Immortal Blood (1) (5 page)

Read Immortal Blood (1) Online

Authors: Ramz Artso

BOOK: Immortal Blood (1)
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It appeared he wanted to say something, but bit his tongue at the last instant and voiced, ‘Then I’ll be fun, too.’

I stole a glance at him askance. ‘Why don’t you just go on being your annoying, boring self instead?’

‘Well, for one thing, we’ve already got someone who’s annoying.’

‘Look,’ Calvin barged in, ‘how serious is this whole engagement thing?’

‘Kindergarten-level serious. The only thing we forgot to do is exchange candy rings. In any case, we’ll be reaching my mom’s residence soon, so you better beat it.’

‘That’s right,’ Corey added, ‘get out of here before I kick your ass, punk.’

‘Yeah right, the only thing you’ll do to my ass is kiss it, bloody.’

At which point, there was a burst of light and he, along with Sigurd, vanished into thin air.

‘That’s a lot better,’ Corey felt the need to comment. ‘Who is that guy, anyway? And why do you hang out with him?’

‘He’s nobody. Forget about him. That said, he did save our lives. So we owe him one, which is exactly why you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.’

‘He’s a freaking sorcerer, Ranka. There’s no code of conduct between us.’

‘You’re wrong. Didn’t you hear him? Sorcerers and vampires are currently trying to negotiate a peace treaty.’

‘So, the rumors are true after all.’

‘It appears so.
That’s why we’ll make sure not to make things any more difficult than they already are and keep out mouths shut.’

That was when we pulled into the underground garage, only to be met by
Asvi and a guilty-looking Birna.

‘Where have you two been?’ she demanded in a calm tone. ‘I’ve searched for you everywhere.’

‘For Odin’s sake, woman, can’t we get some time alone,’ I exploded, pretending to be frustrated. ‘We were chillin’. You know, just the two of us.’

Her pale face softened
up at these words. ‘Oh, I see. That said, did I not order you to stay here and not go anywhere?’

‘We were just driving around the neighborhood, sis’. Relax. Nothing happened, right? We haven’t killed anyone, have we?’

‘Fine, I’ll let you off the hook just this once. Disobey me again and I’ll unleash Mom on you. Is that clear?’

‘Jee, brighten up a little.’

She left without replying. Only then did Birna dare to squeak up, ‘So sorry, guys, I tried to keep her busy, but you know how she is, Ranka – always scoping and searching. German Shepherds ain’t got nothing on her.’

‘I’m tired, I’m going to my room,’ I informed them, looking forward to some
rest and reading. ‘I think we’ve had enough adventure for one night.’ I fixed Corey with a flat stare. ‘You, make sure you make it clear to your mother that we’re not a good match. I’ll do the same. Got it?’

‘I’m afraid I can’t do that,’ he announced, squinting
at me. Birna nearly yelped at these words, brimming with jealousy.

‘Why not?’ I said,
nearly slapping my brow.

‘I think there’s something there. You and I – I think we have a future together.’

‘Look here, retard,’ I said in the nastiest tone imaginable, ‘I didn’t wanna do this the hard way, but it looks like you won’t get any other way: There is no you and me. There will never be a you and me. Not even in a thousand years. I hate you, I hate your face, I hate your demeanor and I hate your voice. You’re like an annoying drum that won’t stop beating in my ears.’

‘That’s not true. You know some part of you likes me.’

not true.’

‘Then grant me one kiss.’


‘Grant me a kiss. Just one.’

‘I’d rather eat –’

‘What’s it to you?’

‘Who do you take me for? You should thank me for not slapping the crap out of you. I’m not that type of girl.’

And with that, I left Birna and him behind my back as I stormed off into the domed entrance hall
– always filled with the noise of insatiable socialites – before climbing up to my bedroom. Grabbing my precious books, I ensconced myself on the roof and, heaving a huge sigh of relief, took to gazing at the twinkling stars. I tried to clear my mind and relax, but failed miserably as it automatically began replaying all the recent events that had taken place in my life, all the while trying to make sense of my entangled emotions.

Question – did I really not lik
e Corey? No. In fact, I actually had warm associations with him. Maybe there was more of a buddy kind of relationship in the works, who knew? But no, on second thought, there was definitely more to it.

That aside, and mo
re importantly, I had done everything I could to take the piss out of Calvin. Now, although I didn’t exactly like to admit it to myself, he was really something, that guy. The exact opposite of what a human being was supposed to be: weak, usual, not fit for anything but to be sucked out dry and eaten. He was a sorcerer, yes. But that did not define his character. There was something about him that just caught and held your attention. He was unique, and he made me feel the same way.

I was so engrossed in my own thoughts
that I did not at first notice him materialize right by my side. Not until he whispered, ‘Hey, Ranka.’

I felt my heart skip a beat at the way he said. Why
was that? Because something told me he never spoke to anyone with such a soft tone. That tone was exclusively reserved for me.

‘What is it again? Why are you stalking me?’
I delivered, trying to come across as annoyed.

He stayed quiet for a second. There wa
s tense silence until his former bravery returned and he continued with, ‘Quit playing hard to get and kiss me already. Haven’t I earned it?’

‘You’re only making things
worse, Calvin.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You know exactly what I mean. Your brethren will never approve of this – of us – and my mother would sooner die than see me with a magician.’

His hand touched mine, and I suddenly began to feel nervous. That came as a huge surprise to me. I wanted him, but not as a victim or a meal. I wanted him
to be a part of my life, and the feeling was growing by the second. I had to end it at once, before it was too late.

‘Leave me alone,’ I told him, looking up into his eyes and withdrawing my palm. ‘I seriously want you
to leave me alone.’

‘You don’t mean that,’ he responded, now taking both of my hands. ‘You –’

‘Calvin, please,’ I surprised myself, a knot forming in my throat. ‘You have to leave me alone while we’re strong enough to end this. We don’t know each other. A few months will pass and it’ll be as if you never knew my name.’

He shook his head. ‘No, I’m too far gone
for that. And even though it’s not the case, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Something inside me clicks when I’m with you. Your voice, your hair, your beautiful chin, nose and eyes. The way you walk, the way you frown and even breathe instills calmness in me.’

‘Stop that,’ I hissed, flying up to my feet and trying to smother the flame of emot
ions he was kindling in my heart. ‘Freaking stop that, Calvin.’

But he ignored me. ‘
You make me want to be a better person when I’m around you, Ranka. You make me forget about everyone and everything. I’ll break any rule and I’ll disobey any law if you’ll only reciprocate my love for you.’

Pissed off at him for making me fall for his every word, I reacted the way any other person wouldn’t: I punched him.
‘Don’t freaking say stuff like that!’

‘Don’t say what? That I love you?’
I punched him again. This time in the face, but he did not react. ‘What’s the matter? You’re scared to admit you believe in love at first sight?’

I delivered a jab to his chin, which made him stumble back. Sigurd appeared to protect his master, but Calvin dismissed him with a quick hand gesture.

‘Don’t say you love me! Take it back!’

‘I love you!
I love you! I love you!’

The third declaration of love was a
ctually a shout, so I instinctively reacted by clamping a hand over his mouth. Much to my shock and surprise, he went on to kiss it. He then wrested my hands away from his lips and brought them behind the small of my back, before pinning me down to the roof. I could have easily resisted, after all I was much stronger than him. But I could no longer spurn his advances.

‘I love you,’ he susurrated, caging me in wi
th his torso and muscly arms. ‘I need you.’

With those words, our lips locked in a
steamy, passionate kiss that had me wanting to bite his warm flesh and pull at his hair, but I resisted the urge. My affection for him was much stronger than my thirst for his blood.

e were in the middle of an intense snogging session when Asvi’s voice came drifting from the balcony below. She must have heard Calvin’s yells and decided to check if everything was all right. ‘Ranka, you up there?’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ I said, quickly pushing Calvin aside
and positioning him flat on his back, before getting up to wave at her. ‘Right here.’

‘What was that noise?’

‘What noise?’ I said, my nerves blaring in a manner redolent of sirens.

I thought I heard someone cry out.’

‘Maybe you did. But if you ask me, I didn’t hear a damn
thing. Now let me read, all right?’

She lingered for a moment, peering into the darkness around us, then voiced, ‘You and your books. Enjoy the read.’
Boots clicking, she was gone.

‘Phew, t
hat was close,’ I breathed, releasing a sigh of relief, then felt Calvin’s arms wrap around me; his touch was so heartwarming and soothing. ‘What are we gonna do? We can’t live like this forever, can we?’

‘Maybe we should run away.’

I shook my head, savoring the moment. ‘I could never do that to my family. They love me too much.’

, they would have you killed if they knew you were dating a sorcerer.’

‘You make them sound so
harsh. Besides, don’t you have a family of your own? Wouldn’t you have second thoughts about leaving them behind?’

‘Sigurd is the only family I have.’

‘Sigurd is your slave, Calvin. Don’t try to sugarcoat it. Whatever happened to your family?’

‘First of all, Sigurd isn’t my slave. Sure, there are laws that oblige me to treat him
in a certain way, but trust me when I say no other magician and genie are as close as we are. As for my family, my father died in a car crash and my mother of a heart attack about a year ago. I also had an older brother.’

I turned around to take in his handsomeness. ‘Had?’

‘He was killed by one of your coven members.’

I felt a pang of unease at this discovery. ‘See, that’s exactly why you and I aren’t a good match. There’s too much bad blood between us.’

‘Don’t talk like that. I loved my brother and I still do to this day. But it’s not you who killed him. You have nothing to do with it.’

‘Do you know the name of the killer?’ He stayed quiet, as if he hadn’t hear
d me. ‘Hello, I asked you a question, you know?’

‘I don’t want to talk about it. At least not here.’

‘Why? What’s wrong?’

‘I don’t – ’

‘Just tell me, Calvin.’

‘I’m afraid you won’t like what I have to say.’

‘It’s okay. You can tell me. I’ll deal with it.’



‘It was one of your sisters.’ I felt my gut tighten and would have
probably broken a cold sweat if vampires could perspire. I stepped away from him, shocked by the unexpected news. ‘Now, now, now, don’t act like that. Come here and give me a hug.’

‘Are you sure?’ I
asked, paying scant attention to his words.

‘Yes. But please don’t let the past intrude on our present, okay?’

‘Which one?’

‘What does it matter

‘Give me a name.’

‘Fine, it was,’ he took a brief pause. ‘It was Adisa.’

ow did it happen?’

‘Ask her about her hunting incident with
your mother.’

‘You know I’m not going to do that. It’ll raise suspicion. Can’t you just tell me?’

‘There really isn’t much to tell: Your mother, Adisa and a few other coven members were out hunting near the Upper Eastside. They were outsmarted by a group of sorcerers. One of them was my brother. My brother and his partners killed everyone off, leaving Adisa and your mother alive. They were spared because of their high status…’

‘Go on.’

‘When my brother and his friends let down their guard, your mom and sister attacked, killing everyone except for Jonathan, who managed to escape and tell the story.’

I was taken aback by his
account. His story meant there was family vendetta between us.

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