her brows. “Is something on your mind?”

“I was thinking of how sexy you are,” Jacob said. It was good to be honest, to set the right tone. “I’ve been with women before, but you have something…different.”

Even under the low lights, Jacob saw her blush. She was still so innocent. “And what’s different about
?” Vivienne said.

“You’re so open, so willing.” Jacob gulped some wine. This wasn’t easy. “You’re expressive, Vivienne. In the playroom, I can tell what you’re feeling. You make no effort to disguise it. I like that.”

“I wouldn’t know how to pretend to feel something I don’t, or to hide what I do feel.” Vivienne glanced down then back at him. “I wasn’t aware that you saw, or could tell anything about emotions I don’t voice.”

There was something in her look, something Jacob couldn’t place. “I do see,” he said. “I see that you enjoy what we do…that you want more.”

“Yes, Jacob, I do.”

The look in her emerald eyes made Jacob’s cock tight against his briefs. “I want more too, baby. I want to talk about it,” he said. “Communicating about what we do together, about what we like or don’t like, is important. Negotiating guidelines and discussing fantasies creates a greater sense of trust.”

“We’re negotiating?”

“We are,” Jacob said. “I want to progress, try something new, but I want to hear what you like…what you want.”

“I’m not used to saying things like that out loud.”

“Yes, I understand,” Jacob said. “But I want you to…for me.”

“What do you want to know?”

Jacob put his wine glass on the table and leaned forward, breathing in Vivienne’s perfume. Whatever it was she wore, the floral scent was intoxicating. “I want you to tell me what you envision, baby…what you think about when you’re alone.” Seeing her eyes widen, he paused.

“Like what, exactly?”

“I know you have…something you imagine…something you’d like,” Jacob said. “I want to hear it…in detail.”

Vivienne’s expression confirmed what he knew.

“This is all about self-acceptance,” Jacob said. “Is it difficult for you to accept your sexual orientation?”

Vivienne nodded. “Sometimes.”

“I want to know, baby. I want to hear it, moment by moment, how you see it.” Jacob stood and went to the sofa. He sat beside her with this thigh pressed to hers. With his fingers under her chin, he tipped her face up.

Vivienne began to speak. “I haven’t had a man ask what I want.”

Jacob kissed her lips. “I’m asking now.”

Vivienne proceeded to describe a scene that he had no doubt he could execute. She wanted to play
, and he was more than willing to accommodate. It was his nature, yet a side of him that he’d partially held back. He had his reasons. But hearing what she wanted, Jacob grew aroused, and anxiously anticipated making the scene come to life for her.


This time they ate dinner before retiring to the playroom. What Jacob had in mind would be strenuous, and he refused to take Vivienne upstairs without eating. She would need her strength. As soon as the plates were cleared, Jacob turned to her. “Wait for me upstairs, but don’t undress.”

Vivienne briefly hesitated then stood, and went upstairs. Her words came back to him, a voice in his head. Jacob could hear her asking for exactly what he was about to do. He went to the bedroom and redressed in a white dress shirt, no tie, and slacks but no shoes.

In his mind, Jacob replayed her words: “
Force me, make me do it. It would be easy to fear you, Jacob
And that…excites me
.” Adrenaline surged, and the aggressiveness he so carefully contained bubbled to the surface. He would have to be cautious, though.

Taking and surrendering power was an opportunity to experiment, and to create erotic intensity. But it was vital that Jacob remain in charge, to keep his
internal monitor
on duty at all times, so that hard limits were respected. Although Jacob was the primary wielder of power, Vivienne could halt the play at any time. Yet that didn’t absolve Jacob from maintaining control, a feat that could prove difficult during a rough scene.

When Jacob was mentally prepared, he went down the hall and entered the playroom. Vivienne was fingering some implements hanging from the wall, but when he shut the door she turned to look at him. Jacob had the shirtsleeves rolled up, as if ready for a fight, and wore the watch she had asked for on his left wrist.

He walked across the floor, his demeanor intimidating, aggressive. Vivienne took in the sight of him, the rolled-up sleeves, his strong forearms, and her gaze lingered over the watch. She flinched, ever so slightly, and her eyes widened.

“Were you waiting for me like I asked you to?” The baritone of his voice reverberated off the walls, and his stance broached no defiance.

Vivienne nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Jacob stood before her, and Vivienne looked up into his eyes. Without hesitation, he put both hands around her throat, with just enough threat implied, and his thumbs under her chin. “Tonight, I will do what I want with you…understood?” he said. He looked at her sternly.

“Yes, sir.” Vivienne’s soft reply revealed a tinge of anxiety.

With his hands around her throat, Jacob pushed her against the wall, hard. His grip was firm, but not tight enough to constrict her breathing. Breath play hadn’t been her request.

Vivienne looked at him, with fear clouding her expression. She
be afraid, more than she knew. Jacob’s mouth covered hers, taking her, fiercely kissing and bruising her lips. Vivienne whimpered as he sucked in her hot breath.

Jacob kept one hand on her neck to let her know who was boss, and with the other he gripped her top. With one forceful yank, he sent the row of buttons skittering across the floor. Vivienne gasped at the suddenness. Underneath she was braless. Jacob roughly massaged her warm breasts and pinched her nipples hard before releasing her.

“I want you naked,” Jacob said, barking the order as if she’d done something wrong.

With trembling hands, Vivienne shoved down her shorts to reveal her bare sex. Without missing a beat, Jacob said, “On your knees.”

Vivienne dropped to the floor, and Jacob undid his belt. He whipped it out of the waistband and folded it in half, then in half again. He held the leather bunched in his fist, in front of Vivienne’s face, without comment. She leaned toward it, closing her eyes and kissing the leather respectfully. Her lips lingered against the implement of punishment.

“You know I’ll use this if I have to?” Jacob said.

Vivienne trembled slightly. “Yes, sir.”

“See that you remember it.” Jacob grabbed a fistful of her hair. “Undo my pants.”

With shaky fingers, Vivienne undid the button, then the zipper. She waited for his command. In previous play, Jacob had ordered her to accommodate his needs, but he hadn’t allowed his inner aggression to surface. Now it was different, because Vivienne wanted it as much as he did.

“Suck my dick, and suck it hard,” Jacob said. “If you don’t do it right, I think you know the consequences.” He envisioned bending her over the spanking bench, and lashing her bare ass with his belt. It would be satisfying, and Jacob almost hoped that she would give him an excuse to do so.

Vivienne grasped the base of his cock with one hand, and cupped his balls with the other, rolling them in her palm. She licked his shaft once before plunging the thick knob in her mouth, as if knowing that any delay might antagonize him. With her lips pressed tightly against his skin, Vivienne pumped over him.

With a fistful of her hair, Jacob forced her motions, tugging and pushing to see that she satisfied him without restraint. “
r, or I’ll use the belt on your bare butt. And believe me, I’d like to.” His words were more of a growl than a command, his demeanor just shy of cruel.

Vivienne sucked harder, then even harder, and Jacob watched. She looked so damn erotic, kneeling and sucking on him voraciously. He arched his back a little, shoving his cock deeper into her throat, but she didn’t tense, only took what he gave.

“Suck me off,” Jacob said. “Now.”

Vivienne made a sexy sound in the back of her throat, and grazed her teeth along the bulging veins of his skin. Then she seemed to swallow his cock down her throat. Jacob put his palm on the back of her head, shoving to plunge his shaft in deeper. Vivienne was there to service him, and she damn well better do it. She sucked so hard, and so fiercely, that he lost control.

Jacob’s body stiffened, and his belly flattened, just before he unloaded into Vivienne’s mouth. “Fuck,” he said, and then growled like an animal. As his cum shot down her throat, Vivienne continued to suck, while rolling his balls in her palm.

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